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Deadpool v5 #24

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:51 pm
by Jason Doty
FB #1, Earlier that morning

Stryfe (time displaced from the future)
Deadpool (Wilson)

Main Story

Emily Preston (consciousness housed in a LMD)
SHIELD medical personnel
Terry Preston
Deadpool (Wilson)

A short time later

Emily Preston (consciousness housed in a LMD)
Deadpool (Wilson)
Madcap and his host Hydra Bob
Hydra Agents


Scott Adsit
Emily Preston (consciousness housed in a LMD)
Deadpool (Wilson)
patrons and staff at a children's theme restaurant
Madcap and a new hosy

A short time later

Emily Preston (consciousness housed in a LMD)
Deadpool (Wilson)
SHIELD personnel
Jeff Preston
Ellie Camacho