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The MCP Digital Comics Checklist

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:46 pm
by Kevin W.
Welcome to the Marvel Digital Comics Checklist, designed to keep track of which comics are "digital exclusives" on the Marvel DCU website, including which ones have made the transition from digital comic to being published on paper! Please note that only "canon" Marvel digital comics will be tracked here. Every week, as new Marvel digital comics come out, this checklist will be updated with new comics. As digital comics get published on paper, they will be transferred from the "digital only/unprinted" list to the "printed" list. As these comics are added to the MCP, they will be removed from the list.

Please note, this thread will be locked, as only moderators will be able to add and subtract from this checklist. If you believe you know of a digital comic that has been overlooked and needs to be added to the list, start up a thread for discussion here in the Checklist Forum, pointing out that it's missing. From there we can determine if there is a need for analysis.

Please be aware, the titles and issues listed on the MCP checklist are not a call for analysis (as we won't be updating the list to reflect volunteers). The sole purpose of this thread is to track which digital comics have been published on paper, and from there which comics still need to be added to the MCP. Still, anyone can analyze anything at any time, so feel free to analyze away!

With that out of the way, we can begin the Marvel Digital Comics Checklist:


Amazing Spider-Man: Gettysburg Distress (President’s Day Celebration Special) / Spider-Man: Election Day HC
Astonishing Tales: Iron Man 2020 #4-6 / Astonishing Tales #1-6
Astonishing Tales: MODOK / Astonishing Tales #2
Astonishing Tales One-Shots: Daredevil / Astonishing Tales #4
Astonishing Tales One-Shots: Sabra / Astonishing Tales #6
Astonishing Tales One-Shots: Shiver Man / Astonishing Tales #5
Black Knight #1-4 / Black Knight (one-shot)
Captain America: The 1940's Newspaper Strip #1-3 / Captain America: The 1940's Newspaper Strip #1-3
Fin Fang Four #1-4 / Fin Fang Four Return (one-shot)
Franklin Richards: Franklin’s Birthday / Franklin Richards: It’s Dark Reigning Cats and Dogs (one-shot)
Galacta: Daughter of Galactus #1-3 / Galacta: Daughter of Galactus (one-shot)
Kid Colt #1-4 / Kid Colt (one-shot)
Secret Invasion Prologue / Secret Invasion #1 Director's Cut
Secret Invasion: Home Invasion #1-8 / Secret Invasion: Home Invasion TPB
Siege Digital Prologue / Origins of Siege (free comic)
Spectacular Spider-Girl #1-4 / Amazing Spider-Man Family #5-8
Spectacular Spider-Girl #5-11 / Web of Spider-Man Vol. 2 #1-7
Spider-Man vs. Vampires #1-3 / Spider-Man vs. Vampires (one-shot)
War Machine #1 / Dark Reign: New Nation, (one-shot)
War of Kings: Warriors – Blastaar #1-2 / War of Kings: Warriors #1
War of Kings: Warriors – Crystal #1-2 / War of Kings: Warriors #1
War of Kings: Warriors – Gladiator #1-2 / War of Kings: Warriors #2
War of Kings: Warriors – Lilandra #1-2 / War of Kings: Warriors #2
Wolverine: Agent of Atlas #1-3 / Agents of Atlas v2 #1
Women of Marvel #1-6 / Women of Marvel #1-2
X-Men Forever Digital Preview / X-Men Forever Alpha (One-shot)

Amazing Spider-Man Digital #11-12, 16-17
Another Bad Night (Halloween Special Issue)
Astonishing Tales: Dominic Fortune #1-6
Astonishing Tales One-Shots: Thing
Avengers: Millenium #1-4
Fall of the Hulks: MODOK
Iron Man: Hack
Iron Man: Killer Commute
Marvel Apes Digital #1-3
Marvel Digital Holiday Special #1 (2008)
Marvel Digital Holiday Special #2 (2009)
Marvel Digital Holiday Special #1-3 (2010)
Petey (one-shot)
Reborn: Prelude
Spider-Man: A Meal to Die For
Spider-Man: The Root Of All Annoyance
Wolverine: Carni-Brawl
Wolverine: Hunger
Wolverine: The Dust From Above