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Phoebe Marrs or Llyra in NSUB 48

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:47 pm
by Michael
Fnord at the supermegamonkey site just pointed something out to me- why do we have Phoebe Marrs listed as a Character Appearing in NSUB 48? In NSUB 48, a woman who appears to be Phoebe seduces Leon McKenzie. However, we later learn that Llyra seduced Leon McKenzie in Phoebe's guise and became pregnant as a result. With that in mind, it's almost certainly Llyra and not Phoebe in that scene, especially since Leon can't seem to understand why Phoebe would come on to him.

Re: Phoebe Marrs or Llyra in NSUB 48

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:32 pm
by Russ Chappell
Michael wrote:why do we have Phoebe Marrs
I don't know definitively, but here's one way it can happen:

Someone posts in the forum:
Why isn't Phoebe Marrs listed as appearing in NSUB 48? She's right there on the page.
Without rereading every issue of NSUB, we may not remember that she was later revealed to be someone else. We would accept the evidence in front of our eyes, and add her.

If Marvel would just reinstate the Index, we could avoid this sort of thing.

Now having said that, how strong is the evidence that it's not Phoebe? "Almost certainly..."?