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Suggested move for M/TU 73

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:42 pm
by newtron
Spidey's current chronology:

ASM 185/2
ASM 186
M/TU 73

In ASM 186, Spider-Man is cleared of all charges by the DA and the police. However, in M/TU 73 Spidey tells Professor Kerwin to wait until he, Spidey, has left before calling the cops. (Also, earlier, Spidey argues with a cop, but this seems to be about tying up traffic.) Spider-Man's request doesn't make a lot of sense unless he's still wanted, so I suggest that this would make more sense if M/TU 73 came before ASM 186 when Spidey was cleared. There doesn't seem to be anything preventing such a change for any of the characters involved.

ASM 185/2
**M/TU 73**
ASM 186

I realize that this change isn't necessary, exactly. Because of that and the fact that the original ordering was based on the Official Marvel Index to Marvel Team-Up #4, I don't really expect the change to get incorporated into the main listing. I thought the suggestion might be useful/interesting to readers, though, for developing their own chronologies and reading orders.

Re: Suggested move for M/TU 73

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:44 am
by TheDeuce
i've never understood sticking to the Official Marvel Index when there's blatant inconsistencies. example: M/TU@ 1 & M/TU 53. solve that one and you'll've done me a favor.

Re: Suggested move for M/TU 73

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:48 pm
by cweed4
The comment by Spidey at the end almost seems like a throwaway line. He hasn't exactly had a warm relationship with the police throughout his costumed career. Plus, considering he just got cleared in ASM 186, by verbally abusing a cop after causing a traffic jam and seeing the Owl left in a vegetative state he probably doesn't want to push his luck and stick around.