Avengers 273

Discuss chronologies for characters in the main "Marvel Universe"

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Paul Bourcier
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Avengers 273

Post by Paul Bourcier »

In Avengers #273, Hercules talks about his teammates, and as he does we see four panels --
Captain America fights three thugs
Captain Marvel (Rambeau) shifts into her energy form
Black Knight cleaves a wall with the Ebony Blade
Sub-Mariner flies out of the ocean with a torpedo before a naval vessel

There's no clear way to regard these panels --
(1) As only images in Herc's thoughts, not actual events?
(2) As a flashback or flashbacks?
(3) As a reader's view into what those characters are up to at that very moment

Each panel has rounded corners, which suggest flashbacks, but my inclination is #3 above. Cap could easily be fighting thugs at this time, and Rambeau and Whitman could be working out at Avengers Mansion. Namor is on a leave of absence at this point and would have recently married Marrina. He may have encountered a torpedo test somewhere.

If #3 is accepted, Namor would be here between AF 40 and A 282, and Cap's bts listing for A 272 would be changed to an actual listing.

Paul B.
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Re: Avengers 273

Post by captamr »

Hercules seems to be merely bragging about his fellow Avengers' characters and fighting prowess, rather than relating some specific moment in time. I believe we would be inferring some unsaid editorial desire to suggest these are past events suggesting the need for flashbacks or current whereabouts requiring actual appearances. Captain Marvel even shows up later in the issue. One could argue that her change to energy form preceded her appearance as an energy bolt later on, but again probably an unintended editorial intent.
If these are considered FBs, they are very generic and placement would be easy but very subjective.