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Who is N'Gabthoth?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:11 pm
by Col_Fury
N'Gabthoth is listed here as appearing in Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD (the '89 series) #15-19 and BTS in Deathlok #3, which is the same chronology as N'Gami, a Wakandan scientist.

I see N'Gami in NF, AoSHIELD #15-19 (as well as #12-14, but that's a different topic) but I'm not seeing anyone named N'Gabthoth.

Does N'Gabthoth appear in Deathlok #3? He's listed as BTS, the same as N'Gami, so he probably wouldn't be on-panel. Is he name-checked or something?

Glancing at the Appendix's Master List, the only N'Gabthoth listed there is a demon ("agent of Shuma-Gorath") from Marvel Premiere #6.

I'm starting to think we have an error in our N'Gabthoth listing…

Re: Who is N'Gabthoth?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:31 am
by John Simons
I see what you're implying here. You think that Shuma-Gorath has somehow gained access to the Project and inserting bogus listings about his minions to sow discord and chaos on this plane. That guy is soooo evil!

Re: Who is N'Gabthoth?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:54 am
by Russ Chappell
John Simons wrote:You think that Shuma-Gorath has somehow gained access to the Project and inserting bogus listings about his minions.
Hmmm.... I hate it when that happens.