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Wolverine: Killing Made Simple #1

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:54 am
by Col_Fury
Wolverine: Killing Made Simple #1
October, 2008

Wolverine(Logan), Trance(Hope Abbott), Nanny, Orphan Maker(Peter), Blindfold-BTS

Pg1-pg3: Michigan
Wolverine and Trance are captured, and Wolverine passes the time by listing off possible ways to kill him.
Pg4-pg5-FB: 45 minutes ago
Trance eats with her family and Wolverine watches. He’s keeping tabs on her because Blindfold had a vision that said she may be in danger. And then there’s an explosion!(set off by the Orphan Maker, so BTS for this FB)
Pg6: now
Wolverine lists off another way to kill him.
Pg7-pg8-FB: 40 minutes ago
Wolverine attacks Orphan Maker while Trance tries to see if her parents are still alive.
Pg9: now
Wolverine lists off another way to kill him.
Pg10-pg13-FB: 35 minutes ago
Wolverine fights Orphan Maker but he and Trance get captured. VO from Nanny.
Pg14-pg22: now
Wolverine and Trance chat until Nanny and the Orphan maker arrive. The heroes break free and escape.

Trance had been sent home after the school ‘shut down’, so after Messiah CompleX. Also, since Blindfold had her vision to send Wolverine off, sometime after Young X-Men #6. Wolverine is in his Astonishing uniform.

All in one night, with a bit of rain. Green grass and leaves on trees in Michigan.

Wolverine: Killing Made Simple #1/2


Wolverine’s been sent to Antarctica by… some group or other because a secret research facility has cut contact with their head office. He arrives at the facility and finds a body jumping zombie virus has infected the various staff members and killed all but one. He kills the last infectee, but becomes infected himself. Luckily his healing factor kills the virus, and after he feels better he destroys the bodies and burns the facility.

All in one day, Wolverine is in his Astonishing uniform. Nothing else to go on, really.

Re: Wolverine: Killing Made Simple #1

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:43 pm
by Paul Bourcier
Thanks, Colonel!