Analysis of ClanDestine LS

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Analysis of ClanDestine LS

Post by DonCampbell »

Analysis of ClanDestine LS

A few comments before I begin. First, this analysis is WAY overdue. I committed to doing it back in 2008 when the miniseries was just starting but I only did a little bit of work on the first issue before stopping. I can’t really explain why, just that whenever I sat down in front of my computer to try to write anything I would just feel SO...VERY...TIRED that I couldn’t get anything done. Eventually, I just stopped trying. However, inspired by the imminent arrival of new ClanDestine stories in this summer’s Fantastic Four, Daredevil and Wolverine Annuals, I have finally buckled down and completed my analysis. I sincerely apologize for the delay.

Second, since the original ClanDestine series has been given the code “CLAN” in the Chronology Project’s listing, I’m using “CLAN2” for this limited series.

Third, in looking over the Project’s listings for the various Clan Destine members I noticed that the story in M/CP 158 in placed between CLAN 5 & 6 but this placement is wrong. For one thing, the M/CP story features a “training session” for Rory and Pandora which was actually a last attempt by their elders to scare them out of being super-heroes. However, in X-Men: Clan Destine #1, the adults were still discussing whether to allow the twins to fight crime. From this we can infer that all of their “approved” crime patrols take place after the X&CD miniseries, and that would include the M/CP story. Also, when Alan Davis heard (on the Alan Davis Forum webpage) that the M/CP story was printed before the first series in the ClanDestine HC, he was quite surprised and stated that he “had always hoped it would be published after the X-Men ClanDestine in any TPB.”

Fourth, this miniseries features a LOT of images (both video and photographic) of past events which are not otherwise depicted within the storyline. It is my understanding that such images can be listed as part of the chronologies if certain conditions are met. For this reason, I am going to carefully list every video clip and photograph which appears in the miniseries. Since I’m not 100% certain which of them will be admissible, I will use “VFB” to indicate a video image of a past event and “PFB” to indicate a photographic record of a past event. This will, I think, make it easier for whoever reviews my analysis to identify the FBs in question and decide on the merits of including them.

Fifth, on a related note, I believe that the family photograph of the Clan Destine that appears on page 15 of CLAN 2 should count as a valid FB. Sure, nothing much happens, it’s just ten members of the family posing for a group picture (taken by an eleventh member) but it is dated “1963” and so it can be placed accurately within everyone’s chronologies.

CLANDESTINE #1 (cover-dated April, 2008)

Appearances: Rory Destine (Crimson Crusader), Pandora Destine (Imp), various schoolchildren (only O’Neil named [last in CLAN 6]), teacher (as “Miss”), Guild member Twelfth Red, Guild Council (at least eight members, only Guild Primus named), Walter Destine (Wallop), Kay Cera II (Jasmine Destine, Kay Cera, Cuckoo – also in PFB), Samantha Destine (Samantha Hassard, Argent), Adam Destine (also in PFB), Dominic Destine (Dominic Fate, Vex)

(also in VFB): Rory, Pandora, Walter, Dominic, Samantha, Kay, Adam

(in PFB only): Maurice, Gracie and Florence (in 1849)

(in VFB only): Dr. Hywel Griffin (Alpha) and his 5 Omegans (also BTS?).

Brief Synopsis: As internal tensions between Destine family members increase, Walter transforms against his will while Adam experiences a new type of “evil” pain. Adam later reveals that he has had an extremely intense vision that foretells of the imminent suffering or death of one of his children. Meanwhile, a mysterious Guild has noticed the Destine family, classified them as a potential threat, and secretly revealed their location to some of their old enemies, Griffin and his Omegans.

Detailed Synopsis:
Page 1 is mostly a family tree for the Clan Destine which shows Adam Destine, his co-parent Djinn, and fourteen of their children (Jasmine (Kay Cera) [Cuckoo], Thaddeus, Albert, Gracie, Maurice, Florence, Newton, Walter [Wallop], William [Cap’n Oz], Dominic [Vex], Vincent, Samantha [Argent], and Rory and Pandora [Crimson Crusader and Imp]). Although Maurice, Florence and Vincent all are known to be dead, only Vincent is represented by a black square with a red cross over it instead of a head shot. It should also be noted that the Destine children are listed in their birth order, from the oldest (Jasmine) down to the youngest (Rory and Pandora).

Pages 2-4: In New York City, Spider-Man is about to fall before the combined might of his most fiendish foes when the Crimson Crusader and Imp arrive and save him. However, as they talk, Crusader notices that Imp is no longer nearby so his powers fail and he begins to fall…

Pages 5-6: Rory wakes up on his schoolroom floor after falling asleep in class. As O’Neil and other kids mock him, Pandora defends him and the teacher expresses her concern about him falling asleep in class so often. Angry at his situation, Rory convinces Pandora that they should fly home even though Walter told them to not use their powers.

Pages 7-9: Elsewhere, a man in a red robe and cowl (Twelfth Red) is addressing the Guild Council about interference in their operations by the Crimson Crusader and Imp. He displays security video showing the duo in action on three different occasions, once with “Wallop” and two earlier incidents (one with “Vex” and another with “Argent” and “Cuckoo”). Twelfth Red then reveals that it was simple to use CCTV and their distinctive red hair to identify them as Rory and Pandora Destine of Ravenscroft. However, while investigating the Destine family, various anomalies were uncovered in their backgrounds and Guild Primus orders him to proceed cautiously.

Pages 10-11: At Walter Destine’s cottage, he and Kay bicker while Sam prepares food for Dominic. Adam accompanies her as she walks to the ruin but doesn’t enter with her since Dominic is still angry about him killing his own son, Vincent.

Pages 12-17: Beneath the ruin, Sam finds Dominic in his anechoic chamber getting dressed as Vex to take the twins out on their “crime patrol” that night. As they talk, Dom senses that the twins are close (even though invisible) and with Sam’s help he plays a trick on them. As they emerge from underground, Kay’s astral form appears and warns them that the school headmaster called Walter because the twins couldn’t be found after being seen heading up to the roof. Walter is enraged that they broke their deal to act like normal people during the day and his anger causes him to transform into his blue-skinned form. At the same time, unseen, Adam experiences a new painful sensation that breaches his invulnerability and he senses that it is “something evil.”

Page 18: In a private conversation with Guild Primus, Twelfth Red reveals that a facial recognition search of a young man in his twenties who was seen with the twins has uncovered multiple photographs and portraits of that man reaching back almost seven hundred years. Twelfth Red then reveals that one of the photographs came from the Guild’s records. The photograph was taken in 1849 and shows the man with two women and two other men, and it was part of a report stating that “This old one and others possessed of supernatural prowess slew four Guild brothers.” Guild Primus is greatly alarmed by this potentially incalculable danger so Twelfth Red reveals that he has already anonymously revealed the Destines’ location to another party under Guild review: Alpha and his Omegans.

Page 19: Walter makes sure the twins are in bed but they are still unhappy with him.

Pages 20-23: Later, Jasmine/Kay finds Adam in the Destine family cemetery, sitting by Vincent’s grave. As they talk, Jasmine attempts to give Adam a telepathic peek at the dream of being a hero that Rory is currently having but contact with Adam’s “splintered memories of events past and yet to come” proves to be so intense that it’s agonizing. Adam reveals that his visions become more severe as the crises approach and the only previous time it had been as extreme involved Vincent. Adam reminds his daughter that the events he foresees always involve the suffering or death of one of his children but Jasmine doesn’t mind as long as she’s not the victim…unaware that, at that moment, somebody has a telescopic sight targeted on her head.

According to an interview with Alan Davis (MEETING THE FAMILY - ALAN DAVIS ON CLANDESTINE posted on Newsarama on December 6, 2007), “despite the amount of time that has passed in the ‘real world’ the new story continues from soon after the family’s last appearance in the X-Men/ClanDestine crossover.”

Flashforwards: On pages 21-22, Adam’s vision shows fragments of ten different scenes: two from the first series, seven from later in the miniseries and one that I don’t recognize. This brings up an area about which I am uncertain: Does an appearance in such a “flash forward” vision count as a first appearance? For example, in CLAN 3 and CLAN2 1, Adam has visions in which he foresees Dominic being blasted by Satyr-Nun, an event that doesn’t happen until CLAN2 2. With that in mind, what constitutes Satyr-Nun’s first appearance?

Flashbacks: Although there are no “normal” flashbacks within this issue, there are a large number of video or photographic FBs to be found. Here is the list which I have compiled:

Page 7:
Panel 1 – Guild surveillance tape footage of the Crimson Crusader, Imp and “Wallop” in action. This is described as being the sixth time that Crimson Crusader and Imp had compromised one of the Guild’s operations. No other information is provided but it must go between X&CD 2 and CLAN2 1.

Panel 2 – Security video of the duo and “Vex” in action. This also must go into the aforementioned gap but it is specifically identified as being from “an earlier incident.”

Panel 3 – More security video, this time showing the duo in action with “Argent” and “Cuckoo.” While this must also take place in the aforementioned gap, and probably before the scene with Wallop, there is no way to tell whether it occurs before or after the Vex video. So, pending further information, I can’t place this with any certainty.

Page 8:
Panel 2 – Photographs of Imp and Crimson Crusader side-by-side with photos of Pandora and Rory, respectively. No way to place the non-costumed photos so they should be omitted.

Panels 3-4 – CCTV images of Walter Destine with Rory and Pandora walking in Ravenscroft. No way to identify when this walk occurred so the images can’t be placed.

Page 9:
Panel 1 – A recent photograph of Walter Destine (with Rory) and a World War Two-era photograph of Walter’s father, also named Walter Destine (actually Walter himself). No way to place them so they can’t be included.

Panel 2 – Photograph of Samantha Destine’s 1972 university graduation alongside a recent image showing Samantha Hassard (with Dominic Fate and “Kay Cera” in the background). The graduation picture is a PFB since it can be placed in her chronology but the recent picture could take place anywhere between CLAN 4 and CLAN2 1 so it can’t be placed.

Panel 3 – Close-up of the modern-day picture from panel 2, focusing on Dominic and “Kay.” Still can’t be placed.

Panel 4 – A mug shot of Pepa Perez (Cuckoo’s current host body) alongside a newspaper account of the murder of fashion designer Kay Cera (Cuckoo’s previous host body) with the newspaper photo having clearly been taken from some event she attended before the night of her murder. Although both photos absolutely take place before CLAN 1, there’s no way to pinpoint when they were taken more precisely and so they must be omitted.

Panel 4 – A video capture (probably) showing Cuckoo (as the new Kay Cera) with Samantha. Judging by their clothing, this image was taken on the same day as their visit to the New York offices of Bernstein and Smith (as depicted on page 12 of CLAN 6). However, since it could have occurred either before or after that visit, it can’t be definitively placed and so must be ignored.

Page 18:
Panel 1 – CCTV footage of Rory and Pandora with a man (Adam) who “appears to be in his twenties.” It must take place between CLAN 4 & 5 or between CLAN 8 and CLAN2 1 but should be ignored because there is no way to definitively place it in any of their chronologies.

Panel 2 – Over a dozen portraits of Adam that were painted over a span of almost 700 years. However, since portraits are not as inherently accurate as photographs, I don’t believe that the Project includes them. Also, none of them are even dated so there’s no hope of placing them properly.

Panel 3 – A photograph “from 1849” which depicts Adam with two men and two women. Since it is dated and tied to a specific event (i.e. the slaying of four Guild brothers), it qualifies as a PFB. Also, the Alan Davis Forum identifies the two women as Florence and Gracie and the two men as Maurice and Cuckoo (whose host body was then an Indian man). I would count this as a PFB for all five Destines.

Panel 5 – As Twelfth Red is telling Guild Primus how he had already anonymously disclosed the Destines’ location to one of their enemies, they are both looking at a screen which displays an image of Dr. Hywel Griffin (Alpha) and his 5 Omegans who are looking at their own monitor which is displaying an image of the Destine cottage. I would count this as a VFB which takes place either before or within CLAN2 1. However, there is a complication. On page 16 of CLAN2 1, Walter loses control over his transformation (and Adam begins feeling pain). And CLAN2 2 reveals that Alpha and his Omegans are responsible for Walter’s plight which would make them BTS in CLAN2 1. So, which has priority? Their BTS responsibility for what happens to Walter? Or the VFB showing them learning where the Destines are located? Or maybe both, with CLAN2 1 (18:5) – VFB followed by CLAN2 1 – BTS?


CLANDESTINE #2 (cover-dated May, 2008)

Appearances: Adam Destine, Rory Destine (Crimson Crusader), Pandora Destine (Imp), Walter Destine (Wallop), Dominic Destine (Dominic Fate, Vex), Kay Cera II (Jasmine Destine, Kay Cera, Cuckoo), Samantha Destine (Samantha Hassard, Argent), Dr. Hywel Griffin (Alpha) and his 5 Omegans (Raee, Giee, Phaa named), Newton Destine (also as Warlord of Ethera), Guild Primus, Twelfth Red, Warlord’s personal staff (androids), Satyr-Nun, Excalibur (Nightcrawler, Captain Britain, Shadowcat, Lockheed, Meggan, Phoenix [Rachel Summers], Alistair Stuart – OP, Widget – OP)

(in FBs only): Thaddeus Destine (dies), Albert Destine, Geong Si zombies, Tral (dies), three other Inhumans (in 1374);
Djinn, Sujanna Min Raghbah, Al Hadhdhaab (in 1191)

(in VFBs): Crimson Crusader and Imp

Brief Synopsis: As Adam tells Rory and Pandora about past adventures, Dominic collapses (due to secret actions by Griffin and his Omegans). Newton is summoned and takes Dom back to Ethera with him, unaware that both Griffin and the Guild are monitoring them. Later, Adam takes Rory and Pandora on patrol but another secret attack by Griffin causes Adam to explode/vanish, leaving the twins alone and powerless. Back on Ethera, an attack by Satyr-Nun pushes Dom through a dimensional gate and he winds up on a cross-time train facing Excalibur.

Detailed Synopsis:
Page 1 includes a smaller version of the Clan Destine family tree plus a brief synopsis of some events from issue #1.

Pages 2-12: While having a meal in the Destine cottage, Adam tells Rory and Pandora about how their brother Thaddeus died in 1374. The twins then convince Adam and Walter that it’s time to tell them about their mother. Adam tells them what he had told them previously but before he can continue Dominic bursts in, clearly suffering greatly. As the Omegans discuss how Dominic can perceive the high frequency scan wavelengths of their surveillance, Alpha orders them to increase the scan and fry Dominic’s brain but Kay and Sam return then and Kay uses her telepathy to block all Dom’s senses. Dom passes out from exhaustion. Newton is summoned from the alternate Earth where he lives and examines Dom, then takes him back to Ethera for a more extensive exam.

Page 13: In the Guild Chamber, Guild Primus and Twelfth Red are watching events at the cottage, stealing the data from Griffin’s satellite feed. As they discuss how dangerous Griffin is and what they know of his interaction with the Destines, Guild Primus decides that they need more information if they are to control the situation and authorizes a discrete hack into Griffin’s archives.

Pages 14-15: On Ethera, Dom revives and is greeted by Newton whose consciousness is now in his “Warlord” body. Newton reveals that although Dom has been asleep for three days by Ethera time, back on Earth less than nine hours have passed. Newton then allows Dom to see some of the outside world and Dom compliments Newton on the fact that his android personal staff now look like beautiful and scantily-clad women.

Page 16: Back in Ravenscroft, Sam and Kay leave to attend a Goth-themed night wedding at Blasco Castle. Adam suggests that Walter stay home to write and try to relax so he can transform back into his human form while Adam takes the twins on their patrol.

Page 17: At Griffin’s Lair, he and his Omegans monitor the Destines flying from the cottage and notice that Adam is visible in the normal spectrum but doesn’t register on any other wavelengths. Griffin then orders them to activate the “binary set” to see if they can reproduce the effect they achieved on Walter.

Pages 18-20: As Adam and the twins fly through the air, Adam is about to resume telling them about their mother when his body suddenly begins sparking and the twins start falling as Rory’s gravity power stops working. Although his body is burning, Adam catches his children, gives them his flying belt and hurls himself away from them before being struck by “lightning” that suspends him in mid-air. As the twins manage to land safely, Adam continues to heat up until he suddenly vanishes.

Pages 21-23: On Ethera, Newton opens a dimensional gate in order to send Dom back to Earth but then Satyr-Nun shows up, wraps Newton in plants and blasts Dom into the gate. After falling through dimensions, Dom finds himself in what he thinks is a spacecraft but Excalibur appears and inform him that it is a cross-time train that belongs to them!

On page 23, Excalibur’s appearance indicates that this adventure take place (from their perspective) between EXCALIBUR (Vol. 1) issues #14 and 18. The team’s adventures on the first two alternate Earths that they visited (later revealed to be Earth-1193 and Earth-8910) took place in issues #12-14, and the storyline during which Kitty became separated from the team began in issue #18.

On page 14, Newton’s states that although Dominic has been asleep for “three Ethera time” while “less than nine hours” have passed back on Earth. This means that time on Ethera flows about eight times faster than on Earth-616.

Flashback #1 (pages 2-5 + panels 1-2 on page 6)
Adam Destine, Albert Destine, Thaddeus Destine (dies), multiple Geong Si (undead zombies, deanimated), Tral (Inhuman criminal, dies), three unnamed Inhumans (2 males, 1 female)
In the winter of 1374, on the Tibetan plateau near the head of the Yangtze River, Albert Destine was being escorted to the Shalu Monastery in Shigatse by his brother Thaddeus and their father Adam when they were attacked by undead creatures who resembled the mythical Geong Si (jiang shi). Once Albert established where the controlling “monster” was hiding, Thaddeus attacked their foe who identified himself as Tral before blasting Thaddeus back over the edge of the cliff where he fell to his death (if not killed outright by the energy blast). Overcome with grief and guilt, Albert used his healing power as a weapon for the first time and killed Tral. Immediately afterward, a flying craft appeared and landed near the two Destines. Three “colorful characters” emerged and explained that Tral was considered a criminal by their people, the Inhumans, and had fled from their hidden city of Attilan.

Flashback #2 (panel 6 on page 7 + panels 1-3 + 5-6 on page 8):
Adam Destine, Al Kahhdhaab (dies), Sujanna Min Raghbah (symbolic image only, dies), a supposed Djinn (freed).
While serving as a soldier under Richard the Lion-Hearted during the Third Crusade, Adam was recruited by Al Kahhdhaab to fulfill a prophecy that a red-haired infidel would end the tyranny of the evil wizard Sujanna Min Raghbah. Accordingly, Adam travelled to a valley in the Zagross Mountains where he killed the wizard. Double-crossed by Al Kadhdhaab, Adam managed to shatter the crystal orb that had been the wizard’s power source and thereby freed what legend said was a Djinn. The energy released killed Al Kahhdhaab but the Djinn healed Adam and they became the parents of the Clan Destine.

This FB is basically a briefer retelling of the story that Adam told the twins in CLAN 5. Although some of the scenes are different from those of that earlier flashback, none of them are distinctively new and so there is no point adding them to anyone’s chronology.

Also, the evil wizard’s name is given as “Sujanna Min Raghbah” which is slightly different from how it was spelled (as “Sujanaa Min Raghbah”) in CLAN 5 – FB.

Video Flashback: The image on page 13, panel 4 is from security footage of Rory and Pandora’s first encounter with Griffin’s forces. This particular security video first appeared in CLAN 3 (as panel 7 on page 20) and depicts something that happened before CLAN 1. It is already part of Rory and Pandora’s chronologies (as CLAN 3 – FB) so it doesn’t have to be added.

Notes: The “binary set” that Griffin mentions on page 17 are presumably the cloned Destine twins who first appear in CLAN2 4. Griffin’s words suggest that it was the activation of the Walter clone that caused the real Walter to transform against his will and Adam to begin to experience a new “evil” pain.

According to the CORE CONTINUUM DESIGNATIONS (Alternate Earths) section of the Official FAQ of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Appendix website, Newton’s world of Ethera is officially listed as “Earth-2803 (Sa-Trayne) Ethera, high-tech world inhabited by feudal lords, ruled by Newton Destine-616. Clan Destine #2 (2008).” Although the name “Ethera” was first mentioned in CLAN 2, this is its first actual appearance. Also, the Appendix’s listing is a bit inaccurate.

Similarly, the dimension in which Dom and Excalibur finds themselves at the end of this issue is officially listed as “Earth-80522 Tral used his mind control to get the Inhumans to conquer the world. Clan Destine #2 (May 2008).” Of course, we don’t actually see that alternate Earth until the Excalibur train crash-lands on it next issue but they’re in its dimension by the end of this issue.


CLANDESTINE #3 (cover-dated June, 2008)

Appearances: Dominic Destine (Dominic Fate, Vex), Excalibur (Nightcrawler, Captain Britain, Shadowcat, Lockheed, Meggan, Phoenix [Rachel Summers], Alistair Stuart, Widget), Warlord (Newton Destine), Satyr-Nun, Rory Destine (Crimson Crusader), Pandora Destine (Imp), Adam Destine, Albert Destine, Lobsang, Dr. Hywel Griffin (Alpha) and his 5 Omegans (Noe, Raee, Phaa named), Kay Cera II (Jasmine Destine, Kay Cera, Cuckoo), Samantha Destine (Samantha Hassard, Argent), various guests at a Goth-themed wedding at Blasco Castle, wild humans from Another Earth, “lizard mutts” and their alien masters, Walter Destine (Wallop), distorted version of Wallop, 5 real vampires at Blasco Castle (not named until next issue)

(in VFB): Adam

VO-only: Gabriella (leaves a message on Walter’s telephone answering machine)

Brief Synopsis: On board the cross-time train, Dom and Excalibur have a “mistaken-identity” fight that ends just before they crash-land on Another Earth where they save wild humans from giant lizards only to be all knocked out by an “alien” flying craft. On Earth-616, the almost-powerless Rory and Pandora head to Blasco Castle to join Sam and Kay at the wedding but once they get there they find themselves trapped by real vampires. Adam finds himself in Nepal, brought there by the magic of his son Albert. Griffin’s latest strike against the Destines results in Walter being knocked out by a distorted version of himself.

Detailed Synopsis:
Page 1 includes a smaller version of the Clan Destine family tree plus a brief synopsis of some events from previous issues.

Pages 2-6: Aboard the cross-time train, Dom finds himself facing Excalibur who mistake him for one of the Jester King’s Laughter Assassins whom they fought three stops previously so they fight briefly until Meggan stops them. The train then impacts on Another Earth in what looks like an Old West ghost town and they all start to get to know each other.

Page 7: On Ethera, Newton is trying to get Satyr-Nun to release him but she reminds him that it’s “Treasday 15.70 rouhs” and she was supposed to “capture him” then, causing Newton to realize that he’d forgotten their date. Although upset that he’d once again gotten distracted, Satyr-Nun releases him and then is embarrassed to learn that the “funny synthetic freak” she had blasted was actually his brother. Newton is very concerned that Dom entered his gateway to the multiverse without a directional vector.

Pages 8-9: On Earth, Rory and Pandora investigate the steaming hole in the ground directly under where Adam disappeared. With their powers only slightly returned, they decide to go to Blasco Castle to find Kay and Sam.

Page 10: In the Seventh Moon Monastery in Nepal, Adam has appeared, brought there by magic by his son Albert. When Adam asked if Albert had healed him, Albert reveals that whatever had afflicted him stopped on its own.

Page 11: In Griffin’s Lair, Griffin is pleased with their progress and continues with his plans for further strikes against the Destines. One of his Omegans, Raee, is becoming concerned that Alpha’s obsession is leading him to risk all of their lives and worries that their creator no longer values them.

Pages 12-13: At Blasco Castle, Sam and Kay fit right in at the Goth-themed wedding. Kay mentions that some psychic static is preventing her from scanning other minds but assumes it’s a glitch caused by her being in a new body. She dismisses Sam’s concerns about Adam’s vision of impending doom and goes off to reacquaint herself with some very old friends.

Pages 14-17: On Another Earth, Kitty gives Dom a pop quiz about his Earth and concludes that he’s not from Excalibur’s Earth. The costumed heroes find a group of people being chased by giant lizards wearing radio collars and save them but the savage humans aren’t grateful, claiming that they only saved them in order to enslave them and make them fight in the arena. After defeating the lizards, the heroes plan to leave this Earth which they speculate has been invaded by aliens, but before they can get back to the train a skycraft appears, renders them all unconscious and and takes them captive.

Pages 18-20: Still in his enlarged form, Walter is trying to write his latest romance novel when a phone call from an old lover (Gabriella) and a power outage increase his frustration enough to make him smash his way out of the cottage. Seeing a twisted reflection of his face in a broken window causes Walter to wonder what is happening to him but the image in the glass isn’t a reflection, it’s the face of a warped version of himself who swiftly attacks and knocks him out.

Page 21: In Nepal at sunrise, Albert speculates that the pain Adam has been feeling is due to an attack and that Adam is the focus but not the target. Concerned that the entire family may be threatened, Adam wants his son to send him back to Ravenscroft but Albert disagrees. Stating that he can see that something is violating his soul, he suggests that, since what “Mother” made Adam is beyond Albert’s comprehension, Adam must return to Yden.

Pages 22-23: At Blasco Castle, Rory and Pandora meet a partygoer who claims that he knows their aunt, Kay Cera. Reassured when he reveals that Kay is with “Samantha,” the twins follow him behind the cloister where the man and four friends menace them, revealing themselves to be real vampires!

On page 2, Kitty mentions that the intruder (Dominic) looks like one of the Jester King’s Laughter Assassins from three stops ago. This reference to a never-depicted adventure indicates that this Alternate Earth dimension is at least the sixth that they have visited so far on their Cross-Time Caper.

On page 14, when Kitty asks him what year it is on his Earth, Dominic replies “2008.” This is actually an error since, as mentioned above, the events of this miniseries supposedly take place “soon after” the events depicted in the X-Men/ClanDestine crossover. However, as that crossover was published in 1996, that means that even in Marvel Time at least 3-4 years have passed since then and therefore the miniseries should be set 3-4 years prior to the present-day year (2008) of the miniseries. With that in mind, Dominic should have said that it was 2004 or 2005 on “his” Earth.

On page 15, Nightcrawler mentions that Captain Britain was transformed into a duck the last time they split up. This might be a reference to the “Movie Monster” alternate Earth shown on page 9 of Excalibur #15 (Mid November, 1989). If so, then events in CLAN2 #3-5 take place after page 9 of Excalibur #15 and before page 1 of Excalibur #18. Then again, maybe there was some other alternate Earth where Brian was also transformed into a duck?

There are no normal flashbacks in this issue. The only VFB (page 11, panel 4) is Griffin’s video recording of what happened to Adam when he was struck by “lightning” from the ground in the previous issue. It is essentially the same as CLAN2 2 (page 20, panel 1) but depicted from a different POV so there’s no need to include it.

The issue marks the actual first appearance of the planet Earth-80522 as opposed to the dimension Earth-80522.

Griffin’s clone of Walter Destine first appears in this issue, although Griffin’s words in issue #2 suggest that it was activated in issue #1. It’s quite possible that this clone has actually appeared previously. If one inspects panel 4 on page 9 of CLAN 6, three transparent spheres containing humanoid figures can be seen in the background, and the largest of the floating figures looks very similar to Walter’s transformed body. The other two, smaller bodies would presumably be the clones of Rory and Pandora.


CLANDESTINE #4 (cover-dated July, 2008)

Appearances: Rory Destine (Crimson Crusader), Pandora Destine (Imp), Jazz’s vampire family (Sacha, Anna, Franz, Marie, Natasha), Samantha Destine (Samantha Hassard, Argent), Kay Cera II (Jasmine Destine, Kay Cera, Cuckoo), various guests at a Goth-themed wedding at Blasco Castle (only one featured but unnamed), Dominic Destine (Dominic Fate, Vex), Excalibur (Nightcrawler, Captain Britain, Shadowcat, Meggan, Phoenix [Rachel Summers]), captive humans from Another Earth, Inhumans from Another Earth (Lord Maximus, Medusa, Karnak, Gorgon, Crystal [unnamed], Triton [unnamed], Seeker [unnamed], various guards, Alpha Primitive gladiators, Tral – BTS), Newton Destine, Adam Destine, Albert Destine, Elalyth – BTS, Griffin-created clones of Walter+Rory+Pandora, Twelfth Red, Guild Primus, Dr. Hywel Griffin (Alpha) and 2 of his Omegans (both males)

(in FBs): Natsume Masako, Prince Sakai Masaaki, Marietta Borgezia (1860’s Japan and Paris)

(in VFB): Wallop, Crimson Crusader, Imp, Vex, Cuckoo, Argent

Brief Synopsis: Sam’s rescue of Rory and Pandora nearly ends in tragedy when the “attacking” vampires turn out to be Kay’s friends from one of her past incarnations. Newton shows up and takes the twins away with him to search for Dom. On Another Earth, Dom and Excalibur finds themselves the prisoners of that dimension’s Inhumans who now rule the world after having slaughtered most of humanity. Fighting to be free, the group is joined by Newton and the twins but their vehicle is soon vaporized, seemingly killing the twins. Back on Earth-616, as Adam discovers massive energy discharges emanating from the valley of Yden, Kay and Sam return to Walter’s cottage but are swiftly defeated by twisted versions of Walter, Rory and Pandora just as the Guild realizes that Griffin has cloned some of the Destines.

Detailed Synopsis:
Page 1 includes a smaller version of the Clan Destine family tree plus a brief synopsis of some events from previous issues.

Pages 2-5: At Blasco Castle, Rory and Pandora are menaced by five vampires but Sam hears their cries and comes to the rescue. Fortunately, before she can deal with the undead, Kay appears and reveals that they are old friends whom she asked to attack the twins so that they could enjoy an adventure. Sam demonstrates that she doesn’t find Kay’s joke funny and the twins reveal that Adam has exploded and/or vanished.

Pages 6-9: On Another Earth, the captured Dom and Excalibur find themselves wearing explosive collars that disrupt their physical powers. Brought to the Arena, they discover that the “aliens” who have conquered this Earth and wiped out most of humanity are actually the Inhumans, led by Lord Maximus who speculates that they are survivors of the rebel army led by Magneto (who were all supposedly slaughtered). The captives are given weapons and left to face a mob of attacking Alpha Primitives.

Pages 10-14: At Blasco Castle, Kay reveals how she and the “vampyres with souls” became family back in the 1860’s after Kay’s host body was killed by a vampire whose body she then took over. Newton then appears, needing Rory’s help in order to find Dom. The twins leave with Newton in his ship while Kay and Sam head towards Ravenscroft to see what’s happened to Adam and Walter.

Page 15: In between realities, Newton explains that he put a 4-D tag on Dom and that the instinct that allows Rory to control his flight will also enable him to home in on Dom’s tag.

Pages 16-18: On Another Earth, Dom and Excalibur are fighting for their lives in the Arena when Newton’s ship appears and crashes. Lord Maximus orders the new human infiltrators to be killed and Dom only manages to rescue Newton before an energy bolt vaporizes the vehicle and, apparently, the twins.

Page 19: In Nepal, Adam in reluctant to return to Yden with Vincent’s blood on his hands but Albert convinces him that he killed to protect his other children and that the fact that he is still under Mother’s protection means that his heart is pure, Adam disagrees, believing that his beloved has preserved him so that he may be tortured by guilt but Albert thinks that Mother’s bond with Adam and their children may be causing her to suffer the same affliction. Instantly deciding to go to Yden, Adam has Albert send him as close to the valley of Yden as possible (since no power on Earth can enter there unbidden). As Adam materializes, he sees an enormous energy discharge and calls out the name of his beloved, “Elalyth.”

Pages 20-21: Kay and Sam reach the damaged cottage and are ambushed by distorted versions of Walter, Rory and Pandora. Kay finds that her telepathic attacks don’t work on their enemies.

Page 22: Twelfth Red contacts Guild Primus with an urgent update. He reveals that surveillance shows that a battle is taking place at the Destine cottage and Twelfth Red explains his belief that Griffin has used DNA acquired from Walter, Rory and Pandora to clone the Destines.

Page 23: Griffin and two of his Omegans arrive to capture Kay and Sam as they lie unconscious at the feet of the cloned Destines.

References: None.

Flashback #1 (page 10, panel 6 through page 12, panel 4)
Jasmine/Cuckoo (as both Natsume Masako, then Marietta Borgezia), vampire Marietta Borgezia, Prince Sakai Masaaki
In the 1860’s, Jasmine’s consciousness was inhabiting the body of Natsume Masako when she married the Prince Sakai Masaaki. “Masako” loved her life in Japan and her husband. When Masaaki was posted to Paris as a diplomat, his wife accompanied him, to see how Europe had changed. One day, while meditating in a Japanese garden at her house in Paris, Masako was ambushed by the vampire Marietta Borgezia. By the time she realized what was happening, Masako’s body had already been fatally wounded so Jasmine transferred her consciousness into the vampire’s body, expelling its evil spirit in the process. As Jasmine stood there, disoriented, Masaaki returned, saw his wife dead at the feet of a vampire, and attacked. Believing that Masaaki would never understand, Jasmine fled.

Video Flashbacks: On page 22, there are two panels which display video records which Twelfth Red has retrieved from Griffin’s archives which show images of the Clan Destine’s previous invasion of Griffin’s industrial complex.

Panel 3 shows Walter, Rory and Pandora when they have just entered Griffin’s laboratory and seen his specimens in glass tubes. This would fit within page 16 of CLAN 3, between panel 3 (when they first enter the lab) and panel 4 (when they begin to succumb to the gas trap).

Panel 4 shows Wallop and Imp being freed from their restraints by Argent, Cuckoo and Hex. It seems to be a duplicate of panel 6 on page 6 of CLAN 4. As such, there is no need to add it.

Griffin’s clones of Rory and Pandora Destine first appear in this issue, although Griffin’s orders in issue #2 indicate that the “binary pair” was activated in that issue, thereby causing the loss of their powers which the twins began to experience then. As with the clone of Walter, it’s quite possible that these clones have actually appeared previously (in panel 4 on page 9 of CLAN 6). If so, then they would be the two, smaller bodies seen floating in the transparent spheres in the background.


CLANDESTINE #5 (cover-dated August, 2008)

Appearances: Inhumans from Another Earth (Lord Maximus, Medusa, Karnak, Gorgon, Crystal [unnamed], Triton [unnamed], Tral [dies], various guards, Seeker [unnamed]), Dominic Destine (Dominic Fate, Vex), Newton Destine, Excalibur (Nightcrawler, Captain Britain, Shadowcat, Meggan, Phoenix [Rachel Summers]), Rory Destine (Crimson Crusader), Pandora Destine (Imp), Dr. Hywel Griffin (Alpha) and his 5 Omegans (Noe, Raee named), Walter Destine (Wallop), Kay Cera II (Jasmine Destine, Kay Cera, Cuckoo), Samantha Destine (Samantha Hassard, Argent), Griffin created clones of Walter+Rory+Pandora (destroyed), Adam Destine, freed humans from Another Earth, Elalyth, Vincent – BTS

(FBs): Walter’s psi-scanned memories; glimpse through time of Jasmine, Thaddeus, younger (unnamed) brother

(VO – BTS): Veronique (her side of her telephone call with Walter is not heard)

(hallucinations): Al Kadhdhhaab, Sujana Min Raghbah

Brief Synopsis: On Another Earth, the mourning Dom and Newton are delighted when the twins show up alive and free them and Excalibur. Taking the fight to the Inhuman leaders, they soon discover that the real ruler is the aged Tral who battles Phoenix until his heart gives out. Later, as the now-freed Inhumans promise to make amends to the humans, Newton teleports himself and his family members back to Earth-616. On Earth, an Omegan’s dissent with Griffin’s actions causes him to undergo a mutation while in Yden Adam’s struggle to reach Elalyth ends with them finally reunited. As the lost quartet returns, the twins find their powers being drained again by the now-monstrous Griffin who is using the captive Destines as life force batteries. Just as all seems lost, Adam shows up, disintegrates the cloned monstrosities, and transforms Griffin into a no-longer-albino baby. The twins finally get a brief glimpse of their mother and happily go to bed. With everybody safe and happy, Walter states that he thinks it’s safe to relax now…just as an energy bolt strikes Vincent’s grave, cracking his headstone.

Detailed Synopsis:
Page 1 includes a smaller version of the Clan Destine family tree plus a brief synopsis of some events from previous issues.

Pages 2-4: As Dom, Newton and Excalibur are led from the Arena, their guards are quickly knocked out by Rory and Pandora who had used their powers to protect themselves from the Q-car’s explosion and make themselves invisible. Rory then uses his powers to safely free everyone from the explosive collars.

Pages 5-6: In the ruins of the cottage, Noe’s psi-scan of Walter’s mind reveals that he is at least 200 years old. Griffin boasts that he will use the DNA from the Destines to make himself immortal but the Omegan Raee feels his actions are wrong. When the Rory clone approaches her, Raee uses the gene-probe to push him back, inadvertently stabbing Griffin with the sampler just after it had scraped the clone. Griffin realizes that he been injected with the accelerated hybrid-genome template just before energy begins to discharge from his body.

Page 7: In the Zagross Mountains of Iran, Adam struggles to enter Yden. Talking with hallucinations of his dead foes Al Kadhdhhaab and Sujana Min Raghbah, Adam comes to realize that he has neglected his love but has always been true to her, and that they have always been one.

Pages 8-11: On Another Earth, the fighting continues but when Gorgon refuses to harm a child (Rory) the heroes realize that Maximus is controlling their minds. Phoenix quickly knocks him into a coma but when he continues to stand they realize that even he is just a puppet. Pandora’s suggestion that it might be Tral provokes a reaction that reveals the location from which the Inhumans are truly being controlled. As his refuge is torn open, an extremely-aged Tral confronts them and only Phoenix can stand against him, vowing to never be a slave again.

Page 12: As Adam passes through Yden, the land itself is tormented and time sunders, allowing Adam to see past events.

Pages 13-15: On Another Earth, Tral has died after his heart gave out during his battle with Phoenix. The freed Inhumans promise to make amends to the surviving humans. Newton uses a device to discover Excalibur’s origin Earth but once that is done he quickly sends himself and just his family back to Earth where he reveals that Excalibur where actually from their Earth but also from their past so he had to leave them behind. At the cottage, the twins lose their powers again but Dom senses that they are being drained just before a giant creature bursts out of the cottage with Walter, Kay and Sam attached to it and energy flowing into it. Then the three clones attack.

Page 16: In Yden, Adam finally reunites with Elalyth. They embrace and kiss passionately.

Pages 17-21: At the cottage, it seems that nothing can stop the transformed Griffin but then Adam appears. He swiftly disintegrates the clones, frees his captive children and confronts the shrinking Griffin. Adam explains that he would see Griffin die but that “in the here and now (he is) but a conduit for one of infinite mercy” and then transforms Griffin into a blue-eyed infant (meaning Griffin’s albinism has been cured). Adam then teleports baby Griffin and the Omegans away. As the Destine children look on, they briefly see Adam and Elalyth standing together before vanishing. Walter explains that their mother was never really there since she can’t leave the valley so they were actually looking into Yden. They think that Pandora is upset but she is just happy that “Mum” smiled at her.

Pages 22-23: Later, everything seems to have ended happily. Walter makes a date with Veronique, the twins are asleep and happy, Adam is back with Elalyth, Dominic has returned with Newton to his world, and Kay is enjoying the nightlife with her vampire coven. As Walters says that all’s well with the world and he thinks it’s safe to relax now, a bolt of energy emerges from the hole where the portal to Yden was and flies to the cemetery where it dives into Vincent’s grave, causing his headstone to split with a “Krak.”

Flashbacks #1-5 (Walter’s memories):
On page 5, the Omegan Noe’s psi-scan of Walter identifies at least five “historical signposts,” images of which appear as the first five panels on this page. Since they are taken from Walter’s memories and he is the viewpoint character, he doesn’t actually appear in these flashbacks.
Panel 1 – “El Alamein” (1942 – either July 1-27 or October 23-November 4)
Panel 2 – “Passiondale” (the Battle of Passchendaele – a campaign of the First World War, July 31-November 6, 1917}
Panel 3 – “Balaclava” (Battle of Balaclava, fought on October 25, 1854 during the Crimean War)
Panel 4 – “Delhi…the Sepoy Mutiny” (a.k.a. the Indian Rebellion of 1857 – May 11, 1857-July 8, 1858 or possibly the Siege of Delhi – July 1-September 21, 1857)
Panel 5 – “Shanghai…the Opium War” (During the First Opium War [1839-1842], British forces occupied the city).

Flashbacks #6 & 7 (time glimpses into Yden’s past):
On page 12, Adam is passing through Yden, a land where “time is sundered” and “shadows of his past” appear.
Panel 2 – Adam sees his younger self passing skeletal remains of previous invaders as he travelled through Yden. While this image is new, I don’t think it’s distinctive enough to merit inclusion in Adam’s chronology.

Panel 4 – Adam sees three of his children (Jasmine, Thaddeus, and another son) running beside a lake. Even the two oldest children (Jasmine and Thaddeus) appear to be pre-teens while the third child is either significantly younger (or quite short for his age). This would count as the earliest appearance of Jasmine and Thaddeus so this FB should be included in their chronologies.

Note: Although Walter received a VO telephone invitation from “Gabriella” in issue #3, in this issue he seemingly returns her phone call . . . but calls her “Veronique.” So, is Walter juggling invitations from two different women? Or are Gabriella and Veronique actually the same woman? Perhaps “Veronique” is some sort of pet name? After all, the heroine of the romance novels that Walter writes is named “Veronica.”


Okay, time to wrap everything up. First, the events of this miniseries take place on three consecutive days, from the afternoon of DAY ONE to the early morning of DAY THREE. Rory and Pandora are shown at school in issue #1 so DAY ONE must be a weekday. However, the twins could have gone to school on DAY TWO (during the nine hours between pages #13 and 16 of CLAN2 2). Similarly, DAY THREE may also be a weekday but Walter, aware of how exhausted the twins are after their adventures, could have decided to let them skip school so that they could get some much-needed sleep.

One slight temporal discrepancy is that it’s still early (pre-dawn) morning in Ravenscroft at the end of CLAN2 5 despite the fact that Jasmine said that it would be “close to dawn” by the time she and Sam reached there in CLAN2 4.

Just for the record, the sun rises in Nepal almost 6 hours earlier than it does in England.


afternoon through to full night at Ravenscroft: CLAN2 1

daytime (morning or noon) through to night at Ravenscroft: CLAN2 2-3
night at Blasco Castle: CLAN2 3-4
also, early morning/sunrise/daytime in Nepal: CLAN2 3-4

early daytime in Nepal: CLAN2 4
very early morning at Blasco Castle and (later) at Ravenscroft: CLAN2 4-5
morning/daytime in Yden: CLAN2 4-5
still early (pre-dawn) morning at Ravenscroft: CLAN2 5

Character chronologies:
(An asterisk * marks a new listing or a change/deletion of an old listing)

Destine family members:

*CLAN 2 – PFB (1963 family picture)
*CLAN2 1 – PFB (1972 graduation picture)
*{M/CP 158} – moved to later
X&CD 1
X&CD 2
*{M/CP 158} – moved from earlier
*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 1
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN 3 (8 – 16:3)
*CLAN2 4 (22:3) – VFB
*CLAN 3 (16:4 – 22)
*{M/CP 158} – moved to later
X&CD 1
X&CD 2
*{M/CP 158} – moved from earlier
*CLAN2 1 – VFB (x 3)
*CLAN2 1
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 5 – FB (Yden)
*CLAN2 1 – PFB (1849)
*CLAN2 4 – FB (1860’s)
*CLAN 2 – PFB (1963 family picture)
*{M/CP 158} – moved to later
X&CD 1
X&CD 2
*{M/CP 158} – moved from earlier
*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 1
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5
FF3 6
FF3 9
FF3 27-BTS

*CLAN2 2 – FB (1374)
CLAN 8-FB (1615)
*CLAN2 1 – PFB (1849)
*CLAN 2 – PFB (1963 family picture)
{CLAN 1}
X&CD 1
X&CD 2
*CLAN2 1
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 – FB (1374)
{CLAN 1}
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4

*CLAN2 1 – PFB (1849)
*CLAN 2 – PFB – BTS (taking 1963 family picture)
{X&CD 1-FB}
X&CD 1
X&CD 2

*CLAN 2 – PFB (1963 family picture)
*{M/CP 158} – moved to later
X&CD 1
X&CD 2
*{M/CP 158} – moved from earlier
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN 2 – PFB (1963 family picture)
*{M/CP 158} – moved to later
X&CD 1
X&CD 2
*{M/CP 158} – moved from earlier
*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 1
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN 3 (8 – 16:3)
*CLAN2 4 (22:3) – VFB
*CLAN 3 (16:4 – 22)
*{M/CP 158} – moved to later
X&CD 1
X&CD 2
*{M/CP 158} – moved from earlier
*CLAN2 1 – VFB (x 3)
*CLAN2 1
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5


*CLAN 2 – PFB (1963 family picture)

*CLAN2 5 (5:5) – FB (“Opium War” – 1840)
*CLAN2 5 (5:3) – FB (“Balaclava” – 1854)
*CLAN2 5 (5:4) – FB (“Sepoy Mutiny” –1857)
*CLAN2 5 (5:2) – FB (”Passiondale” – 1917)
*CLAN2 5 (5:1) – FB (“El Alamein” – 1942)
CLAN 8-FB (1944)
*CLAN 2 – PFB (1963 family picture)
*CLAN 3 (8 – 16:3)
*CLAN2 4 (22:3) – VFB
*CLAN 3 (16:4 – 22)
*{M/CP 158} – moved to later
X&CD 1
X&CD 2
*{M/CP 158} – moved from earlier
*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 1
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

New Destine character chronologies to be added:

*CLAN2 1 – PFB (1849)
*CLAN 2 – PFB (1963 family picture)
*{CLAN 1}

*CLAN2 1 – PFB (1849)
*CLAN 2 – PFB (1963 family picture)
*{CLAN 1}

*CLAN2 5 – FB (Yden)
*{CLAN2 2 – FB} (1374)

*ELALYTH [Djinn]
*CLAN 5 – FB
*CLAN2 4 – BTS
*CLAN2 5

Note: It has been established that Adam and all the Destine children are somehow connected to Elalyth so in a sense she should be listed as BTS for every appearance by every member of the Clan Destine...but I’m not going to do that.

Jazz’s vampire family:

*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4

*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4

*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4

*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4

*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4

Excalibur members:

Excalibur’s appearance in CLAN2 2-5 definitely takes place between EXCALIBUR (Vol. 1) issues #14 and 18, and probably takes place after their visit to the “Movie Monster” alternate Earth shown on page 9 of Excalibur #15. Since Rachel (in this LS) exhibits none of the fatigue that she is showing in the latter part of that issue, I have chosen to place their adventure on Earth-80522 within the pages of XCAL 15.

Also, while looking over the chronologies for the Excalibur team, I noticed something that I think may be a mistake. In issues #16 & 17, Kitty is telling a group of aliens about Excalibur’s recent adventures on Earth-1289. As such, shouldn’t their appearances in those issues be listed as FBs? After all, those adventures take place prior to the framing sequence (Kitty’s present-day narration). If so, then shouldn’t Kitty’s chronology look like this?

XCAL 16 – FB
XCAL 17 – FB

Of course, since the rest of Excalibur don’t appear in the “present-day” framing sequence until after Kitty has finished her story, their chronologies wouldn’t need FBs attached to issues 16 & 17.


*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5


*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3


*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5


*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5


*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

. . . .
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5


*CLAN2 2 – OP
*CLAN2 3

*CLAN2 2 – OP
*CLAN2 3
*XCAL 16 – although overlooked by the Project, Widget actually does appear in this issue (in one panel)

Note: By the way, wasn’t it established that Widget actually contains the consciousness of Katherine Pryde-Rasputin from Days of Future Past? If so, why isn’t Widget’s listing linked to that of Shadowcat 2013?

Earth-80522 characters:

*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*TRAL | EARTH-80522
*CLAN2 4 - BTS
*CLAN2 5

Earth-80522 characters who were not officially named on-panel (but we know who they are):

*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

Ethera (Earth-2803) characters:

*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3

Alpha and his five Omegans:

*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 1 – BTS?
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 5

Although there are five Omegans, only two (Giee and Raee) currently have listings in the Project. During the first ClanDestine series, it was revealed that three of them were named Giee, Phaa, and Raee. During this limited series, the name of one of the two remaining Omegans was revealed to be Noe. And the name of the final Omegan was revealed to be Mai by Alan Davis on the Alan Davis Forum. So, the Project needs listings for Mai, Noe, and Phaa.

Also, while all five of the Omegans have appeared in 8 ClandDestine stories, there is one CD story in which only two of them appear. My best guess is that those two Omegans are Giee and Mai.

*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 1 – VFB
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 2 – BTS
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 2 – BTS
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

*CLAN2 1 – BTS
*CLAN2 3
*CLAN2 4
*CLAN2 5

Miscellaneous characters:

*CLAN2 1
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 4

*CLAN2 1
*CLAN2 2
*CLAN2 4

*CLAN2 4 – FB

*CLAN2 3

*CLAN2 4 – FB

*TRAL [Inhuman]
*CLAN2 2 – FB (1374)

Well, that's it. I hope someone enjoys reading this as mush as I did writing it (once I got started).

Don Campbell
Chronology Guru
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Posts: 1053
Joined: Sun Jul 17, 2005 2:34 am

Re: Analysis of ClanDestine LS

Post by wolframbane »

Thanks so much Don. I thouroughly enjoyed reading this!! :applause: