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US Avengers v1 #3

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 8:58 pm
by Jason Doty
Main Story

wealthy people and staff at the Wyne International Hotel including Bryce (all Murderworld robots)
Citizen V (DaCosta)
Red Hulk (Maverick)
Squirrel Girl
Iron Patriot (Ho)
Golden Skull, time displaced to the past from 20XX and his recruited pirates (pirates all Murderworld robots)
the actual wealthy people and staff at the Wyne International Hotel including Bryce
Captain America (Cage) time displaced from 20XX
citizens of Miami, Florida
AIM scientists representing Admin and Research (Blue), Science and Engineering (White) and Security and Tactics (Red) all aboard the SHIELD Helicarrier Douglas


Citizen V (DaCosta)
Red Hulk (Maverick)
Squirrel Girl
Iron Patriot (Ho)
Golden Skull, time displaced to the past from 20XX
Captain America (Cage) time displaced from 20XX
AIM scientists representing Admin and Research (Blue), Science and Engineering (White) and Security and Tactics (Red) all aboard the SHIELD Helicarrier Douglas