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Fantastic Four v7 #18

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 4:33 pm
by Jason Doty
citizens of Benson, Arizona in main story and FB
Powerhouse (Franklin Richards) in main story and FB's
Brainstorm (Valeria Richards) in main story and FB
Jo-Venn the Kree Chronicle of Blood in main story and FB
N'Kalla the Requiem of the Shapeless Soul in main story and FB
citizens of New York in FB's
Franklin Richards (Earth 10774) in FB
Human Torch (Storm) in main story and FB
fauna of the Western United States (alternate future)
Police Officers investigating a site of an apparent asteroid hit (alternate future)
Alicia Masters-Grimm (alternate future)
Mister Fantastic (Richards, alternate future)
Invisible Woman (alternate future)
Human Torch (Storm, alternate future)
Thing (alternate future)
citizens of a nearby town (alternate future)
Nickolas Scratch
fauna of the Western United States
Police Officers investigating a site of an apparent asteroid hit
Alicia Masters-Grimm
Mister Fantastic (Richards)
Invisible Woman
Human Torch (Storm)
citizens of a nearby town
a stray dog that developed an attachment to Thing named Princess