Post-X-Men 66, Hulk and SMF2 9

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Post-X-Men 66, Hulk and SMF2 9

Post by Leoparis »

I am looking at the very crowded post-X-Men 66 period, which comprises Savage Hulk (Vol. 2) 1-4, X&SM 1, FFWGCM & SMF2 9.

One story that does not fit here is SMF2 9.
Synopsis: SHIELD agents captured Banner but then had to chase a UFO so they needed Marvel Girl & someone else to babysit Banner. "The Avengers weren't around, and neither were the Fantastic Four or Daredevil or Ghost Rider. Finally Fury called Spidey." Spidey needs to take care of Doc Ock. Banner turns into Hulk and leaves.

Here are some of the problems:
a. The Ghost Rider does not exist in 1970.

b. Bruce Banner is acting out of character but since he's been secretly drugged by SHIELD, it's accounted for.

c. Those inserts break the geographical consistency between IH2 124 & 125 in Hulk's chrono:

IH2 124 California Rhino Leader wedding smashed
X 66 Las Vegas
SAVH2 1-4
SMF2 9-FB in SHIELD custody
SMF2 9 NYC Spider-Man Marvel Girl
WWH:GC 2 (8 - 9)-FB Canadian mall
IH2 125 Absorbing Man Southwest --> rocketed into atmosphere --> Northeast

d. IH2 125 picks up shortly after 124 and the less stories in-between the better.

e. It's also very early for SHIELD to work with superheroes with secret identities. (How did Fury call Spidey? Spidey has no phone. Nowhere in later stories does it hint that SHIELD knows Peter's identity--not counting the recent ASM: Full Circle.) SHIELD works with DD in DD 120-121 (April-May 1975). Fury first shows knowledge of a secret identity in Nova 15 (Nov 1977). Discovering the identities of DD and Ghost Rider is no big feat: DD is the lover of Black Widow and Murdock lives with Natasha Romanoff during this period. Ghost Rider is a nom de scene.

Anyway, Marvel Girl is in yellow and green until late 1973 (VT 1 < AIF 20 Feb 74 > H 172 Feb 74) and circa GSSX 1 (1975), then she's retired, then Phoenix, then dead, then in different costumes. Octopus is reputed dead from ASM 131 (April 1974) to ASM 157 (June 1976). This leaves 1972 and 1973.

Spidey first meets Ghost Rider in MTU 15 (Nov 1973). Marvel Girl is last seen in the yellow & green costume in A 111 (May 173), Cyclops is back in the yellow and blue costume in AIF 20-FB with Xavier, which takes place before Vampire Tales 1 (Aug 1973). SMF2 9 can occur in the interval (or at the same time as AIF 20-FB, explaining Marvel Girl's absence). This conveniently puts Hulk just before IH2 167 where he happens to be in New York as well. This also fits the Ghost Rider mentions, explains why Spidey knows the Ghost Rider. It also makes sense of the unavailable heroes on Fury's list of Hulk handlers: DD lives on the West Coast, the Ghost Rider--only available at nighttime in this period--in New York recently but usually in the Southwest (which is maybe why they are on the SHIELD list as possible Hulk handlers), the Avengers are captured by the Collector (A 119), the Thing is in Florida (MTIO 1).
Relevant section of the 1973 chronology:
Marvel Two-in-One 1 [Thing & Man-Thing] Florida
Captain Marvel 30 (6 - 18:7)
Adventure Into Fear 18 [Man-Thing]
Amazing Spider-Man 126
Spectacular Spider-Man 149-FB
Marvel Team-Up 15 [Spider-Man & Ghost Rider]
Werewolf by Night 13
Werewolf by Night 14 (1 - 19:3)
Adventure Into Fear 20 (5 - 6:5)-FB Marvel Girl bts, Professor X
Vampire Tales 1
Werewolf by Night 14 (19:4 - 19:5)
Tomb of Dracula 16-18
Werewolf by Night 15-16
Werewolf by Night 17 (1 - 8)
Avengers 119 (5:3 - 20) Captured by Collector [Halloween]
Hulk 167 NYC JFK airport
Now, the WWH:GC 2 (8 - 9)-FB in a Canadian mall.
Synopsis: Due to Hulk fright (actually heroin use) a pregnant woman suffers a difficult delivery, which makes her child retarded. The child is later subjected to a gamma experiment, which turns him into Prodigy of the Gamma Corps in 2008.
He looks like a teen or pre-teen there. So this flashback should take place as early as possible. As a frame of reference, Franklin Richards, born in 1968, was still a boy by Secret Wars II (2015). The earliest time in his own series that the Hulk appears to be in Canada is TTA 94 (Aug 67) where he meets two caribou hunters by a lake. There is a break between TTA 93 & 94 where he can have hit a mall. (Prodigy would be eleven per wolframbane's timeline.)

SMF2 9 move from here
ASM 88
SMF2 9 move here
ASM 130

IM 16
SMF2 9-FB move from here
SMF2 9-BTS move from here
IM 18
DEF 11
SMF2 9-FB move here
SMF2 9-BTS move here
CA 173 (1 - 4:3)

TTA 93/2
WWH:GC 2 (8 - 9)-FB move here
TTA 94/2
X 66
SAVH2 1 add
SAVH2 2 add
SAVH2 3 add
SAVH2 4 add
SMF2 9-FB move from here
SMF2 9 move from here
WWH:GC 2 (8 - 9)-FB move from here
IH2 125
M/FEA 11
SMF2 9-FB move here
SMF2 9 move here
IH2 167

X&SM 1
SMF2 9-FB-BTS move from here
SMF2 9 move from here
A 111
SMF2 9-FB-BTS move here
SMF2 9 move here

SMF2 9-FB-BTS move from here
SMF2 9-BTS move from here
SMF2 9-FB-BTS move here
SMF2 9-BTS move here

SMF2 9 move from here
ASM 81
M/TU 15
SMF2 9 move here
ASM 127
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