A few statistical questions

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Chronology Guru
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A few statistical questions

Post by Clive_Reston »

I don't know the answers to these; it may be that those with access to the database do know the answers, and even if not, I bet the guesses will be entertaining.

1. What character has appeared the greatest number of times?

2. Who is the "most widely traveled" character--the one who has appeared the greatest number of times outside of series where he or she is the title character or a regular cast member? (I'm guessing that would be Nick Fury, but who knows.)

3. What character has appeared in the greatest number of different series without ever having been the star of an solo series (not miniseries)? (Charles Xavier? J. Jonah Jameson? Colossus?)

4. Who is the greatest "homebody": a character who has appeared the greatest number of times but in only one series (within the main Marvel universe)?

5. Who is the most "itinerant" character: the one who has appeared in the greatest number of series (in which he or she is not the title character) only once apiece?

6. Who is the most "thinly spread" character--the one who's appeared the lowest number of total times in the greatest number of series?

7. What (non-mini/one-shot) series have the lowest and highest average number of characters appearing in each issue?
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