Betsy Wilford typo

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Betsy Wilford typo

Post by JephYork »

Who? Right. Colossus' girlfriend in the early "All-New, All-Different" period; Amanda Sefton's friend. After UX #109, she's listed here as appearing in CM #50.

I think this is a typo for PM #50 -- Power Man, not Captain Marvel. Amanda is next in PM #50, and the original Index places Betsy next there as well.

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Re: Betsy Wilford typo

Post by JephYork »

There IS an "Elizabeth Wilford" appearing in Captain Marvel #50 -- and she goes on to appear bts in Uncanny #111, then on-panel in Ms. Marvel #19 -- but she's an old woman. With a similarly old farmer husband named Ethan. They live in Texas.

She's not the same person as Colossus' former girlfriend, and in fact their names are spelled differently (Elizabeth vs Elisabeth).
