Ghost Rider Annual #2

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Ghost Rider Annual #2

Post by Col_Fury »

Ghost Rider Annual(2nd volume for Annual) #2
October, 2008

Ghost Rider(Johnny Blaze), Zadkiel-FB

pg1-pg2: one night
Johnny Blaze is in Mercy, Idaho looking for an angel that's been sighted there. There's been a lot of suicides lately in Mercy and the local police deputy gives Johnny a hard time because he's new in town; he thinks he's come here to kill himself like a lot of other people have recently.
pg3pn1-FB: a month ago
The deputy finds a 'suicide' victim, the 'angel' is seen behind him.
pg3pn2(of 5)-pg10: same night as (1-2)
Johnny goes to the hotel and is woken by a dream, so he wanders around in the woods. He's stopped by the deputy again, and they interrupt a 'suicide.'
pg11-pg12pn3: next day
Johnny and the deputy chat.
pg12pn4-FB: shortly before (3:1)-FB
The deputy and the previous sheriff drive around town.
pg12pn5(of 5): same day as (11-12:3)
Johnny and the deputy chat.
pg13pn1-pg13pn2-FB: just after (3:1)-FB, same night
The deputy turns and takes a swing at the angel.
pg13pn3: same day as (12:5)
Johnny and the deputy chat.
pg13pn4-FB: just after (13:1-13:2)-FB, same night
The angel is gone!
pg13pn5(of 5)-pg19: same day as (13:3)
The sheriff rounds up Johnny and the deputy to go look for the angel. Johnny figures out the sheriff IS the angel, he turns into the Ghost Rider and they fight. After Ghost Rider defeats the angel, he tells a story.
Zadkiel begins his war in heaven against god.
pg20pn3(of 6): same day as (13:5-19)
The angel continues his story.
The angel tells Zadkiel he thinks suicide shouldn't be a sin, so Zadkiel banishes him from heaven, but with the power to kill anyone on Earth and send them to heaven, regardless of any sins that may have comitted.
pg20pn6: same day as (20:3)
The angel continues his story.
The angel begins to kill people, which end up looking like suicides. He eventually ends up in Mercy, Idaho.
pg21pn2(of 4)-pg23: same day as (20:6)
The Ghost Rider realizes that this is his chance to get into heaven.(If he were to just die, he would go to hell because of the deal he made. The Ghost Rider wuld be separated and go to heaven, which would only help Zadkiel. If the angel were to send him to heaven with Ghost Rider he would end up in heaven too, which is what he's been wanting to do for a while now) The angel tells the Ghost Rider that he has to fight him, which he does, but the angel ends up dying.

Full moon on page 4, which puts the FlashBack on pg3pn1 a month earlier, as it also shows a full moon. This issue falls between issues 25 & 26 of volume 6, and there's no mention of how long it's been since GR6 25, or in GR6 26 of how long it's been since this annual. Also, there's snow all over the place in Idaho.

Page count does not include the recap page.

There's also a reprint of Ghost Rider v2(Blaze series) #35.


GR@2 2 (20:1-20:2)-FB who knows?
GR@2 2 (20:4-20:5)-FB later
GR@2 2 (21:1)-FB montage, from (20:4-20:5)-FB up to shortly before (3:1)-FB
GR@2 2 (12:4)-FB one day
GR@2 2 (3:1)-FB shortly afterward, full moon
GR@2 2 (13:1-13:2)-FB same night
GR@2 2 (13:4)-FB same night
GR6 25
GR@2 2 (1-10) a month later, full moon
GR@2 2 (11-23) next day
GR6 26
-Daron Jensen
Paul Bourcier
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Re: Ghost Rider Annual #2

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Thanks for the analysis, Fury. :)
Paul B.