Forum Etiquette and Archiving the Watches

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Post by JephYork »

All clean again. Everything from Sept. 30-back has been archived by me (e-mail me if you want a copy) and summarily deleted. Again, I left the discussion threads, although I booted one or two into more appropriate forums.

Next step, now that it's ironically too late: incorporate the students at the Xavier Institute into the Watch List.

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Post by Col_Fury »

Next step, now that it's ironically too late: incorporate the students at the Xavier Institute into the Watch List.
Would that be a seperate Watch, like a "Xavier Institute Students Watch", listing all of the kids who aren't X-Men; or a bunch of kids listed along with the other characters already in the X-Men Watch?
-Daron Jensen
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Post by JephYork »

I was planning to sling 'em into the X-Men Watch.

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Post by Russ Chappell »

They'd go in the X-Men Watch, the same as X-Factor, X-Force, Excalibur, and so on.

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Post by JephYork »

jephyork wrote:I'll periodically archive and prune this forum from now on -- say, once a month or so.
jephyork wrote:I generally try to houseclean this place every 2-3 months
I'm a funny, funny man.

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Re: Forum Etiquette and Archiving the Watches

Post by JephYork »

Update: sorry, folks, but I'm no longer archiving the Watch threads. I lost everything in a computer crash about six months ago, and I just haven't had the energy to keep track since.
