Mighty Avengers #14

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Kevin W.
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Mighty Avengers #14

Post by Kevin W. »

Mighty Avengers #14 gives us some insight into just how long certain people have been Skrulls:

The scene with the New Avengers seems to occur around the time of New Avengers #15, when the New Avengers went public. "Jarvis" meets up with "Elektra", "Hank Pym", and"Jessica Drew" in the next scene, (which I think occurs a short while later), then that means all four characters have been Skrulls since before the Civil War. "Contessa" is also at this meeting, so...this meeting occurs just after Secret War, but before "Contessa" is killed by Fury, (as shown a couple of issues ago in Mighty Avengers). The Civil War must be coming up quickly though, (and the Illuminati must've already shot Hulk off into space) as "Jarvis" states "We have decided to let the Hulk situation and the Registration Act situation come to a boil."

So...Hank Pym is a Skrull throughout all of "Avengers: The Iniative"...that's...uncomfortable for me, (going off of how Slott was writing Hank Pym).

And that was more than likely a Skrull who was dating Aunt May the entire time in Amazing Spider-Man... ooOO?!

And does this confirm that Elektra was replaced around the time of Mark Millar's run on Wolverine a few years back?
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Re: Mighty Avengers #14

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Kevin wrote:
"Contessa" is also at this meeting, so...this meeting occurs just after Secret War, but before "Contessa" is killed by Fury, (as shown a couple of issues ago in Mighty Avengers).

This meeting in MA 14-FB (10-12) occurs right after A4 15 -- that much is clear. Then at a later point, Fury kills the Contessa Skrull in MA 12-FB (4-12). "Two weeks" after that comes MA 12-FB (13-17), and "two months" after that comes MA 12-FB (18-20:7). MA 12-FB (18-20:7) shows a conversation between Fury and "Spider-Woman" for the first time since SECWAR. "Jessica" says she's a secret agent of Hydra with no way out and Fury tells her to go back to SHIELD and grovel for reinstatement. Now does this scene make sense if it happens at least two months and two weeks after the Avengers (w/Spider-Woman) go public in A4 15? Nowhere in Fury's and "Jessica's" conversation do the Avengers come up. Huh? And is Fury actually duped by the Spider-Woman Skrull? Or are both the real Spider-Woman and the Skrull running around? Or maybe another Skrull replaced the killed Contessa Skrull to appear in MA 14-FB (10-12). :?
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Re: Mighty Avengers #14

Post by Kevin W. »

Let the Bendis Brain Twisting begin!!! *doh*
The scene with the New Avengers seems to occur around the time of New Avengers #15, when the New Avengers went public. "Jarvis" meets up with "Elektra", "Hank Pym", and"Jessica Drew" in the next scene, (which I think occurs a short while later), then that means all four characters have been Skrulls since before the Civil War. "Contessa" is also at this meeting, so...this meeting occurs just after Secret War, but before "Contessa" is killed by Fury, (as shown a couple of issues ago in Mighty Avengers). The Civil War must be coming up quickly though, (and the Illuminati must've already shot Hulk off into space) as "Jarvis" states "We have decided to let the Hulk situation and the Registration Act situation come to a boil."
It's really a question of "when did the Skrull replace Jessica Drew?" at this point.
Or maybe another Skrull replaced the killed Contessa Skrull to appear in MA 14-FB (10-12).
When's the last time we saw "Contessa" before this Mighty Avengers issue? That would solve a lot, if another Skrull was appointed to be "Contessa"...
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Re: Mighty Avengers #14

Post by Col_Fury »

I'm not convinced that the real Contessa has been replaced by a Skrull yet.(She appeared in the recent Union Jack mini, and she's appearing in Punisher War Journal, for those keeping track)

We know how Skrulls go about replacing people, thanks to New Avengers 39. A Skrull posed as Daredevil to replace Echo, because the Skrulls knew that Echo trusted Daredevil. We know from interviews that Daredevil hasn't been replaced, so it follows that whoever the Skrull is posing as isn't necessarily a replaced character, just someone the target trusts.

We know that a Skrull posed as Contessa to replace Dum Dum. That Skrull succeeded, and is still 'Dum Dum'. We know a different Skrull posed as Contessa to replace and/or gain information from Fury, but that Skrull failed. So we had at least two different Skrulls posing as Contessa, one is now Dum Dum and the other is dead. I don't see where a third Skrull AS Contessa comes in yet, until we see confirmation that she's been replaced. Meaning; until we see when she was replaced, I'm not convinced.

Does that make sense?
Paul Bourcier wrote:Or maybe another Skrull replaced the killed Contessa Skrull to appear in MA 14-FB (10-12).
Most likely. Everybody trusts the Contessa! :)
Kevin W. wrote:It's really a question of "when did the Skrull replace Jessica Drew?" at this point.
I'm pretty sure that question will be answered for us.
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Re: Mighty Avengers #14

Post by cweed4 »

Kevin W. wrote:It's really a question of "when did the Skrull replace Jessica Drew?" at this point.
I'm convinced this happened in G-S Spider-woman 1:
-A powerless Jessica Drew, with former conections to the Avengers+HYDRA+SHIELD, is approached by a mysterious individual offering to give back her powers.
-Takes place prior to NA #1.
-Written by Bendis.
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Re: Mighty Avengers #14

Post by Col_Fury »

Col_Fury wrote:until we see confirmation that she's been replaced.
And now that I've read New Avengers 41, I'm convinced. Dang it.
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Re: Mighty Avengers #14

Post by Somebody »

In which case, what do we do with her appearance in Cap #26, considering that the Skrull-Contessa-becomes-Skrull-Dugan SI Prologue takes place on the day of Cap #25, and there's at least one overnight between the two issues (and probably more)?
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Re: Mighty Avengers #14

Post by Col_Fury »

Two different Skrulls. The one that 'became' Dugan was always intended to become Dugan, if you get what I mean.

It doesn't make any sense to me for there to be a Contessa-Skrull that becomes Dugan, then another that replaces the Contessa-Skrull. The only reason the Skrull that replaced Dugan appeared as Contessa was because Dugan trusted her.

So we have a Contessa-Skrull that's continuously Contessa, another Skrull that posed as Contessa to get near Fury, and another that posed as Contessa to replace Dugan. But that first Skrull that replaced Contessa was still 'Contessa' the whole time.
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Re: Mighty Avengers #14

Post by Somebody »

But we still have three Skrull-Contessas and counting, yes? Grife...
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Re: Mighty Avengers #14

Post by Col_Fury »

That's because everybody trusts the Contessa! She's hot! :mrgreen:
-Daron Jensen