Iron Man 2020

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Iron Man 2020

Post by Col_Fury »

Machine Man v2 #1(1984) opens in the future of 2020. An old box is thrown out of a warehouse, it’s found by scavengers and when it’s opened, they find Machine Man inside! A 70-something Sunset Bain realizes the box with Machine Man is missing, and she’s not happy about it so she yells at Jocasta.

Machine Man v2 #2(1984) picks up where last issue left off. Machine Man and the scavengers fight some corporate goons, Sunset Bain chats with (retired)Senator Miles Brickman, then calls up Arno Stark to hire him. Machine Man evades corporate goons and looks for help and elsewhere, Arno Stark suits up as Iron Man.

Machine Man v2 #3(1984) picks up where last issue left off. Dressed as Iron Man, Arno chats with Sunset and Miles. Machine Man is brought to the leader of the scavengers, the ‘Ancient Wrecker’, Gears Garvin. They’re attacked by Iron Man and the corporate goons. Iron Man and Machine Man fight, and Iron Man runs away.

Machine Man v2 #4(1985) picks up where last issue left off. Machine Man decides to go after Sunset, fights Iron Man again, Brickman kills himself, and Jocasta ends the fighting. Sunset agrees to leave Machine Man alone, but Jocasta will stay with Sunset. Machine Man rides off into the sunrise. All told, this series spans four days.

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #20(1986) opens in the future of 2015. Arno Stark does not yet have gears on the shoulders of his Iron Man suit, but he has just completed a fancy new time machine. A terrorist threatens to blow the place up and Iron Man kills him. Unfortunately, the terrorist’s retinal scan was needed to deactivate the bomb, so Iron Man uses his time machine to go back in time to the last reported sighting of the guy, during a super hero fight with Spider-Man. Arriving in our then-present day, Iron Man tries to get a retinal scan of the kid but ends up in a fight with Spider-Man. When he returns to his own time, the bomb has already gone off, destroying his corporate headquarters, his staff, and wife and child.

Death’s Head #9 & 10(1988) involves time travel on Death’s Head’s part. Check it out! So after the Machine Man mini, and before the Iron Man 2020 one-shot.

West Coast Avengers #61(1990) involves Immortus pulling people from varius points in time. Iron Man 2020 mentions that he always wanted to see if he could wipe the floor with his ancestor, and then proceeds to try. Probably after ASM @20 and before Machine Man v2 #2, when Arno still felt the need to prove himself… and was still a big old jerk.

Thor Corps #2(1993) involves time travel. Eric Masterson falls into the year 2020 in the middle of a fight between Machine Man and Iron Man. This would go between pgs 20 & 21(of 23) of Machine Man v2 #3.

Iron Man 2020(1994) opens in the year 2020. Arno Stark’s company is in financial trouble, so he’s agreed to work as a hired hand to rescue his rival Wellington Marcus’ daughter, who’s been kidnapped. He does save her, but she reveals that Marcus is going to release a computer virus on the world that will destroy every computer on the planet. Iron Man ends up fighting an armored-up Marcus, Marcus dies, and his daughter inherits the company. As the two make dinner plans, Marcus’ aid reveals to us that he’s actually an aged Tony Stark, and he hypothesizes that the two will merge companies. This issue references the Machine Man mini as happening in the past. Also, neither the cover nor the indicia has a #1 for this issue, it’s just ‘Iron Man 2020’.

Doom 2099 #25(1995) involves Doom traveling through time. As he does, he passes through the year 2020 and we see an army of Iron Men flying over New York. This would seem to follow the end of the Iron Man 2020 one-shot; apparently Arno Stark was able to rescue his companies financial troubles and create and army of Iron Men.

Fantastic Four #405(1997) involves Zarrko pulling people from various points in time. When Iron Man 2020 appears, his hand is smoking and he says “Where is Machine Man? That blast should have destroyed him! The metal monster was standing in front of me only moments ago!” The only spot I can see for this to go would be between pgs 21 & 22(of 23) of Machine Man v2 #3, where Iron Man shoots Machine Man while he’s standing in front of him. Also in this issue: Conan, Whizzer, Union Jack, Bucky, and Toro.

Avengers Forever #11(2001) involves the Time Keepers pulling various people from world-gone-wrong realities, Iron Man 2020 is among them. I didn’t see him in issue 12, but I did spot Spider-Man 2099 & Doom 2099.(Rick Jones pulled in heroes from decent realities as well) Since he was pulled from the world-gone-wrong category, either before or after the Machine Man mini. I’ve opted for before.

She-Hulk v3 #3(or #100 if you prefer)(2005) involves She-Hulk being punished by the Time Variance Authority. Seen in a holding cell is Iron Man 2020 yelling “--can’t do this to me, I’m Arno Stark!” repeatedly.(he’s being held in a time loop until they can figure out what to do with him) Lots of stories with Iron Man 2020 involve time travel, but only one time was because HE time traveled. Therefore, after ASM @20.

Iron Man #250 does not have an appearance by Arno Stark, even though that’s his armor. It’s actually Iron Man 2093, Andros Stark, grandson of Arno Stark.

Exiles #83 does not have an appearance by Iron Man 2020. The facial hair is wrong and so is the armor. He’s returned to his Earth, which is Earth-2020, but Iron Man 2020 is from Earth-8410.

ASM @20
S-H3 3
AWC 61
AVF 11
{MM2 2}
MM2 3 (1-20)
MM2 3 (21)
FF 405
MM2 3 (22-23)
MM2 4
DH 9
DH 10
D2099 25

MM2 1
MM2 2
MM2 3 (1-20)
MM2 3 (21-23)
MM2 4

SWIFT | 2020
MM2 1
MM2 2
MM2 3 (1-20)
MM2 3 (21-23)
MM2 4

BRAIN | 2020
MM2 1
MM2 2
MM2 3 (1-20)
MM2 3 (21-23)
MM2 4

SLICK | 2020
MM2 1
MM2 2
MM2 3 (1-20)
MM2 3 (21-23)
MM2 4

HASSLE | 2020
MM2 1
MM2 2
MM2 3 (1-20)
MM2 3 (21-23)
MM2 4

IM 250

Arno Stark also appears in Paradise X and related stuff, but that’s another topic.
-Daron Jensen
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Re: Iron Man 2020

Post by Enda80 »

"West Coast Avengers #61(1990) involves Immortus pulling people from varius points in time. Iron Man 2020 mentions that he always wanted to see if he could wipe the floor with his ancestor, and then proceeds to try. Probably after ASM @20 and before Machine Man v2 #2, when Arno still felt the need to prove himself… and was still a big old jerk."

It may be significant that this assemblage served as yet another iteration of the Legion of the Unliving.
However, I know of no story published before or since 1990 to show Arno Stark dying.
Check out the Horror Handbook for an entry.

In Avengers Log#1 (February 1994), Legion of the
Unliving II is described as "doppelgangers of deceased
combatants created by the Grandmaster".

Also in Avengers Log#1 (February 1994), Legion of the
Unliving III is described as "team of doppelgangers of
combatants from past and future times created by Immortus".

So, this was not actually Arno Stark.

It's almost certain, following Avengers Forever #8, that the Legionnaires here were Space Phantoms. In particular, Toro's claim that he was in the original Legion of the Unliving makes absolutely no sense given that the Torch's android parts were used in that story to fix the Vision up.

Per Degaton: Kang himself in Fantastic Four Annual#25 stated that it was the original Human Torch in the original Legion of the Unliving.
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Re: Iron Man 2020

Post by Col_Fury »

Enda80 wrote:It may be significant that this assemblage served as yet another iteration of the Legion of the Unliving.
However, I know of no story published before or since 1990 to show Arno Stark dying.
Well, everybody dies eventually. Besides, Arno probably isnt even 'alive' yet, if he's still an Iron Man of the future.
Enda80 wrote:Check out the Horror Handbook for an entry.
*follows the link* wrote:The actual state of the Legion's members is nebulous; its ever-shifting roster has included spirits temporarily resurrected from the dead, beings plucked from time periods prior to their deaths, murderous duplicates of the dead, and various combinations of same.
According to this definition, Iron Man 2020 could fall under the 'beings plucked from time periods prior to their deaths' category, and that entry leaves the possibility open. Heck, Black Knight & Hellhorse, Left-Winger & Right-Winger, and Swordsman are all already listed in the Project as being the real deals from this issue.
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Re: Iron Man 2020

Post by Enda80 »

"Iron Man 2020 mentions that he always wanted to see if he could wipe the floor with his ancestor."

Actually, as I recall, Arno is not actually a descendant of Tony Stark, but it seems the son of his cousin, Morgan.
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Re: Iron Man 2020

Post by Col_Fury »

Ancestor also means forerunner, but we're getting into semantics.

Is there a reason it CAN'T be Arno in AWC 61, or just reasons it MIGHT NOT be Arno in AWC 61?
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Re: Iron Man 2020

Post by Leoparis »

The 2020 alternate timeline appears in Marvel Zombies 5 #4 where, of course, IM 2020 dies.