X-Men: Original Sin 1

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X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by Col_Fury »

X-Men: Original Sin #1
Original Sin prelude
Original Sin Part 1
December, 2008

Wolverine(Logan), Daken(Akihiro), Cyclops(Scott Summers), Emma Frost, Professor X, Ms. Sinister(Claudine), Sunfire-FB, Storm-FB, Colossus-FB, Banshee-FB, Thunderbird-FB, Nightcrawler-FB

Pg1pn1(of 8): day after W: O 28, same day as X: LEG 216
Wolverine walks down the street.
Pg1pn2-pg2-FB: GSX 1
The All-New, All-Different X-Men pose on the staircase.
Xavier and Wolverine chat in Xavier's office the day Wolverine stepped foot in Xavier's mansion.
Pg3pn4(of 5)-FB: Messiah CompleX
Repeated, nothing new.
Pg3pn4-pg24pn1: same day as (1:1)
Wolverine drops his kid off with some monks and goes to the X-Men's new place in San Francisco. He's going to ask Emma Frost if she can telepathically help his kid, but he smells Xavier on Cyclops. This is a surprise, because as far as he knew Xavier was dead. Cyclops tries to explain that he only just found out himself earlier in the day, but Wolverine's pissed and hits him. Then he hits Emma. Then he walks off in a huff. Meanwhile, Daken settles in with the monks and is called telepathically to the roof by Ms. Sinister. After a chat Daken leaves. Elsewhere, Wolverine has stumbled across Xavier who's still in town. Wolverine asks him to telepathically deprogram Daken like he did for Wolverine years ago. Meanwhile, Ms. Sinister attacks Daken with napalm, and asks if it reminds him of anything. Elsewhere Xavier declines, but Wolverine makes him read his memories, which comes as a shock to Xavier.
Pg24pn2-FB: continued from (3:1-3:3)
Wolverine tries to kill Professor X!

To be continued in X-Men: Legacy 217!

(3:1-3:3)-FB & (24:2)-FB take place, as Wolverine says "The day I came to the X-Men. The day you(Xavier) let me through the door". Therefore before GSX 3 where Wolverine is already training the new X-Men and of course after GSX 1 (5-6) where the two meet for the first time in Canada.

(5:4-FB)-FB is a repeat of GSX 1 (15:3), no new information.

Some FlashBack placement suggestions:


GSX 1 (18:9 - 19:4)-FB
CX 1 (3:4-4:5)
*X: OS 1-FB
GSX 1 (14-15:2)-OP
CX 1 (17:1)
GSX 1 (15:3-15:4)
CX 1 (17:2)
GSX 1 (15:5 - 20:2)


IM 70
GSX 1 (9 - 13)
*X: OS 1-FB
GSX 1 (14 - 15:2)
CX 1 (17:1)


{GSX 1 (1 - 13)}
*X: OS 1-FB
GSX 1 (14 - 15:2)


GSX 1 (11:3 - 12:1)
XCAL 107 (8:5)-FB
*X: OS 1-FB
GSX 1 (14 - 15:2)


GSX 1 (1 - 13)
*X: OS 1-FB
GSX 1 (14 - 15:2)

CX 3/2-FB
{GSX 1 (1 - 13)}
*X: OS 1-FB
GSX 1 (14 - 15:2)


GSX 1 (3:3 - 13:8)
*X: OS 1-FB
GSX 1 (14 - 15:2)


M/CP 51-FB
W: O 28 (20)-FB
GSX 1 (5:1-5:3)
W: O 28 (21:1-21:4)-FB
GSX 1 (5:4-5:6)
W: O 28 (21:5-22)-FB
GSX 1 (6-13)
AF 52-FB
*X: OS 1 (3:1-3:3)-FB
*X: OS 1 (24:2)-FB

*X: OS 1 (1:2-2)-FB
GSX 1 (14 - 15:2)


CX 1 (3:5 - 4:5)
GSX 1 (1 - 4:1)
XCAL 107 (11:4)-FB
GSX 1 (4:2-5:3)
W: O 28 (21:1-21:4)-FB
GSX 1 (5:4-5:6)
W: O 28 (21:5-22)-FB
GSX 1 (6:1-12:1)
UO 9
XCAL 107 (8:5)-FB
GSX 1 (12:2 - 13:8)
*X: OS 1 (3:1-3:3)-FB
*X: OS 1 (24:2)-FB

*X: OS 1 (2)-FB
GSX 1 (14 - 15:2)
-Daron Jensen
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Don't forget the flashback in X:MEN: LIBERATORS #2, which I believe would go just before the stair-posing scene in X:OS 1-FB (1:2-2). In X:L 2-FB, Colossus feels ridiculous in his new costume and demonstrates his strength when hassled by Logan.

I don't have any information about GSX 3, though. Care to elaborate?
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by wolframbane »

>I don't have any information about GSX 3, though. Care to elaborate?

From Uncannyxment.net:

Giant-Size X-Men # 3
Issue Date: 2005
Wolverine takes the new X-Men into the Danger Room shortly after being recruited by Professor Xavier. While Xavier and Banshee are away, Wolverine tells the group, some of which’s members are still in awe in the changes in their lives, that they are not yet a team and that the Professor knows that one of them will fail. So, in order to unify them as one, they must find out their weak link and kill them. Sunfire and Thunderbird are quick to try and kill Wolverine, while Storm and Colossus do their best not to have this end in bloodshed. Wolverine thinks Nightcrawler is the weak link, but the terrified man does not want to die. While Wolverine battles Thunderbird, Nightcrawler attempts to kill Storm in order to end the feud. Fortunately, before anyone is seriously hurt, Banshee returns at the request of the watching Xavier and ends the fight. Wolverine reveals that the Professor did not order this and that he started it himself in order to show that they must learn to know each other in the thick of battle. His money is on Thunderbird to outlast them all.

This story appears to occur between GSX 1 (19:2-19:3).

There is also:

Giant-Size X-Men # 4
Issue Date: 2005
The all new, all different X-Men have a training session in the Danger Room, where they watch Storm evade Thunderbird with her powers. However, after that session, the two must fight one another without their powers. Storm is quicker and sneakier than Thunderbird expects, but he recalls his training from his Uncle Jack and eventually bests Storm, who freaks out after being pinned to the ground. Wolverine sees Cyclops not defusing the situation, so he stops the fight before things get out of hand, much to the dislike of Cyclops. Later on, Wolverine speaks to Xavier, who voices his concern that Wolverine may hinder Cyclops’ development as a leader if he is not loyal to the leader. Wolverine is not sure if Cyclops is the best choice of leader, or if Wolverine is the best choice to aid Scott, but accepts Xavier’s wisdom. While Cyclops voices his concern about Wolverine and his own leadership to Jean Grey, Thunderbird sneaks around the mansion and spends time looking around Wolverine and Storm’s rooms, being reminded of his own past. Xavier speaks to John and about his Uncle Jack’s death, and tells the man that he needs him for there are more mutants out there and they are not nice. Even Storm is not sure she is staying. Coming up with an idea that Storm just needs to set her roots, Thunderbird buys her a cactus and leaves her a note.

This story appears to occur between UX 94 (7-8).
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by wolframbane »

Paul Bourcier wrote:Don't forget the flashback in X:MEN: LIBERATORS #2, which I believe would go just before the stair-posing scene in X:OS 1-FB (1:2-2). In X:L 2-FB, Colossus feels ridiculous in his new costume and demonstrates his strength when hassled by Logan.
Thre is also this scene from X-Men Origins: Colossus #1:
XO:C 1 (30). After recieving his new uniform, Piotr Rasputin (as Colossus) is introduced by Prof X to the new X-Men Storm, Wolverine, Banshee, Nightcrawler, Sunfire and Thunderbird.
Note: This is immediately followed by GSX 1 (13).
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by wolframbane »

Col_Fury wrote:(3:1-3:3)-FB & (24:2)-FB take place, as Wolverine says "The day I came to the X-Men. The day you(Xavier) let me through the door". Therefore before GSX 3 where Wolverine is already training the new X-Men and of course after GSX 1 (5-6) where the two meet for the first time in Canada.
Apparently the two met one before while Xavier was fighting in Korea. Charles, Logan and Kitty's father were all in the same unit together. Charles Xavier, now the rank of US Army captain, uses the callsign of 'Good Shepherd' during Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) missions. His platoon includes a Canadian soldier named Logan. They have saved each others' lives, but he does not consider Logan a friend. Logan introduces Charles to US Marine Carmen Pryde, a helicopter pilot. Carmen and Charles become close friends, and both are near the end of their tours of duty. This was in XCAL3 14.
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by JephYork »

And although it could be argued that that's a false/flawed memory, given the wacky storytelling devices that XCAL3 14 employs, it's backed up in GSX 4 -- when Thunderbird sees a photo of Charles, Carmen and Logan together in the barracks.

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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by Col_Fury »

wolframbane wrote:From Uncannyxment.net:

Giant-Size X-Men # 3
This story appears to occur between GSX 1 (19:2-19:3).
It's listed in the Project as before the staircase scene, after Xavier recruits everyone. My analysis of GSX 3 & GSX 4 have both fallen into the archives, for anyone interested.

I'll have to dig out X-Men: Liberators and check out wolframbane's anaylsis to XO: C. Thanks for the tip, guys!

And good points on XCAL3 14 & GSX 4.
-Daron Jensen
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by Paul Bourcier »

I think it would be a big help if someone would list all these scenes (with brief plot synopses) in chronological order when we have everything reconciled.
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by wolframbane »

Paul Bourcier wrote:I think it would be a big help if someone would list all these scenes (with brief plot synopses) in chronological order when we have everything reconciled.
Well after all these new revelations have settled. I was thinking about sitting down and hammering out a definitive sequence of events covering the rather complicated period between just before GSX 1 to UX 94 (including the retcons from X:DG), into a period which the X-Men Index places as 15 months long.
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by Col_Fury »

wolframbane wrote:...into a period which the X-Men Index places as 15 months long.
15 months! :shock: Wow...
Paul Bourcier wrote:I think it would be a big help if someone would list all these scenes (with brief plot synopses) in chronological order when we have everything reconciled.
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by Somebody »

Col_Fury wrote:
wolframbane wrote:...into a period which the X-Men Index places as 15 months long.
15 months! :shock: Wow...
And we wonder how Paul B manages to get up to "24 years"...
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by wolframbane »

Somebody wrote:And we wonder how Paul B manages to get up to "24 years"...
And I believe the Avengers Index has a period where they were disbanded for almost a year, just before Beast joined.
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by Paul Bourcier »

wolframbane wrote:
And I believe the Avengers Index has a period where they were disbanded for almost a year, just before Beast joined.
According to the Index, A 137 takes more than eight months to occur. And there was a notceable gap of six months between A 100 and A 101, too. Yup, 24 years indeed! :wink:
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by Col_Fury »

Col_Fury wrote:
Paul Bourcier wrote:I think it would be a big help if someone would list all these scenes (with brief plot synopses) in chronological order when we have everything reconciled.
Thanks for bringing this up, Paul. It reminded me that I wanted to look at that period and afterwards for a while now, so I finally got around to Overhauling GSX & CX, and I included Original Sin and other recent things.

-Daron Jensen
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Re: X-Men: Original Sin 1

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Col_Fury wrote:
Thanks for bringing this up, Paul. It reminded me that I wanted to look at that period and afterwards for a while now, so I finally got around to Overhauling GSX & CX, and I included Original Sin and other recent things.
Thanks to you, Fury, for posting that chronology of GSX/CX etc. I look forward to your additional notes about X 94 and related scenes. Very helpful indeed! :)
Paul B.