Skrull Invasion chronology

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Paul Bourcier
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Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Here is my compilation of a chronology of events surrounding the "current" scenes in the recent SECRET INVASION series, from a point just prior to the military invasion through Requiem, including tie-ins and other stories that should occur within this time period. Blank lines indicate breaks between days.

The day before CM6 5 (16-22). Stark appears on TV to state that Captain Marvel was never back from the dead but rather was a time traveler from the past.
SHE-HULK v4 #30 – FB
One day. This flashback occurs after H3 115. Jen accepts an offer from the DA’s office to fight a giant Bran Murphy in return for the dropping of all charges against her and the release of cellmate Monique. Hercules arrives and fights the big Bran, who Herc reveals to be a Celtic god who he encountered in a bar while on his quest for Athena with Cho. Jazinda goes to Bran’s house, where the real Bran Murphy suffers from serving as host for the god. Bran tells Jaz that the Celtic god was responsible for the New York building explosion and is working with others ro tear She-Hulk down and remake her. When Herc beheads the big Bran, Murphy recovers. The Celtic god’s essence moves to a new host, Monique. Green grass and trees in Ohio.
SHE-HULK v4 #30
The same day as S-H4 30-FB. This story occurs before H3 116 and XF3 33. She-Hulk and Herc have sex in her trailer. Jaz returns to the trailer and senses “the talisman” “less than two hundred miles away.” Jen and Jaz take off, leaving Herc to be picked up by Athena and Cho. Green trees in Ohio.
SHE-HULK v4 #31 – FB (5-9)
The same day as S-H4 30. As she races toward Detroit, Jazinda tells Jen that the Skrulls are coming “soon and the two get into a fight about Jazinda’s withholding the information. Jaz explains that her sensing “the Talisman” means that a Skrull invasion that was planned long ago is imminent, even though she thought it would never happen.
SHE-HULK v4 #31 – FB (13)
The same day as S-H4 31-FB (5-9). Jaz tells Jen that “the Talisman” is a holy Skrull named Nogor, who arrives on earth to ensure the Skrull gods’ blessing on the forthcoming invasion.
X-FACTOR v3 #33
The same day as S-H4 31-FB (13). Theresa is visibly pregnant. Darwin hangs out in Detroit with Nogor, disguised as Longshot, who picks a fight with locals to test his powers. As Val Cooper eavesdrops, Hector Munoz drops in on X-Factor to ask their help in finding his son, Darwin. When Val calls Jamie to give him an assignment, he tells her to back off while they look for Darwin. The Longshot Skrull spots Jazinda and flees. She pursues him while Darwin tries to help his presumed friend. Jazinda threatens Darwin and is attacked by Monet, who in turn is charged by She-Hulk. Green trees in Detroit.
SHE-HULK v4 #31
The same day as XF3 33 and “several hours” after S-H4 31-FB. Jen battles Monet and Guido. Jazinda prepares to blast Nogor, but Darwin intervenes and the Longshot imposter flees. As Madrox attacks She-Hulk, Monet catches up to Darwin and Nogor and when Darwin relates Jazinda’s claim that “Longshot” is a Skrull, M fails to detect Nogor as a Skrull. However, Darwin himself causes Nogor to drop his disguise, and the Skrull blasts Monet.
X-FACTOR v3 #34
The same day as S-H4 31. As Theresa and Rictor talk to Darwin’s father, She-Hulk shakes free of Madrox and tells him and Guido that Longshot’s a Skrull. Meanwhile, Nogor tells Darwin he’s the missing link between Skrull and human. Jazinda confronts Nogor, then Monet attacks him. She-Hulk, Madrox, and Strong Guy join in, and Darwin finally decides to fight the Skrull. She-Hulk clocks Nogor and Jaz slaps a nullifier on him. They decide to take the Skrull to Stark, then conclude that Stark must be a Skrull, given everything that’s happened. Green grass and trees in Detroit.
X-FACTOR v3 #35 – FB (3:3-3:4)
The same day as XF3 34. Darwin is reunited with his father and Hector gives a check to Jamie.
X-FACTOR v3 #35 – FB (17:3)
The same day as XF3 35-FB (3:3-3:4). Jamie accepts the check and X-Factor start to leave. Green grass and trees.
X-FACTOR v3 #35 – FB (3:5)
The same day as XF3 35-FB (17:3). Hector and Darwin walk away.
X-FACTOR v3 #35 – FB (17:4-19)
The same day as XF3 35-FB (3:5). This flashback probably occurs a couple of days before XF3 35. When X-Factor is out of sight, Hector delivers his son to a bunch of Karma Project thugs in a van. One of the thugs shoots Hector and leaves him in the street. Green grass and trees.
MIGHTY AVENGERS #18 – FB (10-11:2)
The day after MA 18-FB (1-9). Fury sets his recruits up for a mission to abduct Maria Hill.
NOVA v4 #13
One day. As Galactus prepares to feed on the planet Orbucen, a psychic being called Harrow uses the time to possess people and commit mass slaughter on the would-be evacuees. At the office of the Central City Adjudik, Nova's been called in to help with the evacuation. The Adjudik estimates that the planet has twelve hours left and wants him to escort the aristocracy to the ships. Nova gets mad, deciding to help the "underclasses" instead. As they fly, Worldmind's relieved that Nova's not trying to fight Galactus. Rich admits there's nothing he could do. He encounters Harrow's trail of blood, and traps it in a gravimetric node. The Adjudik is less than impressed that Nova stopped to "arrest a lone killer." “Hours” later, the last of the ships is boarded. The ark's drive hasn't ignited though, and a call to the Adjudik confirms that all the drives are failing as a byproduct of Galactus' feeding. As Nova, much to the Worldmind's displeasure, flies to try and delay Galactus, the Adjudik has been infected by Harrow. Nova's pleas are cut off when the Silver Surfer grabs him by the throat.
NOVA v4 #14
The same day as NO4 13. Nova is whacked around by the Surfer, as Galactus completely ignores him. Eventually, the Surfer crashes him down towards the planet and finally acknowledges him. He says that "his master" wouldn't appreciate him fraternizing with "lower life forms." After Nova pleads his case, the Surfer shields the drives with a blink and flies off. The first wave of ships launches, and the Worldmind says the final evacuation will be complete in ten minutes. Nova goes to collect Harrow, and the Worldmind stresses urgency. Nova discovers another trail of bodies and demands the Worldmind track down Harrow, against the Worldmind's explicit warnings. Still in the Adjudik's body, Harrow cuts down people. Rich starts fighting, as the Worldmind screams that they need to get out immediately. The Ark launches, frying Nova and Harrow's body. Nova recovers after a minute or two, but Harrow's host body was shredded. The Worldmind informs him that they're trapped, as Galactus descends to feed.
NOVA v4 #15
The same day as NOVA3 14. Nova tries to keep ahead of Galactus' scouring beams as the Worldmind yells that they're doomed. When Nova proposes to use the energy syphons to fly through, the Worldmind completely loses it and yells that he's insane. When they enter, it says it's burning out. Nova manages to fly through the wall of the storage reservoir, but it’s too late. The Worldmind's apparently gone. A backup user support system kicks in, and a scan reveals that Harrow is apparently on board. Nova traces him down to its' real, insect-like body. As it grabs Rich, Nova sees that it stowed aboard Galactus' ship during the Trial of Galactus. He manages to break its' grip, and fights his way to the main deck. The Surfer, annoyed, descends, and Rich tells him to read Harrow's mind. Surfer erases the "cone of psilence" that kept Harrow hidden from Galactus, and Galactus wipes it out. As he turns his gaze to Rich, Rich panics and finds himself alive, teleported five light years away. The Surfer tells him that Galactus won't spare him again, and departs. Rich is left alone to count the cost of his heroics – Worldmind's still offline. He asks the user support for a list of distress calls and picks one.
One night. After “weeks” of tracking down Declun’s business dealings, Jackpot cracks down on what she believes to be an illegal shipment of his in a warehouse, but after fighting the goons there, she discovers the shipment contains DVD players.
One night. New York cab driver Jonathan Bryant catches his wife cheating, then gets into an accident when Spidey and Menace land on his cab while fighting. Menace takes off and Spidey pursues him. Full moon.
One night, “14 hours 54 minutes” before the invasion. Melanie Crane finds out her parents are separating and that her mother wants her to go to Los Angeles with her. Melanie throws a fit.

One day. This story occurs after S-H4 30 and must occur after HVSHERC 1. Herc, Cho, and Athena arrive in San Francisco, to which they’ve driven by car. There they see the Dreaming Celestial, which a number of people worship. They run into Ikaris and Thena, who believe Herc to be Gilgamesh because of Makkari’s mistranslation of a pronouncement the Celestial made about “the forgotten ones” coming. After a scuffle, the Eternals and Olympians discover the misunderstanding. Athena convenes the Council Elite to take a stand against the Skrull’s invasion of earth. She holds up the severed head of a Skrull. Green grass and trees in San Francisco.
The same day as H3 116. This story occurs “three days” after H3 117-FB (1-3) and H3 117-FB (10-11) and “one month” after H3 117-FB (6-8). This story must occur after T3 6. Athena lays out her plan to have Hercules lead a legion to invade the realm of the Skrull pantheon and slay them to halt the Skrull invasion of earth. The united pantheons offer only four warriors to serve with Hercules – Snowbird, Ajak, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, and Atum. Altjira provides them with a ship to travel through Dreamtime to anywhere gods live. Athena explains that “the Asgardians have just regenerated after Ragnarok” and “are too vulnerable to Skrull infiltration to be trusted.” Herc, Cho, and the four warriors depart for Dreamtime but see too late that a Skrull armada is heading for San Francisco. Athena may be a Skrull. Full moon.
The same day as H3 117. Ajak explains to Cho that the Skrulls should fall if their gods fall. As they navigate Dreamtime, Herc’s team sails into Nightmare’s realm for directions. Nightmare agrees to help in return for exploring the team’s minds. Herc agrees, but when Nightmare goes too far, Herc rebels. Enraged, Nightmare sends night terrors after the group, who flee wth a map of Dreamtime pilfered by Mikaboshi. Herc checks in on Snowbird, who is shaken by the fears she confronted in Nightmare’s realm. They get it on, observed by Cho’s dog, who appears to be a Skrull.
One morning. At “invasion minus 3 hours 52 minutes,” Ben Urich leaves his house for work.
MIGHTY AVENGERS #18 (11:3-20)
The day (“14 hours”) after MA 18-FB (10-11). Fury’s recruits attack a meeting between Maria Hill and the president of Madripoor. They manage to defeat a squad of SHIELD agents and take Hill captive. Fury tells Hill that he told her to watch herself and Hill reveals herself to be an LMD.
One day. The Skrulls tell the captive Beta Ray Bill to send to a message to Asgard to leave earth or be destroyed.
One “morning.” NYPD officer Bill Dawson starts a work day.
One day. This segment must occur after CM6 5 (16-22). While on a lecture tour in Vancouver, Sue Richards checks in via phone with Johnny, who doesn’t know where Reed is and implores her to come home and save him from Ben’s cooking. At her hotel room, Sue encounters a Skrull impersonating Reed and is defeated.
The same day as SI:FF 1 (1-5). “2 hours 43 minutes” before the invasion, Ben Urich visits a hospital while doing a report on gang violence “in the wake of Wilson Fisk leaving the city.”
THUNDERBOLTS #122 (9-13)
The same day as SI:FL 1-FB (4-11). This segment occurs “several days” after TB 122 (1-8) and “a few weeks” after TB:II 1. Swordsman introduces his “sister” to the Thunderbolts. Osborn tests the woman and determines she is a clone of Andrea von Strucker. Osborn and Moonstone conclude that the clone is Arnim Zola’s creation and that Andreas struck a deal with him. The Struckers retire to their room.
It must be the same day as TB 122 (9-13). This story occurs “two weeks” after A:INIT 14-FB (4:3-4:4) and must occur after A:INIT 20-FB. The Pym Skrull tells Tigra about his shrinking out of harm’s way, and he wonders how Terrans are so gullible. When Crusader sees Yellowjacket get a strange food combination in the cafeteria, he suspects that Pym’s a Skrull and disguises his own food choice. Delroy opens his present from the Chandlers as he arrives in Hawaii. There he meets his new teammates Star Sign, Paydirt, Devil-Slayer, and Magnitude, who Delroy recognizes as a Skrull, thanks to his 3-D Man goggles. The Magnitude Skrull blasts Paydirt and Star Sign and emits and EMP that fries the Negative Zone jump gate. Delroy defeats the Skrull, then he teleports to Camp Hammond via Devil-Slayer’s cloak. Delroy reports on the Skrull infiltration, noting his ability to see the aliens. Afraid of being detected, Crusader uses the Freedom Ring to reverse the effect of the goggles. This causes Delroy to see everyone but Crusader as a Skrull. Among the others at the camp are Bengal, Prodigy, Ant-Man, Hellcat, Constrictor, Batwing, Sunstreak, Gauntlet, Red 9, Stature, Stingray, Gargoyle, Taskmaster, and Geiger.
The same day as A:INIT 14. Seeing everyone (including Diamondback and Annex, too) as Skrulls, Delroy defuses the alarm by saying it’s a drill for his team. He takes Crusader aside and tells him they may be the only two humans at Camp Hammond. Crusader volunteers to stay as Delroy takes a jet to get help from Chuck Chandler in New Mexico, where he can be “in an hour” if he uses top speed.
MS. MARVEL v2 #27 (22)
The same day as A:INIT 15 (1-4). This segment must occur after MSM@ 1. This segment can’t occur the morning after MSM2 27 (1-21) because of the time that elapses in CM6 and the X-titles through Messiah Complex and after; a gap of two months is probably involved here. Simon is awakened from his bed by an Avengers distress call noting a Skrull ship entering earth’s atmosphere. Dressed in her costume, Carol walks in and tells Simon to get up and get dressed.
NEW AVENGERS #43 – FB (20-22)
The same day as MSM2 27 (22). Aboard a Skrull ship, the Cap Skrull awakens with a bunch of other Skrulls impersonating earth heroes. They break free of their shackles as the ship plummets toward earth. They prepare for a crash landing.
The same day as A4 43-FB (20-22) and SI:T 1-FB. Beta Ray Bill crashes into Asgard and tells the Asgardians of the Skrulls’ warning. Thor has Asgard prepare for an attack and conjures up a severe storm to send the citizens of Broxton into tornado shelters for protection. Loki manipulates the suspicion about Skrulls to her advantage, casting doubt on Bill’s identity. Thor returns and gives Bill Mjolnir, which transforms Bill into Beta Ray Thor, dispelling any doubts. Transformed back to Blake, Thor tells Balder and Bill to lead Asgard’s defense as he sees to the safety of Broxton’s residents. Blake reports to the tornado bunkers as the Skrull invasion of Asgard begins. It is “late summer” tornado season.
The same day as SI:T 1. Beta Ray Bill, Balder, the Warriors Three and the rest of Asgard wage a brutal batle with the Skrulls as Blake delivers a baby in Broxton. A Super-Skrull with the combined might of Thundra, Titania, Volcana, and Battleaxe defeats Bill, takes Stormbreaker, and heads to Broxton, only to encounter Blake.
The same day as SI:T 2. Blake changes into Thor and fights the female Super-Skrull. Beta Ray Bill retrieves Stormbreaker and joins Thor, who drops Asgard on top of the Skrull. The aliens are defeated, the Asgardians clean up the damage, Beta Ray Bill heads for space, and Thor resolves to help fight the Skrulls elsewhere.
The same day as A4 43-FB (20-22). Captain Marvel arrives at Thunderbolts Mountain. Heather finds a note he left for her. Green trees in Colorado.
The same day as SI:WDYT 1. Noh-Varr forces the warden of the Cube to report to Hill that everything is fine. Noh-Varr surveys the effect his Omniwave has on the prisoners, but then the wave goes down and he encounters a Skrull who kills the warden. The Skrull tells him that his race will liberate the planet before Noh-Varr kills him.
The same day as SI:WDYT 1/4. As the virus detection alarm continues, Noh-Varr observes another riot scene in the Cube and decides it’s time to go.
The same day as MA 19 (4-5). This story occurs “six months” after MA 13 (21-22), “several months” after MA 15 (1-5) and MA 16-FB (2), “months” after A4 42, “several months” after MA 17, and “years” after A4 44. It must occur more than “two months” after MA 15 (19:6) and must occur after UX 495 (20-22), M/APES 4 (26), FF 562 (17-21), and E4 4 (4-22). The FF are depicted in their pre-FF 554 costumes. Stark shows the Elektra Skrull to Reed Richards and Hank Pym and asks them for help in determining how the Skrull could go undetected. The Dum Dum Dugan Skrull visits Agent Brand at the orbiting headquarters of SWORD, where they witness a Skrull ship crash in the Savage Land. Maria Hill alerts Stark to the landing and Stark has Spider-Woman gather the Mighty Avengers. Not trusting Stark, she also notifies the Secret Avengers, who are gathered at their apartment, so they can get a head start. Cloak teleports the Secret Avengers to Stark Tower, where they overpower Natasha.
The same day as SI 1 (3-11). Witnesses see a quinjet take off from Stark Tower.
SECRET INVASION #1 (11:7-12)
The same day as SI:FL 1-FB (7). The quinjet departs with the Secret Avengers aboard. The Mighty Avengers arrive at the tower minutes later and take another quinjet.
The same day as SI 1 (11-12). On a school day, “29 minutes 11 seconds” before the invasion, Melanie Crane shows up at Stark Tower to talk to her father Vincent about his divorce. Vincent brushes her off.
The same day as SI;FL 1-FB (8-10). This segment occurs the “morning” after SI:ASM 1-FB (2-5) and must occur after ASM 561 (20-23). Vin tries to find Peter because “the rent’s due,” but Peter is missing. Vin checks in with Harry, Carlie, and Lily at the Coffee Bean. Jackpot sees that the headline in the DB is “Jackpot or Crackpot?” The paper also includes features on the mayoral race. Jackpot goes to the DB and demands to speak to Bennett, who is discussing with Joe Robertson the continued inclusion of his name on the masthead even though Robbie quit. At the DB, Jackpot meets her CSA union rep, who creates a scene.
The same day as SECNV:ASM 1-FB (6-11). A CD is delivered anonymously to Stuart Clarke. He watches it and sees a recording of Castle killing Tati. Clarke vows to kill Punisher.
SECRET INVASION #1 (13-23:3)
The same day as PWJ 24 (1-3). After being attacked by a dinosaur, the New Avengers crash land in the Savage Land and discover the Skrull ship. The Mighty Avengers arrive, and as the two teams square off, the Dugan Skrull sets off an explosion aboard the SWORD headquarters and a Jarvis Skrull remotely introduces a virus into Stark’s armor.
IRON MAN v4 #33 (1-2:1)
The same day as SI 1 (13-23). In the savage Land, Stark writhes in pain as his Starktech fails. Carol warns her teammates not to touch him.
SECRET INVASION #1 (23:4-27)
The same day as IM4 33 (1-2). Carol repeats her warning. She calls the helicarrier for help, but a virus disables the helicarrier and Hill gives the order to abandon ship. The alien virus attacks Stark Enterprises plants, the Raft (where Shockwave, Dr. Doom, Armadillo, and Mandrill are incarcerated), and the Cube (where Noh-Varr witnesses an ensuing prisoner revolt).
IRON MAN v4 #33 (2:2-2:4)
The same day as SI 1 (23-27). The stricken helicarrier lands in the Atlantic Ocean, prisoners escape from the Raft, and Stature, red 9, and Initiative soldiers dash around Camp Hammond.
The same day as IM4 33 (2:2-2:4). In New Mexico, the Starktech in Delroy’s jet fails and he crashes. The virus attacks systems at Camp Hammond and shuts down War Machine’s armor. Von Blitzschlag saves Rhodey by jump-starting the armor.
THUNDERBOLTS #122 (14-15:1)
The same day as A:INIT 15 (4-7). In front of Songbird and Moonstone, Osborn confronts Andreas about his deal with Zola. He allows the clone to stay, but under guard. Andreas reveals that he gave his sister a piece of his skin to give her powers. Moonstone changes the subject to the team’s declining poll numbers.
The same day as TB 122 (14-15). Songbird interrupts the conversation as she hears something.
THUNDERBOLTS #122 (15:2)
The same day as SI 1 (28:2). The lights go out at Thunderbolts Mountain.
The same day as TB 122 (15:2). Osborn orders the team to the loading docks.
THUNDERBOLTS #122 (15:3)
The same day as SI 1 (28:3). A blast at Osborn’s window sends the team reeling.
The same day as TB 122 (15:3). The blast scatters the Thunderbolts.
THUNDERBOLTS #122 (15:4)
The same day as SI 1 (28:4). Mar-Vell approaches the downed Thunderbolts.
The same day as TB 122 (15:4). Mar-Vell closes in on the Thunderbolts. Disguised as Sue Richards, the Skrull who attacked her heads for the FF’s quarters in the Baxter Building.
The same day as SI 1 (29-30). Johnny, Franklin, and Valeria greet “Sue.”
SECRET INVASION #1 (31:2-31:6)
The same day as SI 1 (31:1). “Sue” walks past her family into Reed’s lab and goes to his Negative Zone portal.
The same day as SI 1 (31:2-31:6). “Sue” activates the portal.
The same day as SI:FF 1 (6:3). The portal opens.
The same day as SI 1 (32:1). “Sue” says “He loves you.”
The same day as SI 1 (32:2). The portal opens wider and approaches Johnny, Franklin, and Valeria. Ben enters the room to see the danger.
SECRET INVASION #1 (33:3-33:5)
The same day as SI:FF 1 (6-7). As the portal gets closer, Johnny yells for Sue and starts to flame on.
The same day as SI 1 (33:3-33:5). Johnny tells Ben to grab the kids as he heads for “Sue.” “Sue” asks for forgiveness..
The same day as SI:FF 1 (7-9). The Baxter Building starts to collapse in on itself. In the Savage Land, the Mighty Avengers and the New Avengers witness a group of heroes emerge from the Skrull ship; they include White Queen, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Thor, Beast, Wonder Man, Invisible Girl, Phoenix, Iron Man, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Jewel, Captain America, Mockingbird, Ms. Marvel, and Wolverine. In space, Agent Brand witnesses an armada of Skrull ships. In Stark’s lab, Pym zaps Reed and reveals himself as a Skrull.
The same day as SI 1 (35-40). This segment occurs “five-and-a-half” hours before PWJ2 24 (8-22). The Starktech failure causes the security systems at SHIELD Grey Box Facility 17 to shut down, freeing Frank Castle. He heads outside and sees the Skrull war fleet over Manhattan. The depiction of nighttime sky must be an error.
The same day as SI 1 (35-40). The New Avengers and Mighty Avengers battle the heroes from the Skrull ship. Carol flies Stark out of the melee.
SECRET INVASION #2 (8:2-8:6) ~ MIGHTY AVENGERS #14 (15:1-15:4)
The same day as SI 2 (1-8). As the Vision Skrull engages Sentry in battle, he tries to blame everything on Sentry. Pages 13-14 of MA 14 represent an inaccurate version of events and are discounted.
The same day as SI 2 (8:1-8:6). Sentry considers what the Vision Skrull said.
The same day as SI 2 (8:7). Sentry screams “nnnnno...”
The same day as MA 14 (15:5). Sentry flies away from the Vision Skrull.
The same day as SI 2 (8:8). Sentry flies through the battle as Ronin takes the Hawkeye Skrull’s bow and arrows and fires at the White Queen Skrull. Another arrow breaks on the Cap Skrull’s shield.
The same day as SI 2 (9-10). A Savage Land dinosaur joins the fray.
SECRET INVASION #2 (11/12:1)
The same day as A4 41 (1). The heroes scatter as the dinosaur charges.
The same day as SI 2 (11/12:1). The dinosaur charges the heroes, and the force of his charge sends Wonder Man and the Beast Skrull tumbling into a crevasse.
SECRET INVASION #2 (11/12:2-11/12:4)
The same day as SI:WDYT 1/3 (1-2). The heroes continue to scatter as Logan stabs the dinosaur with his claws.
NEW AVENGERS #41 (2-3)
The same day as SI 2 (11/12:2-11/12:4). This segment occurs “months” after A4 41-FB. Logan downs the dinosaur and Spidey is thrown from its head. Spidey lands in the jungle.
MIGHTY AVENGERS #14 (16:2-18)
The same day as A4 42. Sentry flies into space to Saturn and despairs.
The same day as MA 14 (16-18). Carol takes Stark to the Mutate Citadel, where Stark hopes to use lab equipment to come up with a solution. He tells Carol to go back to the U.S. to gather the Initiative to face the Skrull danger. Most of the ship occupants scatter. The Spidey and Hawkeye from the ship are revealed as Skrulls, but Mockingbird turns out to be the real deal when Clint tests her about the expected birth date of their miscarried baby. Bobbi claims that the Cap from the ship is the real deal.
The same day as SI 2 (13-18). As Wonder Man and the Beast Skrull fight creatures in Savage Land caves, they talk about their identity and presumed friendship. Just as Simon starts to believe the east Skrull may be real, he attacks Simon and flees, thinking that Simon may be a Skrull and not know it..
The same day as SI:WDYT 1/3 (2-8). Ben, Franklin, and Valeria discover that they and the rest of the top of the Baxter Building are in the Negative Zone, and nasty bug-creatures attack. “Sue”tells Johnny that she was following Reed’s instructions to secure the Baxter Building against the Skrull invasion by transporting it to the Negative Zone. She tells Johnny that Ben’s a Skrull. Suspicious, Johnny tests “Sue,” who fails. “Sue” reveals herself as Lyja.
The same day as SI:FF 1 (9-22). Thing defeats the bug-creatures. Johnny and Lyja fight and bicker, then Johnny saves Lyja from being hit by a police cruiser chucked through the portal into the Negative Zone. They kiss, then team up to fight a Negative Zone jellyfish creature. Franklin and Val man a Reed-designed battle suit and zap a Negative Zone squid creature. Johnny brings the unconscious Lyja to the Baxter Building. Franklin comes up with a plan to go to the Negative Zone prison to find a villain that will help them get back to Manhattan.
The same day as SI:FF 2. “2 minutes 24 seconds” before the invasion, the cab driver gets docked for the damage done to his cab by Spidey and Menace. As Ben Urich interviews Dr. Molly Young, as Vincent Crane talks to Melanie, and as cabbie Jonathan Bryant drives, they all see a Skrull warship arrive over Manhattan.
The same day as SI:FL 1-FB (11-15). In Manhattan, the Young Avengers witness the Baxter Building folding into the Negative Zone. Then they see a Skrull ship deploy an army of Super-Skrulls.
The same day as SECNV 2 (19-22). Harry and Lily in Soho and Vin in Midtown all see Skrull ships over Manhattan. A Spidey Skrull attacks the DB and fights Jackpot as Bennett, Robertson, and Betty watch. Harry and Lily encounter Skrulls in an alley.
The same day as SI:ASM 1-FB (12-22). Lily and Harry escape the Skrulls. As Jackpot holds off the Spidey Skrull, Bennett, Vin, Robbie, and Betty get to the DB parking garage and flee in a car. Jackpot catches up with them with the Skrull on their heels. Green grass and trees in Manhattan.
The same day as SI:ASM 2 (1-8). The Super-Skrull chases Jackpot and a car containing Bennett, Robertson, Betty, and Vin.
The same day as SI:ASM 1. As Jackpot fights the Skrull, Betty takes notes and the group sees smoke at the top of the damaged Baxter Building. A Super-Skrull blasts Harry’s and lily’s car, injuring Lily. Menace defeats the Super-Skrull. Jackpot sees that Stark Tower is locked down, then the Spidey Skrull throws her into a building and pursues Vin, Betty, Bennett, and Robbie. Menace attacks Jackpot. Green trees in Manhattan.
The same day as SI:ASM 2 (9-22). Bennett stands up against the Spidey Skrull, then Jackpot’s battle with Menace results in a crash landing that sends Menace’s glider into the Skrull. As Menace stumbles away and Vin, Bennett, Robbie, and Betty escape, the Skrull again attacks Jackpot. Their battle takes them to a warehouse, where Jackpot traps the Skrull in a freezer.
The same day as SECNV:ASM 3 (1-16). This flashback occurs “a few” days before SI:ASM 3 (17-19). Robbie, Bennet, Vin, and Betty help Jackpot keep the Skrull in the freezer until it dies.
The same day as SECNV:ASM 3-FB. As Super-Skrulls are beamed down, Ben and Dr. Young retreat inside the hospital, the Cranes are locked in Stark Tower, and Bryant tries to flee. The hospital treats injured people already streaming in.
The same day as SI:FL 1-FB (16-22) and MA 18 (11-20). Fury tells his recruits that the Hill abduction was just an exercise and Hellfire gets pissed. They catch coverage of the Skrull invasion on TV and Fury tells the recruits that this is what they trained for. Fury tells them to “saddle up.”
The same day as MA 18 (21-22). This segment must occur at least two weeks after RUN2 30, given that PWJ2 19-23 must occur between RUN2 30 and this issue; apparently the Runaways stayed in New York for a couple of weeks, perhaps to sightsee. The Runaways walk around Manhattan, allowing Klara to say goodbye to her city before the group returns to L.A. Then they see Skrull soldiers coming down from the sky. Seeing the threat, Xavin knocks out his teammates. Several blocks away, the Young Avengers spring into action and the Skrulls detect Teddy.
The same day as SI:R/YA 1 (3-8). This segment probably occurs shortly, but at least a “few days,” after NW 13. The New Warriors (minus Thrasher) sit in Sofia’s Manhattan diner and discuss Night Thrasher, who has been locked up in his lab “for the last few days.” Upon hearing a loud noise, they dash outside, only to see Skrull warships attacking. From his lab, Night Thrasher catches the invasion on his monitors, which show the Young Avengers in action. He wonders if the Warriors who died at Stamford were Skrulls. The Warriors teleport back to their base, where Thrasher tells them to wait to react until the situation is assessed. Then he dashes off in his aircraft, with his teammates anxious to follow. “Minutes later,” the New Warriors sly past Manhattan on Thrasher’s tail when they’re attacked by a Super-Skrull. They defeat the alien. Thrasher arrives at “the old Appalachian safehouse,” where he sets off a silent alarm that brings Justice, Rage, Debrii, Slapstick, and the two Scarlet Spiders running. Thinking him a Skrull, the old New Warriors attack Night Thrasher, and when they have him on the ropes, Thrasher’s teammates teleport in. Green trees in New York.
NEW WARRIORS v4 #15 (1-20)
The same day as NW4 14. The New Warriors and Justice’s Counter-Force battle. Night Thrasher is forced to reveal his identity to both teams and shares his theory that the warriors who died in Stamford were Skrulls. Justice leads the teams to the helicarrier where the Warriors’ corpses are stored. There, they join the battle between SHIELD and the Skrulls as Donyell and Vance do a DNA test on the corpses and confirm that they are indeed Dwayne, Namorita, and Microbe. SHIELD reinforcements arrive and the Warriors and Counter-Force leave.
The same day as NW4 15 (1-20). “35 minutes” after the start of the invasion, Urich tries to call his wife from the hospital. A super-Skrull bursts into the hospital and causes explosions that kill Molly Young As the Skrull kills, Urich flees and wretches.
The same day as SI:FL 2-FB (1-5). Officer Dawson faces down a Skrull and gets his leg burned before the alien takes off. A woman named Lisa assists him, and they hear pounding on the walls inside Stark Tower. Bryant flees his taxi and the Young Avengers (Patriot, Hawkeye, Hulkling, Wiccan, and Vision) use the cab to attack Skrulls. A bus driver pulls up and tells Officer Dawson he needs to help his passengers, then flees. Dawson faces attacking Skrulls as they storm the bus. The occupants of the locked Stark Tower try to find a way out and encounter victims of a cannibalistic Skrull.
The same day as SI:FL 2-FB (6-22). This story must occur after W:O 25. When a Skrull ship appears at Braves Stadium, Wade is ready for it, disguised as a mascot. The stadium is evacuated and the retractable roof closes, leaving Wade alone to battle the aliens. Wade takes out a number of Skrulls, who send in a Super-Skrull to fight. After a scuffle, Wade tells the Skrulls he’s reporting for duty. It is baseball season. Green grass in Atlanta.
DEADPOOL v4 #2 (1-7:4)
The same day as DPOOL4 1 (shown, probably mistakenly, as night). The Skrulls gas Deadpool and examine him at their psi-ops division inside Cheyenne Mountain.
The same day as DP4 2 (1-7). As Patriot, Vision, and Hawkeye fight Super-Skrulls in Times Square, a Super-Skrull invades Avengers Tower and threatens Lindy. The Skrull is subdued by a Void-like Sentry.
The same day as MA4 (19-22). With “twenty-two minutes” to go before she hits earth’s atmosphere, Brand reviews a previous encounter with Skrulls and realizes she’s been “mooned.” She makes her way to a floating remnant of the Peak.
The same day as SI:WDYT 1/2. Franklin is supposedly a “seven-year-old.” The Jarvis Skrull shows up on the downed helicarrier in the Bermuda Triangle and asks Mill to surrender.
THUNDERBOLTS #122 (16-17)
The same day as SI 3 (1-2). The Mar-Vell Skrull dispatches Swordsman and Moonstone. He finds out Mar-Vell has a second son, Genis, from Songbird. Bullseye attacks the Skrull and “Mar-Vell” retaliates with a blast that sends Venom flying from Thunderbolts mountain.
The same day as TB 122 (16-17). Venom continues to hurl through the air.
THUNDERBOLTS #122 (18-21:4)
The same day as SI 3 (3/4:1). The Mar-Vell Skrull finishes off Songbird, Radioactive Man, Bullseye, and Swordsman.
SECRET INVASION #3 (3/4:2-3/4:3)
The same day as TB 122 (18-21). The Mar-Vell Skrull stands over the defeated Thunderbolts.
SECRET INVASION #3 (3/4:4-3/4:5) ~ THUNDERBOLTS #122 (21:5-21:6)
The same day as SI 3 (3/4:2-3/4:3). Osborn approaches the Skrull.
The same day as SI 3 (3/4:4-3/5). The Mar-Vell Skrull raises his fist.
The same day as SI 3 (3/4:6). Osborn offers to talk to the Skrull.
SECRET INVASION #3 (3/4:8-5/6:1)
The same day as SI 3 (3/4:7). The Mar-Vell Skrull looks at Osborn. Gauntlet gathers the Initiative at Camp Hammond.
SECRET INVASION #3 (5/6:2-5/6:7) ~ AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE #15 (8-9:2)
The same day as SI 3 (3/4-5/6). Pym gets the Initiative ready to face the invaders in Manhattan.
The same day as SI 3 (5/6:2-5/6:7). This segment occurs “some time” after A:INIT 15-FB (10-11). Ant-Man sneaks away as the Initiative’s assault force leaves Camp Hammond. Crusader thinks about his time on earth.
The same day as A:INIT (9-15). Nico and Victor regain consciousness, only to see Xavin talking with the Skrulls. Xavin encases the Runaways in force fields and transport them down the street. Nico pops the fields and she and Victor attack Xavin. Xavin explains that the Skrulls have already won and that he was taking his team to the Leapfrog to remove them from harm’s way. Seeing the situation, Nico decides to gather the group and flee.
SECRET INVASION #3 (7-9/10:5)
The same day as SI:R/YA 1 (9-13). In Times Square, the Young Avengers battle the Super-Skrulls. Teddy tries to speak to them, but gets zapped.
The same day as SI 3 (7-9/10). As Teddy gets zapped, Kate wonders where the Avengers are.
The same day as SI:R/YA 1 (14:2-14:3). Wiccan sees Teddy getting zapped.
The same day as SI 3 (9/10:6-9/10:7). The assaulted Hulking is scanned by the Skrulls, who identify him as the half-breed Dorrek VIII. They then detect the arrival of Stature, Gauntlet, and the new class of Initiative recruits.
SECRET INVASION #3 (9/10:8-11)
The same day as SI:R/YA 1 (15). A Super-Skrull fells Wiccan as Hawkeye sees the Initiative arrive.
The same day as SI 3 (9/10-11). Gauntlet tells the Initiative it’s butt-kicking time.
The same day as A:INIT 15 (15:4-15:5). Gauntlet barks out orders as Crusader is faced with the dilemma of fighting his own people.
SECRET INVASION #3 (16:2-16:4)
The same day as SI 3 (16:1). The Initiative and Hulkling engage in battle with the invaders.
The same day as SECIV 3 (16:2-16:4). As Crusader protects bystanders, he faces his Skrull friend K’Rtem and attacks him by reflex. Crusader offers to use his ring to save the dying K’Rtem, but K’Rtem refuses help and dies. As Gauntlet motivates the Initiative, Crusader decides to commit to being a hero of earth.
The same day as A:INIT 15 (17-22). Nico and Victor try to escape with the team (minus Xavin) in the Leapfrog, but they are confronted by Skrulls. As the Skrulls beat back the Initiative, Xavin sees the Skrulls standing over the defeated Hulking. Xavin causes a diversionary explosion and takes off with Hulkling, but the Skrulls catch up to them.
The same day as SI:R/YA 1 (16-22). This story occurs “many months” after SI:R/YA 2-FB. Wiccan and Speed come to Xavin’s rescue and together they defeat the small group of Skrulls. Xavin tells them they need to get Hulkling to safety. At “invasion + 13 minutes,” a Skrull attack brings the Leapfrog down. Victor, Nico, Old Lace, Chase, and Molly fend off their attacker. Karolina wonders where Xavin is. Commander Chrell orders the deaths of Teddy and his protectors. In the tunnels under Manhattan, Xavin tells Hulkling to use his status to stop the madness. They and Wiccan and Speed fend off a Skrull named X’Iv, who reports to Chrell that Xavin is among Teddy’s protectors.
The same day as SI:R/YA 2 (1-19). In the Savage Land, the Spider-Woman Skrull defeats Echo, then checks in on Stark, who’s working on his armor. She tells Stark that he’s a Skrull named Kr’ali who’s done his work well. In Manhattan, the Skrulls mop the floor with the Initiative.
The same day as SI 3 (13-19). Karolina gets upset at the team’s leaving Xavin, and Nico insists on getting the team out. The Runaways see the Skrulls defeat Hawkeye, Patriot, and Vision on television and see a Skrull about to blast Vision.
The same day as SI:R/YA 2 (19-21). Vision’s head is blasted apart.
The same day as SI 3 (20:1). The Runaways react to the televised slaying of Vision\, then a squad of Super-Skrulls teleports in and threatens the group.
SECRET INVASION #3 (20:2-22)
The same day as SI:R/YA 2 (21-22) and MA 18 (21-22). Nick Fury and his recruits show up on the Manhattan battle scene.
The same day as SI 3 (20-22). In New Mexico, She-Thing finds Delroy in his crashed plane, but Delroy recognizes her as a Skrull and she’s blown away by the Skrull Kill Krew. Ryder and Riot introduce themselves to Delroy. At Camp Hammond, Rhodey’s armor kicks back in because of its previously unknown Stanetech backup system.
AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE #16 (6:5-7:3) ~ IRON MAN v4 #33 (3:1-3:5)
The same day as A:INIT 16 (1-6). The Starktech failure activates a prerecorded message by Stark to Rhodey’s armor. The recording tells Rhodey to follow a beacon. Pym demands to know what Rhodey is hearing.
The same day as A:INIT 16 (6-7). Von Blitzschlag, Trauma, and Physique wonder what the message is.
AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE #16 (7:5-8:2) ~ IRON MAN v4 #33 (3:5-4:3)
The same day as A:INIT 16 (7:3-7:4). Rhodey obeys Stark’s directive to follow a beacon, leaving the Pym Skrull to think he’s abandoned the base.
The same day as A:INIT 16 (7-8). The Pym Skrull orders Von Blitzschlag, Trauma, and Physique back to the infirmary.
AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE #16 (8:4-8:5) ~ IRON MAN v4 #33 (4:4-4:5)
The same day as A:INIT 16 (8:3). The Pym Skrull orders his men to intercept Rhodey.
The same day as A:INIT 16 (8:4-8:5). Hidden nearby, Ant-Man wonders why Pym stayed behind when the Initiative was deployed.
IRON MAN v4 #33 (5-22)
The same day as A:INIT 16 (8:6-8:7). Rhodey is intercepted by a Skrull ship and a Super-Skrull who fights him in space. He destroys the Skrulls and arrives where the beacon leads him, a Stark satellite. There he encounters Suzi Endo, who explains that she got a message from Stark to take a shuttle to the satellite. They view another recorded message from Stark, instructing Rhodey to fight back with his non-Stark technology. Rhodey thinks Suzi is a Skrull, but when they see a squadron of Skrull ships heading their way, Suzi helps Rhodey into a module that allows the satellite to become an extension of his armor.
The same day as IM4 33 (5-22). Pete Wisdom frees fellow MI13 agent, the John Lennon Skrull, from being executed as a traitor by a Skrull posing as the joint intelligence committee chair. Super Skrulls attack London, and Captain Britain is called in from the battle for an op meeting with Pete, John, Alistaire Stuart, and the prime minister. They note that the Skrulls are heading for the Siege Perilous, and the heroes’ mission is to secure Avalon against invasion and marshal its inhabitants against the Skrulls. In London, the Black Knight picks up the fight and witnesses Dr. Faiza Hussein get blasted. As Brian, Pete, and John head for Scotland, so does Spitfire, who dispatches two Super Skrulls. The guys’ plane is shot down by two Super Skrulls, and the trio battle the Skrulls with Spitfire. They realize the attack is a diversion as a Skrull ship launches a missile at the Siege Perilous. Captain Britain rushes to intercept the missile and gets caught in a blast.
The same day as CB&MI13 1. This story must occur not long after GSASTONX 1, since Wisdom notes having “lost a couple of people I care about in quick succession.” As people mourn the seeming death of Captain Britain, Faiza awakens and manifests new powers. She and the Black Knight battle Skrulls in London. As Avalon’s citizens battle Skrulls, Oberon blocks portals to other universes and sends Pete, John, and Tink to get the sword Excalibur. After discovering they can’t budge the sword from its stone, the trio face a horde of Skrulls. Other Skrulls blast the Lady of the Lake and behead the Green Knight. The Skrulls gather the Amulet of Right, the Sword of Might, the Holy Grail, and other totemic objects and merge them into a single demonic totem that they can use. Green grass and trees in England.
IRON MAN v4 #34
The same day as CB&MI13 2. The Rhodey satellite fends off the Skrull ships. Back in his normal armor, War Machine sees live video of the battles in New York (with Hawkeye and Vision – perhaps damaged), Wakanda (with Ororo and T’Challa perhaps fighting exposed Skrulls before the big invasion hits them), and London (with Captain Britain). Rhodey finds himself over Russia, and Suzi tells him that the Winter Guard (Crimson Dynamo, Darkstar, Red Guardian, and Ursa Major) are overwhelmed by a horde of Skrulls at a nuclear weapons depot there. Already hesitant to help, Rhodey is told by Crimson Dynamo to stay out of their business, but after obliging, Rhodey returns and helps the team fight the invaders. But when they receive orders to leave War Machine to his own devices, the Winter Guard abandon him and he is captured by the Skrulls. Rhodey awakens on a lab table on a Skrull ship and discovers he’s about to be dissected.
IRON MAN v4 #35
The same day as IM4 34. This story occurs at least “three days” before DR:NN 1/3. Rhodey escapes from the dissection table and dons his armor. When War Machine destroys three Skrull warships, Crimson Dynamo has a change of heart and pretends not to hear orders from his superiors. He joins his team in helping Rhodey battle the Skrulls. When one Skrull turns to energy to detonate the warheads at the depot, War Machine takes him into the sky, where the Skrull explodes. Dynamo orders Russian jet fighters pursuing Rhodey to stand down and Dynamo apologizes to Rhodey. War Machine flies away.
The same day as IM4 35. The totemic demon uses the Pendragon force to strengthen his Skrull army. While Black Knight, Faiza, Spitfire, and John battle the Skrull forces, Wisdom frees a host of imprisoned beings, including Satannish, Umar, Lilith, and Merlin, who has plucked the shard of the Fury out of his side. Wisdom uses the shard to resurrect Captain Britain, who has Excalibur and a new costume. Brian confronts the totemic demon. Green grass and trees in England.
The same day as CB&MI13 3. The Skrulls kill John. Brian destroys the totemic demon and magic returns, enabling Dane to recover from his grave injuries and freeing Satannish, Lilith, and other demons. Satannish grants Wisdom one wish, and Wisdom wishes for Skrulls to be banished from Britain. In the aftermath, Brian tells the Black Knight, Spitfire, and Wisdom that they should be a team, and Faiza joins them as she succeeds in pulling the sword Excalibur from the stone, with Merlin’s blessing. Green trees in England.
The same day as IM4 34. Delroy and the Kill Krew arrive at the Chandlers’ place in Los Alamos and compare notes with Hal Chandler. In Times Square, Annex and Crusader watch the Skrulls execute Proton. Nick Fury and his Howlers come to the rescue and start blasting the invaders. Fury gives inspiration to Crusader, who decides to stand with earth. Delroy and the Kill Krew show up in Phoenix and encounter Arizona’s Initiative team, the Desert Stars – Two-Gun Kid, Johnny Cool, Supermax, Komodo, and Blacksmith – the last of whom who they detect as a Skrull. The resulting battle takes out most of the Initiative team, but the Skrull is subdued and brags that there’s a Skrull on every Initiative team. Komodo insists on going with Delroy and the Kill Krew to Vegas to save her boyfriend. At Camp Hammond, the Pym Skrull greets a ship of Skrulls who intend to set up the camp as their home base. Pym leaves for Manhattan and Ant-Man is shocked to discover he’s in “Skrull Central.” Green grass and trees in New Mexico.
The same day as A:INIT 16. Reed Richards finds himself stretched out under examination in a Skrull lab. Brand and her fellow SWORD agents float in bubbles in space. Sentry flies above the planet. Ms. Marvel reaches Manhattan and sees the Negative Zone breech at the Baxter Building.
The same day as SI 4 (1-4). As Ben Urich moves from the hospital to Times Sqaure, Carol flies overhead toward the action.
SECRET INVASION #4 (4:3-4:5)
The same day as SI:FL 3 (1:1-1:3). Carol is blasted by Super-Skrulls and lands on a newsstand in Times Square.
The same day as SI 4 (4:3-4:5). Urich arrives at Times Square and sees the downed Ms. Marvel and a face-off between Fury and his Howlers and a bunch of Super-Skrulls.
The same day as SI:FL 3 (1-3). This segment must occur after A:INIT 16. Ms. Marvel sees Nick Fury and his Howlers battling the Skrulls. They fight together and Carol is overwhelmed by the Pym Skrull and his fellow invaders.
MS. MARVEL v2 #28
The same day as SI 4 (5-9). Carol cuts loose and enjoys killing a bunch of Skrulls. The invaders try to fool her by disguising themselves as human bystanders, but when a human is killed, Carol ups her game and tells bystanders to run to Stark Tower. Then she faces a huge Super-Skrull.
MS. MARVEL v2 #29
The same day as MSM2 28. The Super-Skrull attacks and Carol finds herself able to save only a fraction of the hundreds of victims of the attack. She cuts loose and defeats the Super-Skrull. Agent Sum arrives and the two battle more Super-Skrulls. They try to shelter bystanders at Avengers Tower, but the building is in lockdown and they can’t get in. Sum drives a bus of civilians away from danger as Carol distracts a horde of Super-Skrulls. She provokes one alien into exploding and killing a squad of its fellows. Carol flies the bus to the Raft, where she finds a bunch of ritually slaughtered guards. One survivor tells her that the Skrulls were afraid of the creature who did the killing.
MS. MARVEL v2 #30 (1-21)
The same day as MSM2 29. This segment occurs several months” before MSM2 30 (22-23). The creature at the Raft is a savage ultra-Skrull capable of mimicking any power. Ms. Marvel interrupts the creature’s attack on Tiger Shark and engages it in a battle that goes airborne, then underground, then underwater before crashing into the battle in Manhattan. Carol is astonished to see the creature savagely kill a bunch of Super-Skrulls before it exhausts itself. Carol blasts the creature and discovers that it has a Hydra tattoo that the other Skrulls don’t have. She resolves to fix a messed-up world.
The same day as MSM2 30. This story occurs “many months” after SI:R/YA 3-FB. At “invasion + 49 minutes,” Xavin tells Hulkling he needs to broadcast a message to the Skrull armada to stand down. Speed rushes in to report that Nick Fury is in Times Square and that Vision is slain, but Speed and Wiccan are seized by Xavin’s old fellow trainee, X’iv and Xavin’s old commander arrives with the defeated Runaways in captivity. The commander tries to get Xavin to kill Hulkling, but Xavin chooses to free his teammates. Speed rushes Molly and Karla to South Dakota to protect them, then returns to join Wiccan, Hulkling, and the other Runaways in fighting X’iv and the commander. The heroes defeat the two Skrulls. Hulkling thanks Xavin, and Wiccan decides he, Teddy, and Tommy will join the battle in Times Square without the Runaways. Green grass and trees in New York.
The same day as SI:R/YA 3. At “invasion plus 53 minutes,” the Cranes and other occupants of Stark Tower encounter a Skrull. The Cranes get separated from the others and they argue about helping the others. A Skrull attacks Vincent and confronts Melanie. Officer Dawson creates a distraction and is shot as the occupants of his bus attempt to escape. Lisa catches up to the injured officer and they head to the subway. Urich meets Bryant and they flee to the subway. They and others attempt to use the tunnels to escape, but they encounter a gang who won’t let them pass through their subterranean turf. A gang member shoots Bryant. Leafy tree in Manhattan.
The same day as SI:FL 3 (5-22). At “invasion Plus 1 hour, 5 minutes,” the gang robs Urich and company. A Skrull falls from a high window of Avengers Tower, and Dawson and Lisa fibd a cell phone on it that opens the doors of the tower, allowing some of the tapped out and Urich, Bryant, and the rest of the folks from the tunnels in. When the doors close again, the group start to make their way up the building.
NEW AVENGERS #41 (4-22)
The same day as SI:FL 3 (5-22). In the Savage Land, Spidey encounters Ka-Zar, Shanna, and Zabu, who Spidey initially believes to be Skrulls. Ka-Zar tells Spidey about aspects of the Avengers’ last visit to the Savage Land that he didn’t know. The Cap Skrull then arrives on the scene, ready for battle.
NEW AVENGERS #43 (1-8)
The same day as A4 41 (2-22). This story occurs “several months” after A4 43-FB (9-13). Spidey, Ka-Zar, Shanna, and Zabu fight “Cap,” who reverts to his Skrull form after he’s downed by Savage and warriors. Shanna confirms Spidey is not a Skrull as Ka-Zar asks the Cap Skrull about his motives.
NEW AVENGERS #43 (23:2-23:4)
The same day as A4 43 (1-8). The Cap Skrull insists he’s human.
SECRET INVASION #4 (10-11/12:1)
The same day as A4 43 (23:2-23:4). At the Savage Land Citadel, Natasha overhears “Spider-Woman” try to convince Stark he’s a Skrull. He is discovered by other Skrulls.
NEW AVENGERS #43 (23:5-23:6)
The same day as SI 4 (10-11/12). Unable to get info from the alien because he’s convinced he’s Cap, Shanna kills him. Machine gun fire is heard coming from the Citadel (actually it’s Natasha firing her automatic pistol).
SECRET INVASION #4 (11/12:2-11/12:8)
The same day as A4 43 (23:5-23:6). Natasha kills the Phoenix and Beast Skrulls and Veranke escapes as Wonder Man and the Wonder Man Skrull fight. Natasha approaches Stark.
NEW AVENGERS #43 (23:7-23:8)
The same day as SI 4 (11/12:2-11/2:8). Spidey, Ka-Zar, and Shanna decide to move toward the Citadel.
The same day as A4 43 (23:7-23:8) and SI:T 3. Natasha gives Stark adrenaline and tells him he’s not a Skrull. Logan shows up and Stark says they need Reed. In space, Brand steals aboard a Skrull warship and sees the captive Reed in a lab. Aboard the helicarrier in the Bermuda Triangle, Hill sees her agents shift into their Skrull forms and the Jarvis Skrull tells her to surrender. In Brooklyn, the Hood gathers his forces to attack the Skrulls. Thor and Bucky (as Cap) arrive on the scene in Manhattan.
Paul B.
Paul Bourcier
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

The same day as SI 4 (13-22). Osborn tells the Mar-Vell Skrull that he needs to decide who he is. The Skrull flies off, and Osborn tells the Thunderbolts they’re at war.
The same day as SI 5 (1-3). The Mar-Vell Skrull flies away from Thunderbolts Mountain. He is intercepted by two Super-Skrulls, who he fights and defeats. Then he ponders what to do next.
The same day as MA19 (6-14). Inside a secret base, Stature is awakened by Hawkeye, Patriot, Phobos, and Vision, who is back intact. Nick Fury and his new recruits are there, as are Gauntlet and Red-9. The Skrulls broadcast a message all over the world that they are saving the planet and terrans are expected to bow to their rule. In orbit above earth, Brand zaps a bunch of Skrulls and frees Reed. On the helicarrier in the Bermuda Triangle, Jarvis Skrull orders the slaying of Hill, only to discover that she’s an LMD. The real Hill blows up the helicarrier and flees. The Mar-Vell Skrull joins Brand and Reed in space, and Brand pilots the Skrull ship to the Savage Land, where the remaining Skrull heroes face the Avengers. When Reed arrives, the Skrulls’ true identities are revealed and the heroes defeat them. When Mockingbird is revealed as a Skrull, Clint gets pissed.
DEADPOOL v4 #2 (7:5-17)
It must be the same day as, not “twenty-four hours” after, DP4 2 (1-7). Using Wade’s DNA, the Skrulls create an army of Deadpool Super-Skrulls. The captive Wade makes a deal with the Skrulls to train the new army. He has the new Super-Skrulls wipe out a bunch of old Super-Skrulls in a training excercise.
NOVA v4 #16
The day (“nineteen hours”) after NO4 15. Nova responds to a distress call from Dendron, only to discover that it’s a trap when he’s ambushed by Skrulls. The Super Skrull comes to his aid and together they defeat the Skrulls. Kl’rt tells Ryder that a jihadist movement has taken hold among Skrulls and that he’s been posing as a follower to find out their plans for an Earth invasion. The two transport themselves to the vicinity of earth, where they see a Skrull armada poised for attack. As they engage the Skrulls in battle, K’lrt turns on Nova.
NOVA v4 #17 (1-3)
The same day as NO4 16. Super-Skrull fakes incinerating Nova by blasting at an invisible force field he puts around the hero. He orders the other Skrulls to take him to echelon command.
NOVA v4 #17 – FB
The same day as SI 5 (4-24). Rob Ryder calls his parents from work at Project Pegasus and leaves a message for them to stay indoors because of the invasion. His message is interrupted at “lunchtime.”
NOVA v4 #17 (4-22)
The same day as (“a few minutes” after) NO4 17-FB. Nova reaches earth and checks in on his parents as the Skrulls continue to broadcast a televised message about their takeover. They play Rob’s message, and Nova flies to Project Pegasus to investigate. There, he finds victims of conflict and is attacked by Darkhawk, the project’s security chief. Rob arrives and convinces everyone that Nova is not a Skrull. Project staffers tell Nova that the Skrulls are after the alien technology stored there and sealed in vaults that they themselves can’t access because of a security lockdown following the corruption of the project’s Starktech. Rob and Rich catch up, then the Skrulls return . Project staff show Nova the Quantum Flask containing exotic radiation they retrieved from the Negative Zone “six weeks ago.” Hearing that the staff needs a supercomputer to harness it, Nova volunteers to have Project staff extract the Xandarian Worldmind from him. The Worldmind is rebooted and unleashes the energy, which turns out to be Wendell Vaughn, Quasar. Green grass and trees on Long Island.
NOVA v4 #18
The same day as NO4 17 (4-22). This story occurs “days” – at least “two days” – before NO4 19. Quasar joins Darkhawk and Nova in the battle with the Skrulls and incinerates a bunch of the aliens. Worldmind regains consciousness and unleashes Project Pegasus Minion defender units against the Skrulls. The Skrulls retreat to their ship overhead and prepare to destroy Project Pegasus. A squad of Nova Corps centurions (Malik Tarcel, Irani Rael, Qubit, Fraktur, Morrow) arrives and blasts the Skrull ship out of the sky. Green trees in New York.
DEADPOOL v4 #2 (18-22)
It must be the same day as, not the day after, DP4 2 (7-17). The Deadpool Skrulls prove to be insane as they mow each other down in training. Wade sneaks away to contact Nick Fury.
The same day as DP4 2 (18-22). This story must occur before TB 123 (3-22). A Super-Skrull finds Wade and fights him. Deadpool defeats him and shows the Skrull scientist the consequences of putting his healing factor into the non-cancer-ridden bodies of the Deadpool Skrulls – mutation leading to death. Wade kills the scientist and uploads Skrull bio-data to Fury so Fury can use it to kill Veranke, but the data gets snatched by Norman Osborn.
THUNDERBOLTS #123 (3-22)
The same day as DP4 3. Osborn and the Thunderbolts jet to Washington, DC with Andrea, who is suspected of being a Skrull. There, they attack Skrull warships. Osborn releases Venom and Bullseye and the whole team cuts loose. Moonstone attacks Swordsman and asks the Skrulls what they can offer her to switch sides. The Skrulls start a reaction in Radioactive Man and tells Penance to get him out of the city before he reaches critical mass, but Baldwin is haunted by the specter of Stamford’s ghosts. Osborn tells Baldwin to snap out of it, but he himself is beset by mocking visions of Spidey and loses his grip. Green grass and trees in Washington, DC.
The same day as TB 123 (3-22). Osborn slays a bunch of Spider-Man Skrulls. Penance and Venom fight their own inner demons while fighting the Skrulls. Andrea blasts Moonstone, who was bluffing about joining the Skrulls, then Bullseye kills Andrea. Moonstone lies to Osborn by telling him that Bullseye thought Andrea was a Skrull, then she accompanies Radioactive Man into space, where he safely releases his building radiation. Osborn lies to Swordsman by telling him that the Skrulls killed Andrea, then Andreas takes down a Skrull ship. The team joins Songbird in defeating an Atlas-like Super-Skrull. Osborn issues a rallying cry as the team engages more invaders. Green grass and tress in Washington, DC.
The same day as TB 124. Castle blows up a building to take out an advancing Skrull column and inadvertently endangers nearby SHIELD agents.
The same day as (“fifty minutes” after) PWJ2 24-FB (12:3). This segment occurs “five-and-a-half hours” after PWJ 24 (4-7). Clarke suits up as Rampage, slays Skrulls, and heads out to look for Castle. Sitwell reports to Bridge about Castle’s breakout and fight against the Skrulls. Bridge resolves to find Castle and take him down. When Bridge finds Punisher, he ends up joining him in fighting a Kingpin/Hammerhead Super-Skrull. Bridge is injured and Frank tries to flee with him, and as the Super-Skrull catches up with them, it’s blasted by Rampage, who demands that Castle tell him about what happened in Mexico.
The same day as PWJ2 24 (8-22). Rampage attacks Castle while Bridge fights and kills the Kingpin/Hammerhead Skrull. A Skrull sniper shoots Bridge and Castle gets him to safety. Rampage goes after the sniper and kills him. Bridge tells Castle that Clarke is a cop-killer, which snaps Castle out of his guilt for killing Tatiana. Clarke takes the Skrull’s gun and tries to shoot Castle, but the Punisher fights back. Skrull soldiers blast the area where the two fight and Bridge kills the soldiers. Punisher survives the blast and heads off to fight more invaders. Bridge tends to the severely injured Clarke.
The same day as SI 4 (2-14). Urich, Melanie, Lisa, Dawson, and the injured Bryant reach the twelfth floor of Avengers Tower.
The same day as H3 118. This story occurs “years” after H3 119-FB (1). Herc and Snowbird discuss their tryst. Atum sees Cho’s dog change form and battles the Skrull, then threatens Cho. Herc stands up against Atum, but Narya gets Herc to focus on a plan to defeat Nightmare’s creatures. Snowbird decides to stand alone against the creatures to allow her colleagues to find a way out. The rest of the team make it, but they realize that Narya had the chart to lead them to the Skrull gods, one of whom, Kly’bn, detects Herc’s team.
The same day as H3 119. Snowbird seemingly dies, but she transforms herself into a cloud of mosquitoes.
The same day as H3 120-FB and SI 5. Ajak takes over leadership from Herc and takes on Klyb’n as Mikaboshi and Demogorge attack the Skrull god Sl’gur’t. Herc asks Cho for help, but Cho feigns to have no clue to force Herc to lead. After Ajak, Mikaboshi, and Demogorge are apparently destroyed and Cho is knocked away in battle, Herc cuts loose on Klyb’n. Snowbird saves Cho and she and Herc defeat the Skrull gods. The Book of Worlds aboard the Skrull flagship above earth destroys itself. A report comes in the Reed Richards has escaped. Mikaboshi reconstitutes himself.
The same day as SI 5 (4-24). Ben, Johnny, Franklin, and Valeria fight off bat creatures as they navigate through the Negative Zone to Prison 42. Lyja arrives in time to save Franklin. She tells Johnny she sent the team into the Negative Zone to save them from the invasion, as she had orders to kill them. At Prison 42 (where we see Stegron and Megaman), Franklin convinces the Tinkerer to help them find a way home. Ben takes the Tinkerer back to Reed’s lab, and after a while, the villain undoes the damage to Reed’s equipment. Afraid to go back and face a war between her people and earth, Lyja elects to remain in the Negative Zone. Ben, Johnny, the Tinkerer, and the kids return to the Positive Zone, only to see Manhattan in ruins. Ben promises the kids they’ll find their parents and kick Skrull butt.
The same day as SI 5 (4-24). Skrulls attacking Portland, Oregon take Namora captive after she kills Super-Skrull Alpha. Gorilla Man and Human Robot free her and capture a Skrull field marshal to take to their flying saucer, hidden in the river. The Uranian removes the still-living head and vivisects the rest as it watches, unable to signal fir help. Using the Skrull head to affect them, Venus prepares to drown the Skrulls but can’t go through with it. Woo doesn’t push her but has M-11 turn his death ray on them instead. The head observes as the heroes plan a counter-offensive. Green grass and trees in Oregon.
The same day as SI:FL 4 (15:1-15:2) and “hours” after SI:FL 4 (2-14). Urich, Melanie, Lisa, Dawson, and Bryant reach the twenty-third floor of Avengers Tower, and Urich decides to head up to the thirtieth floor by himself. He arrives there as the “sun’s setting” and looks out a broken window to see the extent of destruction. He calls the others and tells them he’d like to come down and interview them.

SHE-HULK v4 #32
The early morning after SI 5 (4-24). This story must occur later the same day as NO4 17 (1-3) and probably the day after XF3 34 (as long as it takes to drive from Detroit to Minneapolis). She-Hulk and Jazinda arrives in Minneapolis, where a Skrull ship hovers. Jen insists on being in New York to help with the fight there, but Jazinda disagrees. Jen and Jaz plan on taking the captive Nogor to her ship at Lake Winnepeg to issue a cloaked ultimatum to the Skrulls, but when they see a Skrull herding ship conveying culled humans, She-Hulk attacks the ship and saves the humans. Jaz and Jen take Nogor away in a Skrull pod ship as two guys steal their RV. Super-Skrull shows up and attacks Jen’s and Jaz’s pod ship. As father faces daughter, Kl’rt discovers that Nogor is captive. As She-Hulk battles Super-Skrull, Nogor seizes Jazinda and starts to drain her resurrection power. The pod ship crashes. Full moon.
SHE-HULK v4 #33
The same early morning as S-H4 32. This story occurs “years” after S-H4 33-FB. She-Hulk battles Super-Skrull and discusses father-daughter issues with him while Jazinda fights Nogor. K’lrt blasts Jazinda, but spares her life and dispatches Nogor. Super-Skrull tells She-Hulk to make up a story about how Jaz survived, then he leaves. Full moon.
The early morning after SI:FL 1-FB (16-22) – “thirteen hours” after SI:FL 1-FB (11-15) and “less than twenty-four hours” after Urich left the house yesterday morning.” Urich interviews cabbie Jonathan Bryant.
The same morning as SI:FL 1. “14 hours 54 minutes” after the start of the invasion, Urich interviews Melanie Crane.
The same morning as SI:FL 3 (4). This story must occur after X:MD 4, since Iceman is in San Francisco with the X-Men. It must occur after YX 6, since Anole is here and Graymalkin is in SI:X 3. It must occur after E4 8 because of Director Stark’s appearance in E4 4 (4-22). A news report in San Francisco notes the silence from the East Coast following the Skrull broadcast, then the city is faced with its own invasion. The X-Men (Cyclops, Emma, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Beast, Cannonball, Sunspot, Armor, Pixie, Prodigy, Mercury, Dust, and X-23) attack the Skrulls and face their “soul shepherd” Sar T’llrk. Scott zaps him and Kurt takes the glowing ball he was holding. The sphere communicates to Kurt and says its function is to save his soul. Hank and David hack a Skrull ship computer. Emma telepathically monitors the work of teammates Anole, the Cuckoos, Archangel, and Rockslide as Iceman fogs things up. The Skrulls foil the X-Men’s telepaths with a thought-screen and send Super-Skrulls to the surface. The X-Men face the Super-Skrulls.
It must be the same morning as SI:X 1. A Skrull invasion force approaches Wakanda, only to discover the heads of sleeper agents who had been in wakanda for “months” mounted on spikes. The exposure of the Brother Voodoo Skrull has led to a flushing out of alien imposters, and T’Challa is ready for the invaders. The Skrulls wipe out all of Wakanda’s electrical power while the Wakandans knock out the alien fleet’s systems. As the two armies clash, T’Challa sends Ororo on a mission. T’Challa faces off against a Super-Skrull, and the Skrull commander notes an ace in the hole.
BLACK PANTHER v4 #40 (1-6:1)
The same day as BP4 39. T’Challa rallies his troops, then a Super-Skrull approaches him.
MIGHTY AVENGERS #19 (15-21/22:2)
The same morning as BP4 40 (1-6). The Mar-Vell Skrull continues to take out Skrull warships in space, but then he gets caught in blast after blast from the armada and falls to earth, with implanted memories running through his mind. His falling body is seen by Noh-Varr.
SECRET INVASION #6 (1:1-1:3)
The same morning as MA 19 (15-21/22). Noh-Varr follows the falling body as it crashes into a mall parking lot.
MIGHTY AVENGERS #19 (21/22:3-21/22:4)
The same morning as SI 6 (1:1-1:3). Noh-Varr observes the explosion from the crash.
SECRET INVASION #6 (1:4-2:1)
The same morning as MA 19 (21/22:3-21/22:4). Noh-Varr sees the wounded Mar-Vell Skrull emerge from the wreckage.
MIGHTY AVENGERS #19 (21/22:5-21/22:7)
The same morning as SI 6 (1-2). Noh-Varr goes to help the dying Skrull.
The same “morning” as MA 19 (21/22:5-21/22:7). The Mar-Vell Skrull tells Noh-Varr to fight the Skrulls, then dies. Global communication is restored (temporarily) to permit a Skrull disguised as human to broadcast a message for humans to accept Skrull rule to create a Utopia. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler, Pixie, and Cyclops battle a Super-Skrull in San Francisco, Medusa lets out an anguished cry in Attilan, T’Challa faces a Super-Skrull in Wakanda, Shanna and Zabu survey dead Skrulls in the Savage Land, and Sabra is attacked by a Skrull in Israel.
BLACK PANTHER v4 #40 (6:2-22)
The same day as SI 6 (2-4). T’Challa and his army battle the Skrulls. Ororo and a colleague sneak behind enemy lines to take out the Skrull leadership, but Storm discovers that her companion is a Skrull.
The same day as BP4 40. The Skrulls torture T’Challa and Ororo, only to discover that their victims are Skrulls set up by the royal couple, who have infiltrated their ranks themselves. The couple slaughter Commander K’vvvr and the Wakandans kill the whole invasion force in their country.
The same day as BP4 41. The X-Men make a strategic withdrawal from their battle with the Skrulls. Cyclops briefs the team on the situation and Emma notes that a communications/telepathy blackout is in force, although she says she contacted the Beaubiers, Paige, and Dazzler before the blackout. Scott tells Beast to build a weapon against the Skrulls and agrees to get a tissue sample to help. Kurt communicates with the sphere again, then he teleports strike teams to different parts of the city to fight the invaders – Iceman, Northstar, and Aurora; Armor and Rockslide; Pixie, Angel, and Husk; Cannonball and Surge; and Dust, Mercury, and Pixie (again). Emma works with the Cuckoos to run the psi-blockade and identify its source, but when she tries it, she flatlines. When Pixie is attacked by a Super-Skrull, X-Force (X-23, Wolfsbane, Warpath, and a metal-winged Archangel) comes to the rescue and kill the alien. Warpath delivers the corpse to Beast for the tissue sample he needs.
The same day as SI:X 2. Scott instructs the Cuckoos to keep Emma’s autonomic functions going as she is attacked in the mindscape by the Skrull psi-blockade. Emma defeats the blockade and comes to. The X-Men (Nightcrawler, Colossus, Cannonball, Iceman, Angel, Dazzler, Anole, and Pixie) fight the Skrulls in San Francisco. Anole sees Skrulls round up humans and herd them into San Francisco’s tall buildings and seal them. As Beast examines the Skrull corpse, Kurt tells him about the Skrull crystal’s telepathic communications with him, and Hank makes the discovery that Skrull physiology involves constant mutation. The strike forces rendezvouses with Scott, Emma, and Prodigy, and Beast proposes that they use the Legacy Virus to exterminate the Skrulls.
The same day as SI:X 3. The Skrull commander orders the X-Men to surrender of the thousands of civilians trapped in the tall buildings will be killed. Despite Hank’s objections, Scott decides to unleash the Legacy Virus by spraying the infection on the X-Men and having them surrender in small groups throughout the city. Scott orders the Skrulls to surrender, but the Skrull commander orders the whole Skrull fleet at San Francisco to destroy themselves. The X-Men free the trapped civilians and are cheered as heroes.
The same day as SI:X 4. Pixie, Prodigy, Mercury, Anole, and xxx pose for a victory photo for a newspaper.
The same day as X:MD 4/2-FB. Karnak and Luna face a Skrull in the cathedral, Triton faces one in the Terrigen waters, Crystal and Lockjaw see an alien ship in the sky, Gorgon fights Skrulls in the bar, and another Black Bolt Skrull seizes Medusa. Aboard a Skrull warship, a Skrull scientist tells the captive Black Bolt that in “another day’s” time, he’ll use his power as a great weapon.
The same day as SI:INH 1 (14-22). Karnak defeats his Skrull doppelganger as Crystal battles a squad of Skrulls and Triton kills his Skrull attacker. Medusa captures her attacker and takes him to the Terrigen chambers, where Medusa tortures him with the mists’ morphing effect in an effort to discover Black Bolt’s whereabouts. Gorgon checks on Maximus, who has just defeated a Skrull posing as Ahura. Aboard the Skrull warship Ryb’ik, a Skrull scientist calls a super-Skrull with the power of Emma Frost, Jean Grey, and Medusa to threaten the captive Ahura to get Black Bolt to lose control. As Attilan’s citizens defend their city from the invasion, he Royal Family storms the Skrulls’ ship and launches into space to look for Black Bolt and Ahura.
THUNDERBOLTS #125 (1-11)
The same day as SI:INH 2. It must be the day after TB 124, with the battle in Washington having lasted that long. As he fights Skrulls, Osborn plays to the news camera as he’s interviewed between “4:45" and “4:47.” The Thunderbolts gain the upper hand and the remaining Skrulls merge into a massive blob that the heroes defeat. Osborn tells Chen to leave the battle for safety reasons, argues with Songbird about field leadership, then has his team board their ship to go help in Manhattan. A news reporter gives a glowing account of the team’s work. Green grass and trees in Washington, DC.
The same day as TB 125 (1-11). At Camp Hammond, the Pym Skrull (in plain clothes) is told that SHIELD is down, SWORD is down, Thunderbolts mountain is in ruins, the Baxter Building is in the Negative Zone, Avengers Tower is locked down, Starktech is compromised, “the armada was attacked last night,” and Veranke’s status in the Savage Land is unknown.
The same day as SI 6 (5). As the Skrulls round up the remaining humans at Camp Hammond, the Shadow Initiative (Trauma, Bengal, Constrictor, and Mutant Zero) is activated. Ant-Man secretly observes as the Dugan Skrull arrives to tell the Pym Skrull (now in costume) that he destroyed the SWORD station (which “Pym” already knew). Veranke arrives and commends her subjects. Ant-Man freaks to see that Spider-Woman and Dugan are Skrulls like Pym. The Shadow Initiative finds Ant-Man and tell him they’re going to kill Veranke. Triathlon, Komodo, and the Skrull Kill Krew root out and slay the Skrull who infiltrated Nevada’s Initiative team, the Heavy Hitters (Hardball, Gravity, Telemetry, and Nonstop). Delroy calls the Chandlers, who note that the Pym Skrull just addressed everyone on earth. Jocasta shows up at the Chandlers’. At Camp Hammond, Ant-Man fends off the Shadow Initiative’s suspicions that he’s a Skrull, and Mutant Zero objects when Trauma tries to use his power to expose any Skrulls among them. At Nick Fury’s safehouse, Fury replays Pym’s broadcast and gives Crusader a pep talk. At Camp Hammond, the Shadow Initiative attacks the Skrulls, but when Veranke sows distrust among the team, the heroes fall to the invaders, leaving the unseen Ant-Man alone. Accompanied by the Chandlers, Jocasta replaces the Starktech at the headquarters of the New Mexico Mavericks and contacts the Hawaii base. After Triathlon, Komodo, and the Kill Krew take out the Skrull on the Utah Intiative team, the Called, they encounter Jocasta, who has teleported to them with Devil-Slayer.
The same day as A:INIT 17. Triathlon, Ryder, Riot, Gravity, Jocasta, Komodo, and Hardball battle and defeat Equinox, the Skrull infiltrator on the Montana Initiative team, Freedom Force (which also includes Spinner, Think Tank, and Cloud 9). Devil-Slayer teleports the heroes away. At Camp Hammond, Ant-Man spies as the Dugan Skrull broadcasts a message to all the Initiative infiltrators to reveal themselves. Recipients of the message include the Georgia team, the Cavalry (Stunt-Master, Ultragirl, Crime-Buster, and Thor Girl), the Kentucky team, the Action Pack (Vox, Prima Donna, and Frog-Man), and the California team, the Order (Calamity, Aralune, Supernaut, and Anthem), the latter of which has no infiltrator. The teleporting heroes arrive in Philadelphia and take on the Revolutionary of the Liberteens (of which Hope and Whiz Kid are seen). At Fury’s safehouse under Manhattan, Prodigy argues with Stature, Hulkling, and Wiccan until Crusader gives an inspirational speech. Fury rounds up the Young Avengers, Secret Warriors, and Initiative cadets for another assault on the Skrulls above. Green trees in New York. The Skrulls detect the shadow cloak’s energy appear in Georgia, where the teleporting heroes arrive as Ultragirl and a Thor Girl Skrull fight. Ant-Man arrives with a squad of attacking Skrulls. Ant-Man tells the heroes that the Skrulls plan to activate jump gates at all Initiative bases to shunt the whole country into the Negative Zone. Triathlon sends Whiz Kid, Spinner, and Nonstop back to Initiative bases they already raided to destroy the gates. The rest of the heroes split into six teams to raid the remaining bases, along with the living heads of deceased Kill Krew members Moonstomp, Catwalk, and Dice. Devil-Slayer collapses.
The same day as A:INIT 18. This segment occurs exactly “one month” after A4 46 and “one month, one day” after A4 46-FB. Veranke reports to the Pym Skrull (back in plain clothes) at Skrull Central at Camp Hammond. Brand, Ka-Zar, Reed, and the two Avengers teams arrive in Manhattan to find a war zone. Skrulls threaten humans who embrace their takeover. The Young Avengers, the Initiative, and Fury and his “Secret Warriors” continue to fight the invaders. Thor arrives and encounters the new Captain America.
The same day as SI 6 (6-16). The Thunderbolts arrive in Manhattan and see Thor’s lightning summoned to Central Park.
SECRET INVASION #6 (16:5-17:1)
The same day as TB 125 (12). Veranke and the Pym Skrull (back in costume) arrive with reinforcements.
SECRET INVASION #6 (17:2-17:3) ~ THUNDERBOLTS #125 (13/14:1)
The same day as SI 6 (16-17). As the Thunderbolts’ ship prepares to land, Reed tells the Skrulls they’re here to punish humans, not save them, and Veranke replies.
THUNDERBOLTS #125 (13/14:2-13/14:3)
The same day as SI 6 (17:2-17:3). The Thunderbolts disembark from their ship.
SECRET INVASION #6 (17:4-17:5) ~ THUNDERBOLTS #125 (13/14:4-13/14:6)
The same day as TB 125 (13/14:2-13/14:3). Osborn instructs his team to kill Skrulls, even though Venom spots Spidey.
SECRET INVASION #6 (17:6-20)
The same day as SI 6 (17:4-17:5). Joined by the Hood and his villain army, the heroes face off against the Skrulls. Veranke says the Skrulls are there to save earth and Stark calls the heroes together with an “Avengers Assemble.” Green grass in Manhattan.
THUNDERBOLTS #125 (13/14:7-16)
The same day as SI 6 (17-20). Stark yells “Avengers Assemble” again as the heroes engage in fighting.
The same day as TB 125 (13/14-16). A battle royale erupts.
DEADPOOL v4 #4 – FB (2-3)
The same day as SI 6 (21-22). It must be the same day as DP4 3. Wade watches TV coverage of the Skrull invasion. What the TV shows are previously published scenes that are not synchronous and are probably taped. However, based on Wade’s dialog, the Skrull threat is not yet over; while the Skrulls may be defeated in Manhattan and San Francisco, heroes must be busy fighting the invaders in other parts of the world. Desperate for a job, Wade decides to look up a mercenary named Zeke.
CAPTAIN AMERICA v5 #43 – FB (6:3)
The same day as SI 6 (21-22). Winter Soldier, Thunderbolts, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Nick Fury, Ka-Zar, and the Hood’s gang fight Veranke and the Skrulls.
The same day as SI:FL 3 (4). “A day and a half” after the start of the invasion, Urich interviews Officer Dawson.
The same day as SI:FL 2. Dawson thanks Urich for interviewing the group in Avengers Tower. Urich and Melanie leave the tower and wander occupied Manhattan. They arrive at Central Park and see Thor, Stature, Iron Fist, Black Widow, Bucky Cap, Logan, Venom, and Spidey fighting Super-Skrulls.
The same day as SI:FL 4 (18-21). At “Invasion plus 36 hours 17 minutes,” Dawson and Dobson notice that Bryant has died. Urich and Melanie see Thor, Iron Man, Bucky Cap, Spidey, Mr. Fantastic, Vision, Ares, Fury, Logan, Venom, Cage, Sentry, and Daredevil battle Skrulls.
The same day as SI:FL 5 (1-5). The Dugan Skrull deploys Skrull troops to follow Delroy. In Arkansas, Tigra, Cloud 9, and Ryder expose Razorback as a Skrull. In Kentucky, Prima Donna, Hardball, Moonstomp, and Vox fight the Frog Man Skrull. In Wisconsin, Mr. Immortal, Big Bertha, Doorman, Flatman, Squirrel Girl, Gravity, and Catwalk fight the Grasshopper Skrull. In Florida, Komodo, Riot, Jennifer Kale, and Aquarian expose the Skrull on the Command. In Washington State, Jocasta and Dice fight Skrull supporters and the Skyhawk Skrull activates the Negative Zone pylon in the Initiative’s Seattle headquarters. In Texas, Shooting Star, Phantom Rider, Texas Twister, Living Lightning, Firebird, Red Wolf, and the new 3-D Man battle the Lobo Skrull. A nearby crowd riots in fear and Delroy’s Skrull-detecting glasses are broken. He contacts Chuck Chandler, who tells Delroy that the Tri-Force Energy is inside him. Delroy focuses and he is able to detect Skrulls without the glasses. In Central Park, Crusader fights Skrull invaders alongside Black Widow, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Taskmaster, Gauntlet, Wolverine, Thor, and the new Captain America. Whiz Kid destroys Liberty’s Lair in Philadelphia to prevent the activation of its Negative Zone pylon. Spinner races to Hawaii to do the same there.
MARVEL APES #4/2 (1-7:2)
The same day as A:INIT 19 (1-10). The Apeverse Watcher tells the story of the Fantastic Four 2099 of his universe, then meets the Watcher-Watcher, who reveals that he has been observing the Apeverse Watcher.
SECRET INVASION #7 (1-2) ~ MARVEL APES #4/2 (7:3-7:4)
The same day as M/APES 4/2 (1-7). Heroes battle Skrulls as the Apeverse Watcher and the Watcher-Watcher look on via a vidscreen.
SECRET INVASION #7 (3:1-3:3)
The same day as SI 7 (1-2) As both sides fight, Stark tells his team to get Veranke while Veranke tells her army to get Reed.
The same day as SI 7 (3:1-3:3). Osborn and Fury greet each other as they fight Skrulls.
SECRET INVASION #7 (3:5-5:2)
The same day as SI 7 (3:4). As Wasp approaches the Pym Skrull, he increases his height.
The same day as SI 7 (3-5). Fury sees the Pym Skrull grow and Osborn sends Venom in.
THUNDERBOLTS #125 (17:3-18)
The same day as SI 7 (5:3). The Pym Skrull smacks Venom and Osborn tells Bullseye to grab a weapon from the armory on their ship. Bullseye selects a rocket launcher.
SECRET INVASION #7 (5:4-6:3)
The same day as TB 125 (17-18). Stature bulks up and smacks the Pym Skrull. Stark tells his teammates his armor isn’t at full steam.
THUNDERBOLTS #125 (19:1-19:4)
The same day as SI 7 (5-6). Bullseye climbs a tree with his rocket launcher and sees Daredevil and Spidey in his crosshairs.
SECRET INVASION #7 (6:4-6:6)
The same day as TB 125 (19:1-19:4). Bullseye sees Spidey swing away and shots are heard.
THUNDERBOLTS #125 (19:5-20:1)
The same day as SI 7 (6:4-6:6). Bullseye fires the weapon and the rocket hits the Pym Skrull’s right eye.
The same day as TB 125 (19-20). The Pym Skrull screams and falls while combatants scatter.
THUNDERBOLTS #125 (20:2)
The same day as SI 7 (7-8). The Pym Skrull lands on fellow Skrulls.
The same day as TB 125 (20:2). His armor shot, Stark leaves the battlefield.
THUNDERBOLTS #125 (21:2-22)
The same day as SI 7 (9:1). Osborn watches Stark leave, as do army officials watching from afar. Osborn rallies his team. Green trees in Manhattan.
The same day as TB 125 (21-22). Sue Skrulls attack Reed. Logan stabs Veranke, but she zaps him. Uatu shows up to observe the battle. Seeing the battle from Avengers Tower, Jessica Jones decides to join her husband in battle and hands her baby to Jarvis, not knowing he’s a Skrull. Noh-Varr explodes onto the scene and declares war on the Skrulls. Jessica joins Cage. Hawkeye gets injured and Clint takes up her bow. Clint fires an arrow through Veranke’s neck. The Pym Skrull reacts by activating the toxin in the growth serum he gave to Wasp. Jan grows and seethes with deadly energy.
The same evening as SI 7 (9-23). As Sentry, Ms. Marvel, Stature, and others look on, the Wasp’s toxic energies seethe, and Urich flees the scene with Melanie.
The same evening as SI:FL 5 (5-6). Thor contains the toxin, but Wasp dies. When the heroes see the wounded Veranke still alive, they attack her, but it’s Norman Osborn who kills her when he shoots her in the head.
The same evening as SI 8-FB (1-6). This flashback occurs a “week” before SI:FL 5 (16-22). Veranke falls in the presence of Osborn, Spidey, Daredevil, and Vision.
The same evening as SI:FL 5-FB (16:2). Osborn tells the Thunderbolts to make sure no Skrulls escape. Stark returns in a non-Starktech retro-armor and commands the flying heroes to bring the Skrull warships down before they can flee.
The same day as SI 8-FB (7). Urich and Melanie narrowly escape a crashing Skrull warship. Full moon.
SECRET INVASION #8 – FB (8-13:6)
The same day as SI:FL 5 (6-7). The heroes attack the remains of the fleeing Skrull armada. Stark breaks into one ship, and discovering its contents, brings it down for a landing. Out of the warship emerge the captive heroes – Dum Dum, Val, Spider-Woman, Elektra, Yellowjacket, Invisible Woman, Jarvis, Mockingbird – and others. The freed captives are greeting by their comrades.
NEW AVENGERS #47 (21:1-21:2) ~ SECRET INVASION #8 – FB (13:7-14:1)
The same evening as SI 8-FB (8-13). This segment occurs “”weeks” after A4 47-FB. As Jarvis emerges from the Skrull ship, Jessica Jones realizes that the Jarvis she left her baby with at Avengers Tower is a Skrull. She flies off to the tower.
NEW AVENGERS #47 (21:3-21:5)
The same evening as A4 47 (21:1-21:2). Ms. Marvel picks up a baffled Cage and they pursue Jessica.
SECRET INVASION #8 – FB (14:2-14:5)
The same evening as A4 47 (21:3-21:5). Jessica bursts into Avengers Tower, but cannot find her baby or the Jarvis Skrull.
NEW AVENGERS #47 (21:6) ~ SECRET INVASION #8 – FB (14:6)
The same evening as SI 8-FB (14:2-14:5). Cage and Carol arrive at the tower and Jessica tells them that a Jarvis Skrull took the baby.
The same evening as A4 47 (21:6). Cage reacts to the news.
SECRET INVASION #8 – FB (14:7-19)
The same evening as A4 47 (22). This flashback occurs “one week, five days” before SI:FL 5 (8-11). Cage and Carol start searching the premises as Jessica screams. Fury ignores Dum Dum and Val, and Clint and Bobbi are reunited, as are Sue and Reed. The Richardses head to the Baxter Building, where they find Ben, Johnny, and the kids safe. Reed removes the Negative Zone portal, and their headquarters is gone.
NEW AVENGERS #48 (1-2)
The same day as SECIV 8-FB (14-19). As Stark approaches Thor amidst the wreckage of the battle, Bucky Cap proposes to Barton that the New Avengers meet at his place. The word spreads from Ronin and Mockingbird to Spidey to Iron Fist to Logan, who then tells Spider-Woman.
The same day as A4 8 (1-2). Thor tells off Stark, and Bucky Cap turns his back on Stark. Hulkling faces the tragedy of the situation.
The same day as SI 8-FB (20-21). This segment probably occurs a couple of days before MA 20 (5-14) and “fifteen days” before A:INIT 20. Spinner dies trying in vain to prevent the activation of the Negative Zone pylon in Hawaii. The Pym Skrull runs from the scene of the Central Park battle back to Camp Hammond, where he tells the Dugan Skrull to activate the pylon at the camp. Crusader arrives, followed by a bunch of Initiative and Skrull Kill rew members. The dugan Skrull releases a gas that is lerthal to humans but harmless to Skrulls. As the heroes fall and Whiz Kid dies trying to save them, Crusader is unfazed and destroys the Pym and Dugan Skrulls. The Skrull troops surrender, and as the heroes congratulate Crusader, Delroy detects that he is a Skrull and shoots him in the head. Crusader reverts to his Skrull form and dies.
NEW WARRIORS v4 #15 (21-22)
The day after NW4 15 (1-20). The New Warriors, Justice, Rage, and one of the Scarlet Spiders stand over a monument to Dwayne, Namorita, and Zachary. Vance gives Donyell his blessing to run the Warriors. Thrasher takes a call and arranges to meet the caller (Midnight’s Fire) “tomorrow.” Green grass and trees.
The same day as SI:INH 2. Medusa leads the Inhumans to a Kree starship, where she asks Ronan for help and agrees to give him Crystal as his bride. Aboard the Skrull ship Ry’bik, a Skrull scientist probes Black Bolt’s mind as Ahura watches. Using Ronan’s instruments, Karnak discovers three weak points in the Skrulls’ communications system to investigate to find Black Bolt. Lockjaw teleports three teams to those weak spots: Medusa and Crystal to earth to find a Skrull communications officer captured by Thundra; Gorgon and Katnak to Rigel 3 to find a Recorder with a vital algorithm; and Triton to Pelagia to find a beacon buried by Skrulls. Triton is threatened by mer-people, Karnak and Gorgon are discovered, and Thundra has Medusa and Crystal settle their differences in an arena of battle.
The same day as SI:INH 3. This story occurs before X:KB 1 and SI:WOK 1-FB (7-17). Karnak retrieves his quarry and flees with Gorgon. Crystal stands up to Medusa and insists on dealing with Thundra. Crystal retrieves her quarry from Thundra. Triton retrieves his quarry from the mer-people. Reunited, the Inhumans link to the Skrull hub and discover Black Bolt’s location. Ahura frees his father as the Inhumans, backed up by Ronan’s forces, storm the ship on which he’s held. Medusa slays the Jean/Emma/Medusa Super-Skrull and kisses her husband. The Royal Family returns to Attilan, and “two hours later,” Black Bolt, through Medusa, anounces an alliance with the Kree, one that will be cemented by the marriage of Crystal and Ronan. Following Maximus’ intentions, he declares war on the Inhumans’ enemies.
The same evening as SI 8-FB (14-21). As Ben Urich looks on, paramedics remove the corpse of his wife Doris from their home.

It must be the day after SI:X 4, since San Francisco newspaper headlines say “So Long Skrulls.” As they hang out at a wharf, Mercury shares her insecurities with X-23. After Cessily subdues three attacking Hellfire Cult members, Laura gives her some advice. Green trees in San Francisco.
NEW AVENGERS #48 (3-22)
The day after A4 48 (1-2). Spidey’s claim that he’s been “asleep for twenty hours” must be an exaggeration since the FF are seen in their pajamas getting up. Ronin, Mockingbird, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Iron Fist meet at Bucky’s place in the Bronx. They all wonder what’s going on with Cage and Jessica. Spider-Woman shows up and tells the group she has nowhere else to go. She notes that SHIELD has folded. Bucky Cap arrives and tells the group they must carry on as the Avengers and offers his place as their headquarters. Danny says that he has to deal with his business but can be on call. Cage, Jessica Jones, and Ms. Marvel show up and ask for the group’s help in finding the missing baby. They go to the ruins of the Baxter Building and enlist the aid of the Fantastic Four. Reed tells the group that the Jarvis Skrull must still be in Manhattan and that he can detect him only if he changes form. The New Avengers and the Fantastic Four “shake some trees” throughout Manhattan to get clues to the Jervis Skrull’s whereabouts. They rough up Hydra agents, Electro, and a Blood Brother. Fired SHIELD agents gather in a bsr and watch a TV news report that Stark has been ousted from SHIELD and that rumors are circulating that Osborn will be offered the position. Logan, Cage, and Jessica Jones arrive at the bar and expose one of the SHIELD agents as a Skrull. They try to force the Skrull to divulge information about the Jarvis Skrull, but a SHIELD agent shoots and kills the Skrull. In desperation, Cage goes to Norman Osborn (seen with Venom and Bullseye) to ask for help.
X-FACTOR v3 #35
One day, probably a couple of days after XF3 35-FB (17-19). Longshot shows up at X-Factor headquarters and Guido attacks him, mistaking him for the Skrull who impersonated him. After clearing things up, they go to the hospital to join Jamie and Monet, who were called in by the police as part of an investigation concerning the shooting of hospital patient Hector Munoz. Longshot uses his powers to see that Hector sold Darwin out for half a million dollars to the Karma Project and spies the van’s license plate. One of Jamie’s dupes tries to smother Hector in his bed. Siryn looks very pregnant.
X-FACTOR v3 #36
The same day as XF3 35. This story occurs “some months” after XF3 32 (18-20). The captive Darwin awakens and his captor tells him his father is dead. Darwin breaks free but is subdued. Madrox, Strong Guy, M, and Longshot pursue their investigation of Darwin’s whereabouts and are led to a warehouse. As they enter, Darwin’s captor, Mr. Manu, orders the warehouse to be bombed. Val Cooper shows up at X-Factor headquarters and wants to know about Siryn’s baby. Green trees in Detroit.
X-FACTOR v3 #37
The same day as XF3 36. This story is supposed to occur nine months after XF3 10, seven and a half months after XF3 28, and about two and a half months after XF3 32 (21-23). Val tells Theresa that X-Factor has been working with the CSA through an arrangement with Jamie and the two women argue. The bomb goes off in the warehouse, but all but Monet’s clothes are spared. Jamie, Guido, Monet, and Longshot fight Manu’s goons. One of Jamie’s dupes saves his life by killing one of the goons. The quartet encounter Darwin’s captor and a room full of Darwins. Back at X-Factor headquarters, Theresa’s water breaks. Leafy trees in Detroit.
X-FACTOR v3 #38
The same night as XF3 37. Madrox, M, Strong Guy, and Longshot battle the army of Darwins, who eventually devolve. As Rictor tries to get Theresa to a hospital, he runs into Val’s CSA agents. A gun battle ensues, and Val is shot in the chest. Theresa flies Val to a hospital as Rictor is surrounded by agents. Rictor secretly arranges a deal with Manu to release Darwin, despite Manu’s long-range plans to create a mercenary army. Rictor and Darwin rendezvous with the rest of the team, and Rictor lies about how he freed Rictor and how Manu escaped. Green grass and trees in Detroit.
NEW WARRIORS v4 #16 (3-4)
The night of the day after NW4 15 (21-22). Midnight’s Fire gives Night Thrasher a Ka Stone fragment but warns him about using it.

NEW WARRIORS v4 #16 (5-22)
Perhaps the day after NW4 16 (3-4). The New Warriors bust a gang of assassins, but the New Warriors Task Force bursts onto the scene to arrest the heroes. As the Warriors try to escape, Ripcord and Skybolt are accidentally killed. Phaser teleports the rest of the team to their headquarters, where Thrasher tells Kaz to get him the nannite engine he’s been working on. Kaz tells the group that Thrasher is building a time machine and Donyell explains that he intends to go back in time to prevent the Stamford tragedy. When the Task Force raids the headquarters, the team jumps into the time machine, followed by Bev. The Warriors discover that instead of being “months” in the past, they’ve ended up in some alternate, Iron Man-controlled future.
The same day as NW4 16 (5-22). Wondra argues with Night Thrasher and insists they give up his mission and return to their own time. Donyell insists on finding a time machine to continue his mission and leaves his teammates and Bev. Blackwing argues with Bev, and the group sees a wanted poster for Night Thrasher. They see a broadcast by the future Iron Man, then a team of armored cops arrive to arrest them. The cops take the team down, then the future Night Thrasher arrives.
The same day as NW4 17. In the future, the future Night Thrasher takes the Warriors to his base and tells them the story of how the Initiative turned bad and how Iron Man became president. They discuss trying to go back in time using the only time machine left and about their obligation to stay and fight for freedom in the future. The future Night Thrasher reveals himself as Tony Stark. Donyell sneaks into Stark/Taylor headquarters and encounters Iron Man, who reveals himself as Dwayne Taylor.
The same day as NW4 18. In the future, Dwayne tells Donyell how he changed over the years and Donyell ponders what he should do. Stark tells the New Warriors that Dwayne is Iron Man and enlists their help in raiding Stark/Taylor headquarters to get to the time machine. During the raid, the Warriors are subdued by Dwayne and Donyell.
The same day as NW4 19.
DEADPOOL v4 #4 – FB (4-5)
The day after DP4 4-FB. Zeke tells Wade how he’s been taking advantage of authorities around the world being preoccupied with the Skrull invasion. Zeke asks Wade to kill a doctor in eastern Europe that turned his wife into a zombie.
DEADPOOL v4 #4 (1)
The same day as DP4 4-FB (4-8). Wade agrees to kill Zeke’s wife.
DEADPOOL v4 #4 (6-10)
The same day as DP3 4 (1). Zeke corrects Wade and offers to pay him a million dollars to kill Dr. Lovosno, who is also a zombie. Wade takes the deal. Zeke offers Wade his choice of weapons from his arsenal, then provides him with transportation for his journey.
One day, probably a couple of days after A:INIT 19 (11-24) and several days before MA 20 (15-22). Carol and Simon accompany Hank Pym at a meeting to plan Jan’s funeral. After being swarmed by reporters, Carol gets into a limo with Hank and tells him all that’s happened since he was replaced by a Skrull. They cry. Green grass and trees in New York.
NOVA v4 #19
One day, “days” – at least “two days” – after NO4 18. This story occurs during the “year” after MA 3. For “the fifth time in two days,” Nova and his new team of Nova centurions go into action, this time defeating the Serpent Society (Copperhead, Sidewinder, Anaconda, Black Mamba, Fer-de-Lance, and Death Adder) in an Ohio town. Nova tells the press that the Nova Corps will be around “while earth is still getting on its feet after the Skrull invasion.” Among those who see the press coverage are Justice, Rich’s parents, and brother Rob, who feels inadequate next to Nova, as does Darkhawk. The Nova Corps returns to Project Pegasus, where Worldmind monitors the quantum flask containing Wendell Vaughn. Worldmind tells Nova he’s housing himself at Project Pegasus instead of going back into Rich’s head and that he’s rebuilding the Nova Corps. Rich objects to both, but he and the Corps are called to another assignment – fighting Taboo in Manhattan. When the Corps returns to Project Pegasus, they discover that Worldmind has created an army of new Nova centurions, including Rob. Green grass and trees in Ohio and New York.
NOVA v4 #20 – FB (7-8)
The same day as NO4 19. Rich objects to Rob’s recruitment, claiming to be concerned for his safety. An angry Rob tells Rich he’s jealous and storms off.
NOVA v4 #20
The same night as (“eight hours” after) NO4 20-FB (7-8). In Los Angeles (where it’s still light out), Rob shows his smarts when he helps the Nova Corps subdue and capture Dragon Man. Rich has Justice and Firestar join him for a pizza party at the old New Warriors headquarters. He discuss the situation regarding Rob and wonders if he’s being selfish. Vance and Angelica offer him advice. They fight off some Taylor Foundation security guards. Angelica notes that she has “classes in the morning.”
One night, “a few nights” after SI:ASM 3-FB and “several days” before SI:ASM 3 (20-22). Jackpot tells Spidey about her battle with the Skrull. The DB buries an apology to Jackpot in the crossword puzzle while the headline reads “DB Staffers Saved by Declun!”

One day, at least “three days” after IM4 35. This story occurs before WARM2 1. After telling Suzie Endo to go home, War Machine heads to the Arctic Circle to mete out justice to Anton Aubuisson and his high-tech bears who slaughtered a bunch of Inuit standing in the way of a Roxxon pipeline. Suzie uploads a firmware update into Jim’s armor that prevents him from killing humans, so Jim blows up the pipeline and sets up Aubuisson to be killed by his own bears. Suzie agrees to go home and calls Jim a machine.
One day. Ryder destroys some Skrull cows in Montana.
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY v2 #7 – FB (9:4-9:6)
One day. Rocket Raccoon records a statement about how he has to pick up the pieces now that his teammates have left.
Perhaps the same day as GOTG2 7-FB (9:4-9:6). Bug records an account of how he accepted Rocket Raccoon’s invitation to join a new Guardians of the Galaxy.
One day. Seeking to save the Kree from the Skrulls, Peter Quill arrives on Hala and discovers that the Kree have rebuilt the Babel Spire. Ronan tells Star-Lord that the Kree does not need Quill’s help. When Quill orders Ronan to shut down the dangerous spire, Ronan attacks and subdues Star-Lord. He banishes Quill to the Negative Zone.
The same day as GOTG 8-FB. Quill lands in the Negative Zone and encounters Blastaar.
DEADPOOL v4 #4 (11-22)
Probably the day after DP4 4 (6-10). Wade arrives in Eastern Europe, where he is shot and awakens in a jail with a bunch of zombies. Wade starts killing the zombies, which were being held for their own safety. Help arrives from guys claiming to be Zeke’s men, but Wade mows them down. Wade arrives at Dr. Lovosno’s castle, where he is poisoned. Full moon.

DEADPOOL v4 #5 – FB (1-6)
It must be the morning after DP4 4 (11-22). Dr. Lovosno tells the captive Wade that Wade is actually Zeke’s payment for Zeke’s wife’s surgery. Lovosno says Wade is to be food for his zombies.
DEADPOOL v4 #5 – FB (11-14)
The same morning as DP4 7-FB (1-6). The zombies discover that Wade tastes disgusting, so Lovosno orders Wade destroyed, but Wade offers to make a deal with the doctor.
DEADPOOL v4 #5 – FB (17)
The same day as DP4 5-FB (11-14). Lovoso releases Wade, who, unbeknownst to the doctor, finishing wiring a castle with explosives five hours later. He calls Zeke to rendezvous at the castle.
The day after GOTG2 7-FB. The imprisoned Starhawk tells Cosmo about a doomed future. Following up on a psychic detection by Mantis, Bug leads his new Guardians of the Galaxy (Bug, Groot, Major Victory, and Mantis) into battle against a horde of invaders at Benthus Colony. Major Victory recognizes the invaders as Zom slave troops of the Badoon. They then encounter a huge monster bio-construct of the Badoon. On the other side of the galaxy, Adam Warlock and an “almost healed” Gamora investigate the involvement of the Universal Church of Truth in the fissure crisis. On the “other other” side of the galaxy, Drax and Phyla hunt for Cammi and a soothsayer mentions an upcoming “war of kings” and detects the location of Moondragon.
The same day as GOTG2 7. This story occurs “24 hours” after GOTG 8-FB and probably before SI:WOK 1 (18-25). Vance, Mantis, Groot, Bug, and Rocket Raccoon defeat the Badoon’s monster and Zoms and declares that Benthus is under the Guardians’ protection. Adam Warlock and Gamora attack a cardinal of the Universal Church of Truth and tell him to convey a message to the Holy Matriarch that it is time they meet. Blastaar tells Quill that Ronan appointed him king of the Negative Zone. Then he tells Quill to get him into Prison 42.
DEADPOOL v4 #5 (7-10)
The same evening as DP4 7-FB (17). Wade delivers Zeke’s wife to him at the castle, only to discover that instead of payment, Zeke has amassed a small army to force Wade to hand the wife over. Zeke disccovers that Wade brought his own army – Lovosno and his zombies. Full moon.
DEADPOOL v4 #5 (15-16)
The same evening as DP4 5 (7-10). The zombies slaughter Zeke and his men.
DEADPOOL v4 #5 (18-20)
The same evening as DP4 5 (15-16). This segment occurs “two days” before DP4 5 (21-22). Wade blows up the castle, destroying Lovosno and the zombies.
Paul B.
Paul Bourcier
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

One day, shortly after SI 8-FB (14-21). This story must occur after MK5 25 (17-23), DP4 3, and ASM 373 (22-28), and before SI 8 (22:1). Swordsman burns his “sister’s” body in a funeral pyre on Thunderbolts Mountain. In Washington, Osborn suggests that the Skrull invasion depended on human traitors in SHIELD, the CSA, SWORD, and the Initiative and encourages the Senate Oversight Committee on Superhuman Activities to investigate. He tells the Committee that he cannot work with the CSA and is disbanding the Thunderbolts. He notes that he has a meeting with the president. A crowd of people cheer for Osborn outside the Capitol. Green grass and trees in Washington, DC and snow in the Rockies.
The same day as TB 126 (1-9). The president calls Norman Osborn to the White House and Norman tells him about the events of the invasion in Manhattan. The president tells Osborn that Stark is out as head of SHIELD and Osborn will be in charge of a new order. Green grass and trees and flowers in Washington, DC.
THUNDERBOLTS #126 (10-22)
Probably the same day as SI 8 (22:1). Karla tells Robbie that he’s “coming up on the end of your twelve-month tour,” so it must be nearly twelve months after TB 109 (21-22). Karla drugs Robbie and intends to send him to a maximum security mental institution. Chen tells Melissa that he has been recalled to China to help with reconstruction following the Skrull invasion. Once he leaves, Bullseye threatens to kill Melissa.
The same day as TB 126. This story must occur before SI 8 (22-23). Bullseye and Songbird fight. Her sonic rig trashed, Melissa escapes from Bullseye, Karla sends Venom after her. Bullseye reports to Karla, who convinces him to stay on board despite the fact that all the nanochains controlling the T-Bolts were disrupted. Melissa dons a spare sonic rig and blasts out of Thunderbolts Mountain aboard the Zeus. Bullseye and Venom leap aboard the craft and force it to crash. Melissa zaps Venom, and when Bullseye gets the drop on her, he is blasted by Swordsman. Andreas tells her to flee and that that he’ll fake her death to cover for her.

One day. Ben Urich attends Molly Young’s funeral.
DEADPOOL v4 #5 (21-22)
One day, “two days” after DP4 5 (18-20). On his way home aboard an ocean liner, Wade is attacked by Tiger Shark.

DEADPOOL v4 #6 (1-7)
The day after DP4 5 (21-22). Wade’s body washes up on Newport Beach in “early morning” and a kid pokes a stick in Wade’s eye. “Four hours later,” Wade escapes from the city morgue. “Later that same day” in San Diego, Tiger Shark gets a call from his employer (Norman Osborn) telling him to finish the job of killing Wade. An aquarium employee ticks off Tiger Shark and the villain feeds him to the sharks. Warm weather in Newport Beach.
One day. Ben Urich attends Jonathan Bryant’s funeral.
One day, beginning “sixteen hours” before SI:WOK 1 (1-6). This flashback occurs after SI:INH 4. Black Bolt decides to use technology that Maximus designed to uproot Attilan from the Blue Area of the Moon and he uses his power to propel it and its inhabitants through hyperspace.

The day (“sixteen hours”) after SI:WOK 1-FB (7-17). Skrull commander H’Jke Jeeku, seeking to hide his retreating fleet from earth reprisals, finds refuge in the outer dust clouds of the Arkano Nebula, but his fleet is found and attacked by spaceship Attilan.
The same day as SI:WOK 1 (1-6). This segment occurs two days (“fifty hours”) before SI:WOK 1 (25-38) and probably after GOTG2 8. The Inhumans destroy all but one of the Skrull fleet and chase a surviving cruiser into Shi’ar space. When three Shi’ar warbirds defend their territory, Black Bolt destroys them. “Two hours later,” Crystal voices her objections to Black Bolt’s course of action with Medusa. On Hala, Ronan is informed that the Inhumans have reached the borders of the Kree Empire. Ronan orders that Blastaar’s Negative Zone armies be summoned for help, but he is told that “King Blastaar has not responded to any official communiques for almost a week.” Karnak examines the Kree’s protective shield for weaknesses.
One day. Ben Urich attends Vincent Crane’s funeral.
DEADPOOL v4 #6 (8-22)
The day after DP4 6 (1-7). Wade wakes up in a shelter at “seven a.m.” Tiger Shark attacks and Wade subdues the villain, but the police show up and riddle Wade with bullets. Tiger Shark escapes, and Wade comes to that night in a body bag on a pier. Tiger Shark attacks again, only to be assaulted by Bob. The three combatants end up in the water. Waning crescent moon.
The same night as DP4 6 (8-22).

One “Saturday morning,” “several days” after SI:ASM 3 (17-19), during which time Spidey may be fighting Skrulls around the world. This segment occurs before ASM@2 1 (4-12), must occur before SI:FL 5-FB (9:1-9:2), and probably before SI 8 (22-23). Peter returns to the Coffee Bean to see Harry, Vin, Lily, and Carlie, who haven’t seen him since before SI. Peter explains that he was in Queens the whole time, since communications and transportation were disrupted. As Jackpot takes a bath, she gets a phone message from Sara Ehret, who congratulates her on her performance.
One day. Peter Parker, Joe Robertson, Matt Murdock, and Ben Urich are among those in attendance at Doris Urich’s funeral. Green grass and trees and blowing leaves in New York.
One day, two days (“fifty hours”) after SI:WOK 1 (18-25). Black Bolt has Lockjaw teleport teams of Inhumans inside the Hree shield and they set off sonic charges that destroy the shield. Attilan invades Hala and Medusa tells Ronan the Inhumans are determined to take the Kree race to the next stage of its evolution. Ronan swears fealty to Black Bolt. On Chandilar, Ka’ardum tells Vulcan that the Inhumans destroyed three Shi’ar ships.

Perhaps one day. Melanie Crane grieves for her father. Bill Dawson works a desk job at the precinct and has dinner with Lisa Dobson.

One day, “one week, five days” after SI 8-FB (14-21). Ben Urich tries to write about the Skrull invasion, but he has writer’s block.
One day. Ben Urich sees a therapist about his writing block. He then wanders around Manhattan, watching the rebuilding after the Skrull invasion. He gets a call from an AP reporter about “today’s news” about Norman Osborn. Green grass and green and autumn-colored trees in New York.

SECRET INVASION #8 (22:2-23:3)
Probably the morning after SI:FL 5 (12-15). This segment probably occurs after SI:ASM 3 (20-22) and must occur after TB 127. At a press conference, the president announces that SHIELD is being shut down and that the government is abandoning Starktech, and he introduces Norman Osborn as the head of an expanded Thunderbolts Initiative, which includes everything that fell under SHIELD, the Avengers, and the Fifty State Initiative. Osborn announces that there will be an investigation of Stark. Green trees in New York.
The same morning as SI 8 (22-23). Osborn announces that the justice will be served.
DARK REIGN: NEW NATION #1 – FB (2:2-2:3)
The same morning as DR:NN 1-FB (1:4). Osborn announces that his new program will be a departure from the Stark Initiative.
SECRET INVASION #8 (23:4-23:6)
The same morning as DR:NN 1-FB (2:2-2:3). Maria Hill and Stark watch the televised conference.
The same morning as SI 8 (23:4-23:6). This segment occurs a “week” after SI:FL 5-FB (16:2) and must occur before MA 20 (15-22). Ben Urich grills Osborn at the press conference, but Osborn puts Urich in his place and is applauded. That night at the Front Line offices, Joe Robertson praises Urich, whose writer’s block is now gone.
The same “morning” as SI:FL 5 (16-22). This story must occur before DR:NN 1/2. A disguised Nick Fury listens to a news report about Osborn’s press conference from “earlier today.” He ditches the disguise to visit the Captain America memorial, then he meets up with his Secret Warriors.

One day, probably several days after MA 20 (5-14). This segment must occur after SI:FL 5 (16-22) and before IIM 8, DR:NN 1/5, and A:INIT 20. At Jan’s funeral, Hank Pym verbally attacks Stark. Thor removes Pym from the scene to grieve together in private. After the service, Clint Barton mouths off to Norman Osborn, who tells the archer he has 24 hours to register with his Initiative. Maria Hill glares at Osborn, who returns to his office at Avengers Tower and savors his victory over Stark. Green trees in New York.

One day, “fifteen days” after A:INIT 19 (11-24). This story must occur after MA 20 (15-22). Protestors picket Camp Hammond. Doc Samson and Alicia Masters hold a session with Skrull abductees (Jarvis, Razorback, Dum Dum, Mockingbird, She-Thing, Frog-Man, Revolutionary, Magnitude, and presumably Val de la Fontane) to help them with their post-abduction readjustment. Gauntlet assumes responsibility for the Shadow Initiative and assigns Taskmaster as field leader. After giving Ant-Man his field commission and promotion to the Thunderbolts, Gauntlet gives the Shadow Initiative an assignment to raid a Hydra training camp that Hardball is running in Madripoor. Komodo insists on going. Tigra tells Hellcat that she’s pregnant with the Pym Skrull’s baby, then she sees Trauma for counseling. Pym has Jocasta role play as Jan to find out what she would have done to find out that a Skrull was not responsible for his mistreatment of her. Pym asks Jocasta to do him a favor. Delroy is cleared of wrong-doing in the death of Crusader, but others at Camp Hammond are pissed at him. Ryder tells Riot that all the Skrulls are killed so that she can revert to human form. She does so and dies. Riot and Delroy leave to kill more Skrulls. Taskmaster confirms his suspicion that Mutant Zero is Typhoid Mary. Pym and Jocasta leave Camp Hammond. A Skrull “fifteen-day failsafe” is activated and the Thor Clone (Ragnarok) stirs to life.
The same day as A:INIT 20. At Janet Van Dyne’s penthouse, Pym discovers that the Pym Skrull used anti-Pym particles to destroy the Wasp. As he works on adjustments to make sure that doesn’t happen again, he talks to Jocasta about his feelings for Jan. Pym dons a new costume and assumes the mantle of the Wasp.
One day. Castle fires a sniper bullet at Norman Osborn, who is addressing a crowd in the still-damaged Manhattan. Sentry intercepts the bullet and pursues Frank, who leads the Avenger on a cat-and-mouse chase. Castle presses a button that he says will detonate a bomb at Bellevue Hospital in five seconds. Sentry flies off to find the bomb, only to discover that Castle bluffed. By the time he returns, Frank is gone. Castle eludes Sentry with the assistance of a mystery man who calls him on his cell phone. Frank finally passes out from his injuries at the feet of his assistant.

One day. This story must occur after MA 20 (15-22) and perhaps before SI:DR 1 (1-7). Iron Man tries to help a construction crew with cleaning up after the Skrull invasion, but the Skrull virus has reversed the Extremis modifications to his body, and without them, he can barely control his Extremis armor. The armor’s systems crash and he crashes into the river. Stark upgrades Pepper’s repulsomatic technology. Maria Hill empties out her desk on her last day with SHIELD while Stark meets with Norman Osborn to check out of the agency. After Stark and Hill leave, Osborn illegally tries to tap into the Superhero Registration database, which triggers a virus that wipes out all coded SHIELD files on Osborn’s HAMMER servers. Osborn declares war on Stark. Stark tells Maria and Pepper that the registration database was uploaded into his brain.
The same day as IIM 8. Stark tells Pepper and Hill that he intends to wipe his mind to get rid of the sensitive data in his head so that Osborn can’t get it. Maria refuses to be involved, but Stark tricks her into starting the process as she leaves. At the HAMMER base at Chelsea Piers, Osborn orders the movement of Stark equipment to Thunderbolts Mountain, then he receives a report that Hill has been spotted. HAMMER forces ambush Hill as she arrives at her Georgetown home. They arrest her, but she escapes. After Pepper helps Stark continue the process of a lobotomy, he tells her to go sign papers to assume his place as CEO of Stark Industries, which he’s ordered to be shut down. At a press conference at Thunderbolts Mountain, Osborn states that they’ve found evidence that Stark and Hill knew of the Skrull invasion in advance. He calls for their surrender for questioning. Stark sees the press coverage, then Hill shows up at his place. Pepper signs the papers. Green trees in Washington, DC.
One day. This story must occur after MA 20 (15-22). Bobbi spars with Clint, then tests her blood and his to confirm their identities. Clint tells Bobbi he wants to continue their marriage, but Bobbi leaves. Later, she reports in to an unknown party as “Agent 19" and offers to hand over imprtant information at Station Greenmantle “in 48 hours.”

One day, perhaps after IIM 8. Emma Frost leaves Cyclops’ bed at the X-Men headquarters in San Francisco to answer a summons by Norman Osborn. She arrives at Avengers Tower, where Dr. Doom waits at a conference table. They are joined by Namor, the Hood, and the female Loki.
One day. At Avengers Tower, Norman Osborn convenes a meeting of the Hood, Emma Frost, Dr. Doom, Namor, and Loki.
The same day as SI 8 (24-26). This segment occurs “two years” after Osborn was in prison and must occur before UX 505. It can’t be more than a year after TB 110-FB (1-5). Osborn calls for the allegiance of those at the meeting in return for favors he can do them as the leader of the Thunderbolts/Avengers/Initiative/SHIELD. Osborn offers Doom his freedom, Emma help against anti-mutant threats, Namor a future for Atlantis, Loki control of Asgard, and the Hood legitimacy. He tells them they and all their associates will register and threatens them with an enforcer if they don’t comply. Osborn tells them they’ll find out about the Avengers’ fate “in a week” and that Stark has a target on his head. Osborn leaves, as do Hood, Emma, and Loki. Doom tells Namor that Osborn will implode and that they can split the land and seas after he’s gone. Osborn returns to Thunderbolts Mountain, where things are being packed for shipping to Avengers Tower. Realizing he has no place in the new order, Swordsman threatens to expose Osborn’s misdeeds with the T-Bolts. Osborn skewers Andreas with his own sword and throws him out a window. Osborn suffers some kind of attack, as does Emma, back in bed with Cyclops.

One day. This story must occur after DR:NN 1. Jimmy Woo and the Agents of Atlas steal a shipment from Fort Knox of gold bullion scheduled to be funneled by Osborn illegally to Japan as collateral on a weapons system. Osborn has a fit when he hear of the heist. Woo plans to play villain to Osborn’s “hero.”
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Somebody »

Some quickly-jotted notes. [I haven't had the chance to tear the whole thing apart yet ;)]

  • SI:THOR 1-FB is badly phrased - Bill is the prisoner/experimentee of the Skrulls for an extended period, and you write it as if he was captured for less than a day. There should be a [BTS] (c.f. SI:THOR 3) some time before (say, a month) with the Skrulls removing BRB from the limbo dimension he entered in ΩF 5 and being examined and experimented upon (along with Stormbreaker), which removed his "Simon Walters" transformation and reinstated his original Korbinite form.
  • That gap in NO4 17 where you wedge the whole of the IM:DOS [War Machine] and CB&MI13 arcs (amongst other things) = huh? Why separate NO4 17 (and, by extension, 16) at all?
  • SI:WDYT? 1/5 - The Agents capture the whole skrull, the removed head specifically notes its' inability to communicate in any way. A better synopsis would be:
    The same day as SECINV 5 (4-24). Skrulls attacking Portland, Oregon take Namora captive after she kills Super-Skrull Alpha. Gorilla Man and Human Robot free her and capture a Skrull field marshal to take to their flying saucer, hidden in the river. The Uranian (f.k.a. Marvel Boy) removes the still-living head and vivisects the rest, as it watches helplessly, unable to signal for help. Using the skrull head to affect them, Venus prepares to drown the skrulls, but can't go through with it since she knows they're not evil. Jimmy Woo doesn't push her - but has M-11 turn his death ray on them instead. The head observes as the heroes plan a counter-offensive. Green grass and trees in Oregon.
  • DP4 3 should occur BEFORE SI 8 (1-6)-FB. The upcoming crossover between DP4 and TB is premised upon that order.
  • You switch between NO4 and NOVA4 for Nova v4. The Key uses "NO#" for Nova series, so they should all be NO4
  • You refer to the New Avengers as "Secret Avengers" in SI 1 (13:1-23:3)
  • NO4 17 (4-22) - Xandarian Worldmind, not "Xandiarian".
  • S-H4 33 - Super-Skrull, not "Supet"
  • "GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #7" needs a "v2" in there
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Somebody wrote:
DP4 3 should occur BEFORE SI 8 (1-6)-FB. The upcoming crossover between DP4 and TB is premised upon that order.
It looks like you know something I don't. The passage of time in the Deadpool issues seems to be longer than the passage in Secret Invasion proper. Do you have suggestions for new placements for DP entries?

I've incorporated your other suggestions into my master copy and will repost after a number of other suggestions have come in.

BTW, I've been using SECINV as a code for SECRET INVASION, figuring "SI" might well end up describing something else. Should "SEC" be our standard abbreviation for "SECRET," so SECWAR, SECDEF, etc?
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Somebody »

Paul Bourcier wrote:
Somebody wrote:DP4 3 should occur BEFORE SI 8 (1-6)-FB. The upcoming crossover between DP4 and TB is premised upon that order.
It looks like you know something I don't. The passage of time in the Deadpool issues seems to be longer than the passage in Secret Invasion proper. Do you have suggestions for new placements for DP entries?
I think the "24 hours" in DP4 2 will have to give way - Osborn is meant to have used the data he nicked from DP in shooting Veranke. The DP/Tbolts crossover is DP's reaction to Osborn nicking and using his data to become "the hero" and get himself installed in Stark's old job - he's aiming to invoice Norman for services rendered, and the plot goes from there.

[Side note of limited chronological significance - Andy Diggle, the Tbolts writer, seems to be under the impression the "outgoing president" appointed Osborn, and the "new president" is not entirely on-board with it. Which, of course, isn't on-track with the colouring used in SI 8.]
Paul Bourcier wrote:BTW, I've been using SECINV as a code for SECRET INVASION, figuring "SI" might well end up describing something else. Should "SEC" be our standard abbreviation for "SECRET," so SECWAR, SECDEF, etc?
I've been using "SI" because (a) it's shorter; (b) it's not taken already; (c) "INV" is for Invaders (& this definitely wasn't an Invaders series) and (d) we all know Russ isn't going to recode anything that's already in the Key if he can at all help it, and not all uses of "Secret" are coded as "SEC" :) (M/SHSW and SWII are both Secret=S)
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Col_Fury »

Somebody wrote:[Side note of limited chronological significance - Andy Diggle, the Tbolts writer, seems to be under the impression the "outgoing president" appointed Osborn, and the "new president" is not entirely on-board with it.
That totally makes sense to me. Yay, Andy Diggle!
Somebody wrote:Which, of course, isn't on-track with the colouring used in SI 8.]
How about... the "outgoing President" just came back from a vacation in Texas with a REALLY nice tan? :) :outtahere:
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Somebody wrote:
I think the "24 hours" in DP4 2 will have to give way - Osborn is meant to have used the data he nicked from DP in shooting Veranke. The DP/Tbolts crossover is DP's reaction to Osborn nicking and using his data to become "the hero" and get himself installed in Stark's old job - he's aiming to invoice Norman for services rendered, and the plot goes from there.
Ah, I see. So Norman's big Veranke-killing gun was due to the stolen data Wade was sending to Fury. If that's the case, then the passage of time in DP4 1-3 is definitely messed up; it appears to occur over the course of a few days when, in actuality, it must occur over a few hours on invasion day, and the scenes that Wade is watching in DP4 4-FB (2-3) may actually be live (one shot is from the last two pages of SI 6.

So I'm moving and compressing the entries for DP4 1-4. So now Fury appears in DP4 2 (18-23) and DP4 3 while he's at his safehouse, between SI 5 (4-24) and A:INIT 17. Osborn appears in DP4 3 between pages 2 and 3 of TB 123, after the Mar-Vell Skrull leaves and before he dons his battle armor to fight Skrulls. That certainly makes more sense. Thanks, Somebody.

Still waiting for more feedback before posting an update.
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Somebody »

Corrected version of the IIM 8 synopsis - note that it's not files that were destroyed per se, it's the systems that held and ran them. Also, the Extremis stuff is plot-critical enough that it should be mentioned.
One day. This story must occur after MA 20 (15-22) and perhaps before SECINV:DR 1 (1-7) [See query below]. Iron Man tries to help a construction crew with cleaning up after the Skrull invasion, but the Skrull virus has reversed the Extremis modifications to his body, and without them, he can barely control his Extremis armour, the armour's systems crash and he crashes into the river. Stark upgrades Pepper’s repulsomatic technology. Maria Hill empties out her desk on her last day with SHIELD while Stark meets with Norman Osborn to check out of the agency. After Stark and Hill leave, Osborn illegally tries to tap into the Superhero Registration database, which triggers a virus that destroys Osborn’s HAMMER servers. Osborn declares war on Stark. Stark tells Maria and Pepper that the real registration database was never in the HAMMER servers - the only copy was uploaded into his brain.
I don't see why it must occur before SI:DR, by the way. Could you explain that one to me?

I'm also wondering if SI 8 (22:1) must take place between TB 126 (1-9) and TB 126 (10-22) - Osborn says he has a meeting with the President in that first segment of TB 126. He then goes to it in SI 8 (22:1). He then does some plotting and calls Moonstone to start the "house cleaning" he'd arranged beforehand - any earlier, and Moonstone can't bribe Bullseye with the Dark Avengers spot she whispers in his ear in TB 127 (11:5) [Check the Dark Avengers #3 cover - one of them, anyway - if it's not already obvious by this point].
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Somebody wrote:
I don't see why it must occur before SI:DR, by the way. Could you explain that one to me?
I figured that IIM 8 ushered out the old (Stark) and SI:DR ushered in a new order, so it made sense to me to put IIM 8 before SI:DR. It doesn't necessarily have to be that way, hence the "perhaps."

Somebody wrote:
I'm also wondering if SI 8 (22:1) must take place between TB 126 (1-9) and TB 126 (10-22) - Osborn says he has a meeting with the President in that first segment of TB 126. He then goes to it in SI 8 (22:1). He then does some plotting and calls Moonstone to start the "house cleaning" he'd arranged beforehand - any earlier, and Moonstone can't bribe Bullseye with the Dark Avengers spot she whispers in his ear in TB 127 (11:5).
That makes sense to me, Somebody. Thanks.
Paul B.
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

I updated the first three posts in this thread. I added new material and, hopefully, corrected previous mistakes.
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Somebody »

Just some Typo Hunting for now...

There are several "SECNV"s in the SI:ASM listings
SHE-HULK v4 #30 – FB
...and is working with others ro tear She-Hulk down...
"to", not "ro"
...who flee wth a map of Dreamtime...
"with" (and it's "the Dreamtime", not just "Dreamtime")
Beta Ray Bill, Balder, the Warriors Three and the rest of Asgard wage a brutal batle...
...“Sue”tells Johnny...
Missing space
...As Ben Urich moves from the hospital to Times Sqaure,....
...and Dawson and Lisa fibd a cell phone on it that opens the doors of the tower...
DEADPOOL v4 #2 (7:5-17)
... He has the new Super-Skrulls wipe out a bunch of old Super-Skrulls in a training excercise.
....only to discover the heads of sleeper agents who had been in wakanda for “months”...
"Wakanda" should be capitalised.
...The strike forces rendezvouses with Scott, Emma, and Prodigy, and Beast proposes that they use the Legacy Virus to exterminate the Skrulls.
Just "rendezvous"
...followed by a bunch of Initiative and Skrull Kill rew members. The dugan Skrull releases a gas that is lerthal to humans but harmless to Skrulls.
Skrull Kill *sigh* "Krew", capitalise "Dugan", "lethal"
...Black Bolt, through Medusa, anounces an alliance with the Kree...
NEW AVENGERS #48 (3-22)
...Fired SHIELD agents gather in a bsr...
DEADPOOL v4 #5 (7-10)
....Zeke disccovers that Wade brought his own army...
...and offers to hand over imprtant information...
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Somebody »

Okay, so something Paul will find interesting about the Ms Marvel writer's apparent idea of the SI timeframe:
Brian Reed, [url=][/url] wrote:She fights the Skrulls in Manhattan, but then we don't see her for awhile, right?

BR: Yeah. The end of my issues is only the end of the first day of the invasion. The invasion goes on for around 72 hours. And then she's back in the Central Park fight.
[NB: That link, and indeed the rest of the answer I quoted, contains apparent MAJOR SPOILERS for future issues of Ms. Marvel. If you don't want spoiled (and it's the sort of spoiler that doesn't usually get blown in an interview, making me think it's not entirely truthful), don't click.]
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Thanks, Somebody, for the typo corrections, although "rendezvouses" is correct, believe it or not.

Regarding the 3-day length of the invasion, as you can see I have it occurring over the course of two days. If someone would like to take all these notes and propose a 3-day layout that works, I'd be interested and grateful.
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Re: Skrull Invasion chronology

Post by michaelyuri »

Paul Bourcier wrote:Thanks, Somebody, for the typo corrections, although "rendezvouses" is correct, believe it or not.
Although I'm hesitant to voluntarily insert myself into a grammar/usage disagreement, I think Somebody is right on this one.

"Rendezvouses" would be the third person singular form of the verb, but in this sentence it's the plural, "strike forces."

I/you rendezvous
He/she/it rendezvouses
We/you/they rendezvous