Black Knight chronology

Discuss chronologies for characters in the main "Marvel Universe"

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Black Knight chronology

Post by Tim »

Nathan Garret still has the FF listing at

A 15
FF 405
A 15

Please move it to Sir Percy
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Russ Chappell
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Re: Black Knight chronology

Post by Russ Chappell »


We--to some extent, intentionally--allow quite a bit of time to pass between suggesting corrections to the listings, and acting on those suggestions. It's a very deliberate process. If enough time passes, without anyone piping up to say "Hold up on that theah car wash" (to quote the imminently quotable Buford T. Justice), then we'll make the changes.

However, when you reply to your own thread, without adding new content, you've done your suggestion a disservice, because your suggestion has bubbled back up to the top, in essence, making it "new" again, and resetting the clock. If you keep doing it, your correction will quite literally never make it into the Project, and none of us wants that, if it's a valid correction.

So I've taken the liberty of splitting your post off from the original thread, thereby sending that thread back to its rightful place, and hopefully, bringing us closer to the day when your information can be reflected in the Project.

Thanks for your help.

watching: tru calling
I can't promise you that things will improve, if we make changes;
I can promise you that they won't improve, if we don't.

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