Venom: Dark Origin 1-5

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Venom: Dark Origin 1-5

Post by JLH »

Retcons and revisions a go-go! You'll want Venom to eat YOUR brains after this.

VENOM: DARK ORIGIN #1 [October 2008]
"Venom: Dark Origin. Chapter 1"
Writer: Zeb Wells
Penciler: Angel Medina
Inker: Scott Hanna

BROCK, MARY (Eddie's previously barely seen older sister)
WEYING, ANN (now inexplicably African-American)

Other characters:
Oliver North (appears on TV during testimony before congress, though isn't named)
Heidi Gardner and her father (girl who loses cat that Eddie kidnapped to return)
Neighborhood kids (help look for Mr Belvedere)
Sarah (girl Eddie likes in High School)
Cruel High School Wrestlers
Journalism teacher
Vernon Weimer (Director of Admissions for ESU)

Summary: Young Eddie Brock, maybe around 7 or 8, steals neighbor girl Heidi Gardner's cat, and when a wide search is launched for it, he miraculously "finds" it. Returning it makes him a hero to the kids on the block. Unfortunately, it doesn't impress his father nor older sister. While watching Ollie North testifying, Eddie displays the ability to tell when someone is lying. It's reiterated that Eddie's mother died in childbirth and both Mary and Carl blame him for it. That week at church, Eddie talks to a woman about how he killed his Mom when he was born, which she argues against. But she does encourage him to look for means to fill the hole in his life. Years later, as a teen, Eddie seeks the attention of cheerleader Sarah, even lying about being on the wrestling team (he's the equipment manager) and stealing one of her pom poms just to return it. He even gets grabby with her when she rejects him. Later, he gets beat up by the wrestling team for attempting to claim he's one of them. During English class later, the teacher talks about the power of press, particularly Watergate. Eddie is especially enthralled to hear that journalists get to say what's true or what's not. Years later, Eddie meets the director of admissions at Empire State University, having enrolled in journalism, using his internship at the San Francisco Chronicle as a reference. Unfortunately, he lied about it, and the guy seems to be on to him. In a panic, he snags some dork off a payphone in an attempt to call in pretending to be someone from the SFC. The dork, named Eugene, and his jock buddy scuffle with Eddie, who snaps, and is about to kill the guy when fellow student Ann Weying breaks it up. Eddie claims he needs her help finding his off-campus place, since he's new there. She reluctantly agrees, and they wander through the city that night, ending up in a bad neighborhood. Ann's quite mad when she discovers he lives on campus and only said he didn't to spend time with her. A gang of punks pops up, smashes Eddie on the head with a bottle, then knocks Ann down, where she hits her head on a fire hydrant. Eddie urges the gang to take the girl and leave him, when Spider-Man swings in, beats up the gang, and tells Eddie to take fifth home. Eddie's shaken up and afraid of the webhead. When Ann recovers, Eddie claims to have defeated the group himself.

Continuity notes: Eddie's sister Mary previously only appeared in Nova's third volume as an innocent bystander he tried to save but ended up getting hurt. She has never been seen, nor even remotely mentioned, in any comic other than that series, up until now. Even flashbacks to his youth lacked her. Of course, considering Eddie's initial Sin-Eater backstory is itself a retcon (the Daily Globe isn't once mentioned during the Jean DeWolff storyline), it's fair game.

Despite the scuffle with the teens, we've previously seen that Eddie really did become a jock in high school, winning many trophies.

Spider-Man gives no real clues to when his appearance is. He seems to be in the, no pun intended, swing of things in his crime-fighting career, but next issue implies otherwise (meaning this is most likely before UTSM 15).

Goofs: Carl Brock, previously established as being quite wealthy, is working class. Eddie was previously shown to have grown up with a maid in a mansion. Here, no maid, and they live in the suburbs, and Eddie eventually needs a scholarship to get into ESU. Carl's also suffering from male pattern baldness, but in later appearances has hair (perhaps he's a member of hair club for men later).

We learn next issue the black girl Eddie dates is supposed to be his eventual wife Ann Weying, who apparently becomes white one day.

Calendar notes: Spidey seems quite confident in his role as protector of NYC. He's been "patrolling fifth avenue pretty hard the last couple of nights". He's also late for something.

Pages 1-9 panel 2: Years ago. Day Five of the Congressional Investigation into Iran Contra or whatever topical replacement. The "Mr Belvedere" incident.
Pages 9 panel 3- page 11 caption 1: That Sunday morning. Eddie and family go to church.
Pages 11-15: Years later, Eddie's teen years. The whole cheerleader, wrestling, journalism interest incident.
Pages 16-22: Years later, Eddie just started at ESU. The admissions mix-up incident and meeting of Ann, running into Spidey for the first time that night.


VENOM: DARK ORIGIN #2 [November 2008]
"Venom: Dark Origin. Chapter 2"
Writer: Zeb Wells
Penciler: Angel Medina
Inker: Scott Hanna


Other characters:
Paul Barnum (Globe reporter)
Donald (Eddie's lawyer)

Summary: One night in NYC, Captain Jean DeWolff lets in a fellow cop. He puts on a mask and shotgun blasts her as she makes them coffee. A day or so later, married couple Eddie and Ann discuss the story. Eddie claims his big story on page 3 got pushed off by it. As it turns out, he's lying to his wife, as he's just an intern at the Daily Globe. One of the reporters, Paul Barnum, makes him go through his mail to sort the legible ones. There, Eddie finds a letter from a man claiming to be the Sin-Eater, and will call a payphone on broadway that afternoon. Eddie takes the call, claims to be a crime reporter, and makes contact with the killer, who gives him DeWolff's badge number to prove it. Eddie then goes to Globe EIC Barney Buskin with this story, annoying Barnum. Unwilling to go with it, Barney has Eddie wait a week to see if the guy strikes again. He does, killing Judge Rosenthal and facing Spider-Man. He calls Eddie again, which leads to him finally getting a front page story. Ann's proud, and the success begins to go to Eddie's head as he quickly gets a desk and everything. Unfortunately, the killer wants to meet him face to face. At the curch on Broadway and 11th, Eddie reluctantly agrees to meet the man who reveals his name to be Emil Gregg. There he also notices the Virgin Mary statue crying a black substance that we see to be Spider-Man's symbiote costume lurking about the place. Eddie discovers the next victim will be Reverend Finn, and despite spotting a cop outside, he keeps this info to himself and continues making headlines. As he neglects his wife for his job, Rev. Finn turns up dead, and Eddie reaps the benefits. J. Jonah Jameson, publisher of the rival newspaper the Daily Bugle, sees for himself that everybody's buying the Globe instead of his old rag. As Eddie continues speaking to Gregg on the phone, a pair of detectives come to Brock in an effort to get the killer's name. But the reporter keeps his lips shut, hiding behind the first amendment, leading to his arrest, which gets some press coverage that he exploits. But when he returns home, he runs into his father, who's ashamed of his covering for a murderer. Carl reminds him that the victims' stories are more important than the killer's. So, Eddie finally reveals the Sin-Eater's identity in a world exclusive in the Globe, which gets even Paul Barnum to start liking him for boosting circulation so highly. But soon EIC Bushkin shows Eddie the TV news, that Emil Gregg was caught and the real Sin-Eater was revealed to be Detective Stan Carter by Spider-Man! Barney is recalling that morning's Globe, and Eddie's made to take the fall for it, getting fired.

Continuity notes: There is no mention, whatsoever, even the slightest hint, of Paul Jenkins' cancer retcon here. If Eddie's sick, he hides it from even himself!

Goofs: According to numerous other flashbacks, Eddie was in fact a reporter for the Globe prior to the Sin-Eater story. He was writing up on the Sin-Eater which led to Gregg contacting him, according to ASM 300. For whatever reason, this story tries to retcon him into just an intern until swiping the lead from an actual reporter. As such, it retcons out UTSM 15, where Eddie is a reporter for the Globe! So it looks like now, in UTSM 15, Eddie was lying and hadn't yet started at the Globe. As such, this means Eddie's run in with Spidey last issue must take place EARLY into Spidey's chronology, despite his clear lack of being a novice. *brickwall*

There's a shot of Spider-Man's red and blue costume on the TV at one point, despite his not wearing it at this period.

The timeline of Emil Gregg being revealed to Stan Carter getting arrested doesn't fit the original books at all. It's made out to happen in maybe a few hours, but it actually took at least two full days.

Pages 1-3: The death of Jean DeWolff, shown for the first time. It's entirely from Stan Carter's POV.
Pages 4-7 panel 4: Thursday, June 12th. Eddie finds the letter from Emil Gregg, takes the call at noon, and goes to Barney Bushkin with the story. Told to wait a week.
Page 7 panel 5: Picture of death Judge Rosenthal. As seen in PPTSS 108.
Page 8 panel 1: Picture of Sin-Eater exiting a building. As seen in PPTSS 108.
Page 8 panel 2: Picture of Sin-Eater shooting at Spider-Man on the street. As seen in PPTSS 108.
Page 8 panel 3: Picture of Sin-Eater fighting Spidey while Hugo Kelsey lies dead in the foreground. As seen in PPTSS 108. These pictures have captions of Emil Gregg talking to Eddie over them.
Page 8 panel 4- page 13 panel 6: Eddie, having made front page, now has a desk, takes another call from Gregg. That night, he meets him in the church where the Venom symbiote lurks. He'll be killing Reverend Finn next.
Page 13 panel 7-page 15: Another day. Rev Finn is dead (as happened in PPTSS 108), so Eddie published "Interview with a Killer". Jonah no likey. Perhaps the same day, Eddie gets arrested for not revealing his source.
Page 16-18: Likely the next day, Eddie gets out on bail. He returns home and encounters his ashamed father, who pushes him to reveal the Sin-Eater's name.
Page 19-22: The Daily Globe reveals Emil Gregg as Sin-Eater in the morning edition. By that afternoon, Gregg's arrested (PPTSS 109), and Stan Carter is revealed (PPTSS 110).
Page 20 panel 2: TV footage of Emil Gregg under arrest. Likely after or during PPTSS 109.
Page 21: Panel 1: TV footage of Spidey fighting angry mob as Stan Carter is hauled away. As seen in PPTSS 110.


VENOM: DARK ORIGIN #3 [December 2008]
"Venom: Dark Origin. Chapter 3"
Writer: Zeb Wells
Penciler: Angel Medina
Inker: Scott Hanna


Other characters:
Pair of cops (one named Gary; both killed)
Divorce lawyer

Summary: Some time after the whole Sin-Eater affair, Eddie Brock is stuck writing for tabloid rags. Ann's divorcing him. So he takes a gun and goes to church, planning on killing himself. There, the alien symbiote finds him and bonds with him. While doing so, a priest notices and calls up a pair of cops. They encounter Brock and the symbiote, and eventually both end up dead. The priest only survives by virtue of the fact he forgives Eddie for his sins. When returning home, Eddie is surprised to discover his other can turn itself into any clothing he desires, which he uses to make it into a nice suit when meeting Ann and her divorce lawyer. After signing the papers with the symbiote ink, he's reminded of the fact he now knows Spidey's true identity. While looking in the bathroom mirror, he laughs and thus his mouth is born, tongue and all, oftentimes teeth becoming fangular.

Flashbacks: There's a generic "Secret Wars" two page spread. Galactus stands with his arms crossed. Captain America blocks off one of Doc Ock's arms with his shield. Wolverine's claws are in the air. Thor is blasted by something. Hawkeye aims his bow. Thing punches down Bulldozer. She-Hulk lifts up some ground which has Colouss on it, Nightcrawler teleporting off it as Wrecker falls back off it. Enchantress fires into the air randomly. Cyclops also shoots into the air at Thor, it appears. Titania punches at the air as red-suit Spidey grabs the back of her head to leap over her. Wasp fires at Titania. Hulk hops. Dr Doom power fist glows. Ultron glows his fits. Lockheed breathes fire. Lizard lunges. Mohawked Storm shoots at Iron Man, it seems, while Captain Monica Marvel flies around. Piledriver lies on the ground. Absorbing Man swings his ball in shadow. Volcana is powered up. And a dark haired guy in a yellow & blue X-Men uniform is also there, despite not being part of the series. Somehow I don't think this spread actually occurred.

There's also four small previously seen shots of Spidey getting and getting rid of his alien suit.

Goofs: The church gets semi-blown up, despite being intact in issue 5's battle. Similarly, this story retcons out the fact Eddie went from "church to church" praying originally. Here it's made out to be the one place he ever goes, I think it's even supposed to be the church he went as a child! (but that wouldn't work, since Eddie grew up in San Francisco)

Eddie killing the cops here pretty much retcons out the Annual story-run "First Kill"'s intention of his first kill being something important. Maybe he considers the forgiveness given by the priest wipes those deaths away?

Page 1 panels 1-4: Eddie leaves his apartment with a gun, as Ann's voice plays on his answering machine, telling him she'll be over with a lawyer to have the divorce papers signed.
Page 1 panels 5-9: Eddie in church talking to the Virgin Mary Statue. This particular shot has been done with different dialogue in many places prior, firstly in ASM @26/2.
Page 2-22: The suit bonds with Eddie, in graphic detail, as he struggles. A priest spots him, calls in the cops, big battle with the two police officers, who get killed as a result, causing the church to catch on fire. This all takes place at daytime in seemingly chilly weather.
Page 4-5: The big "Secret Wars" spread.
Pages 6-7: Panel 1 has within it a shot of the symbiote in ball form as Spidey approaches it, then another shot of him reaching for it. Panel 3 has the suit merging with Spidey, then a shot of him getting rid of it under the bells. All of these have been seen before.


VENOM: DARK ORIGIN #4 [January 2009]
"Venom: Dark Origin. The Ties That Bond"
Writer: Zeb Wells
Penciler: Angel Medina
Inkers: Scott Hanna & Derek Fridolfs

VENOM (also in FB)

Other characters:
Other symbiotes (in FB only)

Summary: Eddie's landlord notices some of the symbiote oozing from the doors and is upset, thinking he's painting the room, and when he notices it's living, plans to call an exterminator. Anyway, so, Eddie and the symbiote focus their merge. The symbiote even gets into his memories, as we revisit young Eddie getting thanked by Mr Gardner for saving the cat, only to have the other kill him when he realizes the truth about the cat-napping. The suit then shows Eddie its birth and what it does, making another host strong enough to survive harsh terrain. Reminded of his life (in the mini-series) thus far, Eddie agrees to be fully bonded with it. We see this happen on a molecular level in his bloodstream.

Sometime later, Peter Parker stands on a train platform, yakking up to some people about the picture of Spidey he took, which is on the front page saying "Spider-Man Condemned". Distracted by the paper, Venom shoves Pete in front of an oncoming train, though he manages to leap out of the way. Using the symbiote's costume changing abilities, Eddie sneaks away without being caught. Much later, he goes to the Parker residence in Chelsea, and waits. Mary Jane comes home and encounters him. Venom proceeds to terrorize her, the symbiote especially jealous over the fact Pete chose her over it.

Flashback: "60,000 light years away". Some weird alien creature tries to survive on a toxic planet. The symbiote is born and the alien is its first host. Other symbiotes are seen doing the same thing. This is most likely the earliest possible appearance of the symbiote.

Continuity notes: It's not clear if Mary Jane is married to Peter in the revisiting and expansion of ASM 299's ending. She wears no wedding ring (she didn't in the original issue, anyway). Venom calls her Peter's "woman". Next issue, Pete calls her "my girl", not his wife. Ambigious enough?

Goofs: This tale treats WOS 18 as happening seemingly right before ASM 299, and proceeds to ignore Eddie's attack on Spidey in WOS 24 and all the ASM 388/2 stuff. Luckily, it doesn't actively erase them, it's just ignorant.

In WOS 18, Peter wasn't reading a newspaper. In the revisiting of that scene in ASM 388/2, we saw Eddie get fingered as the shover by someone in the crowd, meaning this issue having him get away doesn't fit so well.

ASM 299's ending is altered here. Originally, MJ came home after shopping for clothes, only to find what she thought was Peter in the dark, only to have him grow a mouth. Here, MJ returns from grocery shopping, finds Peter's "costume" hanging there, scaring her until she realizes it's just a suit, then it grows a mouth and takes shape as Venom. This retcon does reinforce MJ's hatred of the black costume a lot more than the original story did. And aside from the dialogue differences, the majority of this scene has never been shown anyway. But she claimed in ASM 300 she wasn't harmed or even touched, here we see her get hung up by her hair and knocked out when slammed against the ground. They REALLY love demonizing Brock in this mini.

Calendar notes: There's a calendar in Eddie's apartment that reads "October".

Pages 1-13 panel 5: Night. Eddie bonds with the symbiote in his apartment and learns of its history through a flashback and some hallucinations.
Pages 13 panel 6 & 7 to page 14 panel 3: Just prior to WOS 18's final page, Peter brags about his photo being on the front page as Venom stalks him.
Page 14 panel 4-7: WOS 18's final page revisited.
Page 14 panel 8 to page 15 panel 1: Eddie slips away when a guy asks if anyone saw who pushed Peter.
Page 15 panel 2 to page 22: Starts out with a slight retcon/revision of ASM 299's final two pages, then continues showing Venom terrorizing Mary Jane.


VENOM: DARK ORIGIN #5 [February 2009]
"Venom: Dark Origin. Chapter 5"
Writer: Zeb Wells
Penciler: Angel Medina
Inker: Scott Hanna

SPIDER-MAN/PETER BENJAMIN PARKER (some appearances same as ASM 300)
ROBERTSON, JOE "ROBBIE" (appearance the same as ASM 300.)
Thing/Ben Grimm (appearance the same as ASM 300.)

Other characters:
Big Ricky the limo driver (dies)

Summary: Brock watches Spidey from afar. He kills a limo driver who thinks he's taking pictures of some of his celebrity clients. Brock later pumps some iron. He then lurks outside Peter's new condo, and once he's spotted, hangs back enough for Spider-Man to catch up to him. They fight, end up at the church, and eventually, Venom is worn down and defeated. Eddie becomes aware of the fact the symbiote he craves the attention and power of, actually only chooses to be with him until it can get back with Peter. Eddie lies to himself, something he's good at, and remains in the tube in the Four Freedoms Plaza HQ of the Fantastic Four.

Continuity notes: I've tried to salvage as much of this issue as I can versus the original version from ASM 300. Much of it takes place from a different perspective of those events, some even between shots and scenes. But the main battle between Spidey & Venom is just not reconsilable. Here's what I mean in detail, following Pete spotting Venom outside the condo:

ASM 300 has Spidey following Venom to an abandoned building. Once inside, Venom ambushes him, slamming him into a wall, causing him to lose the sonic blaster. Eddie Brock reveals his face to Peter and begins to explain his whole story as Peter slowly reaches for the blaster. Once Spidey leaps for it, Venom pulls his mask back together and punches at the floor, knocking Peter down into the lower floor. Brock then swings down and kicks him, swipes for him but misses as Peter leaps around and puts him in a lock. Venom breaks out, but Pete grabs a girder and bats him away, before grabbing the sonic blaster and shooting him in the chest. The symbiote pulls away but doesn't let go of Brock. Spidey leaves, hoping to come up with a new plan, prompting Brock, who recovers to web Peter's foot, pulling him back, smashing the window as a result, and heading directly into Venom's fist. After blacking out, Peter awakens webbed to the bell. Brock has the suit take on the form of a priest's attire for this "exorcism". When the bell tolls midnight, Spider-Man will be crushed. Brock departs since his other hates the loud noise, but promises to return. Peter struggles as other bells in the distance start tolling, and he barely gets one hand out to stop the clapper in time. Brock notices the lack of tolling as Peter continues to fight back against the bell, finally breaking free. Venom comes back up, and Spidey leaps off the side as Brock changes back to his normal suit. Spidey gets on the top of the church, grabs some sharp debris, and when Venom comes up there, he kicks him off the side. When Venom tries to web, he cuts the webbing with the debris, repeatedly, wearing the symbiote down to nearly nothing. Brock slams into the ground, left unconscious and mostly naked.

Venom Dark Origin 5 has Venom getting webstruck on the back by Spidey, allowing him to grab the web and use it to slam Peter into a wall. He crashes into a building, where Venom follows, punching Peter into a wall that he bounces off of. Peter strikes back with a kick that misses as Venom leaps. Peter tries to lunge at him, Eddie punches him up, then down, and when Pete throws a punch, some of the symbiote creates a shield. Eddie hits Peter, who leaps away grabbing Venom's face. The symbiote snags Peter's leg, slamming him on the floor. Eddie then reveals his face to Peter, and soon puts his mask back on. While taunting Peter he gets closer, which gives Spidey a chance to snag the sonic blaster, shooting Venom right under the chin. Spidey leaves as Eddie blacks out, only to have the symbiote take over and shoot some webbing at Peter's leg, pulling him back roughly, then punching him out. Peter is then webbed up inside the bell. No costume changes here at all. Spidey awakens directly and argues/taunts Brock right there. No waiting for the bell to toll, Brock swings the bonger thing, and Peter breaks out of the webbing enough to grab it and fling it back. Peter then breaks out and hits the bell, disrupting Venom. He kicks him, then Brock strikes back, only to get hit under the chin, then kicked there, then punched in the head, causing him to fall off the side. Venom tries to web to safety, and Peter cuts away the webbing with his bare hands repeatedly. Brock is left nearly naked, hanging in place momentarily.

Goofs: Thing is drawn in his regular form instead of the "extra rocky" form of the original issue.

The scene of Peter & Robbie where Peter spots Venom nearby took place on a balcony originally. Here, it's just in front of a window. I hear that was part of Mephisto's deal, Aunt May gets to live in exchange for the marriage and the condo they lived in years ago now never had a balcony.

Calendar notes: This entire issue takes place between panels, at the same time as, and sometimes in place of ASM 300. Other than a full moon shot, there's nothing here that gives any clue to what time of year it is.

Pages 1-3 panel 2: Eddie takes pictures of Spidey, bumps into an unruly limo driver, and kills him.
Page 3 panels 3-7: Eddie pumps iron at his apartment and decides that tonight's the night to kill Parker.
Page 4: The same as ASM 300 page 19, shown from Venom's POV.
Page 5-21 panel 2: An attempt to rewrite ASM 300's main battle between Spidey and Brock. The end result is the same, and more or less it follows the same beats.
Page 21 panels 3-7 to page 22: ASM 300's second to last scene is revisited from Brock's point of view. We see Spidey and Thing (in a robe) outside the tube prison Eddie and the symbiote are being held in.


Here's a breakdown of panels and such concerning all flashback and early Eddie Brock-related appearances I used for reference:

V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panel 3 [carl and a pregnant jamie brock]
V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panel 4 [carl and baby eddie, with sharon dempsey, at jamie's grave]
V:DO 1 Pages 1-10 [young Eddie 'rescues' a cat; carl; mary]
V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panel 5 [carl and child eddie; sharon]
V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panel 6-7 [carl and slightly older child eddie]
V:DO 1 Pages 11-15 [teen eddie in high school, not on wrestling team yet]
V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panel 8 [teen eddie with trophies]
V:LP 3-FB Page 14 panel 1 [young adult eddie circa watergate]
V:DO 1 Pages 16-22: [Eddie's first day at ESU, meets Ann, runs into Spidey]
ASM 375-FB Page 6 panel 3 [young adult eddie with ann, happy]
PPTSS2 38-FB page 1 panels 1-4 [first year of journalism school, he's 22, JJJ talks to the students]
UTSM 15 [Eddie pretends he works for the Globe, asks JJJ a question in a press crowd]
V:LP 3-FB Page 14 panel 2 [young adult eddie at the globe]
PPTSS2 38-FB page 2 panels 1-2 [Eddie interning at the Globe]
V:SOD -1 [young adult Eddie works at the Globe, isn't taken seriously]
PPTSS2 5-FB Page 1 panel 3 [eddie gets diagnosis from doctor, well before Sin-Eater case]
V:DO 2 [Eddie the intern works his way up thanks to the Sin-Eater case]
ASM 300-FB Page 22 Panel 2: Eddie at his desk at the Daily Globe while writing Sin-Eater article.
V:LP 3-FB Page 14 panel 3-4 [eddie and carl circa sin eater case hoax reveal, carl yelling at him]
ASM 375-FB Page 6 panels 4-5 [eddie with carl, where eddie reads hoax revealing bugle]
ASM 375-FB Page 6 panel 6 [carl turns back on eddie after hoax]
ASM 375-FB Page 6 panel 7 [eddie turns back on ann]
ASM 300-FB Page 23 Panel 3: Eddie after being fired, wanders the streets.
ASM 300-FB Page 23 Panel 4: Eddie smoking in his room, looking at papers while TV calls Spidey a hero.
ASM 300-FB Page 24 Panel 2, 4, 6: Eddie works out, dreams of killing Spidey, collects newspaper clippings.
PPTSS2 38-FB page 3 panel 2 [Eddie, now with symbiote, visits doctor about cancer, how he should be dead considering how advanced it is]
V:DO 3 Page 1 panels 1-4: Eddie leaves apartment with gun, ignoring Ann's comments on the phone.
ASM@ 26/2 Pages 1-2: Eddie prays, plans suicide in church, symbiote creeps up on him.
V:DO 3 Pages 2-22: Eddie's bonding with the symbiote, fleshed out considerably.
ASM@ 26/2 Page 3-8: Still new to his bonding with the symbiote, Eddie wanders the streets before returning home, then gets involved with a neighbor's run in with legbreakers.
PPTSS@ 12/2
WOSM@ 8/2
V:DO 4 Pages 1-13 panel 5: Eddie and the symbiote complete their bonding as it tells him of its history.
ASM 388/2 Pages 1-5 panel 1: Eddie plots to kill Parker, using techniques learned from a veteran.
V:DO 4 Page 13 panel 6- page 14 panel 3: Eddie stalks Peter on subway track.
WOSM 18-BTS Page 22 panels 2-8~ASM 388/2 Pages 5 panels 2-4 to page 5 panel 2: Eddie pushes Peter in front of train, he recovers quickly.
V:DO 4 Page 14 panel 8 to page 15 panel 1: Eddie slips away from the scene of the crime.
ASM 388/2 Pages 6 panel 3-page 8: Eddie gets fingered! Manages to escape. Then plans his next move.
WOSM 24-BTS Page 8 panel 3-5 to page 9 panel 3 ~ ASM 388/2 Pages 9 panels 1-5: In Atlantic City, Venom grabs Peter's leg when he's on the side of a building.
ASM 388/2 Pages 9 panel 6 to page 12: After Pete swings to safety, Venom is caught by guards, whom he dispatches.
{ASM 298}
ASM 299
V:DO 4 Pages 16-22: Venom terrorizes Mary Jane, the full scene.
ASM 300 Page 4: Venom returns to his apartment after the MJ incident, pumps some iron.
ASM 300 Pages 1-3, 5-8: Peter consoles MJ, they go to stay in a hotel.
V:DO 5 Page 1 panel 1: Spidey swings through the city with the Sonic Blaster webbed on his back.
ASM 300 Page 9: Peter returns to his apartment with the blaster on his back.
V:DO 5 Pages 1-3 panel 2: Eddie kills limo driver who spots him watching Peter.
ASM 300 Pages 10-11 panel 2: Eddie hides in a crowd, following Peter, who ducks in an alley and swings away before Brock can reach him.
V:DO 5 Page 3 panel 3-7: Eddie pumps iron, plans to kill Peter.
ASM 300 Pages 16-17: Venom visits the church in planning, kills a cop.
ASM 300 Pages 18-19 panel 2: Peter & MJ move into their new condo with help from their friends.
V:DO 5 Page 4 ~ ASM 300 Page 19 panels 3-5: [Peter, Robbie talk in condo during the move-in while Venom lurks outside until Pete spots him]
ASM 300 Pages 20-37: The big Spidey vs Venom battle.
ASM 300 Page 37 panel 6 ~ V:DO 5 Page 21 panels 3-7 & page 22: Eddie and the symbiote in a containment capsule, as Thing (in a robe) talks with Spidey.

And now, here's the revised MCP listings for all major characters, using that guide.

**V:DO 2

**PPTSS 134-FB
**V:DO 2
{PPTSS 107}

**PPTSS 107
**V:DO 2 Page 5 panel 5 Letter from Emil to the Daily Globe.
**V:DO 2-VO Page 6: Thursday, June 12th. Eddie takes the call from Emil Gregg at noon.
**PPTSS 108
**V:DO 2 Page 7 panel 5 through page 8 panel 3 [captions only]: Pictures of deaths from PPTSS 108 with captions of Emil talking to Brock over them.
**V:DO 2 Page 10 to page 12: Eddie takes call from Emil, meets him in church, warns of Finn's death next.
**V:DO 2-VO Page 14 to page 15 panel 1: Another day. Rev Finn is dead (as happened in PPTSS 108), Eddie talks to Emil on the phone.
**PPTSS 109
**V:DO 2 Page 20 panel 2: TV footage of Emil Gregg under arrest.
remove[PPTSS 128]

**V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panels 3-4
**V:DO 1
**V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panels 5-7
**V:DO 2
{ASM 375-FB} Page 6 panels 4-5
**V:LP 3-FB Page 14 panels 3-4
**ASM 375-FB Page 6 panel 6
V:LP 2
V:LP 3

V:DO 1
{NO3 3}

[added full name]
See also Venom
remove[V:LP 1-FB]
remove[VSS 1-FB]
remove[UTSM 4]
**V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panel 4
**V:DO 1 Pages 1-10
**V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panel 5
**V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panel 6-7
**V:DO 1 Pages 11-15
**V:LP 3-FB Page 13 panel 8
**V:LP 3-FB Page 14 panel 1
**V:DO 1 Pages 16-22
**ASM 375-FB Page 6 panel 3
**PPTSS2 38-FB page 1 panels 1-4
**V:LP 3-FB Page 14 panel 2
**PPTSS2 38-FB page 2 panels 1-2
V:SOD -1
PPTSS2 5-FB Page 1 panel 3
**V:DO 2 Pages 1-18
**ASM 300-FB Page 22 Panel 2
**V:DO 2 Pages 19-22
**ASM 375-FB Page 6 panels 4-5
**V:LP 3-FB Page 14 panels 3-4
**ASM 375-FB Page 6 panels 6-7
**ASM 300-FB Page 23 Panels 3-4
**ASM 300-FB Page 24 Panels 2, 4, 6
**V:DO 3 Page 1 panels 1-4
**ASM@ 26/2 Pages 1-2
**V:DO 3 Pages 2-22
**ASM@ 26/2 Page 3-8
PPTSS@ 12/2
WOSM@ 8/2
V:DO 4 Pages 1-13 panel 5
ASM 388/2 Pages 1-5 panel 1
V:DO 4 Page 13 panel 6- page 14 panel 3
WOSM 18-BTS Page 22 panels 2-8~ASM 388/2 Pages 5 panels 2-4 to page 5 panel 2
V:DO 4 Page 14 panel 8 to page 15 panel 1
ASM 388/2 Pages 6 panel 3-page 8
WOSM 24-BTS Page 8 panel 3-5 to page 9 panel 3 ~ ASM 388/2 Pages 9 panels 1-5
ASM 388/2 Pages 9 panel 6 to page 12
PPTSS2 38-FB page 3 panel 2
{ASM 298}
ASM 299
**V:DO 4 Pages 16-22
**ASM 300 Page 4
**V:DO 5 Pages 1-3 panel 2
**ASM 300 Pages 10-11 panel 2
**V:DO 5 Page 3 panel 3-7
**ASM 300 Pages 16-17
**V:DO 5 Page 4 ~ ASM 300 Page 19
**ASM 300 Pages 20-37
**ASM 300 Page 37 panel 6 ~ V:DO 5 Page 21 panels 3-7 & page 22
DEF2 10

[added alien race]
**V:DO 4-FB
**SMF2 1-FB
**VSS 1-FB
remove[M/SHSW 7-BTS]
**V:DO 2
**ASM@ 26/2 Pages 1-2
**V:DO 3 Pages 2-22
**ASM@ 26/2 Page 3-8
PPTSS@ 12/2
WOSM@ 8/2
**V:DO 4 Pages 1-13 panel 5
**ASM 388/2 Pages 1-5 panel 1
**V:DO 4 Page 13 panel 6- page 14 panel 3:
**WOSM 18-BTS Page 22 panels 2-8~ASM 388/2 Pages 5 panels 2-4 to page 5 panel 2:
**V:DO 4 Page 14 panel 8 to page 15 panel 1:
**ASM 388/2 Pages 6 panel 3-page 8:
**WOSM 24-BTS Page 8 panel 3-5 to page 9 panel 3 ~ ASM 388/2 Pages 9 panels 1-5:
**ASM 388/2 Pages 9 panel 6 to page 12:
**PPTSS2 38-FB page 3 panel 2
ASM 298
ASM 299
**V:DO 4 Pages 16-22
**ASM 300 Page 4
**V:DO 5 Pages 1-3 panel 2
**ASM 300 Pages 10-11 panel 2
**V:DO 5 Page 3 panel 3-7
**ASM 300 Pages 16-17
**V:DO 5 Page 4 ~ ASM 300 Page 19 panels 3-5
**ASM 300 Pages 20-37
**ASM 300 Page 37 panel 6 ~ V:DO 5 Page 21 panels 3-7 & page 22
DEF2 10

**V:DO 1
**ASM 375-FB Page 6 panel 3
**V:DO 2
**ASM 375-FB Page 6 panel 7
**V:DO 3
{ASM 375}

**V:DO 1
**WOSM 18 Pages 1-21
**V:DO 4 Page 13 panel 6- page 14 panel 3
**WOSM 18 Page 22 panels 2-8 ~ ASM 388/2 Pages 5 panels 2-4 to page 5 panel 2
**V:DO 4 Page 14 panel 8 to page 15 panel 1
**WOSM 24 Pages 1-8 panel 2
**WOSM 24 Page 8 panel 3-5 to page 9 panel 3 ~ ASM 388/2 Pages 9 panels 1-5
**WOSM 24 Pages 9 panel 4 to page 22
ASM 299
**ASM 300 Pages 1-8
**V:DO 5 Page 1 panel 1
**ASM 300 Pages 9-18
**V:DO 5 Page 4 ~ ASM 300 Page 19 panels 3-5
**ASM 300 Pages 20-37 panel 5
**ASM 300 Page 37 panel 6 ~ V:DO 5 Page 21 panels 3-7 & page 22
**ASM 300 Pages 38-40

ASM 299
**V:DO 4
ASM 300

**V:DO 2

move from[V:SOD -1]
MARVELS 2 (1 - 22)
{ASM 27}
MARVELS 2 (23 - 48)
DHKF 22/2
M/TU 56
ASM 190
ASM 193
FF 207
ASM 194
ASM 201
ASM 202
ASM 203
ASM 204
ASM 205
S-W 29-BTS
ASM 208
ASM 209
ASM 210
moved to here[V:SOD -1]
**V:DO 2
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Re: Venom: Dark Origin 1-5

Post by Somebody »

Honestly, this sounds very non-canon to me, under "it can't be".
Chronology Guru
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Re: Venom: Dark Origin 1-5

Post by JLH »

Somebody wrote:Honestly, this sounds very non-canon to me, under "it can't be".
I think it works better than some of the stories the MCP has had to accept. It just requires Brock to be lying about being a reporter in UTSM 15, then actually becoming a reporter, then getting demoted to intern again, then becoming a reporter again, then getting fired. The whole thing is founded on Brock being a liar, anyway. As for Ann's skin color, uhh... she just tans easily? Carl Brock plays the stock market and is sometimes rich, sometimes not?

The only story that cannot fit in Venom's chronology anymore is "Uncanny Origins" #7. That had Brock already divorced from Ann during the Sin-Eater incident, and also showed Bushkin firing Brock for the first time. But that also seemed to treat Brock becoming Venom as happening like the same night as his harassing of MJ. UO 7 also "replayed" ASM 300's main Spidey/Venom battle, though it skewed a lot more towards how it happened (with Brock in priest outfit and Spidey using debris to cut the webs).

I suppose if consensus is V:DO isn't canon, maybe UO 7 should be analyzed to include its new scenes in its place. I'll do that right now, just in case, for the heck of it.