Amazing Spider-Man Family #4

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Amazing Spider-Man Family #4

Post by michaelyuri »

Amazing Spider-Man Family #4

Story #1: A Matter of Trust
Writer: J.M. DeMatteis
Pencils: Val Semeiks
Inks: Lanning/Justice/Olazaba

Characters Appearing:
Betty Brant, Harry Osborn (& FB), May Parker (& FB), Spider-Man (& FB), Gwen Stacy (FB only), Flash Thompson (FB only)

1-6p3: Peter wakes up and learns from the radio and newspaper that Harry Osborn is alive. He opens the door to leave the apartment and finds Harry standing in the hall. Peter is angry and distrustful of Harry. Harry leaves.

6p4-10: Peter goes out to clear his head. He calls Betty Brant, who tells him that the news caught everyone at the Bugle by surprise. Harry finds Peter, saying that he wants to talk. He tells Peter that he's just as confused about what's going on as everyone else. Peter wants to trust Harry, but he is afraid that he's being set up.

11-18: Peter goes to Harry's gravesite and reflects on his relationship with Harry. Peter, as Spider-Man, swings off to Harry's house. He looks in the window and sees Harry at his desk, looking troubled. Harry catches a glimpse of Spider-Man and runs to the window, but Peter swings out of view.

19-20: Peter shows up at Harry's house and invites him to play basketball.

(6:7-8:3) Harry torments Peter during chemistry lab at ESU. Gwen tells Harry that maybe they shouldn't believe everything Flash says about Peter. (Harry, Gwen, Peter)

(9:4) Spider-Man holds Harry's hand as he lies on his deathbed. (Harry, Peter)

(11:1-11:6) Harry apologizes to Peter for treating him badly and opens up to Peter about his relationship with his father. Peter in turn tells Harry about his own parents' deaths. (Harry, Gwen, Peter)

(14:5-16:6) Peter approaches Harry, Flash & Gwen. Harry mocks and ridicules him. Later that day, Harry shows up at Peter's house and apologizes. Peter accepts his apology and they play basketball. (Flash, Harry, Gwen, Peter, Aunt May)

(17:6) Peter and Harry battle while flying on a Goblin glider. (Harry, Peter)

Continuity Notes:
Pages 1-18 occur over the course of one day. Pages 19-20 are a different (presumably the next) day.
This story occurs "several months ago," clearly between One More Day and Brand New Day. Peter is living with Aunt May in an apartment (revealed in the story to be Betty Brant's). Peter has been looking for a job for "weeks". Harry's been thought dead for "three years".

Three of the flashbacks are about Peter and Harry first becoming friends. I don't know enough to say exactly where the flashbacks fit, or whether they reveal new information.


Story #2: Career Paths! [MC-2]
Writer: Tom DeFalco
Artist: Todd Nauck

Characters Appearing:
Angelo Cantano, Carlie Cooper, Vinnie Drasco, Vin Gonzales, Spider-Man, Mary Jane Watson-Parker

1-7: Mary Jane is keeping Peter busy as he works in an ESU biology lab. Suddenly a criminal name Angelo, looking for drugs, comes crashing down from the ceiling. Peter quickly disarms him. He tells them a sob story, and they agree to take him to the hospital. A security guard shows up and holds them until the police arrive.

8-10: Detective Drasco tells Peter and MJ that Angelo's entire tough luck story was a lie. Meanwhile, Angelo arrives at the jail and tells the other inmates that he was busted by Spider-Man during a bank heist. CSI agent Carlie Cooper gives Peter her card.

Continuity Notes:
This story comes sometime after Pete gets the job offer from Curt Conners in ASMF 1/3.
This story introduces a few Brand New Day characters into the MC-2 universe (Carlie & Vin), and is the first chronological appearance for Detective Drasco.

*Cooper, Carlie
*ASMF 4/2

Drasco, Detective Vinnie
*ASMF 4/2
. . .

*Gonzales, Vin
*ASMF 4/2

Spider-Man/Peter Parker
. . .
ASMF 1/3
ASMF 2/2
*ASMF 4/2
SG 49-FB (16:3-16:4)
WI?2 105-FB (7:4)
. . .

Watson-Parker, Mary Jane
. . .
ASMF 1/3
ASMF 2/2
*ASMF 4/2
SG 49-FB (16:2-16:3)
WI?2 105-FB (7:4)
. . .


Story #3: Canine Commotion [Spider-Ma'am]
Writer: Abby Denson
Artist: Colleen Coover

Characters Appearing:
Edna Blackquill, Spider-Ma'am, Spider-Man

1-8: Aunt May is working in her garden in preparation for the "Greenest Block in Queens" competition. Her neighbor Edna BlackQuill attempts to sabotage her garden, but May, disguised as "the Amazing Spider-Ma'am" foils her scheme. May wins the competition, and Edna vows to unmask Spider-Ma'am.

(3:5-3:6) Landscapers work in Edna's garden. (Edna Blackquill, Spider-Ma'am)

Continuity Notes:
This is after May's first appearance as Spider-Ma'am in ASMF #3/3.
These "Amazing Spider-Ma'am" stories are billed as taking place "In another world".


Story #4: The Secret Origin of Swiney-Girl! [Spider-Ham]
Writer: Tom DeFalco
Pencils: Shawn Moll
Inks: Rob Campanella

Characters Appearing:
Green Gobler, Green Gobler II, Mr. Furtastic, Spider-Ham, Swiney-Girl, Mary Crane Watsow

1-10: Peter Porker's daughter Mayday takes on the identity of Swiney-Girl and battles the Green Gobler.

Continuity Notes:
This story is a Spider-Ham pastiche of the classic Spider-Man/Harry Osborn battle and Spider-Girl's origin story.


Story #5-6: Reprints of Amazing Spider-Man #97-98
ASM 97-98 are already in the MCP

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Re: Amazing Spider-Man Family #4

Post by Col_Fury »

michaelyuri wrote:(6:7-8:3) Harry torments Peter during chemistry lab at ESU. Gwen tells Harry that maybe they shouldn't believe everything Flash says about Peter. (Harry, Gwen, Peter)

(11:1-11:6) Harry apologizes to Peter for treating him badly and opens up to Peter about his relationship with his father. Peter in turn tells Harry about his own parents' deaths. (Harry, Gwen, Peter)

(14:5-16:6) Peter approaches Harry, Flash & Gwen. Harry mocks and ridicules him. Later that day, Harry shows up at Peter's house and apologizes. Peter accepts his apology and they play basketball. (Flash, Harry, Gwen, Peter, Aunt May)
Are around Amazing Spider-Man #34, I think.

And these:
michaelyuri wrote:(9:4) Spider-Man holds Harry's hand as he lies on his deathbed. (Harry, Peter)

(17:6) Peter and Harry battle while flying on a Goblin glider. (Harry, Peter)
Are during Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #200.

I haven't had the chance to check, so I'm not sure if there's new information here or not, either.
michaelyuri wrote:This story occurs "several months ago," clearly between One More Day and Brand New Day.
Yes. And more specifically, during ASM 581-FB for Harry, & before ASM 581-FB for Peter.

I really liked this issue, and I'm glad that J.M. DeMatteis wrote it. Go J.M. DeMatteis! :)
-Daron Jensen
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man Family #4

Post by Paul Bourcier »

Thanks for the analysis, Michael.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man Family #4

Post by JLH »

michaelyuri wrote:Mary Crane Watsow
When'd she change her name from Mary Jane Waterbuffalo?