Official Index to the MU - Abbreviations

Discuss chronologies for characters in the main "Marvel Universe"

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Official Index to the MU - Abbreviations

Post by wolframbane »

Here is a complete list of all the Abbreviations used in the new Official Index to the MU, all the way up to issue #8. Hope it is useful.


Official Index to the Marvel Universe
Welcome to the official Key page for the Official Index to the Marvel Universe, the new series that aspires to catalogue as many of Marvel's approximately 32,000 published comics as is humanly possible in celebration of Marvel's 70th anniversary!
Each issue will present a Key to abbreviations included therein, while this list will serve as an over-arching abbreviations list, updated regularly as the series progresses.

1st - in chronologies this usually refers to the first appearance. When it means another first, such as the first time a character is mentioned, a clarification (eg, 1st mention) is included.
Ann - Annual
app - appearance
bts - a behind the scenes appearance, where a character was not seen, but nonetheless impacted on the story in some way.
chr - chronologically. Differentiates between the real last and next appearances, and revised last and next appearances created by flashbacks and other continuity inserts.
fb - flashback. An appearance set in a time frame earlier than the rest of a given issue's story.
GS - Giant Size
HC - Hardcover
inc - including. Used when referring to a character within a group or an item within a location (eg, X-Mansion inc Danger Room)
prev - previous. Used when referring to a specific number of characters that all share the same fact (eg, prev 4 1st or prev 3 chr next in...)
Spec - Special
TPB - Trade Paperback

2001:SO - 2001: A Space Odyssey
A:Rev - Angel: Revelations
AA - Amazing Adventures
AC&P - Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix
ACap - Adventures of Captain America
AF - Amazing Fantasy
AFlt - Alpha Flight
AI:RIM - Age of Innocence: The Rebirth of Iron Man
AllWC - All-Winners Comics
AllWin - All-Winners Comics
AmazX - Amazing X-Men
ANOH - All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z
AoA - Age of Apocalypse
AoA SpEd - Age of Apocalypse one-shot
Arch - Archangel
ASM - Amazing Spider-Man
ASM:SE - Amazing Spider-Man: Spirits of the Earth
ASM:SH - Amazing Spider-Man: Soul of the Hunter
ASME - Amazing Spider-Man Extra
ASS - Amazing Scarlet Spider
AT - Astonishing Tales
Av - Avengers
Av:C - Avengers: The Crossing
Av:EMH - Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Av:In - Avengers: Initiative
Av:KS - Avengers: The Korvac Saga
Av:TO - Avengers: Terminatrix Objective
Av:Ts - Avengers: Timeslide
AvS - Avengers Spotlight
AvUnp - Avengers Unplugged
Av:Vault - Avengers: Deathtrap, the Vault
AWC - Avengers West Coast
AX - Astonishing X-Men
BA - Bizarre Adventures
BAxe - Black Axe
BG - Black Goliath
Bish - Bishop
BK - Black Knight
BK:E - Black Knight: Exodus
Btide - Battletide
BMC - Best of Marvel Comics
BoD - Books of Doom
BP - Black Panther
BTB - Balder the Brave
BW:ColdW - Black Widow: Coldest War
Bwulf - Blackwulf
C:Gene - Codename: Genetix
C&D - Cloak and Dagger
Cable - Cable
Cap - Captain America
Cap:SoL - Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty
CapC - Captain America Comics
CB - Captain Britain
CD - ClanDestine
Ch - Champions
CitV - Citizen V & the V-Battalion
CM - Captain Marvel
CoC - Marvel Super-Hero Contest of Champions
CoH - Code of Honor
Com - Comet Man
COTL - Creatures on the Loose
CX - Classic X-Men
DA - Dark Angel
Daz - Dazzler
DBCW - Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special
DC - Damage Control
DCvM - DC vs Marvel
DD - Daredevil
DD/BW:A - Daredevil/Black Widow: Abattoir
DDs - The Daredevils
DeadG - X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl
Def - Defenders
DF:Av - Domination Factor: Avengers
DFSM - Deadly Foes of Spider-Man
DH - Death's Head
DHII - Death's Head II
DHII:G - Death's Head II: Gold
Dhawk - Darkhawk
DHKF - Deadly Hands of Kung Fu
Die - Die-Cut
Dhold - Darkhold
Dlk - Deathlok
Dom - Domino
DO:NE - Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure
Dp - Deadpool
DR:MM - Dark Reign: Made Men
DrS - Doctor Strange
DS - Doc Savage
DSM - Doc Savage Magazine
Et - Eternals
EvX - Exiles vs X-Men
Ex - Excalibur
Ex:Air - Excalibur: Air Apparent
Ex:DTN - Excalibur: Days of Then and Now
Ex:MM - Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem
Ex:SD - Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn
Ex:WW3 - Excalibur: Weird War III
Ex:XXC - Excalibur: XX Crossing
FA - Fallen Angels
FAC&P - Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix
FacX - Factor X
Falcon - Falcon
FanFor - Fantastic Force
Fear - Adventure into Fear
FF - Fantastic Four
FF:WGCM - Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Comic Magazine!
FFvX - Fantastic Four vs the X-Men
FM - Frankenstein Monster
FNSM - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Fool - Foolkiller
Fs - Firestar
Fury - Fury
FW - Force Works
G&B - Gambit & Bishop
Gam - Gambit
Gam&X - Gambit & the X-Ternals
GenNext - Generation Next
GenX - Generation X
GenX:OV - Generation X: Opening Volley
Godz - Godzilla
GotG - Guardians of the Galaxy
GR - Ghost Rider
GR/W/P:HoD - Ghost Rider/Wolverine/Punisher: Hearts of Darkness
GSFF - Giant-Size Fantastic Four
GSSH - Giant-Size Super Heroes
GSSM - Giant-Size Spider-Man
GSSS - Giant-Size Super-Stars
GSX - Giant-Size X-Men
HA - Hell's Angel
HFHX - Heroes For Hope Starring the X-Men
HFly - Human FLY
HTD - Howard the Duck
Hulk - Incredible Hulk
HW:Melt - Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown
Ice - Iceman
IF - Iron Fist
IG - Imperial Guard
IM - Iron Man
IM:BB - Iron Man: Bad Blood
IM:EM - Iron Man: Enter the Mandarin
IM:IA - Iron Man: The Iron Age
IM:LD - Iron Man: Legacy of Doom
IM/SM - Iron Man/Sub-Mariner
ImpSVS - Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular
InfC - Infinity Crusade
InfG - Infinity Gauntlet
InfW - Infinity War
Inv - Invaders
JA - Jungle Action
JIM - Journey Into Mystery
JoH - Jack of Hearts
KBSS - Kent Blake of the Secret Service
KoP - Knights of Pendragon
Kull - Kull the Conqueror
KZ - Ka-Zar
KZ:Guns - Ka-Zar: Guns of the Savage Land
KP&W - Kitty Pryde & Wolverine
L:PW - Logan: Path of the Warlord
L:SS - Logan: Shadow Society
LC - Luke Cage, Hero For Hire
LoN - Legion of Night
LR - Logan's Run
Ls - Longshot
M:H&L - Marvel: Heroes & Legends
M:LG - Marvel: The Lost Generation
M:S&L - Marvel: Shadows and Light
MA - Marvel Age
MAtlas - Marvel Atlas
MacM - Machine Man
Mag - Magneto
Mag:DS - Magneto: Dark Seduction
MaxS:DP - Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet
MChil - Marvel Chillers
MCP - Marvel Comics Presents
MDS - Marvel Double Shot
MEnc - Marvel Encyclopedia
MFan - Marvel Fanfare
MFeat - Marvel Feature
MGN - Marvel Graphic Novel
MGN:ASMSE - Marvel Graphic Novel: Amazing Spider-Man - Spirits of the Earth
MGN:DrSDD - Marvel Graphic Novel: Dr. Strange & Dr. Doom
MGN:HT - Marvel Graphic Novel: The Incredible Hulk and the Thing
MGN:RMA - Marvel Graphic Novel: Rick Mason, The Agent
MHol - Marvel Holiday Special
Micro - Micronauts
MK - Moon Knight
MKF - Master of Kung Fu
MKSM - Marvel Knights: Spider-Man
ML - Marvel Legacy
ML60 - Marvel Legacy: the 1960s
ML70 - Marvel Legacy: the 1970s
ML80 - Marvel Legacy: the 1980s
ML90 - Marvel Legacy: the 1990s
MM/B - Machine Man/Bastion
MM:MOTP - Marvel Monsters: Monsters on the Prowl
MMC - Marvel Mystery Comics
MOF - Monster of Frankenstein
MonUn - Monsters Unleashed
Morb - Morbius
MPr - Marvel Premiere
MS - Marvel Spotlight
MSA - Marvel Super Action
MSH - Marvel Super-Heroes
MsM - Ms Marvel
MSMK - Mark Spector: Moon Knight
MSS - Marvel Super Special
MSUn - Midnight Sons Unlimited
MT - Marvel Tales
MTE - Marvel Treasury Edition
MTh - Man-Thing
MTIO - Marvel Two-in-One
MTU - Marvel Team-Up
MTW - Mys-Tech Wars
MUni - Marvel Universe
Mv - Marvels
Mv10 - Marvels 10th Anniversary Edition
MVal - Marvel Valentines Special
MVs - Mephisto Vs
MWoM - Mighty World of Marvel
MYiR - marvel Year in Review
MysT - Mystery Tales
Nam - Namor
NAv:I - New Avengers: Illuminati
NAv - New Avengers
Nc - Nightcrawler
NF:AoS - Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD
NFVS - Nick Fury versus SHIELD
NiM/Gam - Night Man/Gambit
NiMvW - Night Man vs Wolverine
NM - New Mutants
NM:ToD - New Mutants: Truth or Death
NMSE - New Mutants Special Edition
Nom - Nomad
NW - New Warriors
NX - New X-Men
O:BTS - Ororo: Before the Storm
OHMU - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe
OHMU:AoA - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Age of Apocalypse
OHMU:AU - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes
OHMU:DE - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition
OHMU:H - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Hulk
OHMU:ME - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition
OHMU:SM - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man
OHMU:U - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Update
OHMU:X - Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men
Omega - Omega the Unknown
OMISM - Official Marvel Index to the Amazing Spider-Man
OMIX - Official Marvel Index to the X-Men
Ons:E - Onslaught: Epilogue
Ons:MU - Onslaught: Marvel Universe
Ons:XM - Onslaught: X-Men
OtE - Over the Edge
P:US - Phoenix: The Untold Story
ParX:H - Paradise X: Heralds
PM - Power Man
PMIF - Power Man and Iron Fist
PP - Power Pack
PPSM - Peter Parker: Spider-Man
PPSSM - Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man
PR:Gen - Phoenix Resurrection: Genesis
PR:Rev - Phoenix Resurrection: Revelations
Pun - Punisher
Pun:Prize - Punisher: The Prize
Pun/Cap:B&G - Punisher/Captain America: Blood and Glory
PWJ - Punisher War Journal
PY1 - Punisher Year One
Q - Quasar
Quest - Questprobe
RH - Rampaging Hulk
Rogue - Rogue
Rom - Rom
RRC - Red Raven Comics
S - Sentry
S/SM - Sentry/Spider-Man
S/X - Sentry/X-Men
S:Mor - Strikeforce: Morituri
Sabre:DH - Sabretooth: Death Hunt
Sabre:RZ - Sabretooth: In the Red Zone
SAv - Solo Avengers
SavSH - Savage She-Hulk
SavT - Savage Tales
SecDef - Secret Defenders
SecWar - Secret Wars
SecWar2 - Secret Wars II
SecWars - Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars
SenSH - Sensational She-Hulk
SenSM - Sensational Spider-Man
SgtF - Sgt. Fury & his Howling Commandos
SH - She-Hulk
Shanna - Shanna the She-Devil
Shogun - Shogun Warriors
Slap - Slapstick
Sleep - Sleepwalker
SM - Spider-Man
SM:D&D - Spider-Man: Death & Destiny
SM:FI - Spider-Man: Fear Itself
SM:Hob - Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives
SM:LoE - Spider-Man: Legacy of Evil
SM:LL - Spider-Man: Lifeline
SM:MA - Spider-Man: Mutant Agenda
SM:OJ - Spider-Man: The Osborn Journals
SM:PL - Spider-Man: Parallel Lives
SM:RGG - Spider-Man: Revenge of the Green Goblin
SM:WGP - Spider-Man: With Great Power
SM/HT - Spider-Man/Human Torch
SM/XFac - Spider-Man/X-Factor: Shadowgames
SME - Special Marvel Edition
SMFam:AF - Spider-Man Family featuring Spider-Man's Amazing Friends
SMHol - Spider-Man Holiday Special
SMS&PM - Spider-Man, Storm & Power Man Battle Smokescreen
SMTU - Spider-Man Team-Up
SMU - Spider-Man Unlimited
SMUK - Spider-Man (UK Weekly)
SMvW - Spider-Man vs Wolverine
SpD - Speedball
SpEdX - Special Edition X-Men
Spell - Spellbound
SpSM - Spectacular Spider-Man
SpSMag - Spectacular Spider-Man Magazine
SS - Silver Surfer
SSMBC - Super Spider-Man & Captain Britain
SSol - Super Soldiers
SSS - Soviet Super Soldiers
SSU - Scarlet Spider Unlimited
SSWP - Silver Sable & the Wild Pack
SswConan - Savage Sword of Conan
ST - Strange Tales
Starb - Starblasters
Starj - Starjammers
StarM - Star Masters
SThr - Supernatural Thrillers
Storm - Storm
Stryfe - Stryfe's Strike File
Sub - Sub-Mariner
SVTU - Super-Villain team-Up
SW - Spider-Woman
SW:O - Spider-Woman: Origin
SWar:FNF - Secret War - From the Files of Nick Fury
TalesAoA - Tales of the Age of Apocalypse
TAm - Team America
Tb - Thunderbolts
Tb:Z - Thunderbolts Present Zemo: Born Better
Thor - Thor
Thor:GS - Thor: Godstorm
ThorCp - Thor Corps
TInc - Terror Inc.
TM:BB - Tales of the Marvel: Blockbuster
ToD - Tomb of Dracula
ToS - Tales of Suspense
Tstrike - Thunderstrike
TTA - Tales to Astonish
TWOS - Tangled Web of Spider-Man
U - Underworld
UA - Unlimited Access
ULCM - Untold Legend of Captain Marvel
UO - Uncanny Origins
UToS - Untold Tales of Spider-Man
UTOS:SE - Untold Tales of Spider-Man: Strange Encounters
UXM - Uncanny X-Men
V:LP - Venom: Lethal Protector
Venom SS - Venom Super Special
Venom:STA - Venom: Sinner Takes All
Venom:TC - Venom: Tooth & Claw
VSW - Vision and the Scarlet Witch
VT - Vampire Tales
W - Wolverine
W:DFP - Wolverine: Days of Future Past
W:Doom - Wolverine: Doombringer
W:Jun - Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure
W:O - Wolverine: Origins
W/C:GG - Wolverine/Cable: Guts and Glory
W/G - Wolverine/Gambit
W/NF - Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection
W/NF:SC - Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection
W/NF:SR - Wolverine/Nick Fury: Scorpio Rising
W/P:DE - Wolverine/Punisher: Damaging Evidence
W:BC - Wolverine: Bloody Choices
W:Bl - Wolverine: Bloodlust
W:Evil - Wolverine: Evilution
W:IF - Wolverine: Inner Fury
W:Kill - Wolverine: Killing
W:KT - Wolverine: Knight of Terra
W:Saud - Wolverine: Saudade
WarM - War Machine
WBN - Werewolf By Night
WCA - West Coast Avengers
Web:TS - Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man
WHead - Warheads
WI - What If...?
Wlk - Warlock
Wlk&IW - Warlock and Infinity Watch
WlkChr - Warlock Chronicles
WM - Wonder Man
WoSM - Web of Spider-Man
WX - Weapon X
X - X-Men
X&M - X-Men and the Micronauts
X&AF - X-Men & Alpha Flight
X/AF - X-Men/Alpha Flight
X/SM:TA - X-Men/Spider-Man: Time's Arrow
X:A - X-Men: Alpha
X:CE:Mag - X-Men: Chaos Engine: Magneto
X:Col - X-Men: Colossus - Bloodline
X:DG - X-Men: Deadly Genesis
X:ES - X-Men: Endangered Species
X:HC - X-Men: The Hellfire Club
X:HY - X-Men: The Hidden Years
X:KPSF - X-Men: Kitty Pryde - Shadow & Flame
X:L - X-Men: Legacy
X:Lib - X-Men: Liberators
X:MT - X-Men: Magneto - Testament
X:O - X-Men: Omega
X:OC - X-Men: Origins - Colossus
X:OJG - X-Men: Origins - Jean Grey
X:OSabre - X-Men: Origins - Sabretooth
X:OMO - X-Men: Odd Men Out
X:OS - X-Men: Original Sin
X:P - X-Men: Prime
X:Ph - X-Men: Phoenix
X:TF - X-Men: True Friends
X:WA - X-Men: The Wedding Album
XavYB - Xavier Institute Alumni Yearbook
Xcal - X-Calibre
XCD - X-Men & The ClanDestine
XChron - X-Men Chronicles
XDD - Marvel Comics 1998 Annual Starring X-Men and Dr. Doom
XFac - X-Factor
XFac:PL - X-Factor: Prisoner of Love
XFor - X-Force
XFor&Cable - X-Force & Cable
XM/B - X-Men vs Brood: Day of Wrath
XMan - X-Man
XMF - X-Men Forever
XMU - X-Men Unlimited
XSpotSJ - X-Men Spotlight on... Starjammers
XTA - X-Tinction Agenda
XTerm - X-Terminators
XvA - X-Men vs Avengers
XX - X-Treme X-Men
YM - Young Men
Last edited by wolframbane on Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jason Doty
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Re: Official Index to the MU - Abbreviations

Post by Jason Doty »

Does anyone know if all the writers of this working on the index follow the same basic rules. X-Men/Spider-Man: Time's Arrow are novels. Not that it bothers me, I was just wondering.
Paul Bourcier
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Re: Official Index to the MU - Abbreviations

Post by Paul Bourcier »

There seem to be two codes for Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection. Note the lack of First Class listings.
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Re: Official Index to the MU - Abbreviations

Post by JephYork »

The proper one is W/NF:SC. Good catch!
Does anyone know if all the writers of this working on the index follow the same basic rules.
Yes ... what makes you think we don't?
X-Men/Spider-Man: Time's Arrow are novels.
Yes ... and?

Jason Doty
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Re: Official Index to the MU - Abbreviations

Post by Jason Doty »

Jeph wrote
Yes ... and?
My question would be then, are they including all novels or just certain ones.
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Re: Official Index to the MU - Abbreviations

Post by JephYork »

are they including all novels or just certain ones.
"Including" how? You mean, "stating that it's canon"?

Unlike the MCP, the Index isn't JUST a chronological listing of character's appearances. It's a general reference book -- and we also discuss other comics in our Notes sections. We mention that a certain book brings up a certain point, or what have you. So just because we have a novel's name on our abbreviation list, doesn't automatically mean that we've dubbed the novel canon and placed it into a character's chronology. We might just want to say something about the novel.

I don't know the context of the "Time's Arrow" references, but I saw a reference to one of the "Chaos Engine" novels in the upcoming Index #7. And all it was, was a mention that the novel establishes something or other about the nature of Merlyn. We didn't place it into anyone's chronology.

I'm still confused as to why you asked if we all follow the same rules ... has something given you the impression that certain writers follow one set, and other writers follow another?

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Re: Official Index to the MU - Abbreviations

Post by wolframbane »

Just updated the Abbreviation list up to OITTMU #8.