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Post by Col_Fury »

Here's Paul B's FEAR ITSELF event chronology. Thanks Paul!

One day, shortly before FI. Titania is interviewed at Farnum Observational Facility in upstate New York.

One night, shortly before FI. Thing talks to Invisible Woman about nightmares that have been scaring him about his potential to harm those he loves. Full moon.

One day. As a volunteer for Miriam Sharpe’s charity, Robbie Baldwin delivers groceries to a homebound woman.

One day. Robbie Baldwin helps with a construction project.

One day. Robbie Baldwin reads to hospitalized children.

One day. Robbie Baldwin volunteers at an animal shelter.

One day. Robbie Baldwin gives a stuffed animal to a child.

One day, “one week” before BP:MWF 521 (5:1-5:3). Josh Glenn tries to rob a pawn shop to get weapons but is nabbed by Black Panther.

One day. Jimmy Woo immerses himself in 1950s TV shows and newspapers as he has a clandestine affair with Namora. Uranian and Gorilla Man tell Woo and Namora about a neo-Nazi group firebombing synagogues and African-American churches in southern Florida, and the four Agents Of Atlas head there.

The day after FI:HF 1/2 (1-5). The Agents of Atlas attack a neo-Nazi base in Plant City, Florida.
One day, ;probably just before FI. Scott and Emma have dinner in a restaurant, Hawkeye and Mockingbird fight Hydra agents, and Hulk and Red She-Hulk walk in what is probably the Brazilian rainforest, where they appear working on their relationship in FI.

The day after FI:HF 1/2 (6:1). Woo, Namora, Gorilla Man, and M-11 raid a neo-Nazi base in Tampa.
One day. This story occurs before FI 1 (1-15), must occur after CA 615 (1-15). The new Red Skull (Sin) and Baron Zemo enter an old base of the original Red Skull in the Egyptian desert. After defeating security drones, they locate a book whose cover is made of the skin of dead Atlanteans. Sin tells Zemo of a hammer that her father tried to get during World War II. The two escape the base before a booby trap destroys it. Sin takes off with the book in Zemo’s hovercaft, leaving Zemo behind.
Perhaps the same day as FI:BOTS 1. This segment probably occurs after IM 503 (17-18). The surviving magpie finds young Loki communicating on the Internet with s Stark smart phone. Thor arrives and talks to Loki. He notes that Odin does not approve of the decisions he’s making for Asgard.
AVENGERS v4 #13 – FB (7-8)
Probably the same day as JIM 622 (4-10), since this flashback occurs “just before” the Fear Itself blitzkrieg. Noh-Varr brings his girlfriend Annie to Avengers Tower, where Jarvis provides new member Rulk with a bowlful of raw eggs. Watching Rulk eat the eggs makes Spidey sick.

The day after FI:HF 1/2 (6:2-6:3). Woo, Gorilla Man, and M-11 find a man in Orlando who leads them to the neo-Nazi’s main base in Key West. Joined by Venus and Namora, they raid the base and subdue their leader, Vorster. Full moon.
Probably the day after FI:BOTS 1. Sin thinks about her past as she and her men approach the Red Skull’s Antarctic base.
FEAR ITSELF #1 (1-15)
The same day as FI:TW 1. This story probably occurs the day after A4 13-FB (7-8) and must occur after IM 503 (17-18), T 621, T 620.1, ASTONT 4, and IM 503. Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter find themselves in the middle of a riot in Manhattan, sparked by a protest over a building project. Sin and her soldiers go to the Red Skull’s Antarctic base and fight its defenders, the Thule Society. They access Skadi’s hammer, and when Sin touches it, she becomes the living incarnation of Skadi, an ancient threat to Asgard. In Manhattan, the Avengers (Spider-Woman, Spidey, Logan, Rulk, Iron Man, Rogers, Carter, Thor, Hawkeye, and Protector) discuss the riot and Iron Man announces to his teammates that Thor has agreed to allow Stark Resiliant to rebuild Asgard. Stark asks the Avengers to stand with him at a press conference to publicly announce the project. Green trees in New York.
The same day as FI 1 (1-15). This segment must occur after AvAc 12 (9-22). Speedball leads Mettle and Hazmat in a battle against Ice Princess and Wrangler in Manhattan.
The same day as FI 1 (1-15). Mayor Jameson gives a press conference following the riot. Later in his office, he contemplates the role of super-heroes in that riot.
The same day as FI:HF 1/3. On “hour six [“day one”] of the Fear,” Spidey deals with Manhattanites gripped by fear and lightning lights up the sky. Spidey tries in vain to reach Aunt May.
The same day as FI 1 (1-15). This flashback occurs “three months” before VENG 1. An old man sees taped TV coverage of the riot involving Rogers and Carter and decides to take action.
Probably the same day as FI:HF 1/3. This segment may occur the day after JIM 622 (4-10). A magpie destroys itself and reveals a key to Loki, the first in a series of clues that set Loki on a journey to find answers. Volstagg appears.
The same evening as FI:SM 1 (1-8). On “hour eleven of the Fear,” Manhattanites and rates are gripped by fear as Spidey saves innocents in the ensuing pandemonium.
The same night as FI:SM 1 (9-10). According to the Index, this segment occurs after PUN9 4. On “hour fourteen” of the Fear, At the Daily Bugle, Ben Urich, Norah Winters, and Joe Robertson monitor the acts of fear going on around the world. Mayor Jameson claims it’s Spider-Man’s fault, as Urich notes that the Avengers are mobilized but don’t know the nature of the threat. Spidey worries about Aunt May and gets blamed by fearful police when a bomb goes off.
The same night as JIM 622 (11-13). Loki finds his last clue in a book about the Siege of Asgard and suddenly finds himself facing the spirit of Loki, who explains his intention to live on in changed form. Young Loki turns the spirit into his pet bird, Ikol.
The same night as JIM 622 (14-21). Loki summons a teller to inform him about how other Asgardians view him. The teller shows him scenes playing out elsewhere in Asgard: the Warriors Three discussing their thoughts about Thor’s resurrection of Loki; Sif discussing her suspicions of Loki with Valkyrie; and Heimdall’s requesting Odin to do something about Loki’s presence among them. Loki declines the teller’s offer to show him what Thor is thinking. The teller forcefully extracts Loki’s saga from his being as payment for his favor. Loki calls out to Thor for assistance and the God of Thunder arrives, forcing the teller to retreat. Lokli confesses his actions to Thor, and, watching from afar, the teller wonders if Loki is indeed changed. Full moon.

The early morning after FI:HF 1/2 (6-9). Vorster tells the Agents of Atlas that his organization is the Hammer of Thule, descendants of the Thule that summoned “the great one” for Red Skull in WWII at a base in Germany. The Agents decide to go to that base.
Probably the early morning after FI:SM 1 (11-14). STRIKE assaults a top-secret military hangar in the Sonoran Desert and steals a Helicarrier that Norman Osborn commissioned but never used.
The morning after FI:SM 1 (11-14). On “hour twenty of the Fear,” Spidey tries to stay focused as the chaos in Manhattan continues.
The same morning as FI:SM 1 (15-16). On “hour twenty-three” of the Fear, Spidey saves a man who tries to commit suicide by jumping off a building. A bunch of rats, lead by Vermin, attack Spidey.
The same morning as FI:SM 1 (17-22). On “hour twenty-five [“day two”] of the Fear,” Norah Winters goes to Times Square to cover the fear gripping the city, and Spidey awakens in a torn-up costume as he’s gnawed by rats. He fights Vermin again and beats him.
The morning after FI:HF 1 (1-2). At Infinite Avengers Mansion, Tigra reports that a bunch of villains have taken advantage of the riot in Manhattan to cause trouble and that she spent all night chasing down White Rabbit. Jocasta calls Speedball’s attention to Miriam Sharpe’s comments against him and other heroes on TV, but Robbie doesn’t let that stop him from going to Stamford to volunteer at Sharpe’s charity. There, he meets Sharpe, who looks at him suspiciously, not quite recognizing him. Jacket weather in New York.
FEAR ITSELF #1 (16:1-18/19:1)
The day after FI 1 (1-15). As tourists tour Broxton, some Broxton residents leave the damaged town. Green grass and trees in Oklahoma.
AVENGERS v4 #13 – FB (18:6)
The same day as FI 1 (16-18/19). Near the ruins of Asgard, Iron Man preps the Avengers for a press conference. This flashback can’t occur on the heels of the previous panel, as the press conference precedes the banquet. Spider-Man has apparently donned a new costume – as noted in FI:SM 2 (10-11) – after the last one was torn up.
BATTLE SCARS #1 – FB (1:1)
The same day as A4 13 (18:6). Anderson watches TV coverage of the Avengers press conference, apparently as the heroes were positioning themselves as Spidey is in a different spot than in FI 1 and A4 13 and Iron Man’s helmet isn’t fully retracted.
FEAR ITSELF #1 (18/19:2-18/19:4) ~ AVENGERS v4 #13 – FB (19/20:1-19/20:4)
The same day as BS 1-FB (1:1). Iron Man stands with the Avengers, the New Avengers (Dr. Strange, Mockingbird, Victoria Hand, Ms. Marvel, Thing, Iron Fist, Cage, Jessica Jones), and Maria Hill to announce the rebuilding of Asgard and Broxton before the press.
AVENGERS v4 #13 – FB (19/20:5-19/20:6)
The same day as FI 1 (18/19:2-18/19:4). Thor, Rogers, Hawkeye, Strange, and Protector stand at the press conference.
FEAR ITSELF #1 (18/19:5-30:3)
The same day as A4 13-FB (19/20:5-19/20:6). As Iron Man continues to speak, Thor tells Rogers Odin should be there. As Odin looks down on the heroes with disgust, the Watcher appears. Odin senses that Skadi has awakened, and when Thor shows up looking for his father, Odin forces him to choose between Asgard and Earth. Thor chooses Earth. Skadi dives to the bottom of the Marianas Trench, where she finds the Serpent, who claims to be the true All-Father.
One day. Cage must spend time with the Avengers between TB 154-155 because of his statement in TB 156 that he “put in time with the Avengers and go recruiting with Strange, gone barely a week” – perhaps this time with the Avengers is A4 7-12. Cage enlists the aid of Dr. Strange and Hellstorm to find a magic-powered member for the Thunderbolts. Man-Thing teleports Cage and Strange to the Himalayas, where they fight Zatana’s defenses and finally reach the daughter of Satan, who agrees to join once she finds out Man-Thing is on the roster. At the Raft, Mach-5 supplies Juggernaut with a new helmet, and John Walker, Songbird, and Fixer gather Gunna and many other inmates together to train to be the next set of Thunderbolts.
THUNDERBOLTS #156 (1-12)
The same day as TB 155. This story occurs “barely a week” after TB 154. Cage questions Walker’s formation of the Thunderbolts team-in-training while he was away, and Walker says Songbird will head the new unit up. After Satana meets her new teammates, she joins them (Cage, Man-Thing, Juggernaut, Ghost, Moonstone) on a new mission to Stuttgart, Germany, where Gothenvald Castle and its mountain “just appeared a few months ago.” The heroes elude an attack by offspring of Harpies.
The same day as TB 156 (1-12). Juggernaut leads Cage, Moonstone, Man-Thing, Ghost in an assault on the castle walls.
THUNDERBOLTS #156 (13-20)
The same day as FI:TW 1/2. Inside the castle, the Thunderbolts face off against ghoulish German soldiers in the castle. At the Raft, Mach-5 interviews Shocker, Songbird talks to Gunna, Fixer interviews Centurius, and Walker interviews Boomerang. Songbird interviews Calvin Zabo, to whom she gives the serum that turns him into Mr. Hyde, but this time he’s an oversized version.
The same day as TB 156 (13-20). Songbird activates the nanites in Hyde’s serum, reverting him back to normal. As Fixer and Mach V train the Thunderbolts beta team, an emergency U.N. call comes in from Iraq, forcing the beta team to respond in the absence of the main team. In Germany, Satana dispatches the ghoulish soldiers and the Thunderbolts face Gothenvald and his monster, the Incarsicus, which injects hallucinations into the heroes’ minds that reflect their fears and suspicions. Cage breaks free, and when Juggernaut confronts Cage, Gothenvald has a chance to escape. Cage gets the message about Iraq, and he teleports all of his team there except Juggernaut, who is returned to the Raft as punishment for insubordination. The rest of the Thunderbolts – minus Cage, who must depart to appear in FI 1 (16-30) – and the beta team encounters an army of resurrected corpses in Iraq.
The same day as TB 157. The alpha and beta teams of Thunderbolts battle resurrected corpses in Iraq. As one of the seven hammer of the Serpent approaches Earth, Juggernaut hears it calling to him as he works out in the Raft’s gym.
The same day as TB 158 (1-7). Heimdall summons Loki to attend a feast in Asgard.
FEAR ITSELF #1 (31/32:1-31/32:2)
The same day as JIM 622 (21:5). The Avengers attend a banquet held by the Asgardians in Asgard. Volstagg tries to sell Rogers and Stark on the idea of his joining the Avengers.
AVENGERS v4 #13 – FB (13-15, 17:1-18:5)
The same day as FI 1 (31/32:1-31/32:2). The Avengers and Asgardians socialize at the banquet. After Volstagg hits on Ms. Marvel, Carol and Spider-Woman talk about men, and Carol notices something between Hawkeye and Spider-Woman. Hawkeye and Spider-Woman flirt. They are interrupted, but it can’t be by the press conference as shown here, since that event occurs before the banquet, according to FI 1.
FEAR ITSELF #1 (31/32:3-33:1)
The same day as A4 13-FB (13-15). Concerned about Skadi’s resurrection, Odin interrupts the banquet and announces he’s returning Asgard to its proper place. Thor challenges Odin.
The same day as FI 1 (31-33). Odin attacks Thor.
FEAR ITSELF #1 (33:2-37)
The same day as JIM 622 (22:1). Thor falls and strikes back at Odin, who defeats his son and takes Mjolnir. He asks that Thor be brought to the World Tree.
The same day as FI 1 (33-36). Odin orders that the Asgardians go home. They pick up Thor and follow him.
FEAR ITSELF #1 (38-39:3)
The same day as JIM 622 (22-23). Fandral explains to Rogers that they are leaving. Odin summons the Rainbow Bridge.
The same day as FI 1 (37-38). Loki states that things will be fine as the Asgardians approach the bridge.
HEROES FOR HIRE v3 #9 – FB (1:2)
The same day (“night”) as JIM 622 (24). Eight bogeys head toward Earth from space.
The same day as HFH3 9-FB (1:2). Silver Surfer watches as the hammers streak toward Earth.
The same day as FI:TD 2-FB. This segment occurs “one year” after BP:MWF 521-FB (1), “eight months” after BP:MWF 521-FB (2), “five months” after BP:MWF 521-FB (3:1-3:3:3), “three months” after BP:MWF 521-FB (3:4-3:5), “one month” after BP:MWF 521-FB (4:1-4:3), and “one week” after BP:MWF 521-FB (4:4-4:6). The life essence of the Hate Monger attaches itself to one of the hammers heading to Earth from space. If the July 4 setting of BP:MWF 1-FB (2) is correct, then it is now March.
IRON MAN 2.0 #5 (1-10)
The same day as BP:MWF 521 (5:1-5:3). In a city of hell in China, Bravest Panda Foot challenges Sun Wukong but is defeated by him. Wukong sees one of the Serpent’s seven bogeys from space strike the K’un L’un Mountains. He investigates and reaches for the hammer he finds at the impact site.
FEAR ITSELF #1 (39:4-44)
The same day as IM2.0 3 (1-10). The Asgardians step on the bridge. The All-Father senses that Odin is aware of Skadi’s return and summons “the Worthy.” Seven bogies from outer space arrive on Earth – one hits the Pacific Ocean, one breaks the trees in Brazil, the explosion caused by one (or perhaps by Wukong grabbing the hammer) is seen in China, one heads for Manhattan, and one lights up the sky above Broxton. Green grass and trees in Oklahoma.
The same day as FI 1 (38-44). Tourists eat at a Broxton diner while local discuss their state of affairs. When someone notices the Asgardians’ departure, the tourists clear out of the diner for a photo op.
The same day as FI:TH 1/4. The Asgardians arrive at the end of the Rainbow Bridge.
The same day as FI 2 (1). Odin creates a new Asgard at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, one designed for war.
FEAR ITSELF #2 (2-4)
The same day as JIM 623 (1). The Warriors Three wonder if they’re retreating, and Thor expresses shame at their abandonment of Earth. Odin orders that Thor be imprisoned.
The same day as FI 2 (3-4). As Thor is led away by guards, he shouts that Odin’s course of action is not right.
The same day as JIM 623 (2:4). Odin rallies the Asgardians to prepare for a world-shattering battle against the Serpent.
The same day as FI 2 (5). Fear grips Manhattan, and Spidey saves a man from rioters.
The same day as BS 1-FB (1:2). As Dr. Octopus watches a video recording of Stark groveling before him, he notices the bogey that strikes Manhattan. Pepper and the Resilient employees notice the bogey that approaches Broxton.
THUNDERBOLTS #159/4 (1:1-4:3)
The same day as IM 503 (19-22). “10 minutes before impact,” Crossbones is attacked by fellow inmates at the Raft because of his involvement with the Thunderbolts. Man-Mountain Mario comes to his rescue. The inmates hear a rumble.
The same day as TB 159/4 (1-4). A bogey approaches the Raft, one arcs the sky in Brazil, one burns in the Kunlun Mountains, and one streaks across the sky in Paris. Perched at Notre Dame, Grey Gargoyle goes to investigate.
The same day as IM 504 (1-3). Grey Gargoyle ponders his past as he follows the streak of light to its landing place near the Eiffel Tower. The villain reaches for the hammer.
FEAR ITSELF #2 (6:1-6:3)
The same day as FI:TW 1/4. Juggernaut finishes his workout and detects the hammer about to strike the Raft.
THUNDERBOLTS #159/3 (1:1-1:3)
The same day as FI 2 (6:1-6:3). John Walker detects something from his quarters in the Raft.
The same day as TB 159/3 (1:1-1:3). The bogey hits the Raft.
THUNDERBOLTS #158 (8:2) ~ THUNDERBOLTS #159/3 (1:4)
The same day as TB 158 (1:1). Walker asks for a damage report.
FEAR ITSELF #2 (6:4-7:3)
The same day as TB 158 (8:1-8:2). As the Raft burns, Juggernaut emerges from the rubble and notices the hammer that landed.
THUNDERBOLTS #158 (8:3-8:5)
The same day as FI 2 (6-7). Juggernaut reaches out for the hammer.
FEAR ITSELF #2 (7:4-9:4)
The same day as TB 158 (8:3-8:5). When Juggernaut grabs the hammer, he is transformed into Kuurth, breaker of stone and destroys the Raft. When he strikes, a news chopper sends a live video feed to a studio where a reporter notes that matching reports have arrived from China and American Samoa.
JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #635 – FB (1:3-1:4)
The same day as FI 2 (7-9). This flashback occurs “days” before JIM 635-FB (1:5). The walls of Brandon’s cell come tumbling down.
HEROES FOR HIRE v3 #9 – FB (1:3)
The same day as JIM 635-FB (1:3-1:4). Juggernaut raises his arms in the rubble of the Raft.
The same day as HFH3 9-FB (1:3). Juggernaut destroys the Raft’s security system.
The same day as FI:HF 2/3-FB. The cells of Raft villains including Man-Bull are destroyed.
HERC #3 (1-3)
The same day as TB 158 (9). Tiger Shark, Icemaster, Basilisk, Griffin, Man-Bull, and other villains break out of their Raft cells. Basilisk, Griffin, Man-Bull, and a mysterious villainess board a raft and are pulled away by Griffin, bound for Brooklyn.
THUNDERBOLTS #158 (10-16)
The same day as HERC 3 (1-3). Villains (including the Wrecking Crew, Aftershock, Living Laser, Icemaster, and Tiger Shark) break out of the rubble of the Raft and try to thank Juggernaut, who takes off. The Thunderbolts receive a mayday message from the Raft and teleport back.
The same day as TB 158 (10-16). As flying villains escape from the Raft, Rogers calls Giant-Man to request backup for the Thunderbolts who are responding to the breakout. As the two discuss the worldwide chaos, Rogers asks Pym if the Academy kids are ready to be deployed for civilian rescue. Pym briefs the Academy faculty (Jocasta, Quicksilver, Tigra, and Justice), and Jocasta notes that Speedball is already near New York. Pym orders Jocasta to remain in Infinite Mansion to coordinate troop movements and Tigra to prepare the kids for deployment. Giant-Man, Pietro, and Justice go through a portal to Long Island, where they fight Gorilla-Man (Nagan), Quicksand, Flying Tiger, and other Raft escapees.
FEAR ITSELF #2 (10-11)
The same day as xxx. The Avengers receive a report that another object has struck Paris. Rogers prepares to deploy the Avengers to incident zones around the world. Included are Protector, Rulk, Iron Fist, Cage, Dr. Strange, Spider-Woman, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Iron Man, Thing, Spidey, Ms. Marvel, and Logan. Reed Richards calls Rogers that a hammer has fallen from space and landed near Yancy Street.
FEAR ITSELF #2 (12-14)
The same day as xxx. While on a getaway in Brazil to discuss their relationship, Bruce and Betty Banner see a hammer land from space. They transform into their Hulkish forms and when Hulk touches the hammer, he changes into Nul, breaker of worlds. He orders Red She-Hulk to run.
The same day as xxx. “Moments” after “meteors of unknown origin” make landfall across the globe, Rogers records a message for Prodigy, directing him to lead a new Initiative.
The same day as xxx. A Belgian visitor to Paris becomes a victim of the Grey Gargoyle, who turns the population to stone.
The same day as xxx. Cardiac subdues rioters in Manhattan and rushes a young boy with meningitis to the hospital only to discover that he died. Cardiac blames himself because the fact that the boy’s dad is a despised healthcare CEO caused the hero to delay the rescue.
The same day as xxx. On “hour twenty-eight of the Fear,” the riot continues in Manhattan, where one of the Serpent’s hammers lies unattended on Yancy Street (having just landed there). Goblin Cult members go after Norah Winters. Spidey wonders if the chaos is what happens when the gods abandon Earth. Green tree in New York. It must be Tuesday.
FEAR ITSELF #2 (15-19)
The same day as xxx. According to A4 30, “Fear Itself” occurs early in the year before AVX. Absorbing Man tries in vain to lift the hammer from space that landed in South Africa, but when Titania grabs it, she transforms into Skirn, breaker of men. As Titania says they must go north to find Creel’s hammer, the Serpent orders hammer wielders to strike, Attuma (Nerkkod) ruptures a pipeline in the Pacific, Juggernaut causes mayhem, Thunderball flees, Red She-Hulk protects children from Hulk’s rampage, and Rogers, Hill, and Carter hear that eight impacts have happened around the world “tonight.” The Serpent sends Sin/Skadi out to cause mayhem with Nazi mechs (apparently to multiple cities).
AVENGERS v4 #15 – FB (3/4:1)
The same day as xxx. Red She-Hulk evacuates more children from Hulk’s destructive path in Brazil.
The same day as xxx. This segment occurs a “week” after Hardball and Komodo make up. General Charlie Stokes delivers Rogers’ message to Ritchie Gilmore, instructing him to lead a new Initiative. Thor Girl knows that the Asgardians have left Earth and that Odin has imprisoned Thor and the bogeys have been identified as hammers. After stopping a crazed gunman in Atlanta, the Cavalry (Red 9, Ultragirl, Thor Girl, Stunt-Master, Hardball) get a voice mail from Prodigy about the Initiative. Firestar encourages Gravity to answer Prodigy’s call to reform the Initiative and goes with him for support. In Illinois, Komodo tries to get Cloud 9 to join her in answering the call. Prior to the Nazi robot invasion of Washington, DC, Initiative recruits gather in that city to hear Prodigy rally them. Also included are Desert Stars (Two-Gun Kid, Johnny Cool, Supermax), Order (Anthem, Aralune, Supernaut, Calamity), Liberteens (Iceberg, 2D, Blue Eagle, Ms. America), Action Pack (Vox, Prima-Donna, Frog-Man), Freedom Force (Think Tank), Heavy Hitters (Nonstop, Telemetry), Command (Jennifer Kale), Point Men (Star Sign, Paydirt), Slapstick, Debrii, Rage, Geiger, Batwing, and Butterball. Green trees in Illinois and Washington, DC.
The same day as xxx. The escaped Tiger Shark causes havoc outside a bank, forcing two brothers to flee to a nearby subway train carrying Liz Allan and Normie Osborn, who are returning home after visiting Harry Osborn. One of the brothers is injured, and Liz offers to help, convincing the uninjured brother to put down his knife. Liz tends to the wounded man.
JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #623 (2:1-2:3, 2:5-20:3)
The same day as xxx. As Odin and the Asgardians prepare for war, Loki observes a captive Hel Wolf being corralled for future service. When Loki expresses his dislike of din’s plans with Galinn, Galinn threatens to kill him, but Volstagg saves the lad, fulfilling his oath to Thor to protect him. Volstagg makes Loki clean a stable and tells him a tale of the past. Ikol tells Loki that Nornish women at the base of the World Tree know about the Serpent and they go there. Loki leans the truth and heads back to Thor’s cell, where he gets Thor’s advice without revealing his hand. Loki frees the Hel Wolf and puts the creature into his service. He tells Hel Wolf that he’ll free Thor and that the creature is going home.
The same day as xxx. At City Hall on “hour thirty-one” of the Fear, Mayor Jameson learns that his son is safe aboard the Horizon space station. Spidey shows up at his office, and Jonah criticizes him for not doing more. Spidey joins fellow Avengers Cage, Jessica Jones, Ms. Marvel, and Iron Fist (who hasn’t been transported to China yet) in saving people in Manhattan.
The same day as xxx. Initiative agents tend to crime and panic in dozens of cities. Seen here are Hardball, Gravity, Firestar, Frog-Man, Supermax, Two-Gun Kid, Johnny Cool, Komodo, Butterball, Anthem, Aralune, and Calamity. Prodigy tries to prevent a riot in Georgetown as live video covers the invasion of Washington, DC by Nazi mechs. Green trees in Washington, DC.
BATTLE SCARS #1 – FB (1:4)
The same day as FI:YIR 1 (14-16). Sin raises her hammer as her Nazi mechs attack Washington, DC. The Capitol dome is still intact.
HULK #37 (1:1-7:4)
The same day as xxx. A mile under New York, Modok checks in on Zzzax and talks about his monitoring of Rulk. At Avengers Mansion, Jarvis patches up an injured Mockingbird and meets up with Hawkeye, who has returned from an ugly crowd scene in Central Park. Clint reports that the Future Foundation is observing the bogie that landed in Manhattan and they are surprised to see Nazi mechs attacking Washington, DC on TV. Jarvis reports that Rogers has pulled most Avengers to the front line. Hawkeye probably joins his fellow Avengers on the Brazil mission right after this.
SECRET AVENGERS #13 (1:1-22:1)
The same day as xxx. Beast, Ant-Man, and War Machine are the first heroes to arrive at Washington, DC to fight the invasion of Nazi mechs there. An Army general tells Beast that Congressman Leonard Gary is ignoring the evacuation order and staying inside the Capitol and that he’s asking for McCoy. Beast rushes in to see his old friend, who explains his perseverance. Outside on the National Mall, the Lincoln statue at the Lincoln memorial becomes animated, as do the various Smithsonian exhibits, and they join the battle against the robots. Beast learns that Gary is a mutant and is responsible for the animation. Beast arranges with Sharon Carter to send a live broadcast of Gary from the floor of Congress. As the battle rages outside, Gary recites the Gettysburg Address. Green trees in Washington, DC.
FEAR ITSELF #2 (20-22)
The same day as SECA 13 (1-22). The Nazi mechs blow up the U.S. Capitol and lay siege to Washington, DC, where we see green grass and trees.
SECRET AVENGERS #13 (22:2-22:4)
The same day as FI 2 (20-22). The signal for Gary’s speech is cut off as Beast watches the Capitol dome get blown away.
The same day as SECA 13 (22:2-22:4). A security camera catches the explosion of the Capitol and Sin stands amid the destruction. In Atlanta, Red 9, Ultragirl, Thor Girl, and Stunt-Master try to break up a riot, but when police see Thor Girl’s hammer, they fear that she’s a threat. When a cop is killed by a ricocheting bullet, panic ensues and the police order Tarene to drop her weapon.
IRON MAN 2.0 #5 (11-20)
The same day as FI:YIR 1 (16-20). “Twenty minutes” after arriving in DC with Beast and Ant-Man, War Machine continues to fight Nazi mechs alongside his teammates in front of the blown-up Capitol. Prince of Orphans, so far is the only hero to join the trio, senses that a threat has arisen in the hellish Eighth City. Both he and Rhodes are whiskey to China, along with the Immortal Weapons – Fat Cobra, Bride of Nine Spiders, Dog Brother #1, Tiger’s Beautiful Daughter, and Iron Fist, who faces off against Titania and Absorbing Man. Creel hears his hammer calling to him as Wukong watches the hammer. Green grass and trees in Washington, DC.
IRON MAN 2.0 #7 – FB
The same day as IM2.0 5 (11-20). War Machine and Prince of Orphans arrive in China.
IRON MAN 2.0 #6
The same day as IM2.0 7-FB. Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter, and Maria Hill watch monitors showing scenes of carnage from all over, including China. After trying in vain to contact Iron Fist about the China situation, Rogers calls for Dr. Strange. In the capital city of the hellish Eighth City, Wukong tries in vain to claim the hammer. Demons from the city travel through the portal crated by the hammer’s impact and invade Beijing. War Machine meets the Immortal Weapons and they locate Iron Fist, who reports about Titania and Absorbing Man. The two villains locate the hammer and fell Wukong. Rhodes and the Immortal Weapons fight Titania and Creel, who grabs the hammer and is transformed into Greithoth, breaker of wills. Strange explains to Rogers that a hammer has opened the portal to Hell and that Danny Rand is going to be a problem.
IRON MAN 2.0 #7
The same day as IM2.0 6. Dr. Strange and Wong observe events in China from the Sanctum Sanctorum. War Machine and the Immortal Weapons recover from having been trounced by Absorbing Man. They meet Wukong, who runs off to claim the hammer he feels was stolen from him. The Immortal Weapons try to close the portal to Hell but Iron Fist is possessed by an outside force and attacks his brethren. War Machine takes Danny down, and as he watches from afar, Strange believes Rhodey’s presence there was planned. Strange tells Wong that Rand is now the immortal weapon of Agamotto.
HERC #3 (4-20)
The same day as xxx. Herc is awakened and hears the petitions of his fans in Brooklyn. Two fans present him with a new carbon-tech fabric costume. Hercules responds to a bank robbery by Griffin, Basilisk, Man-Bull, and the mentally clouded mystery villainess with them. When Kyknos and Helene arrive on the scene, set on killing the villains, Herc is forced to protect them against the Wahawks. Ensorceled into believing that Herc is siding with the villains, the crowd turns against him. The mystery woman stands revealed as Hecate. Green grass and trees in New York.
HEROES FOR HIRE v3 #9 – FB (1:4)
The same day as xxx. Black Widow, Falcon, and Bucky Cap (apparently back in uniform) face Sin and Nazi mechs in Washington, DC.
The same day as HFH3 9-FB (1:4). Vorster leads the Agents of Atlas to the German base, where Nazi mechs attack the trespassers. Vorster is shot dead, and Woo notices a map of the castle tattooed on his chest, which the heroes use to find their way around. Woo and M-11 discover the room where Atlanteans were flayed by Nazi to conduct spells from the Book of Thule during World War II. As M-11 scans text from the flayed pieces of skin still there, Namora enters the room.
The same day as FI:HF 2/2. Woo shoos Namora and her teammates from the room to prevent her from realizing the remains of her people are there. A Nazi bird robot attacks Woo and M-11 and starts burning pages of Nazi notes. When the other Agents of Atlas hear the commotion, they rush back into the room to help. Namora discovers the remains and, outraged, she yells at Jimmy and expresses concern about Woo’s obsession with knowing everything and his retreat into the 1950s. Namora and Venus burn the remains, and M-11 tells Woo he managed to scan most of the skin. Full moon (evening in Germany).
The same day as FI:HF 3/2. M-11 offers to begin translation, but Jimmy Woo orders the robot to erase the files, figuring the knowledge may be too dangerous for one man to possess.
The same day as FI:HF 4/2-FB. As the Agents stand over the Atlanteans’ funeral pyre, Woo apologizes to Namora and announces that the castle is primed to explode. As the heroes escape, a Nazi robot throws Woo from the castle and Namora saves him. Aboard their saucer, the Agents watch live scenes of events happening around the globe, including the Absorbing Man wielding his hammer and Bucky Cap fighting Nazi mechs in Washington, DC. Namora and Gorilla Man discover that Woo ordered the erasure of the Nazi files and regain their faith in their leader.
HEROES FOR HIRE v3 #10 – FB (7:5)
The same day as FI:HF 4/2. Falcon and Bucky Cap evade a blast in Washington, DC.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (1-4)
The same day as HEH3 10-FB (7:5). Black Widow, Falcon, Shang-Chi, and Bucky Cap battle the Nazi mechs in Washington, DC. Sin/Skadi strikes at Bucky Cap. Green trees in Washington.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (5:1-6:3)
The same day as xxx. In Asgard-Space, Loki drugs Thor’s guards and breaks him out of prison.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (6:4)
The same day as xxx. Juggernaut causes carnage in Missouri (which can’t be right, unless he’s taking a circuitous route to Chicago).
FEAR ITSELF #3 (6:5)
The same day as xxx. Absorbing Man (Greithoth) wreaks havoc in Dubai.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (7:1-9:4)
The same day as xxx. Hulk attacks Red She-Hulk as she protects innocents in Brazil. She turns back into Betty.
AVENGERS v4 #15 – FB (5:1)
The same day as FI 3 (7-9). Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, and Protector deploy from their aircraft above Hulk.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (9:5-10:1)
The same day as A4 15-FB (5:1). As Hulk is about to strike Betty, Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, and Protector blast him.
The same day as FI 3 (9-10). Luiz watches as Ms. Marvel lunges at Hulk.
AVENGERS v4 #15 – FB (5:2-7)
The same day as JIM 635-FB (10:4). Hulk takes out Protector and Ms. Marvel blasts Hulk to Spider-Woman.
AVENGERS v4 #15 – FB (9-10)
The same day as A4 15-FB (5-7). Hawkeye arrives to help Spider-Woman, who stands her ground.
AVENGERS v4 #15 – FB (11:6-14:4)
The same day as A4 15-FB (9-10). Hawkeye shoots a blast arrow into Hulk’s mouth, Hulk destroys the Avengers’ aircraft, and Protector shoots Hulk with big guns.
HERC #4 (1-18)
The same day as xxx. Attuma approaches Vancouver, Sin/Skadi lunges at the fallen Bucky Cap in Washington, and Hulk attacks Protector and Ms. Marvel in the Brazilian rainforest. Facing Hecate, the Warhawks, and a band of ensorceled citizens, Basilisk and Man-Bull decide to split. Hercules is forced to retreat, and Griffin carres him from the battle. A little girl stabs Herc with garden shears and a man shoots him. Griffin goes to his rescue and offers him meat from mad dogs he killed. Helene gets the drop on Rhea, Kyknos swears to remake the world in Ares’s image, and the vengeful Hecate allies herself with Kyknos. Green grass and trees in New York.
AVENGERS v4 #15 – FB (16-22)
The same day as A4 15-FB (11-14). Hulk hits Protector with his hammer, and as Spider-Woman gets Noh-Varr and bystanders to safety, Ms. Marvel and Hawkeye attack Hulk, whom Carol drops into an oil truck. The Avengers get away with local school children during the explosion, which Hulk survives. Hawkeye and Spider-Woman kiss.
The same day as xxx. On “hour thirty-seven of the Fear,” Norah seeks sanctuary in St. Mark’s Church and the Future Foundation (Reed, Sue, Ben, Bentley, other kids) gather around the hammer on Yancy Street. On “hour thirty-eight,” Norah enters the church, followed by a frightened gunman. Spidey bursts in and tries to stop the gunman, but the church’s priest proves more effective in reaching the man. Norah and Spidey leave the church and encounter a collapsed pregnant woman on its steps. Green trees in New York.
The same day as FI:SM 2 (15-21). As Reed Richards and Ben Grimm approach the hammer that landed on Yancy Street, the life essence of Hate-Monger leaves the hammer and enters the body of Josh Glenn.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (10:2-11:2)
The same day as BP:MWF 521 (5:4-5:7). As Reed, Sue, and Bentley examine the area around the hammer on Yancy Street, Thing carelessly reaches for the weapon.
The same day as FI 3 (10-11). As Spidey tends to the pregnant woman at the church, Ben grabs the hammer. Green tree in New York.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (11:3-13)
The same day as FI:SM 2 (22). Thing turns into Angrir, breaker of souls, and unleashes destruction in Manhattan.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #3 – FB (12:1)
The same day as FI 3 (11-13). Thing wreaks havoc in Manhattan.
The same day as xxx. TV news covers the destruction caused by Thing in Manhattan. As Angrir insinuates himself into Thing’s mind, Reed and Sue catch up with Ben. After Thing defeats Reed, Sue tries to reach Ben and reason with him while imprisoning him in a force field. Thing breaks out of the force field and injures Reed. Despairing over news reports about Ben, Alicia Masters heads to the scene as Dragon Man tries and fails to stop Thing. Alicia fails to get through to Ben and Thing smashes her, leaving her to be resuscitated by Sue. As Thing walks away, Alicia notes that Ben is afraid. Green trees in New York.
THUNDERBOLTS #158 (17-20)
The same day as xxx. The Thunderbolts arrive at the Raft. Seeing the chaos, Songbird resolves to regain control over the prison.
The same day as TB 158 (17-20). As the alpha team of Thunderbolts round up escaping villains at the Raft, Shocker, Boomerang, Mr. Hyde, and Centurius enter a prison lab, where Centurius makes adjustments that can free the foursome from their nannites but make it seem like they are still controlled by them. The four continue to cooperate with the Thunderbolts, waiting for a time to make a break for freedom.
The same day as TB 159. When Moonstone tries to restore order to the Raft’s women’s ward, Indali clouds her superhuman abilities and demands the use of Man-Thing to escape. On the way to find Man-Thing, the female prisoners encounter escaping male prisoners and Moonstone defends the women with her restored powers. Realizing that their safety lies with Moonstone, the female prisoners abandon Indali and follow Moonstone through the tunnels beneath the Raft’s rubble.
THUNDERBOLTS #159/3 (1:5-10:4)
The same day as TB 159/2. Ghost encounters Walker and tells him about the Juggernaut’s destruction of the Raft. Walker and Ghost set out to navigate through the death trap the Raft has become, trying to save lives along the way. They enlist the aid of brothers Crate and Stain, and Walker subdues Stain when the villain betrays him. Walker saves villains from gas suffocation in a special area of the Raft.
THUNDERBOLTS #159/4 (4:4-7:6)
The same day as TB 159/3 (1-10). Crossbones, Man-Mountain Mario, and Crossbones’s attackers awaken in the rubble of the Raft. Crossbones convinces everyone to work together to find a way out. They find an escape route and plan to escape to New Brunswick.
The same day as xxx. As Asgard’s armory fills and the Destroyer armor stands at the ready, Odin learns of Thor’s jailbreak.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (14-16)
The same day as xxx. Loki tells Thor that Odin plans to raze Earth to prevent the Serpent from gaining more power. Loki takes Thor to Sif, Hermod, and the Warriors Three, who object to Odin’s plans and tell Thor Odin has closed off Asgard, preventing them from going to Earth’s aid. Odin walks in on the group and casts Thor away to Earth so his son can engage in what he believes is a futile effort to help mankind.
The same day as FI 3 (14-16). Loki admonishes Loki for his actions, but Volstagg takes the blame for the plan to release Thor and explains to Loki why he defended him.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (17:1-20:2)
The same day as xxx. Rogers leaves Hill and Carter aboard the Quincarrier as he glides down to the battle in Washington, DC. There, Bucky Cap recovers and rejoins the battle against Sin with Black Widow and Falcon. Sin blows a hole in Bucky Cap.
NEW MUTANTS v3 #30 – FB (8:1)
The same day as FI 3 (17-20). Sin rips off Bucky Cap’s arm.
FEAR ITSELF #3 (20:3-22:4)
The same day as NM 30-FB (8:1). This segment occurs “months” before WS 1 (1-8) and must occur before FI:TF 6-FB. Sin swats Bucky Cap with his arm, leaving him to die before Natasha, Sam, Shang-Chi, Valkyrie, and others.
FEAR ITSELF #7.1 – FB (4-5)
The same day as FI 3 (20-22). This flashback occurs “days” before FI 7.1. Fury arrives and comforts Natasha as Fury’s medics take Bucky Cap. Discovering that Bucky Cap is still barely alive, Fury orders him removed to a specific location.
The same day as FI 7.1-FB (4-5). After fleeing the scene of the riot in Atlanta, Thor Girl is coaxed to go with her to Virginia, where Prodigy holds a press conference to turn her over to authorities. In Illinois, Cloud 9 catches the TV coverage of Thor Girl’s arrest and break up a fight between neighbors. In New Jersey, Gravity hears a report that Bucky Cap was murdered. He, Firestar, Frog-Man, Scarlet Spider, and Geiger rescue people from a burning building, only to discover that Raft fugitive Crossbones is inside. Crossbones shoots Gravity. Ultragirl and Prodigy watch incidents worldwide and hear of the shooting in New Jersey; seen on monitors are Batwing, Rage, Supernaut, and Hardball, as well as Black Widow standing over the corpse of Bucky Cap sheeted on a gurney. Authorities insist that the jailed Thor Girl cooperate with them in investigating the terrorists attacking the world and zap her when she challenges them. Gravity survives the shooting, but when Crossbones throws a grenade at him, Geiger grabs it and is injured by the explosion. The villain escapes, Geiger is taken away by ambulance, and the shaken Gravity quits. Green trees in Illinois and Virginia.
FEAR ITSELF #4 (1-2)
The same day as xxx. Thor lands on Earth and heads to Broxton, where he is rejected.
AVENGERS v4 #16 – FB (3-4)
The same day as xxx. Aboard the Quincarrier, Steve Rogers (still in Super-Soldier garb) dwells on Bucky’s death and waits for intel about Sin’s whereabouts following the DC attack. Sharon Carter tells him that Sin is holed up in a Swedish castle.
The same day as xxx. The Thunderbolts report to Cage, who has just defeated some Nazi mechs in New York, that Juggernaut’s one of the threats with hammers that Cage has heard about. Cage orders the Thunderbolts to take down Juggernaut. Fixer detects Juggernaut heading for Chicago, and Man-Thing teleports the alpha team there, leaving Fixer behind to deploy the beta team if necessary. Boomerang, Shocker, and Centurius discuss the timing of their escape. Ghost observes that Juggernaut has changed like the reports of Ben Grimm in New York. Songbird and Moonstone try to stop their teammate by appealing to Cain within, but to no avail. Satana sends Ghost into Juggernaut’s consciousness, where he meets Kuurth and is cast out. Juggernaut launches a savage attack against the Thunderbolts and strikes the ground, yielding an explosion that startles Chicagoans.
The same day as xxx. Fixer and Walker lose transmission from the Thunderbolts and when they investigate, they get a satellite feed of Juggernaut. Satana reports to Fixer and Walker and uses black magic to use Man-Thing’s essence. In Illinois, Moonstone, Songbird, Mach-V, and Ghost recover from the blast and see an ICBM approaching Chicago. Moonstone tries to stop it, and it veers into Lake Michigan. Fixer contacts Baron Zemo, from whom the plans for the warhead were stolen. Zemo agrees to help bring Sin down. Figuring out the secret of Man-Things teleportation, Satana prepares to transport the beta team to Chicago as Man-Thing himself appears with the alpha team in that city. A horde of alien amphibian creatures invades Chicago from the fallen warhead in the lake. At the Raft, Walker sees Thunderbolts Tower disappear. Green trees in Chicago.
The same day as TB 161. This story occurs “two months” before DA 175 (1-18). The alien creatures sprout wings and fly over Songbird’s barrier into Chicago. Thunderbolts Tower appears off the shore and the B team enters the fray. Moonstone alerts Satana that Man-Thing is absorbing the creatures. Fixer tells Mach-V that the invaders are an operation that Sin stole from him, and Mach-V is upset that Fixer has continued his connection with Zemo. The absorption process results in a giant-size Man-Thing, which catches fire. Fixer learns that the B team disabled its nanites and offers to join them. He asks Moonstone and Satana to join them as well, and they all depart with the tower, leaving Mach-V, Songbird, and Ghost to face Man-Thing’s conflagration.
The same day as TB 162. Cage curses the Thunderbolts who disappeared with the tower. Songbird and Mach V check in with Cage and wonder how things went awry. The tower appears in Austria and the Thunderbolts (Fixer, Boomerang, Centurius, Mr. Hyde, Moonstone, Troll, Satana) discover they are in the past. Satana announces that Man-Thing is about to metamorphose into a new stage of being. The Thunderbolts are attacked by Nazis and find themselves assisted by the Invaders (Cap and Namor). Moonstone adopts a new costume and presents her ream to Cap as the American Thunderbolts.
The same day as TB 163. In Austria in “1943,” the Thunderbolts (Fixer, Boomerang, Centurius, Mr. Hyde, Moonstone, Troll, Satana) convince Cap and Namor that they’re allies and take them to Thunderbolts Tower. The Thunderbolts debate about the best course of action to avoid altering their timeline. Cap and Namor approach Baron Zemo’s stronghold, where the Nazi has harnessed the power of the captive android Human Torch to create fire creatures.
The same day as TB 164. “On November 16, 1943,” the Thunderbolts help the Invaders defeat Zemo then retreat to their tower, which teleports away but is seemingly destroyed in a bombing raid.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #1 (1-16)
The same day as xxx. Attuma and his army attack Vancouver. Alpha Flight (Guardian, Vindicator, Shaman, Aurora, Snowbird, Sasquatch, Marrina) fight the invaders and rescue innocents, as a news reporter insists on discussing gossip concerning the super team. Northstar watches the TV coverage from home in Montreal with his boyfriend, who notes that “New York is burning and DC is under attack.” Guardian refuses to take a call from Prime Minister Gary Cody. He then uses his battlesuit to teleport himself and Attuma to Newfoundland, but the effort makes him pass out. Jean-Paul’s boyfriend learns that his sister is being evacuated from Georgetown to Baltimore. Northstar rushes to Vancouver and takes out the generator that powers the Atlanteans’ water helmets. Aurora chastises her brother for quitting. Green grass in Newfoundland.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #1 (17-22)
The same day as xxx. Gary Cody addresses Canada, announcing that “at 4:23 this afternoon,” his administration proclaimed the Emergencies Act, which gives sweeping powers to the government to detect and eliminate conspirators who seek to take advantage of the mayhem and suspends the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Sasquatch, Aurora, Shaman, Snowbird, and Marrina return to their base and are surrounded by Box units. An assailant bursts into Northstar’s home and buries his boyfriend in rubble. Guardian is attacked by Vindicator in Newfoundland, where we see green grass.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #2 – FB (3:6-4/5:5)
The same day as AF4 1 (17-22). The Box units quickly subdue Alpha Flight.
The same day as xxx. Absorbing Man, Titania (both in Dubai), Sin, Attuma, Hulk (in a city), Thing, Grey Gargoyle, and Juggernaut pursue their rampages as captured by video cameras around the world.
The same day as FI:UXFOR 1-FB (5). Young Leslie watches TV news coverage of the destruction in Dubai.
The same day as xxx. This segment occurs “not long” after AvAc 7. Tigra interrupts the Academy students’ training session to deploy them to Washington, DC, where she reports Avengers on the ground fighting Nazi mechs. Tasked with protecting civilians, Tigra and the students go through a portal to the nation’s capital, where the Capitol dome is destroyed. Jocasta calls Pym to let him know the students have been deployed. Tigra teleports an injured cop from Washington to a Cleveland hospital. The kids are forced to fight off Nazi mechs, and Mettle is shaken when he ends up killing the man inside one of them. After defeating the Raft villains on Long Island, Pym and the faculty resolve to relieve the kids in Washington, but Maria Hill (whom Rogers has left in charge, probably as he heads to Washington himself) insists they go to Dubai, where the people have no defense against an assault by Absorbing Man and Titania. As the students hold their own in Washington, Pym, Pietro, and Justice go through a portal to Dubai, where Creel attacks Giant-Man. Green trees in Washington, DC.
GHOST RIDER v7 #1/2 – FB
The same day as xxx. In Nicaragua, a man named Adam presides over the resurrection of a being who gives the Ghost Rider power to a woman named Alejandra and leads her through a portal to Ohio to dispatch Sin.
GHOST RIDER v7 #1 (1-14)
The same day as xxx. As Johnny Blaze enjoys his life in the Mojave Desert, Sin and her Nazi mechs attack Dayton, Ohio, and in her wake, Blackout and Deathwatch seek to find on the survivors and the suffering. The new Ghost Rider shows up to challenge the two villains. She hits them with all the suffering they’ve given to others and cuts them down. Sin attacks Ghost Rider
The same day as GR7 1 (1-14). Adam observes as Sin attacks Ghost Rider in Dayton.
GHOST RIDER v7 #1 (15-20)
The same day as GR7 1/2. Ghost Rider puts Sin on the ropes but is turned back into her human form and knocked unconscious when she touches Sin’s hammer. Sensing that Ghost Rider will bring great destruction, Sin lets her live.
The same day as xxx. Mephisto summons Johnny Blaze and asks for his help. Mephisto takes Blaze to the Serpent’s halls, where the Serpent detects them before they teleport away. Mephisto explains that the Serpent’s actions prompted Adam to act to eradicate sin from mankind. Mephisto asks Blaze to rescue the new Ghost Rider from Adam. In a jungle, Adam rejoices in Ghost Rider’s battle with Sin and instructs her to judge her fellow students, who shoot Seeker on Adam’s orders when Seeker objects. Ghost Rider rebels against Adam, who puts her in her place. Mephisto teleports Blaze to the jungle, where he attacks Adam. A creature dispatched by Mephisto joins the battle, and Ghost Rider subdues it with locusts that emerge from her mouth. When Blaze tries to save Ghost Rider from Adam, she attacks him.
GHOST RIDER v7 #3 (1-18)
The same day as GR7 2. Seeker saves Blaze from Ghost Rider’s attack. Adam gives Ghost Rider more power and creates a huge bike. Adam departs with Ghost Rider for a mission, and Blaze and Seeker ride into a village as an earthquake envelops them. The Serpent tells Sin they have a new sister in destruction. In Colombia, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, and Spider-Woman, who have recently fought the Hulk, feel the earthquake and Carol sees the impact of Ghost Rider’s energy blast. Seeker tells Blaze that Ghost Rider burned the sin out of the local inhabitants.
The same day as AvAc 15 (5-20). As Sharpe compares old news photos of Robbie with the charity’s photos of him at work, websites report on “yesterday’s riot” and the Asgardians’ departure. Web sites report about three mass suicides and seven streaks of light hitting Earth. Sharpe realizes that her volunteer Bob is Robbie Baldwin and confronts him. The scene gets out of control, and Robbie changes into Speedball when he’s struck by a bat. Social media quickly call people’s attention to Speedball’s presence and a mob of Stamfordites attack him.
The same day as FI:HF 1 (8-14). Deborah joins the hate-filled mob.
The same day as JIM 635-FB (10:1). Speedball gets away, changes into Robbie, and is unexpectedly picked up by Leonard Walls and taken to Sharpe, who covers for him at the offices of Damien’s Gift. Sharpe, Leonard, and Robbie see a TV news report about the Raft breakout and the “meteor” that hit the prison, which is news to Robbie because he was “with volunteers all day.” Just outside, Raft escapees Living Laser, Aftershock, Ember, Whirlwind, and Icemaster have reached Stamford and are causing havoc. Speedball is forced to go public to fight the villains. The villains subdue Speedball and take off, leaving the unconscious Robbie at the mercy of a revenge-crazed Stamford mob, who catch reports of an attack on Washington, DC and a Hulk rampage in Brazil. Sharpe stops the mob by threatening them with a rifle.
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Col_Fury »

The same day as FI:HF 2. Sharpe stands up for Robbie, and when reports come in of the Avengers Academy students fighting Nazi mechs in Washington, DC and Giant-Man fighting Absorbing Man in Dubai, Miriam tells Speedball to go help. Robbie has Jocasta open a portal for him, but instead of going to DC or Dubai, Robbie opts to go where no one else is. He goes through a portal to Missouri, where he faces the Juggernaut. Speedball uses his power to keep Juggernaut moving west and saves a city. Robbie then has Jocasta teleport him to St. John’s, Newfoundland, where he faces Attuma. Green grass and trees in Missouri.
The same day as FI:HF 3. Speedball uses his power to redirect and add to the kinetic force of Attuma’s hammer to send him far away. Robbie distributes communicators so that survivors can network and provide hope. Jocasta reports that the X-Men are moving to intercept Juggernaut. Attuma returns to St. John’s and attacks Speedball. The warlord summons a tidal wave that devastates the city. Scenes of the destruction are shown throughout the world, and Jocasta tries in vain to reach Robbie.
The same day as FI:HF 4. Speedball emerges from the wreckage at St. John’s and rescues a survivor. Jocasta arrives through a portal and brings multiple bodies to assist with search and rescue. Speedball sees survivors helping one another, and he comes up with an idea. It probably takes Speedball a day to follow up on his idea..
The same day as xxx. In Dubai, as Justice and Quicksilver fight Titania, Giant-Man holds his own against Absorbing Man, whose previous defeat at Pym’s hands temporarily inhibits Greithoth’s ability to use Creel effectively. With the help of the BTS Jocasta, Pym creates a portal that takes Absorbing Man and Titania away from Dubai, but not before the villains strike their hammers together, sending Pym and his teammates reeling in the resulting shockwave. In Washington, DC, Veil saves a little girl’s mother from a collapsing building, and when a Nazi robot shoots and kills the rescued mom, the enraged Veil kills the man inside the robot.
The same day as xxx. The Avengers Academy students take out the last of the Nazi mechs. Falcon arrives and tells the kids that Bucky Cap is dead. Tigra arrives and tells the kids that a new Initiative is sending heroes out across the country. Tigra and the students return to Infinite Avengers Mansion, where Jocasta tells them she’s sent her bodies out on search and rescue duty in Newfoundland. When Jocasta tells her that Pym is injured in Dubai, Tigra heads there through a portal, leaving the kids on their own. Absorbing Man and Titania find themselves at Pym’s Arctic research station, where they decide to get back at Pym by destroying his students. They use their new powers to teleport themselves to Infinite Avengers Mansion, where the students discuss their experiences of killing in battle. When Creel and Titania attack, the kids hold them off and try to summon help, but the villains start blowing up the Infinite Mansion.
The same day as AvAc 17. Veil is horrified and knocked unconscious when she tries to take over Titania’s body. Hazmat flees and regroups with Striker and Finesse, who watch Absorbing Man trash Reptil and see the defeated Mettle on a viewscreen. Hazmat approaches the two hammer wielders and feigns interest in joining them before blowing them up in a mushroom cloud. The villains recover quickly and Hazmat and Striker trick them with a hologram of Pym into striking each other with their hammers. The students try to escape Underspace by using the Pym Particle generator to grow out of it. Seeing the same means of escape, Absorbing Man and Titania use their powers to accelerate the growth of the entire Infinite Avengers Mansion. The kids consider sacrificing themselves to prevent the villains and mansion from growing. Infinite Avengers Mansion appears in the Microverse as it grows.
The same day as AvAc 18. Pym awakens aboard the USS Harry S. Truman in the Persian Gulf and tells Justice, Tigra, and Quicksilver that he detects something wrong at the Infinite Mansion, which continues to grow through the Microverse. The academy students decide to destroy the mansion just as it phases into Earth, hoping to kill Absorbing Man and Titania in the blast and escape themselves, but Finesse volunteers to sacrifice herself by staying in the mansion to activate the destruct button and Mettle and Hazmat volunteer to keep the villains occupied so they don’t escape. Reptil, Veil, and Striker reluctantly agree to go along with their teammates’ plan to die to save the world. As Hazmat fights Titania and Mettle fights Creel, the academy teachers arrive and evacuate the students as the mansion starts to materialize in Chicago. The Mansion is destroyed, but Creel and Titania survive. Suddenly they take off, summoned by the Serpent. Tigra praises the students for their selflessness and bravery, but Veil is disgusted by her experience and quits. Although Creel states that he and Titania are being summoned by the Serpent along with his other children “for the final conflict,” that conflict must still be days away; Creel must have known the Serpent’s final gambit and assumed they were being pulled away for that purpose but was mistaken; the Serpent may just have redeployed them, and they are seen again wreaking havoc in FI:W 2, FI:HVD 1 (2-20), and FI:UXF 1 (1-14). Pym states that he intends to check in with “Commander Rogers” to see if he needs the Avengers Academy folks, and an editor’s note mentions FI 7; that may be these characters’ next appearance, but it doesn’t mean that FI 7 occurs right after this issue. Green trees in Chicago.
The same day as xxx. This story occurs “six weeks” after AF4 2 (1-3). As Vindicator arrives at a government base to imprison the captive Guardian along with his fellow Alphans, Northstar sneaks into the facility. He passes by the captive Citadel and Purple Woman and encounters Puck, who claims to have come from Hell to help out. As government forces round up Cody’s political opponents under the guise of national security, the captive Alphans are subjected to virtual reality scenarios to brainwash them. Guardian learns that his wife has indeed turned traitor right before Puck and Northstar create a distraction that allows Mac to subdue Vindicator. The three free Alphans fight Box robots as Cody escorts the revived Heather to a lab whose subject is Aurora.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #3 (1-6)
The same day as xxx. Department H tries to indoctrinate the drugged, captive Alphans into Unity, but Marrina fools her captors and lashes out as Northstar, Puck, and Guardian free Shaman and Snowbird. When they try to free Aurora, her personality splinters.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #3 – FB (11:4)
The same day as AF4 3 (1-6). Sasquatch and Guardian fight soldiers at Department H.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #3 (7:1-9:2)
The same day as AF4 3-FB (11:4). Alpha Flight escapes Department H and are attacked by the traitorous General Edmundson, who informs the heroes of the attack on St. John’s.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #3 – FB (11:5)
The same day as AF4 3 (7-9). Snowbird and Marrina attack Edmundson’s soldiers.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #3 (9:3-20)
The same day as AF4 3-FB (11:5). This segment occurs at least “weeks” before AF4 7. Alpha Flight defeats the soldiers and see news reports that they’ve betrayed their country. At a press conference, Cody and Vindicator accuse Alpha Flight of being in league with the hammer wielders. Aurora flees to Quebec, where her Unity-indoctrinated Jeanne-Marie personality rebels against her. She stabs herself with a glass shard and returns to Alpha Flight with a false story of her injury. Guardian resolves to go to Wolverine for help. At Department H, Brown recruits Purple Woman and Citadel for Alpha Flight’s replacement team, Alpha Strike. In western Alberta, Vindicator enlists the aid of Ranark the Ravager, thus waking the Great Beasts. Green trees in Toronto.
The same day as A4 3 (9-20). Disgusted by his government, Guardian discards his costume at Niagara Falls. Shaman uses a cloaking spell to disguise the fleeing Alpha Flight as they drive through a checkpoint at the US border. Meanwhile, Northstar goes to fetch Kyle in Montreal only to find their place trashed and Kyle missing. Northstar threatens to kill a government worker to get him to divulge Kyle’s location at a camp in northern Saskatchewan. Accompanied by armed soldiers, Vindicator reclaims her daughter from her adoptive parents by slaying them. Once across the border, Shaman and Snowbird sense that New York has fallen and conjure a vision of Logan in New York. Northstar joins his teammates and they teleport to the camp in which Kyle is held. There they see an alien spaceship and fight alien metal monsters. Marrina hands Guardian the costume he chucked and they assault the camp, where Kyle is rebuilt by the Master, who stands with Purple Woman, Citadel, Ranark, and xxx. Green grass and trees in Ottawa, northern New York, and northern Saskatchewan..
AVENGERS v4 #16 – FB (7-12)
The same day as xxx. Wearing a basic SHIELD uniform and carrying his shield again, Steve Rogers leads Sharon Carter, Maria Hill, and Victoria Hand on a mission to infiltrate the Swedish castle where Sin is supposed to be. They encounter Master Man and the Exiles (Baldini, Cadavus, Ching, Gruning, Hauptmann, Krushki).
AVENGERS v4 #16 – FB (14-21)
The same day as A4 16-FB (7-12). This segment must occur after SWARRIORS 28. As the women battle the Exiles, Rogers subdues Master Man and demands to know where Sin is. Suddenly, an earthquake brings the castle down. Rogers and company escape the rubble and meet Daisy Johnson, who was running down the same false intel on Sin for Fury’s SHIELD. Rogers screams for Sin and despairs that she’s not there to taste his revenge.
The same day as xxx. As the possessed Thing lays siege to Manhattan, people take refuge at the Devil’s Diner. Elsewhere in Hell’s Kitchen, Hate-Monger (Josh Glenn) sees the Black Panther bust some perps.
The same day as xxx. With the terror suffusing Manhattan, Man-Thing blazes a trail of destruction across the city. Howard the Duck teams up with She-Hulk, Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond), and Frankenstein’s Monster to find and stop the creature. Man-Thing finds the foursome first and taps into the Nexus of All Realities to transform the four into fearsome versions of their former selves. Green trees in New York.
The same day as FI:FEARF 1. The fearsome Nighthawk, She-Hulk, Howard, and Frankenstein’s Monster attack Man-Thing, who disappears, reverting the foursome to their normal selves. Frankenstein’s Monster tells his story to the others. The heroes find Man-Thing, whose fear-induced energies are being absorbed by Psycho-Man. Man-Thing attacks Psycho-Man, and as She-Hulk follows up with Psycho-Man, Howard stops Nighthawk from attacking Man-Thing. Suddenly, Psycho-Man summons the manipulated Fantastic Four (Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Hulk, and Spider-Man) from the Nexus. Green trees in New York.
The same day as FI:FF 2. As Thing continues to wreak havoc, Psycho-Man manipulates the emotions of the Fantastic Four, who fight Nighthawk, She-Hulk, Howard, and Frankenstein’s Monster. In the midst of battle, She-Hulk rescues bystanders and Psycho-Man fends off Man-Thing. Howard uses the No-Thing, an old gift from Man-Thing, to blast Psycho-Man and the Fantastic Four, who disappear. The Fearsome Four convince Howard to use the weapon on Man-Thing, but when he tries to, the No-Thing doesn’t work.
The same day as FI:FF 3. The Fearsome Four attack the burning, overloading Man-Thing as he approaches critical mass. Howard realizes that the heroes have to master their fears to make the No-Thing work. Nighthawk, She-Hulk, and Frankenstein’s Monster face their fears, and when Howard overcomes his fear, he realizes the heroes doesn’t need the No-Thing. He talks Man-Thing back from the brink. The heroes split up and Man-Thing teleports Howard away.
THUNDERBOLTS #159/4 (8-10)
The same night as (“hours after”) TB 159/4 (4-7). Walker sifts through the rubble of the Raft and finds the three men who accompanied Crossbones, all dead. Crossbones arrives in New Brunswick, where we see snow and bare trees.
The same night as xxx. After quieting down Las Vegas, Hardball, Komodo, and Telemetry receive a transmission from Prodigy, who reports that the westward traveling Juggernaut is heading their way. Cloud 9 breaks into Thor Girl’s prison to free her.
The same night as FI:YIR 2 (17-20). The Heavy Hitters (Telemetry, Komodo, Nonstop, Hardball), Debrii, and Rage try to stop Juggernaut outside Las Vegas. In Virginia, Prodigy calls Gravity and fails to convince him to return. Prodigy grills the authorities who assaulted Thor Girl. In Philadelphia, the Liberteens (Ms. America, Blue Eagle, 2-D, Iceberg, Hope) try in vain to take Cloud 9 and Thor Girl in for questioning. Beneath Las Vegas, Hardball stands up against Juggernaut, trying to buy time for his teammates to get innocents to safety. Hardball detonates part of Las Vagas to stop Juggernaut, killing numerous civilians and burying himself in the process. TV coverage of the battle is seen by Frog-Man, Firestar, Ultragirl, Cloud 9, Thor Girl, the Liberteens, and Prodigy. Juggernaut continues heading west. The Great Lakes Initiative appear BTS. Full moon.
The same night as FI:YIR 3. Enraged by Hardball’s destruction, Gravity flies from Wisconsin to Las Vegas, where Hardball emerges from the rubble and Komodo is repulsed by him. The Order arrives in Vegas to assist Debrii, Rage, and the Heavy Hitters. Gravity arrives and savagely attacks Hardball. Their battle causes tremors that further endanger the city. Prodigy observes the carnage from Virginia and learns about nationwide riots resulting from reports of Bucky Cap’s death and the Paris massacre. He tries to avoid a breakdown. Gravity’s and Hardball’s fight activates a fault beneath Vegas. Green trees in Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, and Nevada.
The same night as FI:YIR 4. Prodigy teleports in as the heroes try to evacuate the Heavy Hitters Hotel and Casino before it comes crashing down in the earthquake. Hardball and Gravity are forced to work together to save people trapped in the rubble. Prodigy loses control over the heroes and considers drinking. Firestar and Telemetry burrow to the root of the fault matrix and stop the quake but lose radio contact with Prodigy. When the threat has passed, Thor Girl gets in Prodigy’s face about her treatment as a criminal and lashes out at him.
The same night as FI:YIR 5. This segment occurs “days” before FI:YIR 6 (16-17). According to IM 512, this segment occurs about “nineteen months” after ORDER2 1 (3-14). As Telemetry, Firestar, Gravity, and Hardball are trapped underground, Thor Girl loses control during her fight with Prodigy and the assembled heroes try in vain to contain her. Tarene transforms into the Designate and deems humanity unworthy. She pulls the trapped heroes from underground before taking off for space. The heroes regroup and head out to help more people.
Probably the same night (in China) as IM2.0 7. This story occurs “fifteen years” after FI:MK 1-FB (12-13). Sun Wukong raids Lion’s place and explains that he’s reformed and merged with the Monkey King. Wukong defeats Lion and traps him in the fiery pit in which he suffered to atone for his sins.
The same day or night as FI 3 (20-22). Valkyrie probably appears here before SECA 14. Valkyrie meets with Odin in Asgard Space and insists on fighting alongside Earth’s heroes to defeat the Serpent. Odin shows her an image of the fallen Bucky Cap with a hole blown in him and missing an arm; this must be an image of the past – Valkyrie knows of Bucky Cap’s decimation.

The early morning after TB 159/4 (8-10). On “hour forty-one [“day three”] of the Fear,” Spidey gets the pregnant woman to a Manhattan hospital (after four hours of carrying her around through the mayhem!). Thing bursts into the hospital, and when he gets Spidey on the ropes, Norah Winters arrives and comes to his rescue. Doctors paddle Spidey to resuscitate him and the hero attacks Thing to save Norah. Thing is shaken and leaves the hospital. Spidey collapses.
The same morning as FI:SM 3 (1-19). The narration says that this segment occurs on “hour forty-eight of the Fear,” but Spidey can’t have been lying injured on the hospital floor for seven hours. Norah tends to the injured Spidey. The suicidal man returns to his wife, the gunman talks to the priest, and the pregnant woman delivers her baby.
HERC #4 (19-20)
The dawn of the day after HERC 4 (1-18). The wounded Hercules awakens, and he and Griffin notice that Brooklyn’s been transformed by Hecate into a nightmarish environment designed to bring about the return of Ares.
Probably the day after FI:HF 5 (1-6). Speedball records inspiring scenes of victims at St. John’s.
The same day as xxx. After Juggernaut crashes through a home (presumably in the western US) in which Deadpool is trying to sell security equipment, Wade checks the news and learns about hammers dropping from the sky and Juggernaut’s escape from prison, which is news to him. Inspired, Deadpool steals a fancy hammer from a couple of guys and chooses his “worthy,” the Walrus, whom law enforcement hasn’t found “in fifteen years.”
The same day as xxx. Loki frees Hel Wolf from the chain he used to bind the creature to the World Tree so it could escape Heimdall’s gaze. They head to Hel, and Loki sets Hel Wolf against Garm so he can enter Hel. There, the Tongue of the Serpent tries to get Hela to side with the Serpent, and as Hela ponders her decision, Tyr advises her to stand with Asgard against the Serpent. Loki sneaks to Tyr’s presence and they talk of fighting the Serpent. Loki then goes to Mephisto and lies to him that Hela and the Serpent have joined forces and will gain a beachhead in hell. Loki returns to Hel and tells Hela that Mephisto plans to invade her realm. Loki tells Tyr that setting Hela and Mephisto against each other will buy them time to find something that will bring them together in alliance against the Serpent.
The same day as xxx. As Mephisto and Hela face off, Loki reports to Leah that Ikol has observed that Mephisto has the Soul Eaters, and Leah rushes to inform her mistress. Loki proposes an alliance with the Tongue of the Serpent as a distraction that allows Tyr to sneak into the Tongue’s quarters. Loki threatens the Tongue with torture, and after the Tongue releases the seal of the scroll detailing the Serpent’s plans for Hel, Tyr kills the Tongue. With the information, Loki barters a deal between Mephisto and Hela. Loki takes the Hel-Wolf to Newark, where Hela and Mephisto deposit their forces fr the alliance against the Serpent. Loki leaves Tyr in charge of the hellish forces while he has the Disir kill Hel-Wolf so the canine can take him to Limbo to retrieve one of two tools he needs. Green grass and trees in New Jersey.
The same day as JIM 625. This segment occurs “a few hours” before JIM 626 (14-20). Loki and Hel-Wolf arrive in Limbo, where Balder fights demon beasts as he always does. No longer alive, Hel-Wolf is no longer bound to serve Loki, but he tries to attack Loki he is consumed by Surtur. By offering to free Surtur from Limbo, Loki convinces the fiery being to claim the Shadow, a sword created from the shadow of Surtur’s blade, Twilight. Loki emerges from the Casket of Odinsleep in reformed Asgard, and “some minutes later,” he makes a deal with an unseen Volstagg, protector of Asgard’s armory.
The same morning as xxx. Newspapers headlines report on D.C. in flames and a hammer landing in Brazil. Juggernaut lands 80 miles east of San Francisco and enlists a human follower. As anti-mutant activists picket outside San Francisco city hall, Mayor Sadie has a “first-thing meeting” with Scott Summers. Sadie tells Scott that people think mutants are behind what’s been happening in the world since San Francisco hasn’t been affected. On Utopia, Kitty argues with Peter about Illyana, whom Colossus visits in the X-Brig. Hooked up to equipment that detects pre-teleportation distortions, the unrepentant Illyana accepts her fate. After gathering his allies, Namor (in trunks) visits Emma Frost and unsuccessfully makes a pass at her as a last act before departing with his forces. Sadie and Scott are alerted to the destructive arrival of Juggernaut in San Francisco. Scott tells Sadie he’ll mobilize the X-Men.
The same day as xxx. Valkyrie probably appears here after FI:TF 6-FB. Rogers (BTS) sends Valkyrie to Philadelphia to lead the U.S. military in an attempt to take the city back from the Nazi mechs who have invaded there. When a soldier dies, his comrade and lover pleas with Valkyrie not to leave him on the battlefield, and Valkyrie, remembering an event from her ancient past, picks up the soldier and carries him off.
UNCANNY X-MEN #541 (1-9)
The same day as xxx. After making preparations, Scott reports to Mayor Sadie in a psionic conference room created by Emma. Aided by Cerebra, Emma mentally coaxes anti-mutant protesters into getting out of harm’s way as Juggernaut approaches. Scott and his first wave of X-Men (including Cecilia Reyes, Shadowcat, Colossus, and Iceman) confront Juggernaut and his follower.
The same day as xxx. After arguing with Pepper about his appointment of Bethany Cabe as Resilient’s security chief, Iron Man heads to Paris to investigate the impact there. He discovers much to his horror that the city’s population has been turned to stone. He encounters Grey Gargoyle, who has been transformed by one of the Serpent’s hammers. Rescue radios Cabe to brief her on her job as Cabe investigates a plane wreck at the bottom of the ocean. Green trees at Resilient.
The same day as xxx. Responding to the emergency, Misty Knight calls Paladin, who is facing down the possessed Thing on Yancy Street. Gargoyle arrives to help Paladin. Brady Briedel is caught in the Thing’s destruction and exposure to chemicals turns him into a monster. Misty checks in with Shroud, who encounters freed villains as he inspects the ruins of the Raft. Misty reports that the Thunderbolts are moving in to help contain the breakout with no ETA (which may be old intel). Joined by Elektra, Shroud fights Mash-Up and Firefight. Then they try to stop Purple Man from killing Puppet Master, who is helpless in the Raft infirmary, but face a horde of villains intent on helping Killgrave.
The same day as xxx. At the Raft, Shroud and Elektra fight the horde of villains possessed by Killgrave. Shroud surrounds himself, Elektra, and the horde with the Darkforce, out of Purple Man’s sight. Misty checks on events around the globe; her monitors show Falc and Bucky Cap in Washington, DC (which must be a taped segment broadcast by the media), Colossus and Iceman fighting Juggernaut in San Francisco, and Iron Man fighting Grey Gargoyle in Paris. Misty checks in with Paladin and Gargoyle, who report multiple casualties on Yancy Street, which has been leveled. Misty heads there to help. The monstrous Briedel turns Gargoyle to stone and viciously attacks Paladin. At the Raft, Elektra emerges from the Darkforce holding a sai to Shroud and Purple Man orders her to kill him.
The same day as HFH3 10. As Breidel terrorizes innocents on Yancy Street, Misty finds Gargoyle and Paladin, who recover from Breidel’s attack. At the Raft, Elektra resists Purple Man’s control by holding her breath. She attacks Killgrave and tends to the recovering Shroud as the villain flees and gets caught in the collapse of part of the Raft. When Misty confronts Breidel, he becomes what she fears most, the child she never had, and wanders away. Killgrave surfaces on the Hudson River shore.
The same day as HFH3 11. Grey Gargoyle deals Iron Man a crushing defeat and leaves him for dead.
The same day as xxx. Purple Man is thrown into the Hudson River near the burning Raft and makes his way to safety, planning on restarting his career.
The same day as xxx. Huge creatures attack Hela in Hel. As Scott, Colossus, Hope, Magneto, and Shadowcat battle Juggernaut in San Francisco, Cyclops communicates with Moonstar, who is flying to Las Vagas to find Hela. As she travels over the Sierra Nevadas, Dani is attacked by a huge swarm of birds and the Blackbird vanishes from Cerebro’s detection. The birds are a summons from Hela. Magma, X-Man, Warlock, Cypher, and Sunspot learn of Dani’s disappearance and they go to the imprisoned Illyana for help. Magik tells the New Mutants that Dani is going to Hel and tells provides them with an incantation that Doug must translate to make the journey there. “Forty-six minutes later,” the New Mutants gather in the Danger Room, Doug utters the incantation, and the New Mutants travel not to Hel, but to Mephisto’s realm.
The same day as NM3 29. Moonstar arrives in Hel astride Brightwind and encounters shades of the dead who are trying to escape the fate worse than death that has arrived there in the form of evil dead gods. In Hell, Mephisto tries to make a deal with the New Mutants to help them escape his realm and go to Hel. He shows the heroes a scene of Colossus, Shadowcat, and Cyclops fighting Juggernaut, and a scene of Sin ripping Bucky Cap’s arm off that must be a flashback. Sunspot refuses to deal with Mephisto, but Magma agrees to a date with Mephisto in exchange for their transport to Hel. In Hel, Dani lunges into the battle of Hel’s warriors against the Draumar. A shark-like creature devours her.
The same day as NM3 30. The New Mutants reach Hel and battle the Draumar as Dani fights her way out of the shark creature, whose dreams of Odin’s past victory over the Serpent are revealed to her. Reunited, the heroes force the Draumar back, but when they reach Hela’s castle they find Hela impaled.
The same day as NM3 31. The Draumar catch up to the New Mutants and as the battle resumes, Dani watches Hela come back to life when her lifeless body consumes a raven into which she transferred her spirit. Hela gives the New Mutants a power upgrade that allows them to fend off the Draumar. Learning that the Draumar are repelled by the alien Warlock, Nate has Hela project scenes from his life at the Draumar that are so outside their frame of reference they cause the Draumar to explode. Hela teleports the New Mutants back from Hel so she can prepare for the larger battle. Upon the heroes’ return, Illyana asks them how hell was.
FEAR ITSELF #4 (3-4)
The same day as UX 541 (1-9) and NM3 30. The Serpent orders his minions to continue their destruction. Cyclops, Iceman, and Magneto face Juggernaut in San Francisco, Grey Gargoyle stands atop a mound of stone corpses in Paris, and people fight one another in an Illinois grocery store. As Odin prepares his war machine, Iron Fists sits with monks on a snowy Chinese mountainside, a northbound Hulk causes destruction in Central America, and Sin and her Nazi mechs walk on the East Coast near Manhattan.
UNCANNY X-MEN #541 (10-22)
The same day as FI 4 (3-4). Magneto’s assault on Juggernaut fails. Realizing that the X-Men are barely slowing Juggernaut down, Scott tells Emma to deploy his second team and to get the students to the mainland. As Storm, Cannonball, and Angel continue to attack Juggernaut, Scott has Hope adopts the powers of Magneto, Transonic, Iceman, Gentle, Rockslide, Pixie, Primal, and Dazzler and manages to pry Juggernaut’s helmet off. Emma attempts a psychic assault but she fails. Juggernaut’s follower tries to incite a human/mutant war by offering Sadie and Scott a choice about which city Juggernaut will destroy – San Francisco or Utopia. Green grass and trees in San Francisco.
The same day as UX 541 (10-22). After trying in vain to stop Juggernaut with Avalanche’s help, Scott meets with Mayor Sinclair as anti-mutant protesters picket outside City Hall. After the meeting, Cyclops foils a would-be assassin. Scott, Colossus, and Kitty go to the imprisoned Illyana for help against Juggernaut. Emma awakens in the Utopia infirmary and, consumed by jealousy of Jean Grey, approaches the unconscious Hope to smother her with a pillow. Karma, Face, Pixie, Rogue, Magneto, Mercury, Psylocke, Boom Boom?, Adam X, Banshee (misnamed Siryn), Dazzler, Rockslide, and Gambit all try and fail to stop Juggernaut. Magik transports herself, Kitty, and Colossus to the Crimson Cosmos, where they tell Cyttorak that Cain Marko serves another god. Cyttorak rescinds the power he gave Marko and Illyana convinces Cyttorak to make her his avatar. Colossus refuses to let his sister go through with her offer and assumes the mantle of Cyttorak’s avatar himself. A military officer convinces Sinclair to prepare to strike against the mutants if necessary, and Danger learns of this plan through a bug planted in Sadie’s office. Danger reports to Scott, who orders the X-Men to redeploy to protect Utopia.
The same day as UX 542. As Cyclops faces down Juggernaut, Cyttorak’s power leaves the possessed Marko and the Cyttorak-powered Colossus appears via Magik’s teleportation to engage Juggernaut in battle. Illyana explains the situation to Scott as Peter pushes Cain back to the beginning of his path, causing Juggernaut to go to critical mass. The Serpent teleports Juggernaut away. Kitty gets upset at Colossus’ sacrifice on Magik’s behalf and breaks up with him. At Utopia, Namor prevents Emma from smothering the injured Hope. Later, Scott visits Mayor Sadie and tells her he knows she planned to destroy Utopia.
The same day as xxx. After an undetermined time unconscious, Iron Man awakens and encounters a mountain of destroyed bodies of stone. Green trees in Paris.
The same day as IM 504 (21-22). This story occurs “not six months” after IM 502. Stark throws up inside his armor. Grey Gargoyle attacks him and when survivors try to help the hero, they are turned to stone. Bethany Cabe reviews security procedures at Stark Resilient in Seattle. Detroit Steel joins Iron Man in fighting Grey Gargoyle in Paris, but he ends up getting turned to stone and destroyed. Grey Gargoyle damages Stark’s armor, forcing him to retreat. That night, he arrives at Resilient, where Pepper despairs over worldwide reports of carnage. Stark reports about the nightmare in Paris, notes that he has to repair his armor and return to the Avengers. Green grass and trees in Seattle.
FEAR ITSELF #7.1 – FB (9-10)
The same day as xxx. This flashback occurs “days” before FI 7.1. Natasha examines a lifeless Bucky Cap LMD that Fury had reserved as a contingency plan, complete with replicated injuries. Fury explains that the ruse of Bucky’s death is necessary to free him and to ensure the return of Rogers as Cap. Iron Man arrives to see what he believes is Bucky’s corpse.
FEAR ITSELF #4 (5-14)
The same day as FI 7.1-FB (9-10). Nick Fury, Iron Man, and Black Widow wonder who the Serpent is as they stand over the body of the deceased James Barnes LMD. Thor arrives and fills them in on the Serpent and Odin’s plans to combat him. Iron Man notes that he threw up from his nightmarish experience in Paris. Stark fetches Rogers, who resumes the identity of Captain America. After Cap is briefed, Maria Hill alerts him to an event. As Attuma slaughters Atlanteans (whose bodies surface in a lake in Salmon Arm, British Columbia?), the Serpent raises a city of fear in Antarctica and the seven hammer wielders sense the increased power and rejuvenation of their master.
NEW AVENGERS v2 #15 – FB (8:5-10:1)
The same day as xxx. As she leaves the NYU campus, Squirrel Girl stops a mugging and sees a horde of Nazi mechs invading Manhattan from the sky. Green grass and trees in New York.
NEW AVENGERS v2 #15 – FB (11-20)
The same day as NA2 15-FB (8-10). Concerned for the safety of Danielle Cage, Squirrel Girl dashes back to Avengers Mansion but gets injured by a mech attack along the way. She makes it back to the Mansion, allowing Jessica Jones to join the New Avengers (Cage, Logan, Mockingbird, Iron Fist) in a mission to stop the invaders. After they depart, Avengers Mansion goes into lockdown mode as a squad of mechs attacks the building with Doreen and Danielle inside.
HULK #37 (7:5-12:6)
The same day as xxx. Rulk arrives at Avengers Tower to defend New York as ordered by Rogers. He, Hawkeye (called back from South America as revealed in A4 17), and Mockingbird (apparently back from Avengers Mansion) see a building topple and Rulk goes into action. Hawkeye, Mockingbird, and Jarvis get a visual of the carnage and see that Thing has been transformed. They watch as a platoon of Nazi mechs arrives in Manhattan. Modok observes the robots’ destruction.
AVENGERS v4 #13 – FB (4-5)
The same day as xxx. Soldiers fight Sin’s Nazi mechs in Manhattan.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (3/4:1)
The same day as xxx. The Nazi mechs cause mayhem in Manhattan.
NEW AVENGERS v2 #14 – FB (10-12, 14:1-18:6)
The same day as xxx. Iron Fist, Logan, Mockingbird, and Cage fight the Nazi mechs in Manhattan as Jessica Jones helps bystanders to safety. Mockingbird commandeers a robot and takes down a bunch of others before landing safely on a rooftop.
The same day as xxx. Logan must appear here after NA2 14-FB (14-18). Taking advantage of the fear in Manhattan, Scarecrow launches an attack, only to be stabbed and gassed by Logan. Melita Garner joins Logan, anxious to cover news about the chaos after hearing about the Raft breakout and hammers falling from the sky. Steve Rogers calls Logan and assigns him with stopping the hijacked Helicarrier heading for New York. After refusing to let Melia join him, Logan gives her an access card so she can return to Avengers Tower and dig up information about STRIKE, who is ordered to deviate from plan and take advantage of the situation in Manhattan.
The same day as xxx. This segment occurs “one hour” after FI:W 1 (4-12). The hijacked Helicarrier reaches Manhattan and Logan sneaks aboard. STRIKE members find him and Brom stabs him. At Avengers Tower, Melita discovers that the Helicarrier carries a nuclear warhead called Prometheus.
The same day as xxx. It is “twenty-four hours” after the hammers fell. As Logan fights Brom and Croydon aboard the Helicarrier, Melita uses an Avengers Tower computer to contact Pete Wisdom for some intel about STRIKE leader Sutton. On the Helicarrier, Sutton rants about the hammers being a sign and his colleagues begin to suspect that he’s not operating under orders from their superiors. Hulk, Sin, Juggernaut, Titania, Absorbing Man, and Thing are shown on monitors wreaking havoc. As she walks through war-torn Manhattan, Melita blogs reports. When she reaches a spot below the Helicarrier, she gets Logan’s attention by firing a flare gun. STRIKE defeats Logan and straps him to the Prometheus warhead, which Sutton prepares to drop on Manhattan. Green trees in New York.
NEW AVENGERS v2 #16 – FB (3/4:1-7/8:1)
The same day as xxx. Daredevil witnesses the swarm of Nazi mechs flying over Manhattan and faces off against them. Green trees in New York.
NEW AVENGERS v2 #16 – FB (9-11)
The same day as NA2 16-FB (3/4-7/8). Daredevil fights the Nazi mechs.
The same day as FI:W 2. Valkyrie goes to a New York hospital, where a medic notes that the Thing just leveled another city block. Valkyrie gives six of Idunn’s golden apples to a doctor to help his patients, victims of the Fear, survive.
HULK #37 (13:1)
The same day as FI:TF 7-FB (2-3). Bystanders spy the transformed Thing.
JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #635 – FB (8:1-8:3)
The same day as HULK 37 (13:1). Luke sees TV coverage of Thing destroying Yancy Street and wonders if there’s hope for anyone.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (5/6:6, 7:1)
The same day as JIM 635-FB (8:1-8:3). The Thing lumbers forward. Rulk lands in front of him.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (7:2) ~ HULK #37 (13:2-14/15:1)
The same day as A4 14-FB (7:1). Rulk tells Thing to drop the hammer.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (7:3)
The same day as A4 14-FB (7:2). Thing draws back his hammer.
HULK #37 (14/15:2)
The same day as A4 14-FB (7:3). Thing prepares to strike Rulk.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (8)
The same day as HULK 37 (14/15:2). Thing smashes Rulk.
HULK #37 (14/15:3-14/15:8)
The same day as A4 14-FB (8). Thing continues his assault and Rulk strikes back.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (9:1-10:1)
The same day as HULK 37 (14/15:3-14/15:8). Rulk gets a few hits in before getting zapped by Thing.
HULK #37 (16:1-17:4)
The same day as A4 14-FB (9-10). Modok observes from afar as Rulk rallies but is subdued again by Thing.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (10:2)
The same day as HULK 37 (16-17). Thing looks at Avengers Tower.
HULK #37 (17:5)
The same day as A4 14-FB (10:2). Thing whirls his hammer.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (10:3-13:3)
The same day as HULK 37 (17:5). Rulk faces off against Thing. During the battle, Thing severely damages Avengers Tower, whose occupants, including Jarvis, are saved by Starktech protective measures.
HULK #37 (18:1-20:1)
The same day as A4 14-FB (10-13). Zero/One, Jacob, and Black Fog watch as Avengers Tower topples. Modok sees the same thing and leaves his secured observation area.
NEW AVENGERS v2 #14 – FB (18:7-19:5)
The same day as HULK 37 (18-20). Mockingbird witness the toppling of Avengers Tower.
The same day as NA2 14-FB (18-19). As Melita tries to get closer to the Helicarrier, she witnesses the fall of Avengers Tower.
NEW AVENGERS v2 #16 – FB (12)
The same day as FI:W 3 (1). As Daredevil pounds on a Nazi mech, he sees Avengers Tower fall.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (13:4-15/16:1)
The same day as NA2 16-FB (12). Avengers Tower falls on Rulk and Thing blasts at the rubble.
HULK #37 (20:2)
The same day as A4 14-FB (13-14). Thing and Black Fog find Rulk in the rubble.
HULK #38 (1:1-4:2)
The same day as HULK 37 (20:2). Modok sees Black Fog about to attack the fallen Rulk and blasts him. Zero/One and Jacob observe Modok as he turns invisible to avoid the approaching Thing.
AVENGERS v4 #14 – FB (17-20)
The same day as A4 14-FB (14-15/16). Rulk rises and angrily attacks Thing.
HULK #38 (4:3)
The same day as A4 14-FB (17-20). Thing swings his hammer at Rulk.
AVENGERS v4 #14 (21/22:1-21/22:2)
The same day as HULK 38 (4:3). Thing deals Rulk a crushing blow that sends him flying from Manhattan.
HULK #38 (5-20)
The same day as A4 14-FB (17-21/22). The flying Rulk crashes through Zero/One’s aircraft, which is forced to make an emergency landing. After Thing leaves, Modok sees a horde of Nazi mechs attacking New York. Modok’s LMDs report that “most of the local protectors are battling in Washington, DC.” Modok orders Zzzax and all LMDs to join him in fighting the mechs, who attack the downed Zero/One and Jacob. Black Fog recovers and defeats Modok. Zero/One forcefully reads Modok’s mind and realizes he shares her goals. They join forces and battle the mechs with Black Fog, Zzzax, and the LMDs. Annie finds Rulk laying in a crater in a Vermont forest.
NEW AVENGERS v2 #16 – FB (14:1-15:1)
The same day as HULK 38 (5-20). Squirrel Girl clutches Danielle as Avengers Mansion goes into lockdown mode during the siege of the Nazi mechs.
NEW AVENGERS v2 #16 – FB (16-17)
The same day as NA2 16-FB (14-15). This segment occurs “three weeks” before NA2 16-FB (18-20). Realizing that Danielle may be in danger, Daredevil goes to Avengers Mansion, defeats the Nazi mechs there, and rescues Squirrel Girl and Danielle. Green trees in New York.
The same day as NA2 16-FB (16-17). This story must occur before FI 6 (1-8). Brom argues with Croydon about Sutton’s plan to drop a nuke on New York. Harrow tells Brom that Bexley thinks Sutton has flipped. Sutton tells Bexley he knows of his treachery and stabs him, then he zaps Croydon to eliminate a witness. Melita sends her intel to the media, and Sutton sees a TV news story about him. The captive Logan tries to fan the doubts that Harrow and Brom are having about Sutton. Harrow and Sutton get Sutton to admit they’re no longer the STRIKE team they were and demand to know who they work for. Harrow attacks Sutton and Brom frees Logan, who receives Melita’s intel. Sutton shoots Harrow and Logan tries to talk Sutton out of dropping the nuke to no avail. The nuke is deployed and Logan jumps after it. He disarms the bomb before it hits the ground. Sutton is arrested, and Logan reunites with Melita and says he has to join back up with the Avengers to save the world. Green trees in New York.
AVENGERS v4 #17 – FB (1-2)
The same day as FI:W 3 (2-20). The Nazi mechs blast away at the ruins of Avengers Tower.
AVENGERS v4 #17 – FB (4:1-5:1)
The same day as A4 17-FB (1-2). Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, and Protector watch as Sin joins the Nazi mechs in the ruins of Avengers Tower.
AVENGERS v4 #17 – FB (6:1-8:1)
The same day as A4 17-FB (4-5). Hawkeye shoots an arrow through Sin’s neck. Ms. Marvel presses the attack and Sin blasts her.
AVENGERS v4 #17 – FB (9:1-11/12:1)
The same day as A4 17-FB (6-8). Ms. Marvel staggers Sin but Sin blasts her out of Manhattan. Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, and Protector watch as Spidey, Cage, Jessica Jones, Mockingbird, Iron Fist, Logan, and Daredevil join the battle against Sin.
AVENGERS v4 #17 – FB (13/14:1)
The same day as A4 17-FB (9-11/12). The downed Sin watches as an army of Iron Man armors emerges from Stark’s armory in the rubble of Avengers Tower.
AVENGERS v4 #17 – FB (15:1-17:1)
The same day as A4 17-FB (13/14:1). The Avengers and the Iron Man armors fight Sin and the Nazi mechs.
AVENGERS v4 #17 – FB (18-20)
The same day as A4 17-FB (15-17). Protector hacks into the Nazi mechs’ matrix and shuts them down. Sin uses Heimdall’s observatory in the ruins of Avengers Tower to teleport away.
HERC #5 (1-10)
The same day as xxx. Using the dark magic unleashed by the Serpent, Hecate continues to turn Brooklynites into beasts and animals into monsters. Hercules and Griffin head to Coney Island to confront the Warhawks but are attacked by transformed people on the way. Man-Bull and Basilisk come to the rescue, hoping to use Herc to find their way out of the nightmarish environment. The foursome fight their way into the subway, where they ride a giant bug out to a place where they see Battery Park engulfed in flames and the Statue of Liberty toppled.
HULK #39
The same day as xxx. Rulk and Annie arrive at the western New Hampshire farm where Thunderbolt Ross was raised. They identify Rulk’s attacker as Black Fog and connect him to Zero/One. They encounter Omegex and Uravo in the barn. Omegex attacks Rulk and the battle takes them across the state and down to Boston, where Black Fog suddenly appears. Green grass and trees in New Hampshire.
HULK #40
The same day as HULK 39. Rulk is baffled to discover that Black Fog is helping him fight Omegex. Uravo tells Annie the back-story of Omegex, Uatu, and Rulk before they are joined by Zero/One, who notes her change of opinion about Rulk. Fortean enters the fray, and Zero/One pulls Rulk and Annie aside to find as way that Rulk can use his inner power to win. Zero/One takes Rulk back in time to understand him better. Rulk re-enters the battle and tries to absorb Omegex’s power but it doesn’t work.
HULK #41
The same day as HULK 40. Rulk must appear here before FI 6 (1-8). Zero/One removes Rulk from the scene and reviews his life. She uncodes the nanites in Rulk, which allow him to expunge the bombs Fortean put inside him. Omegex finds Rulk and Zero/One, who pummels Rulk. Rulk changes into his human form and Omegex detects that his target has ceased to exist. Omegex leaves, Uatu arrives, and Zero/One departs with new observations about humanity.
FEAR ITSELF #4 (15-18)
The same day as xxx. Captain America parachutes into Manhattan and joins fellow Avengers Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, Spider-Man, Mockingbird, and Cage in the battle against Sin and her Nazi mechs. Iron Man heads to the ruins of old Asgard in Oklahoma and offers a sacrifice of his sobriety to summon Odin forth.
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #506 (1:1-2:5)
The same day as xxx. Odin appears before Stark.
FEAR ITSELF #4 (19-22)
The same day as xxx. Odin tells Stark he’s listening. The Avengers fight in Manhattan. Thor attacks the rejuvenated Serpent in Antarctica, and when Thor refuses to join him in an alliance against Odin, Serpent sends Thor to Manhattan, where, upon rising he is attacked by Hulk and Thing.
FEAR ITSELF #5 (1-2)
The same day as FI 4 (19-22). Hulk and Thing beat on Thor.
HERC #5 (11:1)
The same day as FI 5 (1-2). Hulk and Thing fight Thor.
The same day as HERC 5 (11:1). The possessed Thing is caught on a video that’s referred to as “the latest image” of him in FI:HVD 1 (2-20).
FEAR ITSELF #5 (3:1-5:5)
The same day as FI:HVD 1-FB (8:1). Captain America challenges Sin. In fallen Asgard, Stark greets Odin.
The same day as FI 5 (3-5). Stark tells Odin he makes really great weapons.
FEAR ITSELF #5 (5:6-20:1)
The same day as IM 506 (2:6). Stark tells Odin he wants his workshop. Thor fells Thing and attacks Hulk. Franklin and Val Richards rush to the fallen Thing’s side. Sin blasts Cap and greets the Serpent as his Dark Asgard arrives in the skies over Manhattan. The Avengers (Protector, Jessica Jones, Spider-Woman, Cage, Mockingbird, Spidey, Hawkeye, and Ms. Marvel) assault the Serpent but are blasted aside. Serpent destroys Cap’s shield and unleashes a powerful explosion that renders the heroes unconscious. The heroes awaken after Serpent and Sin move on. Franklin uses his power to revitalize Thing, who reverts to his normal self. Thor and Hulk continue their battle.
The same day as FI 5 (5-20). Thor and Hulk lunge at each other.
FEAR ITSELF #5 (20:2-22:1)
The same day as FI:HF 5-FB (7:1). Thor knocks Hulk into space. As Hulk burns up upon re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere, Thor collapses in the street.
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #507 – FB (3:1-3:4)
The same day as FI 5 (20-22). Cap and Spidey rush to the fallen Thor.
The same day as IM 507-FB (3:1-3:4). This segment occurs “three hours” before FI:HVD 1 (2-20). Hulk comes back to Earth and crashes into the Carpathian Mountains.
FEAR ITSELF #5 (22:2-22:4)
The same day as FI:HVD 1 (1). Cap relieves Spidey of his duty so the wall-crawler can check on his family’s safety. When Hawkeye questions Cap’s decision, Cap tells him they’re going to lose.
The same day as FI 5 (22:2-22:4). Miriam Sharpe watches a TV news report about Cap’s shield being shattered, the appearance of a floating city over Manhattan, and the Avengers going in different directions after recovering from the Serpent’s attack. Speedball calls Miriam (probably after a day gathering video in St. John’s) and share live video of victims helping other victims in Newfoundland. Inspired, Miriam decides to spread the word.
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #506 (3:1-6:5)
The same day as xxx. After accepting Stark’s offer to design weapons to fight the Serpent, Odin takes Stark to the workshops of Svartalfheim, where Stark begins to work with Asgard’s weapons makers.
FEAR ITSELF #6 (1-8)
The same day as xxx. Rulk must appear here after HULK 41 and Logan must appear here after FI:W 3 (2-20). The Avengers take the injured Thor to Heimdall’s observatory, which is still operative in the rubble of Avengers Tower. Cap orders the New Avengers (Cage, Iron Fist, Dr. Strange, Mockingbird, Jessica Jones) to remain and help evacuate Manhattan while he and his own team (Ms. Marvel, Protector, Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, Logan, Rulk) transport Thor to Asgard-Space, where Heimdall gathers the Worldbreaker Legion to fight the Serpent. Cap orders Odin to fix Thor. Tired of Rogers’ smack-talk, Odin dispatches Cap and his team to Fallen Asgard in Broxton. Cap tells Hawkeye they have to start evacuating Earth.
The same day as xxx. News reports about the worldwide chaos encourage the Serpent. When Sin/Skadi expresses concern about the prophesy that Thor will kill the Serpent, her master notes that she will carry on in his place.
FEAR ITSELF #6 (10-11)
The same day as xxx. Spidey finds May Parker, who assures him she’s okay and encourages him to resume his heroic duties.
FEAR ITSELF #6 (12-14)
The same day as xxx. In Asgard-Space, Odin tends to the wounded Thor and gives him his ancient battle armor for future protection.
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Col_Fury »

The same day as xxx. X-23 (who was evacuating San Francisco with the X-Men), Amadeus Cho, Spider-Girl (who was chasing down looters in Manhattan while Thor fought Hulk and Thing), Power Man, and Thunderstrike suddenly find themselves gathered together in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They antagonize one another until they are faced with a threat, an army of shark creatures determined to sacrifice the young heroes to the Serpent.
The same day as FI:HF 5/2. Power Man tells his colleagues that the shark creatures worship a dark king and were Thule Society allies and Japanese supporters in WWII. The heroes defeat the shark people and find themselves aboard a Thule Society aircraft aimed for Honolulu. Cho admits he gathered the group together to save the world.
The same day as FI:HF 6/2. Power Man, X-23, Amadeus Cho, Thunderstrike, and Spider-Girl finish off the shark creatures and destroy the aircraft. Amadeus tries in vain to keep the group together.
The same day as xxx. Volstagg transfers his consciousness into the Destroyer armor and with Loki hides his comatose body in the roots of the World Tree, a place where Heimdall cannot detect it.
The same day as JIM 630-FB. This segment occurs after NM3 29 and “a few hours” after JIM 626 (1-13). Investigating an explosion in reformed Asgard, Heimdall and Odin discover that the Destroyer armor is missing. In Newark, Leah tells Tyr and the Disir that Hela has been seized by the ancient war-dead of the Serpent. Tyr and the Disir see the Serpent’s Dark Asgard overhead, and Loki appears to tell them that the Serpent is trying to use Heimdall’s observatory atop Avengers Tower to reach Asgard (this statement doesn’t mean that the Tower intact but that the observatory still is, as shown in FI 6). Loki reveals the Destroyer, whom he intends to use to destroy Dark Asgard. Green trees in Newark.
The same day as xxx. Mephisto visits the Infinite Embassy, where Zeus and Odin argue over the Serpent. Mephisto speaks with Dionysus, Wayep, Merlyn, and the Spider God. Mephisto proceeds to a gathering of hell lords.
The same day as JIM 627-FB (6-8). Mephisto addresses Cyttorak, Dormammu, Marduk Kurios, Satannish, Adversary, Chthon, Big Mother, Oliver, and other hell lords. He then advises Nightmare, who resents the Serpent’s involvement in his business.
HERC #5 (11:2-20)
The same day as xxx. Hermes appears before Hercules and his three villain companions and explains that Zeus has followed Odin’s lead in ordering his people not to fight to save Earth. Hercules passes up an opportunity to have is godlike powers restored in order to stay and fight for Earth. At Coney Island, Helene adds Rhea to the group of Herc worshipers she and Kyknos are preparing to sacrifice to bring an Ares construct to life. As part of a scheme hatched by Hercules, Basilisk turns the former demi-god to stone and with Man-Bull and Griffin presents him to the Warhawks.
The same day as xxx. Rhea notes that “a lot of crazy’s gone down in the last twenty-four hours.” Kyknos attacks Man-Bull, Basilkisk, and Griffin, upset that their turning Herc to stone has robbed hbim of the pleasure of killing the son of Zeus himself. Kyknos demands that Helene slay her father as a sacrifice to Ares. Helene hesitates and Herc returns to flesh and blood and stops her. Herc challenges Kyknos and the three villains join Herc in attacking the son of Ares. Rhea joins Herc’s worshipers in believing in Herc as a god, which causes Hecate’s spell to feed Herc instead of Kyknos. Kyknos loses power and Helene shoots him in the head. Hecate flees and Hercules and his followers cheer in victory.
The same day as xxx. Mr. Fear walks through a crowd of terrified bystanders, chagrined that he’s not responsible for the state of fear everywhere.
The same day as xxx. Dust and Rockslide help innocent people during the epidemic of fear.
The same day as xxx. Tired of living in fear, the citizens of Milwaukee rebel against the Great Lakes Avengers. The team faces Asbestos Man, a villain and cancer survivor who just wants to be noticed. He quits threatening people when the heroes refuse to expose themselves to his asbestos costume. Seeing the team as losers more than a threat, the citizens leave the team alone. Green grass and trees in Milwaukee.
The same day as xxx. This segment occurs “two days” before FI:TD 1 (7-20). Namor (in full costume) faces off against Attuma, who has just decimated Namor’s elite warriors. Attuma vanquishes Namor and destroys New Atlantis. Loa evacuates Namor from the scene.
The same day as xxx. Now that Attuma has conquered Atlantis, Atlantean soldier Kida wonders if his allegiance is to Namor or to the new king, Attuma.
The same day as xxx. Upon returning from a visit to the Neutral Zone, Blue Marvel finds his underwater sanctuary, Kadesh, partially destroyed. He dislodged a sunken Chinese sub from the base and brings it to the surface. There, he runs afoul of a US naval captain who fears an international incident and disdains Blue Marvel for his supposed past cowardice. Blue Marvel encounters an defeats the cause of the destruction, a sea creature, and repairs the breach of anti-matter caused by the destruction. When the captain learns the Blue Marvel saved his grandfather in Korea, he learns a lesson from the hero.
The day after BP:MWF 521 (6-8). The headline of the New York “Spot” reads, “Vigilante Terrorizes Citizens During Crisis.” Foggy Nelson comes to see Mr. Okonkwo to let him know he’s only just gotten his law license back. Okonkwo assures him that Foggy will come to no harm on his behalf. As Okonkwo attends to the injured at his diner, Hate-Monger confronts him and Sofija, spouting anti-immigrant rhetoric. A mysterious mashed man named American Panther defends Glenn and challenges Okonkwo, who retreats on Sofija’s advice. As Hate-Monger incites a crowd in the diner, Okonkwo is arrested by Homeland Security, who have already nabbed Foggy Nelson.
The same day as BP:MWF 521 (9-20). At “4:13 PM,” Foggy Nelson and Mr. Okonkwo are harassed in jail before getting bailed out by Becky Blake, who notes the destruction in Manhattan. At “4:45 PM,” American Panther stands at Hate Monger’s side during a xenophobic rally in a burning Manhattan street. As Okonkwo prepares to fight Hate-Monger, Sofija tells him she knows who he is and T’Challa explains his situation, now resolved to stop thinking like Daredevil. At “6:34 PM,” Hate-Monger congratulates Chambliss on helping him gather followers, and when American Panther objects to the idea of Hate-Monger taking over a police station, Hate-Monger asserts his control over him.
The same day as xxx. A desperate small Western town and a nearby Navajo reservation make rival bids for a power station. The underlying racism is stoked that night when the local sheriff is scalped.
The same evening as xxx. Miriam Sharpe records her own empowering message from Stamford that people don’t always need super-heroes to solve their problems when they can save themselves. Speedball is back in Manhattan, assisting soldiers and firefighters in reclaiming New York after the battle there. The Sisters of Sin catch Miriam’s Internet broadcast as they attack soldiers at a base.
The same day as FI:HF 5 (10-14). As Jocasta and Speedball help people in different locations, Miriam finishes her broadcast. The Sisters of Sin attack Miriam and they send out an Internet message that Speedball sees. Speedball goes to Miriam’s rescue and fights the Sisters but loses. As the Sisters prepare to make examples of Speedball and Miriam, they are attacked by ordinary Stamford citizens.
The same day as FI:HF 6. Speedball, Miriam, and the Stamford residents fight and defeat the Sisters of Sin. Despite the narrative, this does not occur “about when the tide turned all over the world,” but rather days earlier.
BATTLE SCARS #1 – FB (6:1-6:2, 6:4)
One day. Gripped by the Fear, an Afghan soldier shoots a would-be suicide bomber and triggers an attack by the Taliban.
The same day as BS 1-FB (6:4). This segment occurs “72 hours” before BS 1 (8). On “day three of the Fear,” U.S. Army soldier Marcus Johnson and his unit engage in a firefight in Afghanistan.
The same night as IM 506 (2-6). The workers at Stark Resilient watch Internet coverage of the stone corpses in Paris and wonder how Stark was able to survive the experience. Justine Hammer tries in vain to reach Detroit Steel, not knowing he’s dead. Her inability to reach General Babbage leads her to check into the fate of Washington, DC, where the Capitol is on fire (the dome damage may be facing away from the line of sight). Justine sends an armored Sasha to lead a squad of armored operatives to recover the Detroit Steel armor from Paris. In Asgard, Stark tries to get the dwarves of Nidavellir to work with him. Rescue arrives in Paris to rescue survivors. Sasha and her squad arrive there too and encounter Grey Gargoyle. Stark joins the dwarves in drinking alcohol to get charged for the work ahead. Green trees in Seattle.
The same night as IM 506 (7-22). During the drinking, a dwarf steals a lock of Stark’s hair and brings it to a servant of the Serpent, who slays the dwarf.
FEAR ITSELF #7.1 – FB (11-12)
The same night as FI 7.1 (9-10). This flashback occurs “two days” before FI 7.1-FB (13). Natasha probably appears here before SECA 15. At Nick Fury’s secret base #008, Bucky Cap is given the last of Fury’s Infinity Formula to give him a chance of surviving.
The same night as FI:DP 1 (1-8). Deadpool finds Walrus at a monster truck rally, where the villain employs bees to rob a driver. Wade leaves his hammer for Walrus to find, but the villain can’t do anything with it. Appearing in disguise as the Spectre of Mass Destruction, Wade tells Walrus that he is the chosen. Wade’s plan is convince the people of Cimmaron, New Mexico, that Walrus is a serious threat, then swoop in and kick his butt, collecting cash rewards. Full moon.
The same night as BP:MWF 522 (1-11). At “10:21 PM,” Hate-Monger takes over a Manhattan police station as Black Panther and Sofija watch from a nearby rooftop. Planning to exorcize Hate-Monger from Josh Glenn, T’Challa infiltrates the station and plants a timer on the building’s generator. He subdues possessed policemen as Hate-Monger prepares to deploy the police to parts of Manhattan where the Thing isn’t at large. American Panther defeats Black Panther and Sofija is taken into custody. The timer runs out and the lights go dark.
The same night as BP:MWF 522 (12-20). This segment occurs “two days” before BP:MWF 523 (19-20). T’Challa attacks American Panther in the dark and Hate Monger escapes. “Half an hour later,” Hate Monger inflames a mob and targets the building of an immigrant rights group. T’Challa confronts Hate Monger, attaches a device to his head and rids Josh Glenn of Hate Monger. T’Challa fights American Panther again and leaves him for the crowd to finish off. Police arrest American Panther, whose costume is mysteriously gone. “Later that night,” T’Challa infiltrates a government building and purges its files of information about Foggy Nelson.
The same rainy night as JIM 627-FB (10-15). Mephisto walks into a bar and tells the bartender about his day. He offers the bartender immortality and consigns him to a torturous fate making “ink” for his letters. Mephisto writes one to Asgard, proposing a treaty, and another to the future ruler of Asgard noting that Loki has freed Surtur from Limbo.
GHOST RIDER v7 #3 (19-20)
The same rainy night as xxx. Adam and Ghost Rider arrive at Cape Canaveral, where Adam tells Ghost Rider she will save the entire human race.
JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #635 – FB (7:1-7:3)
Probably the same night as IM 506 (7-22). Christina watches TV news coverage of the people-turned-statues in Paris and enters a fearful sleep.

Probably the morning afterGR7 3 (19-20). Adam takes Ghost Rider to a space station where Adam plans to magnify her power through a telescopic lens pointed at Earth to purge the world of sin. Blaze makes a deal with Mephisto to obtain a space bike to take him and Seeker to the space station. Blaze ejects Seeker on the way and boards the station, from which he evacuates astronauts whom Ghost Rider has effectively lobotomized. Adam shoots Blaze with hellfire, and as Adam monologues, Ghost Rider realizes she’s been used. She blasts Adam, takes Blaze and flees from the exploding station. Back on Earth, Blaze offers to help Alejandra, but she refuses, embraces the spirit of Zarathos inside her, and sets out to find sin and those who most deserve penance. Green grass and trees.
The day after FI:HF 5/4 (1-2). The Navajo chief laments the fear gripping the white man. The sheriff’s deputies arrive to arrest Indians for the sheriff’s murder when suddenly two troublemakers powered by MGH pose as Indian spirit leaders to foment trouble and force the white folk to drive the Navajo away. American Eagle exposes the imposters and the Navajo and white communities come together for a barbecue.
The same day as xxx. This segment occurs “two days” after FI:TD 1 (1-6). A news report notes“the recent underwater explosion off the western seaboard.” Dr. Strange is summoned to a bar by Namor, who tells him about New Atlantis’s destruction and notes that “the X-Men are occupied with other threats.” Strange sends out a summons for their fellow Defenders. In the remains of New Atlantis, Attuma’s generals, Tyrak, Aradnea, and Tiger Shark, summon demonic creatures to seek out and attack Namor before he can return to reclaim his city. Strange’s summons brings Lyra instead of the Hulk; Strange must not know that Hulk was possessed by one of the Serpent’s hammers. The creatures appear, and Namor, Strange, Loa, and Lyra fight them. Suddenly, Silver Surfer appears to help the heroes.
The same day as xxx. The Defenders continue to fight the creatures until Strange banishes them. Surfer explains that he followed the hammers to Earth, and Strange notes that the panic spreading across the planet is weakening the veil between dimensions, allowing the Undying Ones to cross over. More Undying Ones possess sea creatures and send them to attack the heroes. The Defenders defeat the creatures, but the Undying Ones grab Lyra and pull her under the ocean.
The same day as FI:TD 2. Strange, Namor, Surfer, and Loa come to Lyra’s rescue and the heroes are besieged by Undying Ones, led by the Nameless One, who inhabits Tiger Shark’s mutated body. The creatures take Loa and Surfer follows them. Namor departs in pursuit after instructing Strange to find the source of the Undying Ones’ powers. Surfer encounters what appears to bev Loa but deduces that it’s Tyrak in disguise. As Surfer fights the newly powerful Tyrak, Tiger Shark finds Lyra and they fight. Strange finds Loa and they encounter Aradnea. Strange defeats Aradnea and the Undying Ones disperse. Loa unintentionally destroys Aradnea when she goes to kill Strange. The heroes regroup and Namor states that although they liberated New Atlantis, they still need to face Attuma.
The same day as xxx. This story occurs the “year” after SECA 15-FB (12:4). Natasha probably appears here between FI 7.1-FB (11-12) and FI 7.1 (13). Black Widow breaks into the offices of the Unexpected Truth after the tabloid reports of evidence that Bucky Cap is not dead. The staff admits that the story is made up, Natasha gets upset, and after a long conversation about mortality and the roles of superhumans in the lives of ordinary people, the tabloid’s publisher decides to remove the story from its website.
FEAR ITSELF #7 – FB (48:1-48:3)
One day during Fear Itself. A spy is killed after divulging intel he received about Marcus Johnson.
The day after FI:DP 1 (9-20). Under Deadpool’s direction, Walrus sets out to terrorize Cimmaron as its residents sleep. Wade prevents Walrus from victimizing a girl who idolizes Deadpool. After sunup, Cimmaron’s people fight back. The Society for the Advancement of Lycanthropic Kind plan to get Walrus’s hammer. Deadpool comes to the “rescue” of the people of Cimmaron, who agree to pay Wade to dispatch Walrus. Wade defeats Walrus but as the light of the full moon shines on the villain’s hammer, the weapon takes hold of Walrus, who bashes Wade in the head. “Tomorrow night (meaning tonight) is a full moon” and “the full moon is tonight.” The implication is that this will be the first night of the full moon (because of its effect on Walrus’s hammer), but a full moon was already seen in FI:DP 1 (9-20).
The same night as FI:DP 2. Deadpool escapes Walrus’s assault and dons the garb of the Spectre of Mass Destruction, but Walrus sees through the disguise. Wade surrenders and abandons the town of Cimmaron. He encounters the two guys from whom he got the hammer and they resolve to get it back. Deadpool attacks Walrus, who thrashes him and forces him to give up again. This time, Wade’s surender is a ploy to get Walrus to go indoors in search of the town’s gold. The magic wears off the hammer, and Wade shoots the powerless Walrus. Deadpool retrieves the hammer and Sir Lupos and his werewolves steal the gold. Walrus is hospitalized and Wade leaves with the two dudes after talking with the girl who idolizes him. “Full moon.”

FEAR ITSELF #7.1 – FB (13)
One day, “two days” after FI 7.1-FB (11-12). Natasha probably appears here after SECA 15 and may appear here before FI:BW 1-FB. James Barnes awakens to find Natasha at his side.
The same day as xxx. While an unknown costumed superhuman is blindfolded and held captive, a suicide bomber blows up an airport terminal.
The same day as FI:UXF 1-FB (1-2). While Deadpool talks to stuffed animals, Wolverine and Archangel look at monitors showing Sin, Attuma, Absorbing Man, Titania, Hulk, Thing, Grey Gargoyle, and Juggernaut on their rampages; these are probably previously recorded scenes. Warren shows Logan news coverage of the airport bombing on online coverage of the captive superhuman. Suspecting the Purifiers, Psylocke and Fantomex crash a party in New York that night and confront Benedict Ryan, a popular TV news pundit and secret Purifier. To prevent the heroes from using him as a lead to the Purifiers, Ryan tries to commit suicide by jumping off a building but the heroes stop him and take him aboard EVA. Betsy uses a psychic knife to read Ryan’s mind. The Purifiers’ leader, Jonathan Standish, watches TV news coverage of Absorbing Man and Titania joining with Juggernaut, Thing?, and Hulk. Standish checks in with his henchmen and the captive superhuman.
The same day as xxx. Attuma reaches the East Coast and his forces there greet his early arrival. Strange, Surfer, Loa, Namor, and Lyra also arrive and inform Attuma that his minions in New Atlantis have been routed. The heroes fight Attuma and his soldiers and call in reinforcements, including Stingray, Cloak, Dagger, Hellstorm, Blazing Skull, Devil-Slayer, Hellcat, Black Panther, Gargoyle, and Moon Knight. Namor regains his resolve and Loa destroys Attuma’s right hand, which quickly reforms. Attuma flees and his forces are defeated. Strange posits that the Defenders will be needed in the days to come.
One day, “two days” after BP:MWF 523 (1-18). T’Challa fixes up the damaged diner, whose former owner apologizes and offers to help. Elsewhere, someone new dons the American Panther costume.
FEAR ITSELF #7 – FB (49)
Probably the day after FI 7-FB (48:1-48:3). During Fear Itself, “the Russian’s team” breaks into the Atlanta home of Marcus Johnson’s mother and shoots her dead.
The same night as xxx. Widow may appear here after FI 7.1-FB (13). As ordered by Rogers, Black Widow arrives in Marseilles on a stealth operation. Natasha thinks the assignment is because of her performance in Washington, DC. Assisted by Peregrine, the Widow infiltrates a church where people have gathered in response to the tragedy in Paris, only to have become hostages of terrorists who seized control of a Ministry of Defense ops room in the church basement. Natasha gasses the place, Peregrine provides backup, and the two defeat Rapido and the rest of the terrorists. The Widow learns that the terrorists sent out security codes to France’s nuclear arsenal. Natasha steals aboard a French ship, where she is subdued. Full moon.
The same night as FI:BW 1-FB. Aboard the ship, the terrorist leader taunts Black Widow and shoots her. He orders an extremist attack on London and discovers that the Widow he shot is an LMD equipped with explosives, which the real Widow detonates from shore. As she sees Marseilles burn, Natasha tells Peregrine she feels her victory is hollow.

The day after FI:UXF 1 (1-14). X-Force raids the Purifiers’ base in Baltimore. Standish sends out an Internet broadcast imploring humans to kill themselves before the “devil’s minions” brought to Earth by super-people can claim their souls. He publicly executes the captive superhuman. Green trees in Baltimore.
The same day as FI:UXF 1 (15-20). This story must Fantomex reports that thousands of people have committed suicide as a result of Standish’s broadcast. Logan forces Ryan to tell X-Force what he knows about Standish. Disappointed at the number of suicides, Standish resolves to send a louder message. Orbiting in EVA, X-Force waits for Standish to make a move. The team discusses whether super-heroes have endangered humanity more than helped it. Standish deploys Purifier soldiers to small towns across America. Eva deposits Archangel in Texas, Logan in Arkansas, Deadpool in Oklahoma, and Psylocke and Fantomex in Missouri. Wade fights a Purifier soldier who self-destructs. Betsy fails to stop another soldier from exploding before she can read his mind to discover Standish’s location. Standish prepares his end game. Green trees.
The same day as FI:UXF 2. Logan must appear here before FI 6 (20-22). Fantomex and Psylocke trick a Purifier soldier into revealing Standish’s location and plan to bomb New York. X-Force arrive at New York, where Standish’s fighters take down EVA. Archangel takes down the plane containing the bomb and attacks Standish. Logan cuts off Standish’s hand before he can activate the bomb and beheads the fanatic.
The same day as xxx. This segment occurs “three hours” after FI:HVD 1 (1). An emissary of Dracula approaches Hulk in the Carpathian Mountains and proposes that the Hulk and vampires agree to leave each other alone, but Hulk attacks the vampires. In his castle war room, Dracula gathers intelligence on the Hulk and the other hammer wielders; the “latest images” of Thing, Juggernaut, and Absorbing Man are shown, but the Thing must have reverted back to normal by now. Dracula sends in reinforcements to fight Hulk, and when they fall, Raizo Kodo uses the opportunity to challenge Dracula and offer the assistance of his clan, the Forgiven. Dracula imprisons the challengers, who promptly break out of their cell. Dracula sends a horde of monsters to fight Hulk. Green grass and trees in Carpathia.
The same day as FI:HVD 1 (2-20). Hulk decimates the monsters after “twenty-two minutes” and Dracula is forced to accept Raizo Kodo’s offer of help. As his Forgiven engaged the Hulk in battle, Kodo concentrates on a master plan and concludes that there’s nothing that can be done to defeat Hulk. Dracula gives Legate “one hour” to gather every vampire for an assault on Hulk, who defeats the Forgiven.
The same day as FI:HVD 2. The Forgiven retreat, and as Dracula gathers his forces occupy a castle as a defense plan, Raizo and Inka takes off to pursue a plan of their own. Green grass and trees in Carpathia.
The same day as xxx. A TV report states that Iron Man hasn’t been seen “in at least seventy-two hours.” Macken at Stark Resilient cannot locate Stark and sees live TV coverage of Grey Gargoyle turning a reporter to stone. Macken contacts Pepper, who has encountered Sasha Hammer and her fellow Hammer Corps armored operatives. Hammer Corps attack Pepper but soon are assaulted by Grey Gargoyle, who grabs Pepper and Sasha. As Stark works on weapons in Svartalfheim, his lock of hair becomes part of the reactivated Golem. The Serpent’s agent attacks Stark.
The same day as IM 507 (3-22). Stark activates his armor and fights the Golem in Svartalfheim. The dwarves help Iron Man fight and defeat Golem. In Paris, Hammer Corps fires at Grey Gargoyle, who releases Pepper and Sasha. Gargoyle rips Rescue’s helmet off and Sasha orders her troops to withdraw. Alone in Grey Gargoyle’s clutches, Pepper refuses to open her eyes lest she be turned to stone. In Svartalfhein, Stark refuses a drink from the dwarves before is told Odin has arrived.
The same day as IM 508 (1-19). Stark and the dwarves appear before Odin.
The same day as IM 508 (1-19). Standing with Thor, Odin orders Stark and the dwarves to present their arms.
FEAR ITSELF #6 (16:2)
The same day as FI 6 (16:1). Stark presents the arms he designed to Odin and Thor.
FEAR ITSELF #6 (16:3-16:5) ~ INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #508 (21:1-21:3)
The same day as FI 6 (16:2). Odin asks which weapon Stark will use and Stark replies that he’ll use his own armor.
FEAR ITSELF #6 (17-19)
The same day as FI 6 (16:3-16:5). After Thor refuses Odin’s offer to protect him from what’s to come, Odin grants Thor one last chance to save Earth before he sends his forces in to incinerate the planet to defeat the Serpent. Stark dons his armor and dives into a vat of Uru with all the weapons he and the dwarves made.
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #508 (21:4-22:2)
The same day as FI 6 (17-19). Stark enters the vat of Uru and emerges.
The same day as IM 508 (21-22). Stark bids goodbye to the dwarves of Svartalfheim and refuses to kill the captured smoke elves that tried to slay him. Just as Pepper is forced to open her eyes, Grey Gargoyle is summoned by the Serpent and leaves Paris. Salvage troops in Paris find what’s left of Detroit Steel. Splitlip declines Stark’s invitation to go to Midgard to him. Odin sends Stark and Thor to Earth to stop the Serpent before he’s forced to raze Earth. As Pepper leaves Paris on a U.N. plane, she finds out that Justine Hammer is smearing her on TV with a video of her in armor crying.
FEAR ITSELF #6 (20-22)
The same day as IM 509 (1-21). Logan must appear here after FI:UXF 3 and Attuma after FI:TD 4. Cap gathers his team (Rulk, Logan, Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, and Protector) at Fallen Asgard and tells them their mission is to keep the Serpent from the World Tree. Cap leaves his teammates to join the citizens of Broxton as they face the Serpent’s approaching floating city, in which the Serpent, Juggernaut, Grey Gargoyle, Attuma, Sin, Absorbing Man, and Titania stand ready to attack.
The same day as FI 6 (20-22). As Cap and his fellow Broxton residents face the approaching Dark Asgard, a resident named Rick goes back for his family and doesn’t find them at home. He rescues a dog and assists an old man and heads for the school where non-fighting residents are holed up. Cap fires a machine gun at attacking Nazi mechs. Green grass and trees in Oklahoma.
The same day as FI:HF 7/4 (1-6). Captain America leads the citizens of Broxton in a charge.
The same day as FI:HF 7 (10:1). This segment occurs “three days” before IM 510 (1-17), “nineteen days” before IM 514 (1-12), “twenty days” before IM 515, “twenty-one days” before IM 516 (1-7), “twenty-two days” before IM 517,“twenty-three days” before IM 518 (1-17), and “twenty-four days” before IM 519 and IM 520. Thor and Iron Man appear at Fallen Asgard before Spidey, Logan, Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, Dr. Strange, Red She-Hulk, Rulk, and Hawkeye.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (1-4)
The same day as IM 509 (22). Captain America and the residents of Broxton fight the Serpent’s forces. Iron Man and Thor distribute Uru weapons to the Avengers.
The same day as FI 7 (1-4). Molly watches the battle from her Broxton home.
The same day as FI:HVD 2. Hulk attacks the castle and cuts through the vampire forces. Hulk fights Dracula and prepares to finish him off. Green grass and trees in Carpathia.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (5-8)
The same day as FI:HVD 3 (8-15). The Serpent gathers his strength and challenges Odin. Hulk prepares to strike Dracula. The Avengers, armed with their Uru weapons, join Cap in battle.
The same day as FI 7 (5-8). Raizo arrives with Inka, who, appearing as Betty Banner in the Hulk’s mesmerized mind, appeals to Bruce Banner and expels Nul from Hulk. The freed Hulk bounds away, and Dracula offers his appreciation to the Forgiven by banishing them rather than imprisoning them. Green grass and trees in Carpathia.
The same day as FI:HVD 3 (16-20). Dressed in Odin’s armor, Thor flies to face the Serpent. Mephisto sends an emissary to the Serpent’s followers and tricks them into calling forth the Disir, who slay the Serpent’s creatures and summon Loki, Tyr, Leah, Ikol, and the Destroyer. The five and the Disir make their way past Nazi mechs, and while the Disir fight off the Serpent’s reinforcements, Loki accesses an ancient tome and prepares to use Twilight’s Shadow.
The same day as JIM 628. Loki, Ikol, Leah, Tyr, and Destroyer infiltrate the Serpent’s Dark Asgard as it approaches Fallen Asgard, where Iron Man, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, Captain America, Iron Man, and Rulk fight the Serpent’s forces. Odin observes from Asgard Space, Thor continues to fly, the Serpent changes into a serpent, the Disir fight the Serpent’s ghouls, and Loki prepares to use Twilight’s Shadow to write the Serpent’s story in a tome in Dark Asgard.
The same day as JIM 629 (5-9). Rick reaches the Broxton school and finds his family there.
The same day as FI:HF 7/4 (6-7). Rick’s family greets him. Green trees in Oklahoma.
The same day as FI:HF 7/4 (7:3). Rick’s wife asks him about the situation outside.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (9:3-9:5) ~ FEAR ITSELF: THE HOME FRONT #7/4 (7:4-7:5)
The same day as FI:HF 7 (9:2). Rick tells his wife he’s going back out to help.
The same day as FI 7 (9:3-9:5). Rick leaves his family to go help.
The same day as FI:HF 7/4 (7:6). Thor approaches the Serpent.
The same day as FI 7 (10). The Serpent blasts Thor as Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Iron Man, Red She-Hulk, Attuma, and Grey Gargoyle fight.
JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #644 – FB (13:3-14:6)
The same day as AvAc 20 (1). Loki arrives from the future and rewrites the Serpent’s story a second time to change Leah’s fate.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (11-25)
The same day as AvAc 20 (1). Thor attacks the Serpent and his hammer goes flying. On the battlefield below, Rick reaches the battlefield as Cap picks up Thor’s hammer and leads the Avengers in an assault on the Serpent’s forces. With the heroes’ time up, Odin orders the Asgardians to raze Earth to protect his Asgard. Thor stabs the Serpent in the head with his sword.
The same day as FI 7 (10-25). Thanks to Loki’s handiwork, a sliver of fear in the Serpent makes Thor’s blow proves a fatal one. His job done, Loki, true to his word, summons Surtur to consume Asgard, not the true Asgard as Surtur anticipates, but the Serpent’s Dark Asgard. As Surtur absorbs the energies of Dark Asgard, Loki, Ikol, Leah, Tyr, Destroyer, and the Disir escape Dark Asgard. They spy the Serpent and Thor falling through the sky.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (26-30)
The same day as JIM 629 (10-19). This segment occurs “two days” before FI:TF 8-FB. The Serpent hits the ground, and the Worthy’s hammers fly off, powerless. As told in prophecy, Thor staggers from his victory and drops dead. The Asgardians arrive and Odin cradles his fallen son.
The same day as FI 7 (26-30). Odin cradles Thor and wonder what the future will hold. Ikol leaves Loki and ponders Loki’s fate.
FEAR ITSELF #7.2 – FB (2)
The same day as JIM 629 (20-23). As Asgardians and Earth heroes look on, Odin picks up Thor.
The same day as FI 7.2-FB (2). Heimdall awakens in Fallen Asgard to find the empty Destroyer armor returned. With the help of Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder, Loki retrieves Volstagg from the root of the World Tree. Volstagg returns to Fallen Asgard, and after encountering Hogun and Fandral, goes home to his family. He tells his children a fabricated story about his victory over the Serpent.
FEAR ITSELF #7.2 – FB (3-10)
The same day as JIM 630. In Broxton, the Warriors Three tell Jane Foster Thor is dead. Loki tries to apologize to Sif. Odin abdicates the throne of Asgard and leaves the Vanir in charge.
The same day as FI 7.2 (3-10). Veil watches a TV news report that the Serpent has fallen and Thor is dead. Justice and Reptil try to talk to her but she brushes them off. Giant-Man and Tigra arrive at Broxton (probably after engaging in various unpublished battles) only to discover that the battle with the Serpent is over. Pym tells Hawkeye that Infinite Avengers Mansion is destroyed.
FEAR ITSELF #7.3 – FB (3-4)
The same day as AvAc 20 (2-3). Iron Man, still in his Uru armor, assists in gathering stone people in Paris.
FEAR ITSELF #7.3 – FB (6:1-7:5)
The same day as FI 7.3-FB (3-4). Odin shows up in Paris to tell Stark that Thor’s pyre is being prepared. Stark gets pissed and fire a repulsor ray at Odin.
FEAR ITSELF #7.3 –- FB (9-10)
The same day as FI 7.3-FB (6-7). Iron Man assaults Odin, upset that the Norse god did nothing to stop the Paris tragedy.
FEAR ITSELF #7.3 – FB (15:1-20:2)
The same day as FI 7.3-FB (9-10). Odin grabs Iron Man and berates him and gives him a glimpse of the infinite to put him in his place. Odin then uses his power to restore the stone people of Paris to normal.
The same day as FI 7.3-FB (15-20). At Fallen Asgard on a “Saturday,” the Avengers build a funeral pyre for Thor.
FEAR ITSELF #7.2 – FB (11/12:1-11/12:2)
The same day as FI 7 (31). Heimdall appears before Odin, who attends to his brother Cul, the Serpent. Heimdall senses Cap approaching.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (32:1-32:2) ~ FEAR ITSELF #7.2 – FB (11/12:3-11/12:6)
The same day as FI 7.2-FB (11/12:1-11/12:2). Cap reports to Odin that the pyre is ready. Odin states that it’s time from him and Cul to go home.
FEAR ITSELF #7.2 – FB (11/12:7-11/12:8)
The same day as FI 7 (32:1-32:2). Odin and Cul vanish before Heimdall’s and Cap’s eyes.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (32:3-32:5) ~ FEAR ITSELF #7.2 – FB (11/12:8-11/12:11)
The same day as FI 7.2 (11/12:7-11/12:8). Odin and Cul arrive in Asgard Space and Odin casts out all remaining Asgardians, sending them to Fallen Asgard.
The same day as FI 7 (32:3-32:5). The expelled Asgardians arrive in Fallen Asgardians as Thor’s funeral is about to start.
FEAR ITSELF #7.2 – FB (13-18)
The same day as FI 7 (33). During Thor’s funeral, Freya, Gaea, and Idunn arrive and from the pyre flames emerges a new Thunder God, Tanarus. Some type of spell causes everyone but Loki to see Tanarus as someone they’ve always known as they knew Thor. Loki questions everyone’s acceptance of the surrogate.
The same day as FI 7.2-FB (13-18). Thor’s body is consumed in flames and his spirit awakens.
One day, “days” after JIM 635-FB (1:3-1:4). Rescue workers at the Raft pull a sleeping Brandon out of the rubble of the Raft.
The same night as JIM 630. Odin watches over Cul in Asgard-Space. As Thor’s funeral pyre continues to burn, residents of Fallen Asgard show their fealty to the Vanir, Tanarus drinks at a feast. Loki relinquishes control of the Disir over to Mephisto. He petitions the Vanir to lift Hela’s curse and allow her to return to Niffleheim, free of Mephisto’s realm. The Vanir ask Loki why he released Surtur from Limbo and stole the Destroyer. Loki confesses and explains himself but does not implicate Volstagg.

The day after JIM 631 (1-12). This segment must occur before T4 8. Hela and Tyr enter Niffleheim, leaving Leah to stay and assist Loki. Loki finds Leah a home in a cave near Fallen Asgard and Broxton. In Hell, Mephisto abuses Brun. Hela and Tyr get settled in Niffleheim. The Vanir strike a deal with Loki that he will serve as their secret ally in return for their keeping his secret about Surtur. Surtur labors in Muspelheim.
The day after FI 7.3-FB (15-20). Tony Stark visits the captive Grey Gargoyle in an undisclosed facility to lecture the villain.
FEAR ITSELF #7.1 (1-3)
It must be the day after FI 7 (31-33). Nick Fury visits Rogers at his home as Rogers prepares his eulogy for James Barnes.
FEAR ITSELF #7.1 (6-8)
The same day as FI 7.1 (1-3). When Fury tells Rogers that Barnes is alive, Rogers lashes out at him until Barnes and Natasha enter.
FEAR ITSELF #7.1 (14-17)
The same rainy day as FI 7.1 (6-8). Fury, Barnes, and Natasha explain their deception. Barnes states that the work he has to do now must be done in the shadows. Rogers accepts the situation.
WINTER SOLDIER #6 – FB (15:2-15:5)
The same day as FI 7.1 (14-17). This flashback occurs “weeks” after CA 615 (16-22). Steve Rogers delivers a eulogy at James Barnes’ funeral ceremony at a church. Leo Novokov watches the televised event. Bare trees.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (34:1)
The same day as WS 6-FB (15:2-15:5). This segment occurs “one hour” after FI 7.1 (14-17). This segment occurs the day after FI 7 (31-33). On a “Sunday,” Cap attends James Barnes’ funeral at Arlington National Cemetery. Green grass and trees in Virginia.
FEAR ITSELF #7.1 (18-20)
The same rainy day as FI 7 (34:1) and “three hours” after FI 7.1 (14-17). This segment occurs before WS 1 (1-8). While the Avengers have a post-memorial party at Avengers Mansion, Rogers bids Barnes farewell.
Probably the day after FI 7 (26-30) and before AvAc 20 (4-8). Speedball and Miriam have a heart-to-heart talk and Stamford holds a memorial service for citizens who were killed in the chaos.
Probably the day after FI 7 (31-33). Peter Parker talks to Mayor Jameson before Jonah speaks at a post-Fear Itself press conference.
Probably the day after FI 7 (331-33). This segment occurs “days” after FI:YIR 6 (1-15) and “days” before FI:YIR 6 (18-19). In the wake of Fear Itself, Ultragirl, Cloud 9, Hardball, and Komodo assist in cleaning up Las Vegas, where Butterball is recovered from rubble.
Probably the day after FI 7 (31-33). On “day one of the Unity Party’s ‘victory over fear,’” Puck arranges to have Taskmaster train the dissenters to fight against the Unity Party. When Taskmaster demands payment, Guardian, Snowbird, Aurora, and Puck rob the Bank of Canada and fight Citadel to get the funds. Alpha Flight returns to their base in the Yukon, where rendezvous with their teammates and use alien tech with Guardian’s old mech suits to equip their fledgling army. They see a broadcast of Northstar’s boyfriend Kyle denouncing his former lover and his team. Reverting to her Jeanne-Marie persona, Aurora flees to Department H and offers to inform Vindicator, Cody, and the villain behind the Unity Party, Master, of Alpha Flight’s location in exchange for purging her Aurora persona. Purple Woman takes possession of Jeanne-Marie while Shaman reaches out to the Aurora persona locked inside her mind. Green trees in Ottawa and Yukon.
The same day as AF4 5. Kyle finishes his interview in Edmonton, where Shaman and Snowbird arrive in time to save Kyle’s interviewer, possessed by Purple Girl, from a traffic accident. Ranark and Wendigo show up and fight Shaman and Snowbird. Inside the TV studio, Purple Girl sends a broadcast that entrances viewers. Marrina arrives, decks Purple Girl, and snatches Kyle. Citadel shows up and announces that Alpha Strike’s directive to protect Kyle is over. Northstar and Aurora rescue Kyle, and as Alpha Flight retreats to the Yukon, Master visits Vindicator and her daughter Claire at Department H. Guardian and Sasquatch work on a machine at Alpha Flight’s base camp in the Yukon, where Kyle tricks Northstar into thinking he’s no longer brainwashed and tries to escape from Alpha Flight’s base camp in the Yukon, only to be restrained by Snowbird. Sasquatch discovers that Kyle has only four toes on one foot. Answering a call from Guardian, Logan arrives at the US-Canadian border. Green grass and trees in Canada.
AVENGERS ACADEMY #20 (4:1-8:4)
The day after AvAc 20 (2-3). This segment occurs after FI:HF 7 (10-14). At Avengers Mansion, as Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, Thing, Logan, Jessica Jones, and Cage have a discussion, Veil sneaks off and calls Jeremy Briggs to accept his offer. Hazmat tries to talk Veil out of quitting. Speedball arrives at the mansion and tells Pym and company that he’s quitting the Academy. Green trees in New York.
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Col_Fury »

FEAR ITSELF #7 (34:2-34:3)
The day after FI 7 (34:1). On a “Monday,” Stark goes to Svartalfheim to retrieve Cap’s repaired but scarred shield from the dwarves, who melt down the Uru weapons they created.
Probably the day after AF4 6. This story occurs at least “weeks” after AF4 3 (9-20). Logan arrives At Port Elgin, Ontario, where Heather and her daughter are vacationing under guard. Heather thinks Logan’s on her side until he notices that she has four toes on each foot and abruptly departs. She sends the military after him, but Logan is rescued by Northstar, who takes him to Alpha Flight’s Yukon base. Guardian reprimands Logan for blowing the team’s plot to retrieve his daughter. Walter explains that the Master’s victims have been rebuilt with Plodex technology, accounting for the odd number of toes. Walter tells Aurora that they’re building a machine to reverse the Plodex tech. When Aurora is injured in a pointless fight between Mac and Logan, Walter lashes out as Sasquatch. Aurora reverts to her Jeanne-Marie personality and betrays her teammates to Alpha Strike, who materialize at Alpha Flight’s base. Alpha Strike and Jeanne-Marie fight Alpha Flight and Logan. Shaman defeats Purple Girl, whom Guardian explains is the last component they need for the anti-Unity machine. Master observes Alpha Flight’s actions remotely and he’s forced to go after the team himself. Green grass and trees and bathing suit weather in Canada.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #8 (1-17)
The same day as AF4 7. The desperate Master attacks Parliament Hill and kills Gary Cody as baby Claire watches. Master remotely observes the Yukon battle between Alpha Flight/Logan and Alpha Strike and Heather’s and Mac’s argument about their allegiances. Northstar fights Jeanne-Marie and the savage Sasquatch comes to her rescue and tries to kill Jean-Paul. When Master’s ship arrives, Guardian gives Taskmaster the signal to release their squad of armored citizens to take down the ship. When Vindicator tells Guardian Claire is aboard, Mac and Heather burst in. Master threatens Claire and Vindicator realizes she’s been played. Together, Mac and Heather defeat Master. Heather takes Claire and flies off. Aurora’s personalities reunite and Kyle is freed from the Master’s control. Green grass and trees in Ottawa and Yukon.
One day, shortly after FI 7 (31-33). In an effort to find the missing Thunderbolts, Cage, Ghost, Mach-V, and Songbird go to one of Satana’s bases in Ireland. There they fight Balor, who disappears once they breech the cave portal he guards. Inside the cave, the heroes board a mystical boat that takes them down a river of souls. When Songbird’s hand touches the river, she goes into a trance in which she reviews the Thunderbolts’ history and has a vision of Zemo. Mach-V leads his teammates to the Austrian Alps, where they detect that Thunderbolts Tower was there and that it traveled back in time. Back at Avengers Mansion, Cage, Songbird, Ghost, and Mach-V discuss their findings and Spidey alerts them to the arrival of Valkyrie. When Songbird tells her Gunna is missing, Valkyrie uses Dragonfang to detect the location of Troll’s axe. Green grass and bare trees in New York.
The same day as TB 163.1. Satana and Mr. Hyde find themselves in 1888 London, where wiccans of the Iceni imprison her with a curse and keep Hyde occipied.
The same day as TB 167-FB. Valkyrie leads Cage, Mach-V, Songbird, and Ghost to a rock on a Norwegian plateau that acts as a flow point for the power of weapons forged by the Trolls. There, they detect Troll’s battleaxe calling to them. Meanwhile, Troll, Moonstone, Fixer, Centurius, Boomerang, and Troll find themselves in London in 1888 trying to stop Mr. Hyde, who has assumed the murderous M.O. of Jack the Ripper, assisted by Satana. Accompanied by Scotland Yard detectives, the disguised Thunderbolts track down Hyde and Satana.
The same day as TB 166. The Thunderbolts fight Hyde and Satana until Troll severs a demonic spell that held Satana. Satana reveals that Hyde’s been trying to find the curse-keeper and explains that their true foes are wiccans of the ancient Iceni. She shows her teammates the cache of indigents that the Iceni imprisoned to extract their essences. In the present, Cage, Valkyrie, Songbird, and Mach-V watch as Ghost enters the Norwegian flow point. In 1888 London, the Thunderbolts defeat the Iceni and leave behind the legacy of Jack the Ripper. The tower travels through time again and ends up in Arthurian days, when the T-Bolts meet the original Black Knight.
The same day as TB 167. In Arthurian days, Troll and Boomerang defeat the Black Knight. Wearing period-appropriate attire, Satana, Moonstone, Centurius, Fixer, Mr. Hyde, Boomerang, and Troll battle Merlin, Arthur and his knights. The Thunderbolts fall to Merlin’s magic and are imprisoned in Camelot’s dungeon, where they meet a troll that tells them the prisoners there are used to provide ingredients for Merlin’s potions.
The same day as TB 169. Ghost appears before the Thunderbolts in the dungeons of Camelot and reveals that he’s been with them since they were in 1880s London. Ghost frees the prisoners, and they prevent Arthur from breeching their tower by creating distractions to occupy the king and his knights. Merlin reveals that he knows the Thunderbolts are time travelers and uses Karla’s moonstone to tether the Thunderbolts to their world and send them back to the future. The Thunderbolts and their tower land “a few years early” and the original Thunderbolts spy the appearance of the tower.
The same day as TB 170. The Thunderbolts try to avoid the original team to no avail. Demanding to know about the tower, the original team fights the current one. Moonstone confronts her earlier self.
The same day as TB 172. The two Thunderbolts teams battle until Zemo figures out what’s going on and offers to help the future Thunderbolts access Doom’s time machine. Upset at what his future self has become, Techno verbally assaults Fixer, who retaliates and kills his prior self by accident.
The same day as TB 173. Fixer’s violation of the timestream starts to have dire consequences. Fixer realizes that to save the world, he must take his prior self’s place. Centurius regrows Fixer’s hair and administers a cosmetic procedure that makes Fixer look younger, then he administers a formula that makes Fixer forget everything from his life after the point in the past and that makes the other Thunderbolts of the past forget their encounter with the future team. The present Thunderbolts leave the past in the tower.
The same day as TB 174. The Thunderbolts find themselves in the Pleistocene Era and rescue a time-traveler from megalodons. Moonstone accuses Satana of using her magic to continually draw the team into the past. They see the Watcher and Celestials appear before jumping back in time again to the beginning of life on Earth. Man-Thing’s habitat oozes out into the environment and gives birth to the Vogurnus Koth, a Man-Thing who can communicate in the universal language. The Thunderbolts discover that it is he who drew them back into the past to fulfill his destiny as the first sentient creature on Earth. Man-Thing allows the Thunderbolts to go back to their time, but the time-traveler commandeers the Tower and is revealed to be Dr. Doom at a point during FF 567-FB. He takes the Tower to the near-present to disembark and send it on to the far future with the Thunderbolts. The Thunderbolts rush to oppose Doom and the Tower explodes.
DARK AVENGERS #177 (1-4)
The same day as DA 176 (actually “a short time prior to” TB 162, thanks to time travel). The Thunderbolts fight Doombots in Latveria.
DARK AVENGERS #177 (9-11)
The same day as DA 177 (1-4). Ghost asks Man-Thing for his help in avoiding the next time jump Doom is preparing, but Man-Thing tells him he can’t.
DARK AVENGERS #177 (16-20)
The same day as DA 177 (9-11). Satana sends Doom to hell, and as Doom fights his way back, Latverian weapons bombard the Thunderbolts, and the tower appears in a dark future.
DARK AVENGERS #178 (1-4)
The same day as DA 177 (16-20). The Thunderbolts exit the tower, which explodes thanks to Doom. Satana asks Man-Thing to transport them back to their rightful place in time, but he tells her he cannot.
DARK AVENGERS #178 (15-20)
The same day as DA 178 (1-3). The future’s law enforcement officer, Bos Cage, attacks the Thunderbolts using Starktech. When future criminals see that the Thunderbolts are putting Boss Cage on the ropes, they decide to help.
DARK AVENGERS #179 (2-4)
The same day as DA 178 (15-20). The future criminals’ attack forces Boss Cage to overload the nuclear core on his bike and the Thunderbolts and criminals disappear in a flash.
DARK AVENGERS #179 (10-14)
The same day as DA 179 (2-4). Satana deduces that Man-Thing pulled everyone to safety. When the criminals invite the Thunderbolts to join them in killing Boss Cage, the Thunderbolts discus their situation and learn about the future world they’re in. They receive a message from Cage and Pym that they’ve set up a transmitter in the center of Man-Thing’s swamp to use as a target signal to return to their own time. Realizing that they need to connect to that signal, the Thunderbolts decide to help the criminals to get into the city.
DARK AVENGERS #180 (1-2)
The same day as DA 179 (10-14). Law enforcement authorities of the future prepare to replace Boss Cage.
DARK AVENGERS #180 (4-7)
The same day as DA 180 (1-2). Man-Thing demonstrates his dextrousness with portal manipulation when the Thunderbolts face the Outlanders in the future. The Thunderbolts find Rigellian tech that will allow them to travel back to their time.
DARK AVENGERS #180 (10-11)
The same day as DA 180 (4-7). In the future, the injured Boss Cage thinks about his grandfather, Cage, as he’s told he’ll have to retire.
DARK AVENGERS #180 (15-17)
The same day as DA 180 (10-11). In the future, the Thunderbolts receive a signal from the past informing them of the Dark Avengers’ mission to Sharzhad, a mission that Ghost says creates the future timeline they’re occupying. As the team prepares for war, Ghost notes that he managed to send a message into the past.
DARK AVENGERS #181 (8-12)
The same day as DA 180 (15-17). In the future, the Thunderbolts storm the tower and fight the bosses who defend it.
DARK AVENGERS #181 (16-19)
The same day as DA 181 (8-12). The Thunderbolts reach the top of the tower and receive a transmitted message from Pym that the FACT team has begun an unstable transfer of energy from Sharzhad to New York. As the team tries to return to the present, Boss Cage finds them.
DARK AVENGERS #182 (1-2)
The same day as DA 181 (16-19). In the future, Boss Cage tells the Thunderbolts that he knows they plan to go back in time a nd change history so that his world never exists, and with that knowledge, he tells them to go.
AVENGERS ACADEMY #20 (8:5-14:5)
The day after AvAc 20 (4-8). Giant-Man, Justice, Speedball, Tigra, Quicksilver, Veil, Reptil, Hazmat, Mettle, and Striker fight and defeat Icemaster, Aftershock, and Ember. Briggs arrives and tells Veil his offer is still open, and “two hours later,” back at Avengers Mansion, Academy faculty and students tell Veil what they think about the prospect of her joining Briggs. That night, “an hour later,” Justice has a talk with Veil and tells her he’s going to quit too. Green trees in New York.

FEAR ITSELF #7 (34:4-34:5)
The day after FI 7 (34:2-34:3). This segment must occur before FI:YIR 6 (18-19) and BS 1 (9-20). On a “Tuesday,” aboard the Quincarrier, Stark gives Cap his repaired but scarred shield, now infused with Uru enchantments.
ALPHA FLIGHT v4 #8 (18-20)
Probably the day after AF4 87 (1-17). Alice Wu reports that scientists freed from Department H’s liberation camps are disarming the Master’s Plodex technology, the army is mopping up reesistance from the last cells of Department H forces, police are finding people who underwent the Unity process for cure, and Scotty Gunderberg has assumed the position of interim prime minister. Alpha Flight assists in helping victims. Heather drives off with Claire, determined she wants nothing to do with her husband and his sense of duty to country over family. Green grass and trees in Canada.
AVENGERS v4 #18 – FB (9-12)
Perhaps the same day as FI 7 (34:4-34:5). Stark and Cap (who has his repaired shield) stand amid the rubble of Avengers Tower. As former SHIELD agent Carolina Washington secretly steals a piece of Nazi mech armor, Cap convinces Stark to rebuild the tower.
This story must occur the same day as FI 7 (34:4-34:5) since it’s “three days” after IM 509 (22). This segment must occur sixteen days before IM 514. Zeke Stane destroys two desalinization plants in Abu Dhabi and at “9:11 GMT” (4:11 EST), Stane has Blizzard, in whose heart he’s implanted a bomb, freeze the UAE’s supply of potable water. Stane calls his partner, Mandarin, to report on the UAE attack. At the forges of Svartalheim, Stark and Splitlip melt down all the Uru armaments used to battle the Serpent, except for a sword Red She-Hulk refused to part with. Iron Man takes Splitlip to Stark Resilient in Seattle, where he offers the dwarf a place to work. That night, Stark takes Splitlip to an AA meeting, which Stark has to leave to respond to an armed robbery. Iron Man pursues the robbers, who fire weapons at him that short out his armor. The perps are stopped, but Stane activates a bomb implanted inside one of the robbers. Stark picks up Spiltlip from the AA meeting and when they stop to help a damsel with a flat tire, she serves Stark a subpoena. Someone wants biometric records of the Iron Man suit for the last thirty days to show that Stark was drunk during the Serpent war. Green grass and trees in Seattle.
One day, “two days” after FI 7 (26-30). Mercenaries of the Department of Occult Affairs free Sin from an armored flying prison transport.
The night of the day after AvAc 20 (8-14). Justice and Speedball decide to tour the country together. Striker says goodbye to Veil. Pym tells Tigra he’s decided on a new headquarters for the Academy. Green grass and shrubs in New York.

FEAR ITSELF #7 (35-36)
The day after FI 7 (34:4-34:5). This segment probably occurs before FI:YIR 6 (18-19). On a “Wednesday,” the Avengers gather in the ruins of Manhattan and Cap vows they will rebuild.
The day after A4 18-FB (9-12) and perhaps the same day as FI 7 (35-36). The Avengers (Thing, Maria Hill, Spider-Woman, Valkyrie, War Machine, Spidey, Black Widow, Protector, Beast, Logan, Cap, Iron Man, Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, Victoria Hand, Ant-Man, Moon Knight, Hawkeye, Rulk, Mockingbird, Cage, Jessica Jones, Squirrel Girl) gather at Avengers Mansion, into which team members are forced to crowd in the aftermath of the destruction of Avengers Tower. Thing apologizes for his actions while possessed. Wong tells Jarvis to stay out of his kitchen. Mockingbird gives Spider-Woman the stink-eye because of Hawkeye’s budding relationship with Drew. Cap tells the Avengers that a roster shakeup is due. Carolina Washington offers the genetic secrets of the entire superhuman population to Osborn, Superia, Madame Hydra, and AIM. Green trees in New York.
Probably the day after AvAc 20 (15-17). This segment occurs shortly before AS 1/2. Veil reports to work at Briggs Chemical in Manhattan while Pym and Tigra rendezvous with Quicksilver at the Academy’s new headquarters, the former West Coast Avengers Compound in Palos Verdes. Jocasta arrives with her recruits – Batwing, Juston Seyfert and his Sentinel, Julie Power, White Tiger, Butterball, Thunderstrike, and xxx. Green grass and trees in California.
The day after IM 510 (1-17). It is “morning” in Mongolia. Stane calls Mandarin to report on the dire situation in the UAE. Mandarin asks Stane about operatives in the U.S. and Stane remarks that Living Laser is ready. Holding a Daily Bugle with the headline “Drunk!,” Mandarin declares war on Iron Man.
The same day as IM 510 (18-20). Stark and Splitlip report to Stark Resilient, where the staff inquire about the Bugle headline. Stark explains and Bethany Cabe gets upset that she didn’t know about it. As Iron Man heads to New York, Johnson (the former Detroit Steel) shows up at survivor tents in Paris. At a press conference at Hammer Industries, Justine Hammer appoints Sasha as the new Detroit Steel. At Stark Resilient, Pepper meets with the Board of Investors to address the image of Pepper crying as Rescue. In Mandarin City, Mandarin and Ezekiel Stane review a video of Iron Man and note the crack in his chest plate. They send Living Laser to attack Iron Man. Bethany tells Pepper that she videotaped her crying and leaked the video in revenge for screwing with her. Bethany forces Pepper to admit that Stark Resilient has a saboteur. Nearby, Justine checks in with Spymaster. Living Laser’s assault causes Iron Man’s armor to shut down. Stark plummets to Times Square, where bystanders take video of him. Living Laser reports back to Stane, who points out that Mandarin placed suicide bombs in them. Green trees in Paris.

It must be the early morning after IM 511, since this segment occurs “five days” after IM 509 (22). Stark is rushed to a Manhattan hospital, where he rebuffs the well-meaning doctors and flies away. Bethany tests a “lifearmor” at Stark Resilient and receives a distress signal that Stark is in cardiac arrest.

FEAR ITSELF #7 (37-38)
The day after FI 7 (35-36). On a “Thursday,” Rick meets new neighbors in Broxton. Green grass and trees in Oklahoma.
One day, “days” after FI:YIR 6 (16-17). Since Cap has his repaired shield here, this segment must occur after FI 7 (34:4-34:5) and probably after FI 7 (35-36). Cap probably appears here before FI:TF 1. Gravity and Firestar defeat Big Wheel. In Washington, DC, Prodigy meets with Captain America, who commends Ritchie on his service and tells him to see the federal agents he incarcerated “tomorrow” about a promotion. Green trees in Washington, DC.
The day after FI:YIR 6 (18-19). Ritchie Gilmore discovers that his promotion is a job organizing government records.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (39-42)
The day after FI 7 (37-38). This segment must occur before FI:TF 1. On a “Friday,” Sin finds herself in the lab of the mysterious people who engineered her escape. They inspire her to continue her quest for world domination.
One day, shortly after AvAc 20 (18-20). With help from Logan and Ms. Marvel, Pym works on renovating the old Avengers West Coast Compound to serve as the new training facility for Avengers Academy. Pym, Striker, and Finesse respond to an alarm that Myron MacLain has returned to Pym’s old lab in Death Valley. As they approach, they detect that the facility’s been expanded. The heroes’ aircraft loses power and they crash.
The same day as AS 1/2. The heroes survive and infiltrate the facility. Inside, they find robotic duplicates of the original West Coast Avengers.
The same day as AS 2/2. Striker, Finesse, and Hawkeye fight the robotic duplicates and are confronted by their leader, Alkhema, who subdues Pym.
The same day as AS 3/2. Finesse and Striker fight Alkhema.
The same day as AS 4/2. This story probably occurs before AvAc 21. After Finesse and Striker defeat Alkhema, Pym and Tigra review a video recording of their triumph. Pym tells Tigra that the whole adventure was a test he set up for the students. Pym notices that Finesse knows that she was being tested and that she stole Alkhema’s CPU. He tells Tigra he’ll let her keep the CPU as a test and hopes she never tries to use it.
One day, “72 hours” (3 days) after BS 1 (2-7) and “four days” before BS 1 (9-20). In Afghanistan, as he and his unit clean up after fighting, Marcus Johnson learns that his mother died in America.

DEADPOOL v3 #37 – FB
One day? According to Daron, this flashback occurs after FI:UXFOR 3.
The same day as DP3 37-FB? Hulk appears.
The same day as DP3 37? Hulk appears.
The same day as DP3 38? Steve Rogers appears here in his Super Soldier costume. Hulk appears.
The same day as DP3 39?
The same day as DP3 40?
The same day as DP3 41?
The same day as DP3 42?
The same day as DP3 43?
The same day as DP3 44? A full body’s worth of discarded dismembered Deadpool pieces heal together to create a second, pissed-off Deadpool without a conscience. Just for the heck of it, he crashes a jet into the George Washington Bridge, where the real Deadpool talks to a man about to jump to his death.
The same day as DP3 45. It is a little over three years” after Deapool had his head cut off. The suicidal man decides he wants to live and swims away from Deadpool. Deadpool encounters his evil counterpart and they fight. Both decide to reconvene their battle after they’ve had a chance to rearm with weapons from Wade’s stashes. That night, they meet again at one of the stashes, which Wade had booby trapped. Both escape the explosion and get separated. Captain America shows up to stop Deadpool, whom he believes is the one responsible for the carnage. Green trees in New York. Full moon.
DEADPOOL v3 #47 (1-13)
The same night as DP3 46. Cap fights Deadpool, who tries to convince him that he’s innocent. Wade gets away. Evil Deadpool offers his services to Mr. Negative. Green grass and trees in New York.

DEADPOOL v3 #47 (14-20)
The day after DP3 47 (1-13). Captain America spies on Deadpool as he tries to figure out what the evil Deadpool will do next. To flush out his doppelganger, Wade straps explosives to himself and threatens to kill a kid in public in Chinatown. Mayor Jameson is alerted about the hostage situation. Wade forces the kid into a cab. Evil Deadpool decks Cap.
The same day as DP3 47 (14-20). While evil Deadpool holds the children of the police chief captive in a boxcar, tetraplegic Interpol agent Kemp shows up at the real Deadpool’s hostage scene and her agents take over from the NYPD, much to Jameson’s and the chief’s objection. Cap breaks free and arrives on the scene to let folks know Deadpool’s not working alone. Deadpool creates a diversion by placing an explosive into a bag that his captive defecated into and tossing it. He orders the kid to drive off with the taxi and runs. After checking in with Mr. Sinister, evil Deadpool encounters Deadpool and returns to the boxcar to deliver two dead birds to his young captives. Green trees in New York.

The day after DP3 48. Captain America crashes a debriefing run by Agent Kemp and tries to convince her there are multiple Deadpools. Rogers insists on rescuing the police chief’s children with the chief. When he receives a note with an address from Deadpool, Cap heads to the location, where Deadpool faces off against evil Deadpool. The chief shows up and Wade helps him rescue the kids. Cap and soldiers arrive and demand that both Deadpools drop their weapons. The soldiers fire on evil Deadpool, who is also hit with a dart that turns him normal. As evil Deadpool lies dying, Wade wonders how he turned normal.

DEADPOOL v3 #49.1
One day? According to Daron, this story occurs before BS 3 (7-20). Hulk must appear here before H4 5-FB (1-3). Steve Rogers appears here in his Super Soldier costume with Secret Avengers Black Widow and Moon Knight.

INCREDIBLE HULK v4 #5 – FB (1-3)
One day, “weeks” before H4 5. Doom must appear here after his intellect is restored in FF 2 (12-20). Hulk must appear here after DP3 49.1. After approaching Mad Thinker, Tinkerer, Red Ghost, and Baron Zemo in vain, Hulk summons Dr. Doom and asks him to separate him from Banner. Doom agrees to help Hulk for a price.
INCREDIBLE HULK v4 #5 – FB (9-10)
The same day as H4 5-FB (1-3). Doom prepares to perform brain surgery on the fully conscious Hulk.
INCREDIBLE HULK v4 #5 – FB (14-15)
The same day as H4 5-FB (9-10). Doom performs brain surgery on Hulk to remove every aspect of Banner from it and implant those aspects into a clone of Banner.
The same day as H4 5-FB (14-15). This flashback occurs “weeks” before H4 3. The separation of Banner and Hulk is actually accomplished in a lab, where Hulk emerges from a lab table near an unconscious Banner and Doom asks Hulk what he wants now.
INCREDIBLE HULK v4 #5 – FB (19:1-19:2, 19:4, 19:6, 20:3-20:4)
The same day as H4 3-FB. Doom’s surgery is a success – Hulk and Banner are separated, and as the Banner clone lies unconscious in Doom’s lab, Doom talks to Hulk about his price.
INCREDIBLE HULK v4 #6 – FB (3-4)
The same day as H4 5-FB (20:3-20:4). This flashback occurs “weeks” before H4 6. Doom tells Hulk he wants Banner as his price. Hulk agrees and bounds away. Green trees in Latveria.
INCREDIBLE HULK v4 #6 – FB (14-15)
The same day as H4 6-FB (3-4). Hulk returns and tells Doom he can’t have Banner. Doom attacks Hulk, who takes off with Banner.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (43-46)
The same day as H4 6-FB (14-15). This segment occurs the day after FI 7 (39-42). On a “Saturday,” Bruce Banner laments his fate and tries to decide what to do next. He is surprised when Hulk defies him and creates his own independent existence in the real world. As Hulk bounds away, Banner is stupefied.
INCREDIBLE HULK v4 #13 – FB (1:3)
The same day as FI 7 (43-46). Banner lies on the ground confused.
One day. This story must occur after FI 7 (39-42). Cap probably appears here after FI:YIR (18-19). Captain America (who has his repaired shield) leads Avengers War Machine, Mockingbird, Beast, Falcon, Cage, Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, and Valkyrie in recovery efforts in Washington, DC. Val asks Cap for custody of the recovered hammers of the Worthy, which are secured in various locations, but Cap refuses to hand them over to the Asgardians. After an argument, Cap tells Val that he expects her to join an upcoming manhunt for Sin. Crossbones obtains a storage device containing information on the known locations of the hammers and gives it to Sin. Aboard the Quincarrier, Valkyrie attacks War Machine and takes the hammer secured aboard the craft.
One night. This story occurs before SI:HFH 1. Based in Los Angeles, Moon Knight accepts a job from Misty Knight to raid the pad of the man financing one of the largest hook labs in the East. Moon Knight forces intel out of the guy and Misty relays the info to Silver Sable. Sable raids the lab on Coney Island with help from Paladin. The raid forces the perps to get away via boat, but another of Misty’s hires, Stingray, stops them. His actions attract the attention of Namor, and when Misty tells Sub-Mariner about the hook trade, Namor makes shutting the larger operation down a priority as a matter of Atlantean honor. Paladin returns to Misty’s base and drinks beer with her on the roof. The moon is more than half full.

FEAR ITSELF #7 (47-50)
The day after FI 7 (43-46). On a “Sunday,” a man in a wheelchair is informed of Marcus Johnson’s mother’s death and that of the spy who gave up intel about Johnson. Noting that Johnson is about to become the most wanted man alive, the man in the wheelchair instructs a subordinate to prepare “the hunters” (Taskmaster, Deadpool, and Paladin).
Perhaps the day after FI:TF 1. Working for Sin (who’s on the other end of his comm link), Crossbones locates a hammer beneath Paris and slays the people who have it to claim it. Valkyrie arrives in Transylvania to claim another hammer, that of Nul, held by Raizo Kodo and the Forgiven. After dueling with Raizo, Valkyrie convinces the vampire to hand the hammer over to her. As she departs, Valkyrie encounters Secret Avengers Black Widow, Sharon Carter, Shang-Chi, Ant-Man, and Prince of Orphans. Suddenly, they’re surrounded by nosferatu. Green trees in Transylvania and green and bare trees in Paris.
The same day as FI:TF 2. Valkyrie, the Secret Avengers, and Raizo Kodo fight the nosferatu, one of whom bites Sharon. In a former witch coven lair in South Carolina, Sin’s magician summons Crossbones and the hammer he retrieved from Paris. Sin tests the hammer, which has a destructive effect on all but her and Crossbones. In Transylvania, Valkyrie gives Sharon one of Idunn’s golden apples before she leaves with her hammer aboard Aragorn, unaware that the Department of Occult Armaments has placed a tracking device on the hammer. Green grass and trees in Transylvania.
The same day as FI:TF 3. Valkyrie brings Nul’s broken hammer to an old Asgardian who secures it in a vault with the hammer Valkyrie took from the Avengers, unaware that they are monitored by a bug. Sin, Crossbones, and a squad of Sin’s agents search for Nerkkod’s hammer in the Atlantic Ocean. They encounter Namor, who was briefed about Valkyrie’s hunt for the hammers and expected to see her. Namor assaults the villains, but when Sin releases deadly Devourers, Namor is forced to battle the world-eating worms. Valkyrie infiltrates the Baxter Building to find Angrir’s hammer and encounters the Thing.
The same day as FI:TF 4. The guilt-ridden Thing refuses to fight Valkyrie. With Valeria Richards, he helps Valkyrie access Angrir’s hammer. Crossbones and the D.O.A. infiltrate the Raft to steal the hammer once wielded by Titania, who cowers in her cell. Mach-V, Songbird, Cage, John Walker, and Raft guards fight the villains but fail to prevent them from taking the hammer and teleporting away. Injured by a salvo from Mach-V, the villains arrive at D.O.A. headquarters in South Carolina, where Sin has gathered her seized hammers and the Final Sleeper is prepared to be activated once all the hammers are obtained.
The same night as FI:TF 5. Sin, Crossbones, and the D.O.A. watch as the Avengers (Cap, Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, Mockingbird, Dr. Strange, Iron Man) and Hellstorm arrive at Project Pegasus to protect the hammer stored there. Valkyrie arrives at Fallen Asgard, where she sees Loki and meets with Freyja to discuss the mission Odin gave her. Sin uses a device to unleash a horde of demons (including N’Garai, Undying Ones, and Minions of Cthorr) against the Avengers. Sin and the D.O.A. join the battle as Crossbones makes his way to the chamber where the hammer is kept. There, he encounters Logan. Green trees at Project Pegasus. Full moon.
The same night as FI:TF 6. As the Avengers fight Sin, the D.O.A., and the demon horde, Logan severely injures Crossbones with his claws. Dr. Strange’s astral form discovers the device used to unleash the demons, which is now out of control. Valkyrie arrives and destroys the machine, then proceeds on her mission to retrieve the hammer at Project Pegasus, unaware of something Strange sees in the device’s rubble. Hellstorm subdues Logan, restores Crossbones with his hellfire, and takes the hammer and Crossbones to Sin. The Avengers are stunned by Hellstorm’s betrayal as he leaves with Sin, Crossbones, D.O.A., and the hammer. Valkyrie witnesses the villains’ departure and rejects Strange’s offer to team up. She declares war.
The same night as FI:TF 7. Valkyrie returns to Tolor empty-handed and gives him “two hours” to fix her chipped sword. At DOA headquarters, Sin shows Hellstorm the Thule Society’s collection of mystic texts that she has in her possession. Sin tells Daimon she remembers everything from her time as Skadi. Hellstorm explains that the DOA may serve his purposes. A horde of new recruits for the DOA arrives.

Probably the day after FI:TF 8 (7-13). Valkyrie arrives at Utopia to claim a hammer stored there from Moonstar, who has agreed to help Val. Emma Frost interrupts the two and reaches into Valkyrie’s mind to learn where she has hidden the hammers she has taken, but Val resists, assaults Emma with the hammer, and leaves with it aboard Aragorn. Suddenly, Storm arrives to stop Valkyrie.
The same day as FI:TF 8 (14-20). Valkyrie fights and defeats Storm. At DOA Headquarters, Hellstorm tells Sin and Crossbones that the texts Sin collected refer to the Thule’s discovery during World War II that the Valkyrior could potentially imprison the Serpent’s hammers within their souls and die, banishing the weapons for all time. Valkyrie finds Captain America and Dr. Strange at Tolor’s pocket dimension, which Strange reveals to be a piece of Val’s soul. Strange explains that he found his way to the pocket dimension through a sliver of metal from Valkyrie’s blade. Crossbones, Hellstorm, and the DOA also track Val to the pocket dimension. They capture Aragorn and blow up Tolor’s home.
The same day as FI:TF 9. The heroes survive the blast, but Cap is injured and Strange is forced to teleport him away. Valkyrie takes Cap’s shield and ferociously fights Crossbones, Hellstorm, and the DOA. The villains subdue Val, take her hammers, and teleport away, leaving the injured Innards and the apparently slain Malpractice behind. Val tortures Innards to force him to tell her where his teammates are. With all the hammers in her possession, Sin tells Crossbones she’s going to burn the world to ashes and cinder, much to his dismay. Hellstorm tells Crossbones he aims to run the hell on Earth that Sin will create. Valkyrie arrives at Sin’s base and attacks Crossbones. She reveals that she’s brought company – War Machine, Rulk, Logan, Black Widow, Mach-5, Iron Fist, Ms. Marvel, Namor, She-Hulk, Invisible Woman, Iron Man, Storm, Dr. Strange, Spidey, Spider-Woman, Mr. Fantastic, Songbird, Thing, Cap, Cage, and Hawkeye (erroneously shown in his new costume). As the heroes fight Sin’s forces, Sin uses the hammers to activate the Serpent’s Sleeper. Full moon.
The same day as FI:TF 10. According to Jansen, this story occurs before IM2.0 8. The Sleeper, occupied by Sin, joins the battle and fights the heroes before departing with Sin’s forces to a more populated area to wreak havoc. The flying heroes pursue them while the rest fight demons. Uneasy about Sin’s end game, Crossbones gives Dr. Strange some documents that will help the heroes defeat the Sleeper. Valkyrie, Namor, Storm, Iron Man, War Machine, Mach-5, Songbird, and Ms. Marvel assault the Sleeper and Sin’s allies in Charleston, South Carolina. Wielding the Serpent’s hammers, Sin/Sleeper consumes most of the heroes with fear, but Valkyrie presses her attack and Sleeper breaks her neck.
The same day as FI:TF 11. Sin/Sleeper spreads a fear that debilitates everyone except the fearless Crossbones, who retrieves Sin’s empty shell of a body, and Dr. Strange, who wards off the fear as he discovers Odin’s master plan to banish the hammers. Valkyrie encounters Sigmund in Valhalla and realizes that she doesn’t belong there. Strange uses Asgardian spell books to summon Val and the Valkyrior back to fulfill Val’s destiny to cast the Serpent’s destroyer down. Garbed in new armor, Valkyrie assaults and fells the Sleeper, returning Sin’s consciousness to her body. Green grass and trees in South Carolina. Full moon.
FEAR ITSELF #7 (51-52)
The night of the day after FI 7 (47-50). This segment occurs “six days” before FI 7 (53-54). Nul reappears on Earth and Hulk detects his presence. Full moon.

The day after FI:TF 12 (1-14). In Charleston, Strange and Valkyrie stand over the defeated Sleeper and Cap forgives Val for her actions. The Valkyrior take the hammers to scatter them to the hidden realms as promised to Odin long ago. Valkyrie reports to Asgardia, where the All-Mother decide it’s time for the Valkyrior to live again on Midgard, but this time they will be eight humans selected and commanded by Val to be their shieldmaidens. Crossbones and Sin arrive at the Dunwich Catacombs, where they meet up with Hellstorm and the D.O.A., who point her to a new destiny. Green trees in South Carolina.
BATTLE SCARS #1 (9-20)
One day, “four days” after BS 1 (8). Because this segment must occur after FI 7 (47-50), it’s unlikely that it occurs seven days –“72 hours” plus “four days” – after BS 1 (2-7), which occurs on “day three of the Fear,” because FI 7 (47-50) occurs on a “Sunday” that’s more than a week after The Fear ends. Since Cap has his repaired shield here, this segment must occur after FI 7 (34:4-34:5). Marcus Johnson attends his mother’s funeral in Atlanta (also attended by Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter) and goes to her home, which presumably was wrecked in a riot during the Fear. He finds a shell casing inside, but before he can get answers, he is attacked by a sniper and Russian mercs and their associate, Taskmaster. An infirm man is told that “they’ve found him.” Taskmaster alludes to the fact that Johnson doesn’t know who he is before Captain America interrupts the villain’s attack. Green grass and trees in Atlanta.
BATTLE SCARS #2 (1-18)
The same day as BS 1 (9-20). Captain America fights Taskmaster and Daisy Johnson (director of the new SHIELD) shows up to take Marcus Johnson away from the scene. The infirm man gets upset when he learns Marcus is in SHIELD custody. Marcus is patched up by a SHIELD medic and Cap checks in on him. As Marcus sits in SHIELD custody, he wonders what’s going on. Determined to find answers for himself, he escapes custody and ditches the tracker SHIELD implanted in him. SHIELD agents catch up to Marcus and fight him. Marcus gets away, unaware that he’s being observed by Scorpio.

BATTLE SCARS #2 (19-20)
The early morning after BS 2 (1-18). At “1 A.M.,” Marcus summons fellow Ranger Cheese to his motel room and tells him they’re going to hunt down Taskmaster and make him talk.
The same day as BS 2 (19-20). After Marcus and Cheese learn that Taskmaster has worked with the security firm Archstone, they attack Archstone security guards trained by Taskmaster, including former Marine Kevin Burke, who provides information to them.
Probably the same evening as BS 3 (1-4). The Capitol dome is shown under reconstruction following Fear Itself. Marcus and Cheese prepare to leave Washington, DC.

BATTLE SCARS #3 (7-20)
The morning (“11 hours”) after BS 3 (5-6). According to Daron, this segment occurs after DP3 49.1. Despite Cheese’s objections, Marcus breaks into Taskmaster’s apartment in New York and encounters Deadpool. Monitoring law enforcement radio chatter, Cheese learns that SHIELD is on its way to the apartment and warns Marcus via headset. As Marcus fights Wade, he learns that Deadpool thinks he killed his mother and tries to get Wade to stop and listen. Taskmaster arrives and skewers Deadpool and as he moves in to kill Marcus, Taskmaster is shot by Cheese. Taskmaster retreats to the roof and Marcus follows, setting off a preset charge that sends Taskmaster reeling. Marcus tries to get Taskmaster to talk, but they’re interrupted by the Serpent Society (Bushmaster, Death Adder, Rattler, Anaconda, and Cottonmouth).
The same day as BS 3 (7-20). According to Daron, this story occurs before W4 16 (1-18). At a hospital, doctors deal with a belligerent patient who’s aging quickly and has less than a week to live. In New York, a mysterious figure dressed as Scorpio decks Cheese and heads toward the battle between Johnson and the Serpent Society. Deadpool joins in and shoots Cottonmouth through the head. As Wade assaults the other Seprents, Marcus drags Taskmaster into an elevator and shoots him in the leg to get him to talk about what he knows. Scorpio arrives, shocks Taskmaster, and tells Johnson to leave the country. As SHIELD agents descend on Deadpool and the Serpent Society, Cheese awakens and finds the subdued Marcus. The two head to a motel, where Cheese tells Johnson they have to seek help from the authorities. Johnson decks Cheese and pursues Scorpio to an abandoned SHIELD New York safe house. There Johnson attacks Scorpio, who is revealed as Nick Fury.
The same day as BS 4. This story occurs “thirty years” after BS 5-FB. Fury tells Johnson that he’s his son and that his mother was a CIA operative who gave up her career and assumed a new life when she discovered she was pregnant. Fury tells Johnson that Orion is the man behind his mother’s death and is out to get Johnson for the Infinity Formula in his blood. The infurated Johnson attacks Fury and both men are gassed. Cheese awakens in the motel and resolves to find Johnson. Johnson and Fury find themselves captives of Orion, who has a goon gouge out Johnson’s left eye. Fury breaks free, and although he is subdued, his distraction provides Johnson a chance to escape. With the DNA from Johnson’s eye and the blood of the captive Fury, Orion is restored to youthful vigor via a transfusion. In the sewers below Orion’s place, Johnson subdues two of Orion’s goons and swears to get back at the villain. Bare tree in New York.
BATTLE SCARS #6 (1-17)
The same day as BS 5. This segment occurs “several weeks” before BS 6 (18-20). Orion tortures Fury while one of the villain’s telepaths wrests the Oroborus Code (passwords built into the new SHIELD) from Fury’s mind. Johnson fights Orion’s goons and makes his way to Orion himself, whom he attacks. Orion’s base starts to explode with charges set by Johnson and SHIELD assaults the base with Daisy, Cheese, Cap, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. Johnson kills Orion, injuring himself in the process. When Johnson awakens in a medical care facility, Fury tells him he has a choice to return to his old life or help hunt down bad guys.
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Post by Frans »

Hi, did you also look at the "Hashing out X-Men post Utopia-pre Regenesis" thread that deals with Fear Itself quite extensively. There are a lot of continuity issues that are addressed here, but did not seem to have gotten into this thread? To name a few: Avengers Tower Fall, Iron Fist in China, Hawkeye fights Red Hulk at Avengers Tower, but also Green Hulk in Central America.
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Post by Col_Fury »

Thanks, Frans!

Here's the thread he's talking about:
http://chronologyproject.com/phpbb2/vie ... f=2&t=6270

And another one:
http://chronologyproject.com/phpbb2/vie ... f=2&t=8642

We'll have to compare the finding there to what we have here. Any thoughts, Paul?

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Post by Frans »

Hi Paul, have you compared the different orders/lists of Fear Itself? There are some inconsistencies.

Also I'm working (for a while now) on AvX chronology. The thread with your impressive list is closed, so I'm not able to reply on it. IMO the order should be tweaked a bit. I know it's a laboursome task to give a correct order to this, but would like to discuss.
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Post by Col_Fury »

Frans wrote:The thread with your impressive list is closed, so I'm not able to reply on it.
Not anymore! :mrgreen:
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Paul Bourcier »

Haven't touched this yet. Pinpointing all the differences and determining whether one or the other must be right or either could be possible is a daunting task.

Frans, would you be able to chop this up into small bits and point out where my chronology can't be right? Danke!
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Post by Frans »

Yup can do that :D

It won't be very quick because I have a very busy couple of weeks at work coming... But after that I'll start.
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Post by wolverine7230 »

Hi, I have a couple of comments about Fear Itself: The Worthy:
1) Fear Itself: The Worthy #4 should be changed to Fear Itself: The Worthy #1/4
2) Where are the fifth, sixth, and seventh stories?
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Post by Paul Bourcier »

Thanks for the correction on Fear: The Worthy #1/4.

The 5th, 6th, and 7th stories take place in the past, not during the Fear Itself event.
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Post by wolverine7230 »

Thanks Paul!
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Post by Beifica »

Quick question here.

Captain America's shield is shattered by The Serpent in FI 5.

Afterwards, Iron Man reconstructs the shield and gives it to Cap in FI 7 after Bucky's funeral.

In FI 7.1 Captain America hits Nick Fury with the shield, in a scene that happens before Bucky's funeral.

So are we assuming Cap hits Fury with a replica in 7.1?
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