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Post by Col_Fury »

I figured I should read Gambit before I re-read X-Factor. *shrug*

AgentFelix0013 placed a pretty lengthy gap between Gambit 7-8, and yet, #8 picks up up from the end of #7. I'm not seeing the need to shoehorn a gap; the guest stars don't show up until a few issues later. Also, he has 8-17 grouped together, even though there's a gap between 13 & 15. I suppose it's possible that no X-books could occur in that gap.

#1-13 is a string of events happening one day into the next (and into the next, and the next, and...). The Uncanny Avengers appear: Rogue, Cap, Thor & Wolverine. Also, Jim Rhodes appears as Iron Patriot. So, at least after UA 1-4 & SECA2 3-8. Iron Man does not appear, but there's no mention if he's in space or not.

#14 happens soon after #13, but not immediately after.

#15-17 happens "a couple weeks" after #1-13. The Uncanny Avengers appear again: Rogue, Cap, Thor & Havok. Also, Shadowcat is still at the Jean Grey School, so before BotA. Gambit mentions Wolverine's healing factor in #15, so in theory this is before Wolverine loses it in W5 1-13. It's also possible Wolverine could have already lost it and Gambit just doesn't know yet, but Wolverine appears in #17, so probably not.

Also, Gambit isn't at the Jean Grey School during this whole time; he takes a break in #1 and comes back in #17.

We don't see the expanded Uncanny Avengers roster in this series, so the whole thing might happen between UA 4-5.

I'm thinking GAM5 1-13 happens between SECA2 3-8 & ANX 1-8, and GAM5 14-17 between ANX 15 & UA 5-6. Publication order would suggest between A5 14-17 & W5 1-13, but that would place it after UA 7-22, and I'd rather minimize Rogue appearances after UA 7-22 if possible (because Wonder Man's in her head after UA 7-22, I'm sure it wasn't the intention for Wonder Man to be BTS in GAM5 17, for example).
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Col_Fury »

W&X 25-28 happens in a batch.

W&X 29-FB follows up from W&X 25-28.

W&X 29 happens some time later; Gambit and Rogue appear. If possible, after GAM5 17 and before UA 7-22.

W&X 30-35 happens in another batch, and starts at least 2 weeks after W&X 29, if not a bit longer.

It's looking like W&X 29 should be before C&XFOR 1-14, and W&X 30-35 should be either before or after ASTONX3 62-68. W&X 25-28 is some time before that, probably before UA 5-6.
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Paul Bourcier »

Paul Bourcier wrote:
Heck, Kitty and Jean already encountered a Terrigen coccoon in Inhumans: The Awakening #1
What Paul meant to say was this:
Heck, Kitty and Jean were at the Jean Grey School during Infinity and the school’s students encountered a cocoon in Inhumans: The Awakening #1.
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Post by Col_Fury »

Well, if Battle of the Atom happens before Infinity, then Marvel Girl wasn't at the Jean Grey School anymore during Infinity, right? :)

Kitty was seen at the Jean Grey School in INFINITY 1, but not in NA3 9. Could we assume she was at the New Xavier School by then, and was just picking up some stuff at the JGS (or was visiting, or whatever) in INFINITY 1? Oh, wait. That's how we already have it figured:

ANX 16-17 / X3 5-6 / UX3 12-13 / W&X 36-37 / X:BotA 1-2 (1-28) (Battle of the Atom)
UX3 18 (4-11)-FB (Kitty decides to defect to Cyclops' team)
UX3 14 (Cyclops' team waits for Kitty to arrive)
X:BotA 2 (29-31) (Kitty leaves for Cyclops' team)
ANX 18 / UX3 18 (12:2-18)-FB (Kitty arrives at Cyclops' place)
NA3 8 (invasion fleet arrives)

And since the two schools aren't communicating, the NXS hasn't heard about the cocoons from the JGS (or from anyone else, since they're burying their heads in the sand, apparently).

Also, Thor appears pretty continuously in other books throughout this period. I'm not seeing a big batch where he's gone. I see a little patch after Red She-Hulk 60 and before Avengers v5 #6, but I'll have to move JiM 651.
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Post by Col_Fury »

Another update, so I don't lose track of things.

Any more thoughts on Battle of the Atom vs. Infinity?

AvX: Consequences 1 (1 - 4) (before Xavier’s funeral)
Captain Marvel v8 1 (Carol becomes Captain Marvel)
SECA 29-37
(red) HULK 53-57
CA6 15-18
Daredevil v3 12-16 (Carol already Captain Marvel) (Wasp still “dead”) (Doom not back yet)
FF 610 / F.F. 22
AACAD 38-39
CA6 19
Avengers v4 31-34 (Wasp returns)
Mighty Thor 18-22 / JiM 642-645, 646 (1-5)
New Avengers v2 31-34 (Carol already Captain Marvel)
UA 1-4 (Uncanny Avengers form) (Xavier’s funeral)
AvX: Consequences 1 (5 - 20), 2-5 (Carol already Captain Marvel)
XXX2 7.1
HAWK5 7 (Kate still around)
YA2 1-6 (Uncanny Avengers appear) (Kate gone)
CM8 2-6
Dark Avengers 175-190 (old Iron Man suit)
Avengers Assemble 9-11 (old Iron Man suit)
NM3 50
FF 611 (Doom returns)
F.F. 23
WSOL 1-6 (Doom already back)
W2 314-317
Indestructible Hulk 1-2 (black & gold Iron Man)
Avengers Assemble Annual 1 (black & gold Iron Man)
NA3 1-3 (black & gold Iron Man suit) (Mr. Fantastic on Earth)
A5 1 (start), A5 2-FB
X:L2 1-6
CM8 7-8
INDH 3-5
AARENA 1-12 (Christmas)
ASTONX3 57-58 (Christmas)
YA2 7-13 (while arena kids are missing) (Kate returns)
HAWK5 6 & 17 (says December 13-19, but Kate isn’t back until YA2 13)
YA2 14-15 (New Year’s Eve)
FF4 1-3 / F.F.2 1-3 (New Year’s Day) (Mr. Fantastic “in space”) (replacement FF form)
TB3 1
A5 (end), 2-5 (Parker is Spider-Man)
AARENA 14-18
WSOL 7-14
INDH 6-8
PWZ3 1-5 (Parker is Spider-Man)
ASM 695-700 (Octavius becomes Spider-Man) (Uncanny Avengers appear)
Avenging Spider-Man 15.1
Superior Spider-Man 1-3
DD3 17-22
Red She-Hulk 58-60
AVENGSM 16 (Beast cat-like)
JiM 646 (6-20), 647-651 (Octavius is Spider-Man) (Iron Man -VO)
Thor: God of Thunder 1-11
F.F.2 4-8
AVENGSM 17 (replacement FF appear)
TB3 2-11
Avengers Assemble 12-13
TB3 12-13
IM6 1-5 (1-13)
Red She-Hulk 61-67
ASTONX3 59-61 / XXX2 13 / AOA2 14
Thor: God of Thunder 12
A5 6-9 (Octavius is Spider-Man)
SUPSM 7-10 (Octavius on Avengers probation)
NA3 4-6 (Iron Man on Earth) (Beast cat-like) (Mr. Fantastic “in space”)
SECA2 1-2
AVENGSM 20-21 (SHIELD’s Secret Avengers appear)
DPOOL5 1-6 & 8-12 (Octavius on Avengers probation)
AVENGSM 22 (Punisher appears)
Morbius v2 1-9
SUPSM 11-13 (Octavius gets new suit)
WSOL 15-19
FF4 4-5
DD3 23-27 (before AAI 1 for Pym) (black & gold Iron Man)
HAWK5 8-16, 18-22 (Mockingbird just fine) (Hawk & S-W break up)
CM8 9-12 (Iron Man on Earth)
CM8 13-14 / AASS 16-17
INDH 9-10
DD3 28-30
SECA2 3-8 (Mockingbird goes missing) (Hill promoted)
GAM5 1-13
ANX 1-8 (Beast becomes ape-like)
W&X 24
X3 1-3
AoU 10 (Beast ape-like, Iron Man on Earth)
INDH 11-15
AoU 10AI
AAI 1-6
UX3 1-2
ANX 9-11 / UX3 3-4 (Iron Man on Earth)
UX3 5-9
IM6 5 (14-20), 6-8 (Iron Man leaves for space)
ANX 11-14 (Iron Man in space) (Hill in charge of SHIELD) (original UA roster)
GOTG3 1-7
IM6 9-16 (1-10)
UX3 10-11
GAM5 14
FF4 6-9
ANX 15
GAM5 15-17
W&X 25-28, 29-FB
UA 5-6 (UA roster expands)
A5 10-13 (Iron Man in space) (Octavius on Avengers probation)
NA3 7 (Beast ape-like) (Mr. Fantastic “in space”)
SUPSMTU 1-2 / SCARSPI2 20-23 (Octavius’ probation lifted)
F.F.2 9
W&X 29
C&XFOR 1-14 (expanded UA roster)
UXFOR2 1-12
C&XFOR 15-17
CA7 1-11 (days before UA 7-22)
UXFOR2 12-15 (Storm in LA)
UA 7-22 (Octavius w/Avengers) (Storm in LA)
C&XFOR 18-19 / UXFOR2 16-17 (end of Storm in LA)
ASTONX3 62-68
W&X 30-35
JiM 652-655
A5 14-17
W5 1-13
Fearless Defenders 1-6
SUPSM 17-19
ANX Spec / INDH Spec / SUPSM Spec
Fearless Defenders 7-9
FF4 10-16 / F.F.2 10-16 (Mr. Fantastic returns from “in space”)
W6 1-FB
X3 4
IM6 16 (11-20), 17 (Iron Man returns from space)
INDH@ 1 (Iron Man back from space)
ANX 16-17 / X3 5-6 / UX3 12-13 / W&X 36-37 / X:BotA 1-2 (1-28)
UX3 18 (4-11)-FB
UX3 14
X:BotA 2 (29-31)
ANX 18 / UX3 18 (12:2-18)-FB
NA3 8 (Iron Man returned “days ago”) (Mr. Fantastic back from “in space”)

Stuff that still needs to get filled in:

A+X #1-??? (notes up, but I'm saving it for last)
Nova v5 #1-8
Savage Wolverine #1-??? (happens all over the place, a lot in the past)
Scarlet Spider v2 #5-15, 17-19
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1-??? (starts before or after Infinity?)
Venom v2 #22-???
X-Factor #246-???
X-Men: Legacy v2 #7-24, 300?

Almost there!
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Jason Doty »

Hey Fury, looking at the lack of evidence on both sides of our debate. How about we cut the difference in two and place Infinity between the end of Battle of the Atom, but before the last pages, where Kitty leaves with the All-New Crew.

I will concede that someone must be healing Wolverine in both Infinity and Battle of the Atom (and we know Wolverine does not have his healing factor here), he is injured in both, but this leaves Kitty at the School.

The last Battle of the Atom pages could start out your next spine which will include the Inhumanity stuff to Original Sin.

The only Infinity tie in with the X-Men, in one of their titles, is Wolverine and the X-Men Annual #1, in which Kid Gladiator fights along side the Avengers, then returns to the Jean Grey School. Kid Gladiator's appearance is inconclusive because we see him next in Wolverine and the X-Men #38 which is after both Infinity and Battle of the Atom.

I think this solution would satisfy all of our concerns, give the Jean Grey School time to repair after Thanos's crews attack and open up some breathing room in the Inhumanity related comics. Any objection to this solution?
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Post by Paul Bourcier »

As far as Nova goes, only issue #6 and most of #7 occurs between AVX and Infinity.

Issue #6 (1-15) occurs over two days and follows directly from Avengers Vs. X-Men #12, It's one month after issue #5. (Nova #1-5 is one arc that takes place over several days.)

Pages 16-20 of Nova #6 takes place sometime later and leads into Nova #7 (1-19). Since Superior Spidey wears his first costume here, this should occur sometime between Superior Spider-Man #3 and #14. (I put it between Superior #10 and #11.)

Nova v5 #7 (20) and #8 tie into Infinity.
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Post by Col_Fury »


X-Men: Legacy v2 #7 is a “couple weeks” after #6, and is fairly standalone; #8 & #9 are also fairly standalone. Also, no real guest stars to speak of (Blindfold appears, and some background JGS students like the Stepford Cuckoos).

#10-12 happens at some point after #9, and features the Red Skull (so after UA 1-4), Mohawk Storm (so after W&X 24) and ape-like Beast (so after ANX 1-8).

#13-18 has to occur before Battle of the Atom, and features Pete Wisdom, so likely after GAM5 17. Psylocke also appears, as does Wolverine.

#19 picks up at least a month after #18. Legion is a captive of SWORD during this month, so no appearances for Legion between #18-19. Also, this is likely after INFINITY.


Savage Wolverine #1-5 features the Hulk, before he started working for SHIELD.

#6-8 happens before Octavius becomes Spider-Man. An editor’s note says “before last October,” which I’m sure means before ASM 695. It’ teased that the Hand is trying to resurrect Bullseye, but it turns out not to be him, but someone else. Good thing; Bullseye’s still alive over in DD3 25.

#9-11 takes place in a possible future.

#12-13 happens while Wolverine still has his healing factor, so before W5 1-13.

#14-17 happens in 1933.

#18 happens in 1963.

#19 happens before Xavier dies (AvX), before Jubilee loses her powers (HoM), possibly before Jean Grey dies and while Cyclops was still wearing his Jim Lee outfit. Jubilee is thinking about leaving the X-Men (so before GenX 1?), so somewhere around X 1-3?

#20 happens in 1929.

#21-22 happens in 1918.

#23 could happen almost anywhere, really. Mercenaries are after Wolverine; they only call him Logan. He has his healing factor and metal claws. This could be when he was living with the Hudsons or during his time with Alpha Flight, I suppose.


Scarlet Spider-v2 #5 Iron Man appears in his old red & gold suit. Publication dates suggest this is before AvX.

#6-9 is a quick adventure. Madame Web (Carpenter) appears. Still before AvX?

#10-11 crosses over with Venom v2 #26-27 and Minimum Carnage Alpha & Omega. Iron Man appears in Omega in his old red & gold armor.

#12 happens around Christmas.

#12.1 & 13-15 is an adventure. #12.1 spans a week; #13-15 happens “shortly”-ish after that. Madame Web appears.

Scarlet Spider v2 #16 is already placed.

#17-19 happens sometime later, after ANX 1-8 (because of Beast), W&X 24 (because of Storm’s hair) and before W&X 30 (because of Glob Herman). Also, Spider-Man (Octavius) has a quick cameo before he gets his new suit.

AvX: Consequences 1 (1 - 4) (before Xavier’s funeral)
Captain Marvel v8 1 (Carol becomes Captain Marvel)
SECA 29-37
(red) HULK 53-57
CA6 15-18
Daredevil v3 12-16 (Carol already Captain Marvel) (Wasp still “dead”) (Doom not back yet)
FF 610 / F.F. 22
AACAD 38-39
CA6 19
Avengers v4 31-34 (Wasp returns)
Mighty Thor 18-22 / JiM 642-645, 646 (1-5)
New Avengers v2 31-34 (Carol already Captain Marvel)
UA 1-4 (Uncanny Avengers form) (Xavier’s funeral)
AvX: Consequences 1 (5 - 20), 2-5 (Carol already Captain Marvel)
XXX2 7.1
HAWK5 7 (Kate still around)
YA2 1-6 (Uncanny Avengers appear) (Kate gone)
CM8 2-6
SCARSPI2 10-11 / VENOM2 26-27 (old Iron Man suit)
Dark Avengers 175-190 (old Iron Man suit)
Avengers Assemble 9-11 (old Iron Man suit)
NM3 50
FF 611 (Doom returns)
F.F. 23
WSOL 1-6 (Doom already back)
W2 314-317
Savage Wolverine #1-8
Indestructible Hulk 1-2 (black & gold Iron Man)
Avengers Assemble Annual 1 (black & gold Iron Man)
NA3 1-3 (black & gold Iron Man suit) (Mr. Fantastic on Earth)
A5 1 (start), A5 2-FB
X:L2 1-6
CM8 7-8
INDH 3-5
AARENA 1-12 (Christmas)
ASTONX3 57-58 (Christmas)
YA2 7-13 (while arena kids are missing) (Kate returns)
HAWK5 6 & 17 (says December 13-19, but Kate isn’t back until YA2 13)
YA2 14-15 (New Year’s Eve)
FF4 1-3 / F.F.2 1-3 (New Year’s Day) (Mr. Fantastic “in space”) (replacement FF form)
TB3 1
X:L2 7
A5 (end), 2-5 (Parker is Spider-Man)
AARENA 14-18
WSOL 7-14
INDH 6-8
PWZ3 1-5 (Parker is Spider-Man)
ASM 695-700 (Octavius becomes Spider-Man) (Uncanny Avengers appear)
Avenging Spider-Man 15.1
Superior Spider-Man 1-3
DD3 17-22
Red She-Hulk 58-60
AVENGSM 16 (Beast cat-like)
JiM 646 (6-20), 647-651 (Octavius is Spider-Man) (Iron Man -VO)
Thor: God of Thunder 1-11
F.F.2 4-8
AVENGSM 17 (replacement FF appear)
TB3 2-11
SCARSPI2 12.1, 13-15
Avengers Assemble 12-13
TB3 12-13
IM6 1-5 (1-13)
Red She-Hulk 61-67
ASTONX3 59-61 / XXX2 13 / AOA2 14
Thor: God of Thunder 12
A5 6-9 (Octavius is Spider-Man)
X:L2 8
Alpha: Big Time 1-5
SUPSM 7-10 (Octavius on Avengers probation)
NA3 4-6 (Iron Man on Earth) (Beast cat-like) (Mr. Fantastic “in space”)
SECA2 1-2
AVENGSM 20-21 (SHIELD’s Secret Avengers appear)
DPOOL5 1-6 & 8-12 (Octavius on Avengers probation)
AVENGSM 22 (Punisher appears)
Morbius v2 1-9
Nova v5 6 (16-20), 7 (1-19)
SUPSM 11-13 (Octavius’ old suit destroyed, starts working on new suit)
WSOL 15-19
FF4 4-5
X:L2 9
DD3 23-27 (before AAI 1 for Pym) (black & gold Iron Man)
HAWK5 8-16, 18-22 (Mockingbird just fine) (Hawk & S-W break up)
CM8 9-12 (Iron Man on Earth)
CM8 13-14 / AASS 16-17
INDH 9-10
DD3 28-30
SECA2 3-8 (Mockingbird goes missing) (Hill promoted)
GAM5 1-13
ANX 1-8 (Beast becomes ape-like)
W&X 24
X:L2 10-12
X3 1-3
SCARSPI2 17-19
SUPSM 14-16 (Octavius gets new suit)
AoU 10 (Beast ape-like, Iron Man on Earth)
INDH 11-15
AoU 10AI
AAI 1-6
UX3 1-2
ANX 9-11 / UX3 3-4 (Iron Man on Earth)
UX3 5-9
IM6 5 (14-20), 6-8 (Iron Man leaves for space)
ANX 11-14 (Iron Man in space) (Hill in charge of SHIELD) (original UA roster)
GOTG3 1-7
IM6 9-16 (1-10)
UX3 10-11
GAM5 14
FF4 6-9
ANX 15
GAM5 15-17
W&X 25-28, 29-FB
UA 5-6 (UA roster expands)
A5 10-13 (Iron Man in space) (Octavius on Avengers probation)
NA3 7 (Beast ape-like) (Mr. Fantastic “in space”)
SUPSMTU 1-2 / SCARSPI2 20-23 (Octavius’ probation lifted)
F.F.2 9
Superior Carnage 1-5
W&X 29
C&XFOR 1-14 (expanded UA roster)
UXFOR2 1-12
C&XFOR 15-17
CA7 1-11 (days before UA 7-22)
UXFOR2 12-15 (Storm in LA)
UA 7-22 (Octavius w/Avengers) (Storm in LA)
C&XFOR 18-19 / UXFOR2 16-17 (end of Storm in LA)
ASTONX3 62-68
W&X 30-35
JiM 652-655
A5 14-17
X:L2 13-18
Savage Wolverine #12-13
W5 1-13
Fearless Defenders 1-6
SUPSM 17-19
ANX Spec / INDH Spec / SUPSM Spec
Fearless Defenders 7-9
FF4 10-16 / F.F.2 10-16 (Mr. Fantastic returns from “in space”)
W6 1-FB
X3 4
IM6 16 (11-20), 17 (Iron Man returns from space)
INDH@ 1 (Iron Man back from space)
ANX 16-17 / X3 5-6 / UX3 12-13 / W&X 36-37 / X:BotA 1-2 (1-28)
UX3 18 (4-11)-FB
UX3 14
X:BotA 2 (29-31)
ANX 18 / UX3 18 (12:2-18)-FB
NA3 8 (Iron Man returned “days ago”) (Mr. Fantastic back from “in space”)

Stuff that still needs to get filled in:

A+X #1-??? (notes up, but I'm saving it for last)
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1-??? (starts before or after Infinity?)
Venom v2 #28-???
X-Factor #246-???

Any more thoughts on Battle of the Atom vs. Infinity?
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Somebody »

Col_Fury wrote:Thanks!

X-Men: Legacy v2 #7 is a “couple weeks” after #6, and is fairly standalone; #8 & #9 are also fairly standalone. Also, no real guest stars to speak of (Blindfold appears, and some background JGS students like the Stepford Cuckoos).

#10-12 happens at some point after #9, and features the Red Skull (so after UA 1-4), Mohawk Storm (so after W&X 24) and ape-like Beast (so after ANX 1-8).

#13-18 has to occur before Battle of the Atom, and features Pete Wisdom, so likely after GAM5 17. Psylocke also appears, as does Wolverine.

#19 picks up at least a month after #18. Legion is a captive of SWORD during this month, so no appearances for Legion between #18-19. Also, this is likely after INFINITY.
You haven't got to the last issue yet, huh?
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Post by Jason Doty »

Infinity: The Hunt also features Wolverine and the Jean Grey School students. I don't have these issues readily handy. Does anyone know if Wolverine is presented with or without his healing factor in these issues? If not I'll search them out. Wolverine should be in #1 and 2.

Okay, found it, just checked. Quintin Quire refers to Wolverine as being indestructible, and along with the fact of the beating he took from Corvus Glaive. I think he still has his healing factor. Add, Shadowcat at the School. I'm going to go with Infinity taking place before Battle of the Atom.
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Post by Paul Bourcier »


There's a flashback in issue #246 (14:3-18:5) that occurs between pages 12 and 13 of issue #245. After #245 comes a couple more flashbacks from issue #46 (10:3, 12-13), then issue #247, then issue #246, in which that first FB is noted as the other day.

Issues #248-249 occur the next day, then issues #250-258 probably occur over the next two days. It's a few months after issue #224 and a couple months after issue #242. Since Rogue is with the Avengers in issue #253, this arc must occur after UA 4. Ant-Man and Ms. Thing probably appear here after FF #2. If Spidey is Octavius, this arc must occur after SuSM 3.

Issue #259 is one day. The issue occurs before Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1.

Issue #260 is one day, not long before All-New X-Factor #1 and a few months before All-New X-Factor #3.

Issue #261 is one night and the next morning.

Issue #262 is one day. Not many clues in these issues.
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Post by Paul Bourcier »

Venom v2:

Issues #28-30 occur on one day. In ASM 695 Madame Web sees a scene from issue #28 in a vision (future? past?). This arc occurs a couple of weeks before issue #32. Valkyrie probably appears here before the FB in Fearless Defenders #2.

Issue #31 has a split-up flashback that occurs before ASM 698 (editor's note) and probably before ASM 695.

Issues #31-35 occur over four days. Flash moves into his new place in Philly. Because Beast is mutated, the arc should occur after All-New X-Men #8.

Issue #36 goes from one Monday to the next.

Issue #37 occurs on a school day a few days after the end of last issue. It's weeks after issue #30. Publication order would put Constrictor here after Alpha: Big Time #5.

Issues #38-39 probably take a week and a half to transpire. Lord Deathstrike probably appears here before W&X 32. It's three weeks before issue #40.

Issues #40-42 occur over two days. I have Venom here before Fearless Defenders #9.
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Post by Col_Fury »

Somebody wrote:You haven't got to the last issue yet, huh?
Nope! :) Does it end as a lead-in to Infinity, or something?
Jason Doty wrote:Infinity: The Hunt also features Wolverine and the Jean Grey School students. I don't have these issues readily handy. Does anyone know if Wolverine is presented with or without his healing factor in these issues? If not I'll search them out. Wolverine should be in #1 and 2.

Okay, found it, just checked. Quintin Quire refers to Wolverine as being indestructible
Quire is making sarcastic jokes about Wolverine (Watch out! I growl and drink obscure Canadian beer. I'm indestructible, bub.), not saying that Wolverine still has his healing factor. Also, Wolverine isn't injured in these issues, so we don't know if he has his healing factor or not.

Thanks, Jason!

Also, thanks, Paul! I'm hoping to go through these tonight.
-Daron Jensen
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Post by Jason Doty »

Fury wrote
Quire is making sarcastic jokes about Wolverine (Watch out! I growl and drink obscure Canadian beer. I'm indestructible, bub.), not saying that Wolverine still has his healing factor. Also, Wolverine isn't injured in these issues, so we don't know if he has his healing factor or not.
Yes, He's saying sarcastically how boring, Wolverine's saving the day is, "the same as usual (So no change in status, say like loosing his healing factor), Wolverine then goes to defend the School (New Avengers v3 #9), where he is heavily injured.

In Infinity #1, Storm Kitty and Wolverine seem to be casually chatting over drinks, which takes place before Infinity: The Hunt as they are being spied upon by Thanos' Alien thing. (Kitty and the All-New Crew left, pretty upset over Wolverine's view of the original X-Men after Battle of the Atom, she seems pretty happy in Infinity #1)

I'll keep hunting the evidence, if I still can't convince you. Also does anyone else want to throw an opinion in on the Battle of the Atom-Infinity debate?
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Post by Somebody »

Col_Fury wrote:
Somebody wrote:You haven't got to the last issue yet, huh?
Nope! :) Does it end as a lead-in to Infinity, or something?
I won't spoil you, then. :p

I'll simply advise reading right to the end before making any more placement suggestions for it...
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