Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

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Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by wolverine7230 »

Hey guys!

I'm back now. After several months of literal tonnes of work, I have returned to Marvel, as I now have some actual spare time. My Marvel Unlimited subscription has been renewed and I'm back into it.

But that's not why I'm here at all. With Civil War 2 here, and most pre-event arcs concluded, I assume we will be attempting a Secret Wars - Civil War 2 chronology? I've got a pile with my comics from the past few months that I've just read, and there's a lot in there, even with the few titles I've been getting (Invincible + International Iron Man, Uncanny + All New Inhumans, Karnak, and all the X-Men team titles). So I'm looking forward to helping you guys with this.

Last edited by Col_Fury on Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: split from [url=]Recent chronologies: UTOPIA to SECRET WARS[/url]
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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by Col_Fury »

Yep, the eventual plan is to hammer out the period from Secret Wars to Civil War II. However, we'll likely wait until we see how things are after Civil War II wraps up; it will give us a better idea of where the cutoff points are in various titles. What has to be before Civil War II, what has to be after, and what has to be during (even if it's not labeled as such). For example, has Steve Rogers appeared anywhere in Civil War II yet? I know he's going through some things in his own book at the moment.

In the meantime, though, prepwork never hurts! As you're (the general "you," I'm not necessarily talking to anyone in particular) reading through the stories, if you notice something has to happen before or after something else (like any "old" appearances of Steve Rogers somewhere will have to be before Avengers Standoff, any "young" appearances will have to be after, etc). Having stuff like that ready to go is always helpfull when the big map gets put together.

If any knots get stumbled across, it's helpful to bring that up, also. That way, when the big map gets started on, we know where the trouble spots are, and we can be working on theories (or whatever) when the time comes to put it all together.

So yeah, if you're reading now, feel free to bring anything up! You don't have to wait until we're "ready" for it. :)

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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by Aragorn45 »

Can anyone tell me where the "Last Days of Magic" story in Doctor Strange falls in continuity? Is it before or after Civil War 2? How about the Vision series as well?
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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by Jason Doty »

If I'm remembering correctly.

Last days of Magic should take place before parts of Civil War II. Michael the SHIELD Necromancer dies in the Deadpool : Final days of Magic #1, between the kill Sabretooth arc Deadppol #11 and the battle to get rid of the giant Celestial Destructor in Civil War II #1, which is also seen in Deadpool #14.

The Vision series has not rapped yet.
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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by Jason Doty »

Also, looking at who Agatha Harkness is talking to in Vision #6, It leads me to believe Vision is also before Civil War II. Iron Man and Captain Marvel are present as well as an uninjured She-Hulk. These are just guesses, but somewhere to kind of start.
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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by Aragorn45 »

The ghost of Agatha Harkness returned from beyond the grave to warn everyone of the coming Vision apocalypse. Do these appearances happen prior to her interactions with Wanda in the Scarlet Witch series?

Also, do the specific issues Doctor Strange #6-10 happen prior to Civil War? The magicians are powerless here, but they have their powers in Civil War 2 #1.
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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by Jason Doty »

There is going to be a large passage of time in Civil War II. We might have to wait until it wraps.
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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by Col_Fury »

Yep, that's why it's generally a good idea to wait until the stories are behind us. It's not always possible to place things while you're in the middle of them. That's why hindsight is usually 20/20. :)

When I said this earlier:
Col_Fury wrote:we'll likely wait until we see how things are after Civil War II wraps up; it will give us a better idea of where the cutoff points are in various titles. What has to be before Civil War II, what has to be after, and what has to be during (even if it's not labeled as such).
It's because we've run into similar things in the past. Who knows? That Dr. Strange story might end up having to happen DURING Civil War II. We won't know until both are finished.

Isn't chronology fun? :mrgreen:
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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by StrayLamb »

Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic must occur after Civil War II due to his wearing the Cloak of Levitation throughout that event.

Dr Strange acquires the Axe of Angarruumus in Doctor Strange v.4 #3, and his Cloak of Levitation is destroyed at the end of Doctor Strange v.4 #6/1.

Strange's appearances in All-New Wolverine #4, All-New X-Men #8, Extraordinary X-Men #8/1, and Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #16 all show Stephen with the Axe of Angarruumus and still wearing the Cloak of Levitation, so all of these appearances must occur after the events of Doctor Strange #1-3, and before Doctor Strange v.4 #4-6, requiring a large elipsis between issues #3 & #4, even though no such elipsis is evident within the pages of Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange #4-#8 take place in quick succession, then issue #9 occurs a week after the magic died, during which time Strange has been scouring the world for lost artifacts.

Doctor Strange #9-#11 and the Annual appear to take place in the immediate aftermath of the battle with the Empirikul, then there may be an elipsis before issue #12, but probably only a short one.

Doctor Strange is depicted in the Cloak of Levitation in Monsters Unleashed 1-5, but in Doctor Strange 1.MU, which details Strange's role in the event, he is clearly depicted with the Sword of Angarruumus throughout, and the monologue, as well as the editorial note, indicates this takes place after the Last Days of Magic. Therefore the depictions of Strange in the Cloak of Levitation in the main issues of Monster Unleashed must be an error.

Strange cas a cameo in Civil War II: The Oath, but as he's dressed in civvies, it's unclear whether he still has his Cloak of Levitation or not at this point.

Sorcerers Supreme begins sometime after repairs have been completed on the Sanctum Sanctorum.

So Doc's chronology looks like this:

Doctor Strange v.4 # 1-3
Guest Appearances in All-New Wolverine #4, All-New X-Men #8, Extraordinary X-Men #8/1, and Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #16
Civil War II
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic 1 (framing sequence)
Doctor Strange v.4 #4-5
Deadpool: Last Days of Magic 1
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic 1 (1-40)
Doctor Strange v.4 #6
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic 1 (41-47)
Doctor Strange v.4 #7-10
Doctor Strange 2016 Annual
Monsters Unleashed
Doctor Strange v.4 #12...

Doctor Strange & the Sorcerer's Supreme v.1 #1...

Hope this helps.. Nick 8-)
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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by Clive_Reston »

I'll expand on StrayLamb's Doctor Strange sequence with some X-Men-and-Monsters-Unleashed-related contingencies, and note that Doc's appearance in Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #16 is post-"Last Days of Magic," since he's got his beard and new outfit.

Extraordinary X-Men Annual #1, 2nd story (Lunella befriends Forge)
Doctor Strange v.4 # 1-3
^^^the following need to be between Dr. Strange v.4 #3 and DS:LDoM^^^
All-New Wolverine #4-6, Annual 1, 7-9 (all pre-CWII)
CIVIL WAR II (ends with Ulysses having a vision of disasters including Monsters Unleashed and IvX)
[Champions form sometime between CWII and Monsters Unleashed]
All-New X-Men #8-11 (O5 Hank meets cloak-and-axe Dr. Strange, who gives him a magic mask)
All-New X-Men #12-16 (can probably go anywhere between here and IvX)
Extraordinary X-Men #8/2 (Magik & Sapna meet cloak-and-axe Dr. Strange)
^^^back to Doc^^^
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic 1 (framing sequence)
Doctor Strange v.4 #4-5
Deadpool: Last Days of Magic 1
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic 1 (1-40)
Doctor Strange v.4 #6
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic 1 (41-47)
Doctor Strange v.4 #7-8 (then "a week" passes before...) Doctor Strange v. 4 #9-10 & Annual
MONSTERS UNLEASHED (Medusa leads the Inhumans, X-Men are not fighting them)
Extraordinary X-Men #8/1 ("five days" after 8/2) and 9-16 (Storm decides something has to be done about the Inhumans)
Doctor Strange v.4 #12-15
Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #13-?? (Ironheart is well-known already; Lunella meets beard-and-dark-cape, "Blood in the Aether"-period Dr. Strange, then hangs out with the X-Men some)
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Re: Recent chronologies: Civil War II?

Post by Aragorn45 »

In Last Days of Magic Scarlet Witch tells Strange that they need to get Tony Stark's help, but Stark isn't around after Civil War 2. Do we have to ignore this line?
Also, how does Scarlet Witch's appearances in the Doctor Strange fit with her series. Scarlet Witch #1-8 take place before Civil War, Scarlet Witch #9 crosses over with Civil War 2, and Scarlet Witch #10-15 happen after Civil War 2. I would put Scarlet Witch #10-14 before Doctor Strange #4-10, allowing her to heal witchcraft before the Imperikul attack. Scarlet Witch #15 would happen after Last Days of Magic.
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