Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

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Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by StrayLamb »

Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Iron Man: The Iron Age 1 (11:3-11:8) [Tony Stark decides to take a tour of his Southern Hemisphere plants, but to stop first at the SE Asian plant, where there’s some sort of supply trouble]

Iron Man 267 (10:5-14)-FB [Stark lands in SE Asia and is met by Kanada Toshi, who tells him the situation has taken a turn for the worse, explaining their supply lines have been in a state of complete disruption for the better part of a week. Kanada drives Tony to the heavily-fortified Stark Industries facility in the hills, which has been turned into an armed camp, as Wong-Chu has been reported to be in the vicinity. Wong-Chu reports to Mandarin, who sends Wong-Chu execute the next phase of his plan]

Tales of Suspense 39 (1-2) [Stark gives a US General a demonstration of his miniaturized technology]

Tales of Suspense 39 (3:4-3:7) [Having brought another village to its knees, Wong-Chu offers the villagers their freedom if any prisoner can defeat him in a wrestling match] (The top three panels of TOS 39:3, one of which is an inset panel, depict Tony on the Riviera, in a lab, and escorting a date in high society, acting as an introduction to the character)

Tales of Suspense 39 (4:1-4:4) [Tony Stark accompanies the US troops in order to supervise the testing of his weapons modifications, and to be able to make adjustments on the spot]

Iron Man 267 (15-16:2)-FB [As Tony and Kanaka head back to the compound, they’re attacked by Wong-Chu’s troops and make a run for it] (* See Notes)
Tales of Suspense 39 (4:5) ~ Iron Man 267 (16:3)-FB ~ IM3 50 (11:2 - 11:4)-FB [Kanaka triggers a booby trap, and is killed in the explosion]
Tales of Suspense 39 (4:6) ~ Iron Man 267 (16:4)-FB ~ Order II 9-FB-FB [Tony is hit by shrapnel]

Tales of Suspense 39 (4:7) [Tony is discovered to be alive, and Wong-Chu is sent for]
Iron Man 267 (16:5-17:2)-FB [Wong-Chu orders Tony to be brought back to his encampment]
Iron Man 2000 Annual 1 (10:2-10:7)-FB [Sun-Tao and Yinsen are working as slave labor, when they see Tony Stark brought into Wong-Chu’s encampment. Ho Yinsen is taken from the work party to tend to Tony]
Tales of Suspense 39 (4:8-5:1) [Having confirmed Tony Stark’s identity from his papers, Wong-Chu is told there is much shrapnel near his heart, impossible for them to operate on, and won’t last more than a wee. Wong-Chu determines to force Tony to spend his last days on Earth working for him]

Iron Man IV 5 (1:3-2:1)-FB [Tony wakes with a start and cries out. Yinsen tries to calm him]
Iron Man IV 9 (2:2 - 2:3) [Yinsen checks Stark’s pupils]
Iron Man 267 (17:3-17:4)-FB [Tony recognizes Yinsen, and tells him he heard he was dead]
Tales of Suspense 39 (6:1)-FB [Tony tells Yinsen that he read his books in college, but everyone thought him to be dead] (* See Notes)
Iron Man 267 (17:5)-FB [As Tony tries to sit up, Yinsen tells him he’s suffered a serious wound]
Iron Man 267 (18:1)-FB ~ Iron Man IV 5 (2:3)-FB [Yinsen warns Tony he has a piece of shrapnel lodged within millimeters of his heart, and he must move carefully]
Iron Man IV 5 (2:4-2:6)-FB [Tony tells Yinsen they met once at a conference. Yinsen tells Tony he has a good memory for one who was so blisteringly drunk. Tony asks where they are, and Yinsen tells him they’re in Wong-Chu’s camp]

Iron Man III 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB [Wong-Chu visits Tony]

Iron Man 267 (18:2)-FB [Yinsen explains they’re in a lab which Wong-Chu built for him, expecting him to create a super-weapon, which is why he was kidnapped, and his apparent death arranged for. Tony tells Yinsen that his death was reported months ago, and asks why a man with his brilliance hasn’t yet produced the weapon that Wong-Chu wants. Yinsen tells Tony it’s better to be truly dead than to do such a thing, but he plays the game, giving Wong-Chu a little at a time]

Iron Man 267 (18:3-20:1)-FB [Wong-Chu sends for Tony and Yinsen, who warns him to play the game. As they walk down the corridor in the morning sun, Yinsen tells Tony he was out for nearly three days. As they enter the courtyard, Yinsen tells Tony to pay close attention and study well the details of the place. When their escort tells Tony he must be hungry, and Wong-Chu will be pleased to afford him every luxury, Tony tells her he’ll pass, but Yinsen assures her that Mr Stark will be pleased to take whatever Wong-Chu may be so kind as to offer. As Tony and Yinsen enter his oppulent quarters, Wong-Chu welcomes Tony, but warns him this is his kingdom, and here Tony is no more than the least peasant grovelling in the dirt. Tony tells him it’s nice of him to point that out, but Wong-Chu says he speaks only fact, and it’s necessary for him to comprehend precisely his place in the scheme of things]
Iron Man 267 (20:2-20:3)-FB ~ Iron Man 268 (2:2)-FB [Wong-Chu offers Tony some wine, but he declines, saying he’s not in the habit of drinking turpentine, angering the warlord, who orders his guards to discipline him]
Iron Man 267 (21:1)-FB ~ Iron Man 268 (2:3)-FB [Tony gives a good show of his own combat skills, telling Wong-Chu that he doesn’t spend all of his time behind a desk]
Iron Man 267 (21:2-21:4)-FB [Tony continues to put up a fight, even though he’s outnumbered, when he succumbs to pain near his heart]
Iron Man 268 (2:4)-FB [Tony clutches his chest]
Iron Man 267 (21:5-22)-FB [Tony falls to the ground and passes out]
Iron Man 268 (2:5-4)-FB [Yinsen says the only hope of saving Tony now is to get him to his lab. Wong-Chu refuses, telling his men to have Tony thrown on the dung heap with the other garbage, but Yinsen pleads with Wong-Chu, telling him that he needs Stark’s help to create the seuper-weapon. Wong-Chu warns Yinsen to remember his place. Yinsen tells Wong-Chu to spare him his threats, saying that if he was truly going to kill him, he would have done so by now, an that he’s long suspected the warlord serves another, who keeps him on a tight leash. Wong-Chu orders Yinsen taken back to his lab to tend to Stark]

Tales of Suspense 39 (5:2-5:7) [Wong-Chu tells Tony that if he designs a powerful new weapon for him, afterwards he will have the surgeon save his life. Playing for time, Tony agrees, and is shown to a storage room filled with salvaged equipment, where he begins working on designs. The next day, Wong-Chu has Yinsen thrown in with Tony]
Iron Man IV 5 (3-5:2)-FB [Yinsen tells Tony this is his future now. Tony tells Yinsen he can’t give Wong-Chu a weapon, and reminds Yinsen that at the conference, he was talking about helping land mine victims using magnetic sound excision. Yinsen tells Tony he cannot remove the shrapnel as it’s pressing on his heart and there could be a rupture, but Tony asks if it could be held in place and stopped from working itself deeper. Tony asks Yinsen if he saw his presentation at the conference, and Yinsen tells him he remembers it was something about exo-skeletons for soldiers. Tony tells him it wasn’t for war, and that was just a way to get fundingfor his Iron Man program. He tells Yinsen they’re going to make a prototype Iron Man out of what they have on hand, and asks him to build a magnetic field generator into the chest plate to keep him alive long enough to get them both out of there]
Tales of Suspense 39 (6:2-6:4) [Tony shows Yinsen his designs and they begin their work]

[According to Black Widow VII 6, several weeks pass here]

Iron Man 268 (9:1-9:2)-FB-FB [Unaware they are being overheard by Wong-Chu’s woman, Tony tells Yinsen they must take a desperate chance, and if he’s gotten far enough ahead with his work, they can activate their “friend” here and now]
Iron Man 268 (6:3-8)-FB [Mandarin chews out Wong-Chu, orders him to return to his jungle encampment, and tell Professor Yinsen that Stark must be saved. As he returns to his camp in anger, Wong-Chu is told by his woman that Yinsen and Stark conspire to betray him, and Yinsen has been hiding secrets]
Iron Man 268 (9:3-10:1)-FB [Wong-Chu and his men race back to their encampment]

Tales of Suspense 39 (6:5) [Stark and Yinsen finish their work on the Iron Man suit]
Iron Man IV 5 (6:3)-FB [Having completed the makeshift prototype Iron Man suit, Tony tells Yinsen either it’s finished or he is]
Iron Man 268 (10:4)-FB [As Tony succumbs to the pain in his chest, Yinsen tells him to hold on just a few minutes longer, as he readies the chest-plate]
Iron Man 2000 Annual 1 (1:1)-FB [Yinsen tells Tony the heart of his iron body is ready] {* I’ve ignored the rest of this page of flashbacks as they don’t gel with what’s been shown elsewhere}
Tales of Suspense 39 (6:6) ~ Iron Man 268 (11:1)-FB ~ Iron Man IV 5 (6:3)-FB [Yinsen helps Tony get into the chest-plate]
Iron Man IV 5 (7-8:2)-FB [Getting the chest-plate fitted, Tony turns on the power]
Iron Man IV 5 (8:4)-FB [Yinsen begins helping Tony with the rest of the armor]
Iron Man IV 5 (9:1)-FB [Tony is still fitting the armor]
Tales of Suspense 39 (7:1-7:2) [Yinsen activates the generator to begin powering up the suit]
Iron Man 268 (11:2)-FB [Yinsen adjusts the frequency of his electro-magnetic fields, when the warning light in the lab begins to flash]
Tales of Suspense 39 (7:3) [Yinsen reacts to the warning light]
Iron Man 268 (11:3-11:5)-FB [Yinsen goes to the window and sees Wong-Chu returning with his men. Tony tells Yinsen to help him into the rest of his suit, but he tells Tony the system hasn’t finished aligning itself to his body, and an attempt to combat Wong-Chu now would be suicide]
Tales of Suspense 39 (7:4) [Yinsen determines to keep Wong-Chu away long enough for the suit to power up and complete its alignment to Tony’s body]
Iron Man 268 (11:6)-FB [Yinsen rushes outside to buy Tony the time he needs]
Tales of Suspense 39 (7:5) ~ Iron Man 2000 Annual 1 (11:1)-FB [Yinsen rushes out to stall Wong-Chu, and as he cries out “death to the tyrant,” he’s heard by Sun-Tao.Believing Yinsen to have gone mad, Wong-Chu has him shot and killed, while Iron Man powers up in the lab]
Tales of Suspense 39 (7:6) ~ Iron Man 268 (12:1)-FB [Tony hears the shots, and realizes Yinsen has been killed]

Iron Man III 31 (21:9)-FB [Sun-Tao is told to dispose of Yinsen’s body in the jungle]
Iron Man 268 (12:2-13:1)-FB [Tony gets into the rest of the Iron Man suit]
Tales of Suspense 39 (8:1-9:4) [Having achieved sufficient power, Tony stands up in the Iron Man suit, but loses his balance and falls over. Picking himself back up, Tony quickly learns to walk in the suit without falling, while Wong-Chu and his men try to batter down the door. Tony realizes that Wong-Chu will soon be thru the door, and that he must conceal himself until he can plan his next move]
Iron Man 268 (13:2)-FB [Just before Wong-Chu breaks thru the door, Iron Man lifts off from the floor]
Tales of Suspense 39 (9:5) [Using his hand suction cups and powered air-pressure boot jets, Iron Man leaps up to the ceiling]
Tales of Suspense 39 (9:6-9:7) ~ Iron Man 268 (12:3-12:4)-FB [Wong-Chu enters, and finds Tony’s gone]
Iron Man 268 (13:5)-FB [Wong-Chu orders his men to scour the perimeter]

Iron Man 2000 Annual 1 (11:2)-FB [Sun-Tao carries Yinsen out of the encampment]
Iron Man III 32 (3:2)-FB [Sun-Tao prepares to bury Yinsen’s body in the jungle]
Iron Man 2000 Annual 1 (11:3)-FB [Yinsen, still alive, but with his dying breath, gives Sun-Tao his journal]
Iron Man III 32 (3:4)-FB [Sun-Tao takes possession of Yinsen’s journal, containing his life’s work, and his notes on the Iron Man suit he had created with Tony Stark]
Iron Man 2000 Annual 1 (11:4-12:6)-FB [With the sacred transference of the journal, Yinsen draws his final breath and dies, when a portal opens in Reality. Two men take the body of Yinsen thru the portal. Dr Midas appears to Sun-Tao]

Tales of Suspense 39 (9:8) [Iron Man picks up Tony’s coat]
Iron Man 268 (13:6)-FB [Iron Man picks up Tony’s hat]
Tales of Suspense 39 (10:1) [In the courtyard, Wong-Chu defeats his opponent, when Iron Man challenges him from the shadows]
Iron Man 268 (13:7)-FB [Iron Man asks Wong-Chu how he is with a less intimidated opponent]
Tales of Suspense 39 (10:2-10:3) [Wong-Chu demands his challenger show himself. Iron Man agrees, saying first he’ll remove his clothes]
Iron Man 268 (14:1-14:2)-FB [Wong-Chu suggests his challenger is the “friend” the American spoke of, when Iron Man stands revealed before him]
Tales of Suspense 39 (10:4-10:6) [Wong-Chu stares in disbelief, then says he’s not human, but a machine]
Iron Man 268 (14:3)-FB [Iron Man picks up Wong-Chu, asking how he is against someone who fights back]
Tales of Suspense 39 (10:7-10:9) [Hoisting Wong-Chu above his head and spinning him around, Iron Man tells him he’s not facing a wounded, dying man now, but Iron Man, who opposes him and everything he stands for, then he tosses him across the courtyard]
Iron Man 268 (14:4)-FB [Wong-Chu lands in the bushes]
Tales of Suspense 39 (11:1-11:2) ~ Iron Man 268 (14:5-14:6)-FB [Wong-Chu orders his men to open fire on Iron Man]
Tales of Suspense 39 (11:3-11:4) [Wong-Chu’s men bring up the heavy artillery. Iron Makes adjustments to his weaponry]
Tales of Suspense 39 (11:5) ~ Iron Man 268 (14:7)-FB [Iron Man uses his repulsors against the artillerymen]
Iron Man 268 (15:1)-FB [As Iron Man moves towards them, Wong-Chu tells his men to flee]

Iron Man IV 5 (9:2-15)-FB [Iron Man prowls the encampment, battling Wong-Chu’s men]

Tales of Suspense 39 (11:6-11:7) [As his men scatter, Wong-Chu rushes to the communications post]
Iron Man 268 (15:2)-FB [Wong-Chu bolts the communications post’s armored wooden door]
Tales of Suspense 39 (11:8-12:2) [Wong-Chu uses the PA system, offering a large sum of money to the one who destroys Iron Man, but Iron Man takes remote control of the system, and in Wong-Chu’s own voice, he calls for his men to desert to Wong-Chu and flee into the jungle, as none can defeat Iron Man]
Tales of Suspense 39 (12:3-13:6) ~ Iron Man 268 (15:3-16)-FB [Using a miniature buzz-saw installed in one of his fingers, Iron Man enters the communications post to confront Wong Chu, who topples a metal cabinet filled with rocks onto him. Wong-Chu rushes out to order the execution of his prisoners. Lifting the cabinet from him, Iron Man goes after Wong-Chu, but with his power supply running low, he squirts a tin stream of oil ahead of Wong-Chu to the ammo dump, then igniting the oil, he blows the ammunition]
Iron Man 268 (17:2-18)-FB [Mandarin watches from a hillside, as Wong-Chu flees from Iron Man, and is hurled across the camp perimeter by the force of the ammunition explosion. He then watches Wong-Chu as he drags himself thru the underbrush towards him. Wong-Chu addresses the Mandarin as Master. Using one of his rings, the Mandarin makes Wong-Chu believe he’s been transformed him into a beetle, and squished beneath his boot (* see IM ’00)]

Tales of Suspense 39 (13:7) [After recharging his batteries and freeing the prisoners, Iron Man dons his hat and coat, and walks out of the encampment]
Iron Man 268 (19)-FB [Having watched Iron Man reclaim his crude disguise and leave the ruins of his enemy’s camp, the Mandarin considers destroying him with his rings, but stays his hand. Watching Iron Man pass, the Mandarin then turns away]


I discovered a number of incorrect page and/or panel numbers along the way, which i’ve corrected in the suggested updates.

I’ve also rearranged some flashback scenes, hopefully creating a more coherent flow of events.

Regarding the tripwire scene, repeated in numerous later flashbacks. I have gone with the account shown in IM 267 (16:3 - 16:4) as being the definitive account, which reveals it was actually Kanaka who tripped the explosion. Various other accounts show it to be Tony Stark, or a soldier. I think we can assume that several soldiers accompanied Tony and Kanaka, all of whom were also killed in the blast, except for Dennis Murray (Heavy), even though they are not shown in some accounts.

I have chosen to only include flashback scenes that can accurately be placed within the overall scheme of TOS 39, without creating undue clashes within the framework. With this in mind, i have been able to include some flashback panels that were previously left out, but i have also ignored some very few that are currently listed. The flashbacks listed for Tony Stark from IM4 1 are so far removed from other, more reliable accounts, that i believe they should be put down to misinformation on the part of Pillinger, which Tony chooses not to refute, or they should be considered flashbacks to an otherwise undocumented event in Tony’s life. Either way, they don’t fit into the scheme of events from TOS 39 without creating an incredibly jarring experience while attempting to read Tony’s story from his chronology, and they really need to be removed.

Iron Man has ORDER2 9-FB listed in his chronology. It doesn’t really fit with other accounts of the explosion which injured Tony in Sin-Cong (incorrectly reported as Viet-Nam). It’s actually an FB-FB, as shown in Heavy’s chronology. If we do believe it’s actually Tony Stark, then TOS 39-BTS should be added to Heavy’s chronology, but for Tony Stark it’s simply a copy of TOS 39 (4:6) from a different angle, just like IM 267 (16:4), and doesn’t need to be listed at all.

Because of the way the events unfold in the more detailed IM 267-268 flashbacks, TOS 39 (6:1) becomes a flashback.

Chu, Wong is spelled Wong-Chu in almost every appearance.

Suggested updates..

IM 267 (11 - 14)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 4:3)}
IM 267 (16:5 - 17:2)-FB
TOS 39 (4:7 - 5:1)
IM 267 (18:3 - 22:1)-FB
IM 268 (2 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 6:1)
IM 268 (6:3 - 10:1)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 13:7)
IM 268 (17:3 - 18:5)-FB
IM '00-FB
IM3 32
IM '00

Replace with..

IM 267 (11 - 14)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 4:7)}
IM 267 (16:5 - 17:3)-FB
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB
IM 267 (18:3 - 22:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 5:7)
IM 268 (6:3 - 11:5)-FB
TOS 39 (7:5 - 9:4)
IM 268 (13:2)-FB
TOS 39 (9:5 - 9:7)
IM 268 (13:5)-FB
TOS 39 (10:1)
IM 268 (13:7)-FB
TOS 39 (10:2 - 10:3)
IM 268 (14:1 - 14:2)-FB
TOS 39 (10:4 - 10:6)
IM 268 (14:3)-FB
TOS 39 (10:7 - 10:9)
IM 268 (14:4)-FB
TOS 39 (11:1 - 11:5)
IM 268 (15:1)-FB
TOS 39 (11:6 - 11:7)
IM 268 (15:2)-FB
TOS 39 (11:8 - 13:6)
IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB
IM '00-FB
IM3 32
IM '00

ORDER2 9 (1:5)-FB-FB
ORDER2 9 (1:10)-FB-FB
ORDER2 9 (2:5)-FB-FB
ORDER2 9 (1 - 2)-FB


IM:IA 1 (11:3 - 11:8)-FB
IM 288/2 (8:2 - 8:3)-FB
IM 267 (11 - 14)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 4:3)}
IM4 1 (14:3 - 14:6)-FB
IM3 50 (11:2)-FB
IM 267 (15 - 16:2)-FB
IM4 1 (14:7 - 15:3)-FB
TOS 39 (4:4 - 4:5)
TOS 39 (4:6)
IM 267 (16:5 - 17:2)-FB
IM 267 (17:3)-FB
TOS 39 (4:7 - 5:1)
IM 267 (17:4 - 18:2)-FB
IM4 5 (1 - 5:2)-FB
IM 267 (18:3 - 22:1)-FB
IM 268 (2 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 6:1)
IM4 5 (6:3 - 8:4)-FB
IM 268-FB-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 7:6)
IM4 5 (9)-FB
TOS 39 (8 - 11:5)
IM4 5 (10 - 15)-FB
TOS 39 (11:6 - 13:7)
IM 268 (19)-FB

Replace with..


IM:IA 1 (11:3 - 11:8)-FB
IM 288/2 (8:2 - 8:3)-FB
IM 267 (10:5 - 14)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 4:4)}
IM 267 (15 - 16:2)-FB
TOS 39 (4:5 - 4:7)
IM 267 (16:5 - 17:2)-FB
IM ’00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB * REMOVE OP CODE [Tony appears in 2:3]
IM 267 (17:3 - 17:4)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)-FB
IM 267 (17:5 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB
IM 267 (18:2 - 22:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 5:7)
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)
IM 268 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB-FB
IM 268 (6:3 - 10:1)-FB-BTS
TOS 39 (6:5)
IM4 5 (6:3)-FB
IM 268 (10:4)-FB
IM ’00 (1:1)-FB
TOS 39 (6:6)
IM4 5 (7 - 9:1)-FB
TOS 39 (7:1 - 7:2)
IM 268 (11:2)-FB
TOS 39 (7:3)
IM 268 (11:3 - 11:5)-FB
TOS 39 (7:4)
IM 268 (11:6)-FB
TOS 39 (7:5 - 7:6)
IM 268 (12:2 - 13:1)-FB
TOS 39 (8:1 - 9:4)
IM 268 (13:2)-FB
TOS 39 (9:5 - 9:7)
IM 268 (13:5)-FB
TOS 39 (9:8)
IM 268 (13:6)-FB
TOS 39 (10:1)
IM 268 (13:7)-FB
TOS 39 (10:2 - 10:3)
IM 268 (14:1 - 14:2)-FB
TOS 39 (10:4 - 10:6)
IM 268 (14:3)-FB
TOS 39 (10:7 - 10:9)
M 268 (14:4)-FB-OP
TOS 39 (11:1 - 11:5)
IM 268 (15:1)-FB
IM4 5 (9:2 - 15)-FB
TOS 39 (11:6 - 13:6)
IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB
TOS 39 (13:7)
IM 268 (19)-FB

IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM3 31 (21:8)-FB
IM3 32-FB
IM '00-FB
IM3 31
IM3 32
IM '00
IM3 47-FB
IM3 46
IM3 47
IM3 48
IM3 49

Replace with..

IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
IM3 31 (21:8)-FB
IM3 31 (21:9)-FB
IM '00 (11:2)-FB
IM3 32 (3:2)-FB
IM '00 (11:3)-FB
IM3 32 (3:4)-FB
IM3 47-FB
IM3 46
IM3 47
IM3 48
IM3 49

IM4 9 (3:2 - 3:3)-FB
IM 274-FB
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2)-FB
IM 267 (17:3 - 18:2)-FB
IM4 5 (1 - 5:2)-FB
IM 267 (18:3 - 22:1)-FB
IM 268 (2 - 4)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 6:1)}
IM4 5 (6:3 - 8:3)-FB
IM 268-FB-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 13:7)
IM3 31 (21:8)-FB
IM3 32-FB
IM '00-FB
IM '00
IM3 47-FB
IM3 46-BTS
IM3 47-BTS
IM3 48

Replace with..

IM 274 (7:3)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1)-FB
IM 267 (17:4 - 17:5)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)-FB
IM 267 (17:6)-FB
IM 267 (18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
IM 267 (18:2 - 22:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 5)}
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)
IM 268 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB-FB
IM 268 (6:3 - 10:1)-FB-BTS
TOS 39 (6:5)
IM4 5 (6:3)-FB
IM 268 (10:4)-FB
IM '00 (1:1)-FB
TOS 39 (6:6)
IM4 5 (7 - 9:1)-FB
TOS 39 (7:1 - 7:2)
IM 268 (11:2)-FB
TOS 39 (7:3)
IM 268 (11:3 - 11:5)-FB
TOS 39 (7:4)
IM 268 (11:6)-FB
TOS 39 (7:5 - 7:6)
IM3 31 (21:9)-FB
IM '00 (11:2)-FB
IM3 32 (3:2)-FB
IM '00 (11:3)-FB
IM3 32 (3:4)-FB
IM '00 (11:4 - 12:6)-FB
IM3 47-FB
IM3 46-BTS
IM3 47-BTS
IM3 48
Out in the Land Down-Under, beneath a rocky outcrop, deep within the back paddock, dwells the Stray Lamb.
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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by zilch »

Great work!!

Could the demo of the tech by Stark take place before the first two scenes? Potato, Potatoh...

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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by StrayLamb »

zilch wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2020 4:11 pm Great work!!

Could the demo of the tech by Stark take place before the first two scenes? Potato, Potatoh...

Thanks zilch!

If you mean the scenes in TOS 39:2, these take place at Stark's SE Asian compound, which is the same installation shown in IM 267 (10:5 - 14). It's illustrated differently, and may be a lab somewhere else in the compound area, but this has to take place after Tony has arrived at the compound with Kanaka. Or did i misunderstand you?
Out in the Land Down-Under, beneath a rocky outcrop, deep within the back paddock, dwells the Stray Lamb.
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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by zilch »

Nope. I was just wondering, and the scene being in Asia would give that a good placement.

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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by Russ Chappell »

StrayLamb wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:21 pm

IM 267 (11 - 14)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 4:7)}
IM 267 (16:5 - 17:3)-FB
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB
IM 267 (18:3 - 22:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
Let's zoom in on this:
StrayLamb wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:21 pm
IM 267 (18:3 - 22:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
One of these is incorrect for IM 267, no?
I can't promise you that things will improve, if we make changes;
I can promise you that they won't improve, if we don't.

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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by robfj »

Looking back at Stray Lamb's original description 22:4 is a typo and should be
IM 267 (18:3 - 21:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
But also the original doesn't have the 2nd and 3rd entries as OP, which should be right.
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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by StrayLamb »

robfj wrote: Sat Jun 13, 2020 6:38 pm Looking back at Stray Lamb's original description 22:4 is a typo and should be
IM 267 (18:3 - 21:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
But also the original doesn't have the 2nd and 3rd entries as OP, which should be right.
Yep, that's right - thanks for picking up the slack, robfj!
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Ho Yinsen and Iron Man's origin

Post by Leoparis »

I have three levels of corrections. The first level will get the largest consensus, it's fixing typos. I think level two will also get a large consensus. I hope level three will win you over.
Level 1. Correct the current listing.
Level 2. Add a flashback in TOS 40 and scenes from IM 47.
Level 3. Overhaul the sequence

Current chrono:
IM 274-FB working on Mandarin rings
BW8 6-FB abducted for Wong Chu
IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB "I can hear you, Mr Stark. You are alive."
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB works for Wong Chu
IM4 9 (2:2)-FB checks Stark's eye pupils, "I can hear you, Mr Stark. You are alive."
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB sees Stark brought in
IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1)-FB "I can hear you, Mr Stark. You are alive."
IM 267 (17:4 - 17:5)-FB Stark wakes up
TOS 39 (6:1)-FB Stark recognizes Yinsen
IM 267 (17:6)-FB
IM 267 (18:1) this is a fb
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
IM 267 (18:2 - 22:4)-FB page 22 has only one panel, was meant to be 21:4
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP recap of 267
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 5)} Yinsen brought to work with Stark
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)

1. The current listing derives from StrayLamb's analysis. But he made typos and minor mistakes. First I correct his listing.

IM4 9 (2:2) appears twice. 2:3 is not a flashback and so Stark is only OP as was indexed earlier. The dialog in IM4 9 (2:2) ("...pupils responding. No signs of rejection or infection. I can hear you Mr. Stark. You are alive.") is partly lifted from IM4 5 (1:3) ("I can hear you Mr. Stark. You are alive.") and so the former precedes the latter closely. And IM4 9 (2:2) should be IM4 9 (2:2:1).
Yinsen is VO in IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1).

In Iron Man 274 the Mandarin says "he surreptitiously enlisted the aid of world-renowned Professor Ho Yinsen but he was killed before he could unlock the full power of the rings" It refers to Wong Chu kidnapping Yinsen for Mandarin to work on the rings. So this IM 274-FB appearance needs to be after he's abducted in BW8 6-FB.

IM 267 page 17 has the following breakdown. It needs to match between Yinsen and Stark, because currently TOS 39 (6:1)-FB is before 17:5 for Stark and before 17:6 for Yinsen! Page 17 was probably counted as 5 panels for Stark and 6 for Yinsen.
17:1 carried
17:2 bleeds
17:3 darkness
17:4 wakes up
17:5 recognizes Yinsen
17:6 told to lie down

17:3 should go with 17:2 for Stark.
Panels 2-3-4 probably should have been counted as 2a, 2b, 2c (with an overall count of four panels for this page) to avoid ambiguity.

Note: I find having 6:1 out of sequence clumsy cf. part 3 to avoid that arrangement. But if you keep that arrangement, you need to fix as indicated here.

Suggested corrections:
**IM 274-FB move from here
BW8 6-FB
**IM 274-FB move here
**IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB typo, delete
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
**IM4 9 (2:2)-FB move from here
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
**IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB move here
**IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1)-VO-FB (add VO)
IM 267 (17:4 - 17:5)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)-FB
**IM 267 (17:6 - 18:1)-FB typo, add 18:1
**IM 267 (18:1) typo, combine with above
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
**IM 267 (18:2 - 22:4)-FB --> typo (18:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 5)}
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)

{TOS 39 (1 - 4:4)}
IM 267 (15 - 16:2)-FB
TOS 39 (4:5 - 4:7)
**IM 267 (16:5 - 17:2)-FB --> (16:5 - 17:3)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
**IM4 9 (2:2:1) move here
IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1)-FB
**IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB remove from here
**IM 267 (17:3 - 17:4)-FB --> (17:4 - 17:5)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)-FB
**IM 267 (17:5 - 18:1)-FB --> (17:6 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB

2. Minor appearance in flashback in TOS 40 plus IM 47 retelling.
Tales of Suspense 40 starts with a general presentation of Stark, probably figuring it is needed for casual readers since TOS used to be an anthology series without a regular character. As such it re-uses elements from TOS 39: Yinsen, military demonstration, women from the Riviera.

The physicist in TOS 40 (2:1) looks like Yinsen (also called a physicist in TOS 39). Warren Ellis in IM4 5 established--or rather confirmed--Stark and Yinsen had met at a conference. So that panel would be a flashback.

The woman from TOS 40 (2:6 - 3:3) in the Riviera looks like the woman in TOS 39 (3:1 - 3:2) in the Riviera. So pages 2-3 of TOS 40 could be pre-origin flashbacks to before the events of TOS 39. I need further study of pre-origin Stark before proposing eventual amendments but Yinsen can be added already.

The retelling in IM 47 follows closely TOS 39 but adds (17:1 - 17:4), showing scenes previously only told in narration (recharging batteries and liberating prisoners), occurring between TOS 39 panels 13:5 & 13:6.

IM 268 (17:2) is the same as TOS 39 (13:4) (seen from Mandarin's viewpoint). Stark is not in 17:3-4 nor 18. But he's in IM 268 (16:6) surprised at not seeing Wong Chu's body, also between TOS 39 (13:5) and (13:6) but before the panels from IM 47.

Corrected listings:
**TOS 40-FB add
BW8 6-FB

**TOS 39 (11:6 - 13:6) --> (11:6 - 13:5)
**IM 268 (16:6)-FB add
**IM 47 (17:1 - 17:4)-FB add
**IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB delete
**TOS 39 (13:6 - 13:7) (add 13:6)
IM 268 (19)-FB

3. The current arrangement was based on IM 267 by John Byrne where Yinsen is the physician who saves Stark (in TOS 39 and IM 47, Wong Chu has his own physician). Warren Ellis followed John Byrne but Joe Quesada in IM3 31 had returned to the version where Yinsen is sent to work in the lab only after Stark was sent there. Since Stark was unconscious his memories are less reliable than Yinsen's. The actual events shown in present time in TOS 39 need not to be adjusted to match memories from IM 267 or IM4 5.

Those different versions have Stark recognize Yinsen on different occasions. This forced StrayLamb to put panel 6:1 out of place (even though he stated he followed TOS 39 in organizing events).

But there are so many visual differences that the final result is unsatisfactory.

Rather than organize the chronology around Stark saying he knows Yinsen, I organize it around complete sequences organized by visual elements to fit TOS 39's sequence.

TOS 39 are the original events so I keep that sequence of events. Any later discrepancy I attribute to a faulty memory. This will allow what I think is a smoother read and let the readers read full sequences as intended without jumping around.

Streamlined sequence:
TOS 39 -> 5:1 Stark still in original clothes
IM4 5-FB chest bandaged, bare-chested, Yinsen tells Stark Wong Chu will explain to him with great violence he wants a weapon.
IM 267 now with a black shirt over bandages, Stark is brought to Wong Chu and subjected to violence.
IM 268 (2 - 4) Stark unconscious. Stark's version of this slightly differs from IM 267, that's why I do not include panel 2:4 from 268 in the middle of 267. It is at best a memory of Yinsen's account of what happened while Stark was unconscious and thus too remote to be reliable.
TOS 39 (5:2 - 5:6) black shirt over bandages.

Suggested corrections:
BW8 6-FB
IM 274-FB
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB
IM4 5 (1:3 - 5:2)-FB
IM 267 (17:4 - 22)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 6:4)}

{TOS 39 (1 - 4:4)}
IM 267 (15 - 16:2)-FB
TOS 39 (4:5 - 4:7)
**IM 267 (16:5 - 17:2)-FB --> (16:5 - 17:3)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
**IM4 9 (2:2:1) move here
**IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1)-FB --> (1:3 - 5:2)-FB extend
**IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB remove from here
**IM 267 (17:3 - 17:4)-FB --> (17:4 - 22)-FB
**TOS 39 (6:1)-FB remove
**IM 267 (17:5 - 18:1)-FB --> merge with above
**IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB delete
IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB
**IM 267 (18:2 - 21:4)-FB merge with above
**IM 268 (2:4)-FB
**IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB merge with above
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
**TOS 39 (5:2 - 5:7) --> (5:2 - 6:4)
**IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB merge with above
**TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4) merge with above
IM 268-FB-FB
IM 268 (15:1)-FB
IM4 5 (9:2 - 15)-FB
**TOS 39 (11:6 - 13:6) --> (11:6 - 13:5)
**IM 268 (16:6)-FB add
**IM 47 (17:1 - 17:4)-FB add
**IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB delete
TOS 39 (13:6 - 13:7) (add 13:6)
IM 268 (19)-FB

Corrected listing:
{TOS 39 (1 - 4:4)}
IM 267 (15 - 16:2)-FB
TOS 39 (4:5 - 4:7)
IM 267 (16:5 - 17:3)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
IM4 9 (2:2:1)
IM4 5 (1:3 - 5:2)-FB
IM 267 (17:4 - 22)-FB
IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 6:4)
IM 268-FB-FB
IM4 5 (9:2 - 15)-FB
TOS 39 (11:6 - 13:5)
IM 268 (16:6)-FB
IM 47 (17:1 - 17:4)-FB
TOS 39 (13:6 - 13:7)
IM 268 (19)-FB
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Re: Ho Yinsen and Iron Man's origin

Post by StrayLamb »

Leoparis wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:33 am1. The current listing derives from StrayLamb's analysis. But he made typos and minor mistakes. First I correct his listing.
That's because i always had my nose in a comic book, and didn't take any notice of my english and math teachers. :shrug:
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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by StrayLamb »

Leoparis wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:33 am I have three levels of corrections. The first level will get the largest consensus, it's fixing typos. I think level two will also get a large consensus. I hope level three will win you over.
Level 1. Correct the current listing.
Level 2. Add a flashback in TOS 40 and scenes from IM 47.
Level 3. Overhaul the sequence

1. The current listing derives from StrayLamb's analysis. But he made typos and minor mistakes. First I correct his listing.

IM4 9 (2:2) appears twice. 2:3 is not a flashback and so Stark is only OP as was indexed earlier. The dialog in IM4 9 (2:2) ("...pupils responding. No signs of rejection or infection. I can hear you Mr. Stark. You are alive.") is partly lifted from IM4 5 (1:3) ("I can hear you Mr. Stark. You are alive.") and so the former precedes the latter closely. And IM4 9 (2:2) should be IM4 9 (2:2:1).
Yinsen is VO in IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1).

In Iron Man 274 the Mandarin says "he surreptitiously enlisted the aid of world-renowned Professor Ho Yinsen but he was killed before he could unlock the full power of the rings" It refers to Wong Chu kidnapping Yinsen for Mandarin to work on the rings. So this IM 274-FB appearance needs to be after he's abducted in BW8 6-FB.

IM 267 page 17 has the following breakdown. It needs to match between Yinsen and Stark, because currently TOS 39 (6:1)-FB is before 17:5 for Stark and before 17:6 for Yinsen! Page 17 was probably counted as 5 panels for Stark and 6 for Yinsen.
17:1 carried
17:2 bleeds
17:3 darkness
17:4 wakes up
17:5 recognizes Yinsen
17:6 told to lie down

17:3 should go with 17:2 for Stark.
Panels 2-3-4 probably should have been counted as 2a, 2b, 2c (with an overall count of four panels for this page) to avoid ambiguity.

Note: I find having 6:1 out of sequence clumsy cf. part 3 to avoid that arrangement. But if you keep that arrangement, you need to fix as indicated here.

Suggested corrections:
**IM 274-FB move from here
BW8 6-FB
**IM 274-FB move here
**IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB typo, delete
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
**IM4 9 (2:2)-FB move from here
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
**IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB move here
**IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1)-VO-FB (add VO)
IM 267 (17:4 - 17:5)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)-FB
**IM 267 (17:6 - 18:1)-FB typo, add 18:1
**IM 267 (18:1) typo, combine with above
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
**IM 267 (18:2 - 22:4)-FB --> typo (18:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 5)}
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)

{TOS 39 (1 - 4:4)}
IM 267 (15 - 16:2)-FB
TOS 39 (4:5 - 4:7)
**IM 267 (16:5 - 17:2)-FB --> (16:5 - 17:3)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
**IM4 9 (2:2:1) move here
IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1)-FB
**IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB remove from here
**IM 267 (17:3 - 17:4)-FB --> (17:4 - 17:5)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)-FB
**IM 267 (17:5 - 18:1)-FB --> (17:6 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB
Thanks to Leoparis for the typo corrections.
Leoparis wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:33 amIn Iron Man 274 the Mandarin says "he surreptitiously enlisted the aid of world-renowned Professor Ho Yinsen but he was killed before he could unlock the full power of the rings" It refers to Wong Chu kidnapping Yinsen for Mandarin to work on the rings. So this IM 274-FB appearance needs to be after he's abducted in BW8 6-FB.
Leoparis wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:33 am2. Minor appearance in flashback in TOS 40 plus IM 47 retelling.
Tales of Suspense 40 starts with a general presentation of Stark, probably figuring it is needed for casual readers since TOS used to be an anthology series without a regular character. As such it re-uses elements from TOS 39: Yinsen, military demonstration, women from the Riviera.

The physicist in TOS 40 (2:1) looks like Yinsen (also called a physicist in TOS 39). Warren Ellis in IM4 5 established--or rather confirmed--Stark and Yinsen had met at a conference. So that panel would be a flashback.

The woman from TOS 40 (2:6 - 3:3) in the Riviera looks like the woman in TOS 39 (3:1 - 3:2) in the Riviera. So pages 2-3 of TOS 40 could be pre-origin flashbacks to before the events of TOS 39. I need further study of pre-origin Stark before proposing eventual amendments but Yinsen can be added already.

The retelling in IM 47 follows closely TOS 39 but adds (17:1 - 17:4), showing scenes previously only told in narration (recharging batteries and liberating prisoners), occurring between TOS 39 panels 13:5 & 13:6.

IM 268 (17:2) is the same as TOS 39 (13:4) (seen from Mandarin's viewpoint). Stark is not in 17:3-4 nor 18. But he's in IM 268 (16:6) surprised at not seeing Wong Chu's body, also between TOS 39 (13:5) and (13:6) but before the panels from IM 47.

Corrected listings:
**TOS 40-FB add
BW8 6-FB

**TOS 39 (11:6 - 13:6) --> (11:6 - 13:5)
**IM 268 (16:6)-FB add
**IM 47 (17:1 - 17:4)-FB add
**IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB delete
**TOS 39 (13:6 - 13:7) (add 13:6)
IM 268 (19)-FB
I agree with this section.
Leoparis wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:33 am 3. The current arrangement was based on IM 267 by John Byrne where Yinsen is the physician who saves Stark (in TOS 39 and IM 47, Wong Chu has his own physician). Warren Ellis followed John Byrne but Joe Quesada in IM3 31 had returned to the version where Yinsen is sent to work in the lab only after Stark was sent there. Since Stark was unconscious his memories are less reliable than Yinsen's. The actual events shown in present time in TOS 39 need not to be adjusted to match memories from IM 267 or IM4 5.

Those different versions have Stark recognize Yinsen on different occasions. This forced StrayLamb to put panel 6:1 out of place (even though he stated he followed TOS 39 in organizing events).

But there are so many visual differences that the final result is unsatisfactory.

Rather than organize the chronology around Stark saying he knows Yinsen, I organize it around complete sequences organized by visual elements to fit TOS 39's sequence.

TOS 39 are the original events so I keep that sequence of events. Any later discrepancy I attribute to a faulty memory. This will allow what I think is a smoother read and let the readers read full sequences as intended without jumping around.

Streamlined sequence:
TOS 39 -> 5:1 Stark still in original clothes
IM4 5-FB chest bandaged, bare-chested, Yinsen tells Stark Wong Chu will explain to him with great violence he wants a weapon.
IM 267 now with a black shirt over bandages, Stark is brought to Wong Chu and subjected to violence.
IM 268 (2 - 4) Stark unconscious. Stark's version of this slightly differs from IM 267, that's why I do not include panel 2:4 from 268 in the middle of 267. It is at best a memory of Yinsen's account of what happened while Stark was unconscious and thus too remote to be reliable.
TOS 39 (5:2 - 5:6) black shirt over bandages.
I've re-read all of these issues, and have them spread out around me, and i agree this section needs to be streamlined, but i'm looking at a different sequence than that proposed above by Leoparis. I disagree with the proposal by Leoparis to exclude IM 268 (2:4). We need to remember that the MCP character listings follow a strict chronological order of appearances.

In my original analysis, i failed to take into account that Wong Chu talks to Tony prior to Ho Yinsen being thrown in with him. Tony must have blacked out again in the meanwhile. He had a bad knock on the head and was probably suffering from blackouts and memory lapses. I can tell you from personal experience that it happens.

A number of the flashbacks in IM3 50, IM4 5, & IM4 9 retell aleady published scenes, sometimes with added dialogue or from a slightly different perspective, and with different artwork, for instance Ho Yinsen is depicted both with and without a beard, but these repeated scenes don't really need an entry.

IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB is a repeat of TOS 39 (5:2).

IM3 50 (12&13:5)-FB is a repeat of TOS 39 (5:7).

IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB & IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:3)-FB is a rehash IM 267 (17:4 - 18:1)-FB, although the IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB & IM4 5 (1:3)-FB should probably be included between IM 267 (17:4) & IM 267 (17:5).

I'm looking at the following sequence..
1. Wong Chu talks to Tony
2. Ho Yinsen is thrown in with Tony
3. Wong Chu sends for Tony and Ho Yinsen

Tales of Suspense 39 (5:2) ~ Iron Man III 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4) [Wong Chu tells Tony that if he designs a powerful new weapon for him, afterwards he will have the surgeon save his life]
Tales of Suspense 39 (5:3 - 5:6) [Planning on betraying the warlord, Tony agrees, and is shown to a storage room filled with salvaged equipment, where he begins working on designs]
Tales of Suspense 39 (5:7) ~ Iron Man III 50 (12&13:5) [The next day, Wong Chu has Ho Yinsen thrown in with Tony]
Iron Man 267 (17:4 - 18:1) ~ Iron Man IV 9 (2:2:1) ~ Iron Man IV 5 (1:3 - 2:3) [Tony wakes to find Ho Yinsen sitting with him]
Iron Man IV 5 (2:4 - 2:6) [Tony tells Ho Yinsen that he knows him, as they met once at a conference; Ho Yinsen tells him they’re in Wong Chu’s camp]
Tales of Suspense 39 (6:1) [Tony tells Ho Yinsen that he read his books in college, but everyone thought him to be dead, when Yinsen tells him he’s been pressed into slave labor by Wong Chu]
Iron Man 267 (18:2) [Ho Yinsen explains they are in a lab which Wong Chu built for him]
Iron Man IV 5 (3-5:2) [Ho Yinsen looks around the lab, telling Tony this is his future now, and that Wong Chu wants him to build a weapon they can use against the Americans]
Tales of Suspense 39 (6:2 - 6:4) [When Tony shows Ho Yinsen his designs for the armor, he becomes enthusiastic, and they begin their work]
Iron Man 267 (18:3 - 20:1) [Wong Chu sends for Tony and Ho Yinsen]
Iron Man 267 (20:2 - 20:3) ~ Iron Man 268 (2:2) [Tony angers Wong Chu, who orders his guards to discipline him]
Iron Man 267 (21:1) ~ Iron Man 268 (2:3) [Tony gives a good show of his own combat skills]
Iron Man 267 (21:2 - 21:4) [Tony continues to put up a fight, even though he’s outnumbered, when he succumbs to pain near his heart]
Iron Man 268 (2:4) [Tony clutches his chest, as Wong Chu’s men say they did nothing to bring this on]
Iron Man 267 (21:5 - 22) [Tony falls to the ground and passes out]
Iron Man 268 (2:5 - 4) [Ho Yinsen tells everyone to keep back, and the only hope of saving Tony now is to get him to his lab]

This sequence has the benefit of fixing the TOS 39 (6:1) problem, as well as keeping all of the repeated scenes together.

Ho Yinsen and Iron's Man's listings would look like this..

BW8 6-FB
IM 274-FB
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 5)}
IM 267 (17:4)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB
IM4 5 (1:3)-FB-VO
IM 267 (17:5 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)
IM 267 (18:2)-FB
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)
IM 267 (18:3 - 21:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
IM 268-FB-FB
IM 268 (6:3 - 8)-FB-BTS

TOS 39 (6:5)

{TOS 39 (1 - 4:4)}
IM 267 (15 - 16:2)-FB
TOS 39 (4:5 - 4:7)
IM 267 (16:5 - 17:3)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5)
IM 267 (17:4 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)
IM 267 (18:2)-FB
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)
IM 267 (18:3 - 21:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
IM 268-FB-FB

IM 268-FB-FB
IM 268 (6:3 - 10:1)-FB-BTS
TOS 39 (6:5)
TOS 39 (11:1 - 11:5)
IM 268 (15:1)-FB
IM4 5 (9:2 - 15)-FB
TOS 39 (11:6 - 13:5)
IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB
IM 47-FB
TOS 39 (13:6 - 13:7)

IM 268 (19)-FB
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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by Leoparis »

StrayLamb wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:19 am
Thanks to Leoparis for the typo corrections.
Leoparis wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:33 am The retelling in IM 47 follows closely TOS 39 but adds (17:1 - 17:4), showing scenes previously only told in narration (recharging batteries and liberating prisoners), occurring between TOS 39 panels 13:5 & 13:6.

IM 268 (17:2) is the same as TOS 39 (13:4) (seen from Mandarin's viewpoint). Stark is not in 17:3-4 nor 18. But he's in IM 268 (16:6) surprised at not seeing Wong Chu's body, also between TOS 39 (13:5) and (13:6) but before the panels from IM 47.

Corrected listings:
**TOS 39 (11:6 - 13:6) --> (11:6 - 13:5)
**IM 268 (16:6)-FB add
**IM 47 (17:1 - 17:4)-FB add
**IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB delete

**TOS 39 (13:6 - 13:7) (add 13:6)
IM 268 (19)-FB
I agree with this section.
Leoparis wrote: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:33 am 3. The current arrangement was based on IM 267 by John Byrne where Yinsen is the physician who saves Stark (in TOS 39 and IM 47, Wong Chu has his own physician). Warren Ellis followed John Byrne but Joe Quesada in IM3 31 had returned to the version where Yinsen is sent to work in the lab only after Stark was sent there. Since Stark was unconscious his memories are less reliable than Yinsen's. The actual events shown in present time in TOS 39 need not to be adjusted to match memories from IM 267 or IM4 5.

Those different versions have Stark recognize Yinsen on different occasions. This forced StrayLamb to put panel 6:1 out of place (even though he stated he followed TOS 39 in organizing events).

But there are so many visual differences that the final result is unsatisfactory.

Rather than organize the chronology around Stark saying he knows Yinsen, I organize it around complete sequences organized by visual elements to fit TOS 39's sequence.

TOS 39 are the original events so I keep that sequence of events. Any later discrepancy I attribute to a faulty memory. This will allow what I think is a smoother read and let the readers read full sequences as intended without jumping around.

Streamlined sequence:
TOS 39 -> 5:1 Stark still in original clothes
IM4 5-FB chest bandaged, bare-chested, Yinsen tells Stark Wong Chu will explain to him with great violence he wants a weapon.
IM 267 now with a black shirt over bandages, Stark is brought to Wong Chu and subjected to violence.
IM 268 (2 - 4) Stark unconscious. Stark's version of this slightly differs from IM 267, that's why I do not include panel 2:4 from 268 in the middle of 267. It is at best a memory of Yinsen's account of what happened while Stark was unconscious and thus too remote to be reliable.
TOS 39 (5:2 - 5:6) black shirt over bandages.
I've re-read all of these issues, and have them spread out around me, and i agree this section needs to be streamlined, but i'm looking at a different sequence than that proposed above by Leoparis. I disagree with the proposal by Leoparis to exclude IM 268 (2:4). We need to remember that the MCP character listings follow a strict chronological order of appearances.

In my original analysis, i failed to take into account that Wong Chu talks to Tony prior to Ho Yinsen being thrown in with him. Tony must have blacked out again in the meanwhile. He had a bad knock on the head and was probably suffering from blackouts and memory lapses. I can tell you from personal experience that it happens.

A number of the flashbacks in IM3 50, IM4 5, & IM4 9 retell aleady published scenes, sometimes with added dialogue or from a slightly different perspective, and with different artwork, for instance Ho Yinsen is depicted both with and without a beard, but these repeated scenes don't really need an entry.

IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB is a repeat of TOS 39 (5:2).

IM3 50 (12&13:5)-FB is a repeat of TOS 39 (5:7).

IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB & IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:3)-FB is a rehash IM 267 (17:4 - 18:1)-FB, although the IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB & IM4 5 (1:3)-FB should probably be included between IM 267 (17:4) & IM 267 (17:5).

I'm looking at the following sequence..
1. Wong Chu talks to Tony
2. Ho Yinsen is thrown in with Tony
3. Wong Chu sends for Tony and Ho Yinsen

Tales of Suspense 39 (5:2) ~ Iron Man III 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4) [Wong Chu tells Tony that if he designs a powerful new weapon for him, afterwards he will have the surgeon save his life]
Tales of Suspense 39 (5:3 - 5:6) [Planning on betraying the warlord, Tony agrees, and is shown to a storage room filled with salvaged equipment, where he begins working on designs]
Tales of Suspense 39 (5:7) ~ Iron Man III 50 (12&13:5) [The next day, Wong Chu has Ho Yinsen thrown in with Tony]
Iron Man 267 (17:4 - 18:1) ~ Iron Man IV 9 (2:2:1) ~ Iron Man IV 5 (1:3 - 2:3) [Tony wakes to find Ho Yinsen sitting with him]
Iron Man IV 5 (2:4 - 2:6) [Tony tells Ho Yinsen that he knows him, as they met once at a conference; Ho Yinsen tells him they’re in Wong Chu’s camp]
Tales of Suspense 39 (6:1) [Tony tells Ho Yinsen that he read his books in college, but everyone thought him to be dead, when Yinsen tells him he’s been pressed into slave labor by Wong Chu]
Iron Man 267 (18:2) [Ho Yinsen explains they are in a lab which Wong Chu built for him]
Iron Man IV 5 (3-5:2) [Ho Yinsen looks around the lab, telling Tony this is his future now, and that Wong Chu wants him to build a weapon they can use against the Americans]
Tales of Suspense 39 (6:2 - 6:4) [When Tony shows Ho Yinsen his designs for the armor, he becomes enthusiastic, and they begin their work]
Iron Man 267 (18:3 - 20:1) [Wong Chu sends for Tony and Ho Yinsen]
Iron Man 267 (20:2 - 20:3) ~ Iron Man 268 (2:2) [Tony angers Wong Chu, who orders his guards to discipline him]
Iron Man 267 (21:1) ~ Iron Man 268 (2:3) [Tony gives a good show of his own combat skills]
Iron Man 267 (21:2 - 21:4) [Tony continues to put up a fight, even though he’s outnumbered, when he succumbs to pain near his heart]
Iron Man 268 (2:4) [Tony clutches his chest, as Wong Chu’s men say they did nothing to bring this on]
Iron Man 267 (21:5 - 22) [Tony falls to the ground and passes out]
Iron Man 268 (2:5 - 4) [Ho Yinsen tells everyone to keep back, and the only hope of saving Tony now is to get him to his lab]

This sequence has the benefit of fixing the TOS 39 (6:1) problem, as well as keeping all of the repeated scenes together.

Ho Yinsen and Iron's Man's listings would look like this..

BW8 6-FB
IM 274-FB
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
{TOS 39 (1 - 5)}
IM 267 (17:4)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB
IM4 5 (1:3)-FB-VO
IM 267 (17:5 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)
IM 267 (18:2)-FB
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)
IM 267 (18:3 - 21:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB-OP
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB-OP
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
IM 268-FB-FB
IM 268 (6:3 - 8)-FB-BTS
TOS 39 (6:5)

{TOS 39 (1 - 4:4)}
IM 267 (15 - 16:2)-FB
TOS 39 (4:5 - 4:7)
IM 267 (16:5 - 17:3)-FB
IM '00 (10:2 - 10:7)-FB
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5)
IM 267 (17:4 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)
IM 267 (18:2)-FB
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)
IM 267 (18:3 - 21:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
IM 268-FB-FB
IM 268 (6:3 - 10:1)-FB-BTS
TOS 39 (6:5)
TOS 39 (11:1 - 11:5)
IM 268 (15:1)-FB
IM4 5 (9:2 - 15)-FB
TOS 39 (11:6 - 13:5)
IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB
IM 47-FB
TOS 39 (13:6 - 13:7)
IM 268 (19)-FB
See lines in bold above.

1. The Riviera sequence can now be looked at if I can find the time. Unless these army demo and Riviera sequences take place right after the conference with Yinsen, this means we'll have at least two flashbacks in TOS 40 (with the resulting necessity to indicate panels for each).

2. It would be useful to enter the corrections for the first two levels otherwise we might carry over mistakes. I notice that you keep IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB for Stark even though agreeing earlier to the removal of the line. You omitted 16:6 as well.

3. You have a break between 17:4 and 17:5 for Yinsen but not for Stark...

4. I understand why you list IM 47-FB as such but since there's a part of the flashback we omit and another we keep, that makes it two flashbacks and the rule is to indicate the range to precise which we mean. Otherwise we force whoever is going to use the listing--either for reading or reviewing purpose--to compare each panel of IM 47 with all the other lines to figure out that we meant (17:1 - 17:4).

5. I don't quite get the reminder that the MCP follows a strictly chronological order of appearances as an argument to justify keeping panel 2:4.

In your original post you had decided to list panel 6:1 out of sequence due to contradictions with the retellings of Byrne and Ellis. It's Marvel which doesn't follow a strict chronological order of appearance with its rewritings and overlapping sequences. I thought we could keep the strict order of appearance from TOS 39 and I agree with your explanation of "blackouts and memory lapses" to explain why Stark is saying more than once to Yinsen that he's recognizing him.

There are three reasons I suggested to remove panel IM 268 (2:4) and I think they follow the pattern of a strict adherence to chronology.

1. It's a recap of IM 267-FB. IM 267 ended with Stark falling unconscious and the panel explains how he got in that state. 2:4 belongs with 2:2 and 2:3 that we have omitted.
2. Yet, 2:4 doesn't fit the narrative from 267. In 267 Wong Chu's henchmen are clearly the cause of Stark's blackout (by pressing on his chest). In 268 he's blacking out by himself.
3. Since he went unconscious at the end of 267, the sequence that 2:4 is a part of is not a direct memory, it has to be a reconstruction by Stark of what happened between Yinsen and Wong Chu based on a briefing by Yinsen. And we did omit 2:2 and 2:3.

You yourself suggested to remove lines from IM3 50 for redundancy. What makes this panel an exception?

This post is just a prima facie reaction. Due to its intricacy, the details from the sequence have faded from my memory and I would need to look at the various issues side by side to assess your proposed sequence beyond those initial remarks.
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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by StrayLamb »

Leoparis wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:15 pm2. It would be useful to enter the corrections for the first two levels otherwise we might carry over mistakes. I notice that you keep IM 268 (17:2 - 18)-FB for Stark even though agreeing earlier to the removal of the line. You omitted 16:6 as well.
I don't want to do that just yet, as we need to keep the topic open for others to peruse and comment on before we lock it in.
Leoparis wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:15 pm1. The Riviera sequence can now be looked at if I can find the time. Unless these army demo and Riviera sequences take place right after the conference with Yinsen, this means we'll have at least two flashbacks in TOS 40 (with the resulting necessity to indicate panels for each).
That would be great if you can do that at some point before we finish tidying this up, but if not, we can always deal with it in a separate topic.
Leoparis wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:15 pm3. You have a break between 17:4 and 17:5 for Yinsen but not for Stark...

4. I understand why you list IM 47-FB as such but since there's a part of the flashback we omit and another we keep, that makes it two flashbacks and the rule is to indicate the range to precise which we mean. Otherwise we force whoever is going to use the listing--either for reading or reviewing purpose--to compare each panel of IM 47 with all the other lines to figure out that we meant (17:1 - 17:4).

5. I don't quite get the reminder that the MCP follows a strictly chronological order of appearances as an argument to justify keeping panel 2:4.

In your original post you had decided to list panel 6:1 out of sequence due to contradictions with the retellings of Byrne and Ellis. It's Marvel which doesn't follow a strict chronological order of appearance with its rewritings and overlapping sequences. I thought we could keep the strict order of appearance from TOS 39 and I agree with your explanation of "blackouts and memory lapses" to explain why Stark is saying more than once to Yinsen that he's recognizing him.

There are three reasons I suggested to remove panel IM 268 (2:4) and I think they follow the pattern of a strict adherence to chronology.

1. It's a recap of IM 267-FB. IM 267 ended with Stark falling unconscious and the panel explains how he got in that state. 2:4 belongs with 2:2 and 2:3 that we have omitted.
2. Yet, 2:4 doesn't fit the narrative from 267. In 267 Wong Chu's henchmen are clearly the cause of Stark's blackout (by pressing on his chest). In 268 he's blacking out by himself.
3. Since he went unconscious at the end of 267, the sequence that 2:4 is a part of is not a direct memory, it has to be a reconstruction by Stark of what happened between Yinsen and Wong Chu based on a briefing by Yinsen. And we did omit 2:2 and 2:3.

You yourself suggested to remove lines from IM3 50 for redundancy. What makes this panel an exception?

This post is just a prima facie reaction. Due to its intricacy, the details from the sequence have faded from my memory and I would need to look at the various issues side by side to assess your proposed sequence beyond those initial remarks.
After a break for further discussion, i'll review all this again, taking note of your appraisals here. We'll probably be battling to satisy everyone, so let's try and get it as good as we can. RobinHoodMtl & robfj have a particular interest in this period. Maybe they have some ideas to throw into the stew?
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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by Leoparis »

StrayLamb wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:33 pm
I don't want to do that just yet, as we need to keep the topic open for others to peruse and comment on before we lock it in.
Yes, of course.
StrayLamb wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:33 pm
That would be great if you can do that at some point before we finish tidying this up, but if not, we can always deal with it in a separate topic.
The only named person who reappears is Jeanne, in Iron Age 1--circa TOS 40 (maybe between 3:2 and 3:3)--and confirmed therein to take place after the Southeast Asia incident: "Then he hit the party circuit again, but his heart didn't seem to be in it."
StrayLamb wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:33 pm
After a break for further discussion, i'll review all this again, taking note of your appraisals here. We'll probably be battling to satisy everyone, so let's try and get it as good as we can. RobinHoodMtl & robfj have a particular interest in this period. Maybe they have some ideas to throw into the stew?
I did not expect too much. I knew from the variations that several arrangements were possible.
I made mine to minimize the overlap and back-and-forth between strikingly different visual versions. I added six panels and removed only one and yet greatly reduced the number of lines (Yinsen from 19 to 10; Stark from 21 to 13).

So my outlook on other approaches rests on their internal consistency and improved chronological flow. I've seen you restored 6:1 so I should look if your proposal keeps "repeated scenes together."

Based on your written sequence (without looking at pictures) it seems the "repeated scenes" is Stark recognizing Yinsen. So I was mistaken in assuming you invoked the "blackouts and memory lapses" to explain why Stark remembers Yinsen more than once. So now I don't see what's the use of the "blackout and memory lapses" line.

Apart from missing IM4 9 (2:2:1)-FB & IM4 5 (1:3)-FB in Stark's listing, it's a coherent approach.
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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by robfj »

Lo, I have laboured mightily and brought forth a (fairly large) mouse.

Much of this thread has been considered mutually acceptable by all parties, but there is disagreement between Stray Lamb and Leoparis over how the Tony Stark/Ho Yinsen/Wong-Chu interaction should be treated. I'll concentrate only on this core time of Stark's imprisonment by Chu. Stray Lamb produced 1 proposal in 2020 which was accepted and is embodied in the current MCP chronologies. But now Leoparis has produced a counter-proposal, and Stray Lamb responded with his 2nd version. Both sides have retired to think, and invited other opinions. Here's mine.

There is a basic clash between Stan Lee's original Iron Man origin in TOS 39 and John Byrne's rewrite in IM 267-268. However while TOS 39 could be considered a complete account, IM 267-268 *can't* be the complete story and would need some of TOS 39 to fill in the gaps.

At no point in IM 267-268 does Stark (pretend to) agree to build Chu's desired weapon. In 267 Stark has his 1st and only 'chat' with Chu after Yinsen has warned him that is what Chu wants, and Chu never gets the chance to make the demand because Stark picks a fight and gets sent back to intensive care. Then in 268 (9:1-9:2) Stark is apparently recovering from the beating and he and Yinsen decide they'd better quickly *finish* the armour. It says that Yinsen has *continued* working from Stark's plans while he was recuperating. That implies that there's a long gap before this, but there is no mention in 267-268 of Stark actually doing any of the work himself!

Putting TOS 39 (5:2 - 6:4) in between IM 268 p4 and p9 would show Chu having the meeting where Stark agrees to build the weapon, the work being started and Stark contributing. I could then suggest that IM 268 (9:1-9:2) doesn't show Stark suffering by the fight with Chu's minions but weakened later because of the shrapnel getting closer to his heart (as described in TOS 39 (6:5)). This sequence is what Stray Lamb's original proposal did, and also what Leoparis' version does. But Stray Lamb's alternative idea then strayed from this path and has Stark agreeing to build the weapon in a meeting before the 1 where he gets beaten up.

It seems to me that the previous order makes more sense. Stark (with Yinsen) is immediately taken to meet Chu, and his cockiness gets him beaten up. After he's somewhat recovered from that and had time to think he sees Chu again and pretends to go along with him in order to be able to build the Iron Man armour to escape (and keep him alive).

None of this addresses the problem of Stark meeting Yinsen in Chu's camp on 2 different occasions. Stray Lamb's original scheme required him to artificially turn Stark's meeting with Yinsen in TOS 39 (6:1) into a flashback so it could be moved earlier to coincide with the meeting in IM 267. Leoparis reasonably objected to that but his solution doesn't explain away the 2 1st meetings with Yinsen. Stray Lamb's new system combines the 2 Yinsen meetings together but reverses the meetings with Chu.

But in his reply to Leoparis Stray Lamb makes the suggestion that Stark might suffer from blackouts and memory loss as a delayed reaction from concussion suffered in the earlier explosion (and I might add possibly from the beating he gets from Chu's men). However he doesn't seem to use this idea in his 2nd version to explain why Stark only *appeared* to meet Yinsen twice, which I propose to do.

I'll initially concentrate on TOS 39 and IM 267-268 alone, and fill the other bits in later.

TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
Ends with Stark's shrapnel/heart problem being diagnosed by Chu's doctor.
IM 267 (17:4 - 22)-FB
{Stray Lamb seems to have accepted Leoparis' analysis that 17:3 corresponds to the darkness between Stark being carried to Chu's place and him waking up there.}
Stark wakes to find Yinsen sitting with him, recognises him and says he thought Yinsen was dead. Yinsen tells him about the shrapnel, explains they are in a lab which Chu built for him and that Chu kidnapped him and made it look like he died. Chu wants him to build a super-weapon.
{This explains away the niggling question in TOS 39 of why Chu had a (crude) lab built with no-one to use it.}
Yinsen agreed but has been stalling. Chu sends for them both. Stark angers Chu and has to fight his guards until he succumbs to pain near his heart, falls to the ground and passes out.
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
Chu sends his men to dump Stark's body, but Yinsen persuades him that they need him for the weapon. Chu tells Yinsen to make sure Stark recovers.
{I have to assume that Yinsen and/or the doctor nurse Stark back to semi-health, but then Yinsen is kept away from Stark.}
TOS 39 (5:2 - 6:4)
Chu tells Stark to build a weapon for him, and then the doctor will save his life. Stark agrees, but plans to build the Iron Man armour instead. Next day Chu throws Yinsen in with him.
{It is at this point that I assume that Stark's short-term memory loss affects things, and that Yinsen notices it and patiently repeats some of what he's said before.}
Stark recognises Yinsen and tell him he read his books, but he thought him to be dead. Yinsen explains he’s been made to work for Chu.
{There's an unavoidable clash here in that Yinsen says the Reds pressed him into slave labour and then gave him to Wong-Chu (and an FB in IM Annual 2000 shows him working in the fields for Chu when Stark arrives). This suggests that Yinsen was never kidnapped by Chu or anybody. He was an intellectual/academic who was brought down by Chinese Cultural Revolution.}
When Stark shows shows Yinsen his designs for the armour, he becomes enthusiastic, and they begin their work.
{A lot of time elapses while they work. I assume that as Stark gradually gets sicker Yinsen has to do more alone.}
IM 268 (9:1-9:2)-FB-FB
Stark isn't well. Yinsen has continued working from Stark's designs. Stark tells Yinsen that they must activate the armour now if he's done enough. A suspicious woman overhears them (and reports to Chu in earlier panels).

This is the stripped-down sequence from Leoparis suggestion and Stray Lamb's 1st proposal (apart from the confusion over 17:3, the misplaced TOS 39 (6:1), a mistyped 21:4 and an insertion of IM 268 (2:4)-FB).

TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
IM 267 (17:4 - 22)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 6:4)
IM 268 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB-FB

Stray Lamb's 1st proposal:-
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
IM 267 (17:3 - 17:4)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1)-FB
IM 267 (17:5 - 18:1)-FB
IM 267 (18:2 - 22:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:4)-FB
IM 267 (21:5 - 22)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 5:7)
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)
IM 268 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB-FB

Stray Lamb later converted from 17:3 to 17:4 and corrected 22:4 to 21:4. And I have moved TOS 39 (6:1) into line with the rest of the issue. And I would contend that IM 268 (2:4)-FB is no more useful than (2:2-2:3) which he has already discounted - it's a summary of 267 (21:4-21:5). (Leoparis ignores it for a similar reason.)

Applying these changes and combining adjacent panel ranges results in the same list as Leoparis.

Now I can add in issues of other titles.

Stray Lamb's original sequence has
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
IM4 5 (1:3 - 2:1)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB
IM 267 (17:4 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB
IM 267 (18:2 - 22)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 5:7)
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2 - 6:4)
IM 268 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB-FB

Leoparis has
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
IM4 9 (2:2:1)
IM4 5 (1:3 - 5:2)-FB
IM 267 (17:4 - 22)-FB
IM3 50 (12&13:1 - 12&13:4)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 6:4)
IM 268 (9:1 - 9:2)-FB-FB

We can see that they've both added stuff from the same 3 comics but not necessarily in the same place and Stray Lamb has split IM4 5 into 3 pieces.

Stray Lamb has IM3 50 (12&13:1-12&13:4) as Chu visiting Stark between IM 267
(17:4-18:1) (Stark wakes with Yinsen) and IM 267 (18:2-22) (Yinsen explains stuff to Stark and they get taken to see Chu). But I agree with how he describes it in his 2nd scheme as a retelling of TOS 39 (5:2) where Chu tells Stark to build him a weapon and then his surgeon will save his life. As such it's in the wrong place, but it's irrelevant because Stray Lamb in the 2nd scheme gets rid of it as a straight copy.

Leoparis doesn't discuss it in his proposal and he seems to just leave it where it is and shuffle other stuff around it. It certainly doesn't fit into his clothing-based scheme.

So I'll just follow Stray Lamb's later opinion and leave it out of my sequence.

Next up is IM4 9 (2:2-2:3). I agree with Leoparis that 2:3 doesn't belong with 2:2, and Stark is OP in 2:2. But I don't understand why he says (2:2) must be replaced by (2:2:1), mainly because I don't understand what 2:2:1 means. But Stray Lamb follows suit in his 2nd proposal. However he also says that it's another plain recap and drops it from the chronologies, which I'll also do.

There is also some other confusion involved around the above. In his original proposal Stray Lamb shuffled the order (without comment) of Yinsen's 1st apps from
IM4 9 (3:2 - 3:3)-FB
IM 274-FB
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2)-FB
IM 274 (7:3)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2 - 2:3)-FB
IM3 31 (21:2 - 21:4)-FB
IM4 9 (2:2)-FB
But (2:2 - 2:3) is surely a typo for (3:2 - 3:3). However this led Leoparis to complain that 2:2 was in twice as well as 2:3 not belonging. As a result his Yinsen chrono no longer had (3:2 - 3:3) in it at all, and neither did Stray Lamb's 2nd version. Only the mysterious 2:2:1 survived.

[The following is an aside which is out of the scope of the narrow focus of my current investigation. IM4 9 (2:3) belongs with (3:2-3:3) because they have the same background, very different from that of 2:2. I believe they are part of a recorded execution of Yinsen by the Taliban which Stark is watching. IM4 5 doesn't show or mention Yinsen sacrificing himself to buy Stark time. But IM4 9 (2:5) shows him being shot and Stark says he left him because he thought him dead. Yinsen was presumably executed after Stark's escape as punishment for helping him. And the plot of IM4 7-12 revolves around the persons responsible being killed, seemingly by Iron Man. For Stark these panels occur in the present day but for Yinsen they are a flashback to the past. However this means they certainly don't belong near the beginning of his chronology as seen above. They would have to be inserted between him being shot in TOS 39 and his body being taken into the Sons Of Yinsen storyline.]

That just leaves IM4 5 (1:3-5:2) which Stray Lamb's original post split into (1:3-2:1), (2:4-2:6) and (3-5:2). He seems to have forgotten/ignored 2:2 but has dismissed 2:3 as a repeat of IM 267 (18:1). However in his 2nd version he drops the whole of 1:3-2:3 as a repeat of 267 (17:4-18:1). (2:4-2:6) is retained in both his versions as introducing the conference Stark and Yinsen both attended. As is (3-5:2) where they decide to combine expertise to build the Iron Man suit.

Where do those last 2 fit? Stray Lamb agrees with himself that (2:4-2:6) follows immediately after IM 267 (18:1) and (3-5:2) immediately precedes TOS 39 (6:2-6:4) (although I'm glossing over the fact that what occurs between the 2 parts of IM4 5 is different in 'each of his proposals). But I'll try that as a guide. This is 1 area where Leoparis disagrees with Stray Lamb's original solution because Leo was using as a guide the clothing Stark was wearing. Because he's bare-chested throughout IM4 5's FBs but he gets clothed after the 1st part of IM 267 and Leoparis wants to keep them apart.

The result for me would be
IM 267 (17:4 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
IM 267 (18:2 - 22)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 5:7 or 6:1)
IM4 5 (3 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:1 or 6:2 - 6:4)

When I added explanations to the entries I decided I needed to split IM4 5 (3-5:2) up more to make more sense of it all.

TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
Ends with Stark's shrapnel/heart problem being diagnosed by Chu's doctor.
IM 267 (17:4 - 18:1)-FB
Stark wakes to find Yinsen sitting with him, recognises him and says he thought Yinsen was dead. Yinsen tells him about the shrapnel near his heart.
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
Stark and Yinsen remember both attending a conference.
IM 267 (18:2)-FB
Yinsen explains they are in a lab which Chu built for him and that Chu kidnapped him and made it look like he died. Chu wants him to build a super-weapon. He agreed but has been stalling.
IM4 5 (3:1 - 3:3)-FB
Yinsen tells Stark that Chu will demand that he build a weapon for him.
IM 267 (18:3 - 22)-FB
Chu sends for them both. Stark angers Chu and has to fight his guards until he succumbs to pain near his heart, falls to the ground and passes out.
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
Chu sends his men to dump Stark's body, but Yinsen persuades him that they need him for the weapon.
{I have to assume that Yinsen and/or the doctor nurse Stark back to semi-heath.}
TOS 39 (5:2 - 6:1)
Chu tells Stark to build a weapon for him, and then the doctor will save his life. Stark agrees, but plans to build the Iron Man armour instead. Next day Chu throws Yinsen in with him.
{It is at this point that I have to assume that Stark's short-term memory loss affects things, and that Yinsen may have noticed it already and patiently repeats some of what he's said before.}
Stark recognises Yinsen and tell him he read his books, but he thought him to be dead. Yinsen explains he’s been made to work for Chu.
IM4 5 (3:4)-FB
Stark tells Yinsen he'sd not going to build the weapon.
TOS 39 (6:2)
When Stark shows shows Yinsen his designs for the armour, he becomes enthusiastic.
IM4 5 (3:5 - 5:2)-FB
Stark and Yinsen decide to combine expertise to build the Iron Man suit.
TOS 39 (6:3 - 6:4)
They begin their work.
{A lot of time elapses while they work. I assume that Stark gradually gets sicker and Yinsen has to do more alone.}
IM 268 (9:1-9:2)-FB-FB
Yinsen has continued working from Stark's designs. Stark tells Yinsen that they must activate the armour now if he's done enough. A suspicious woman overhears them (and reports to Chu in earlier panels).

So my proposed Stark chronology is
TOS 39 (4:8 - 5:1)
IM 267 (17:4 - 18:1)-FB
IM4 5 (2:4 - 2:6)-FB
IM 267 (18:2)-FB
IM4 5 (3:1 - 3:3)-FB
IM 267 (18:3 - 22)-FB
IM 268 (2:5 - 4)-FB
TOS 39 (5:2 - 6:1)
IM4 5 (3:4)-FB
TOS 39 (6:2)
IM4 5 (3:5 - 5:2)-FB
TOS 39 (6:3 - 6:4)
IM 268 (9:1-9:2)-FB-FB

In summary this is built from the common bones of Stray Lamb's 1st proposal and that of Leoparis. TOS 39 (6:1) has been moved back into its original place, supported by some hand-waving justification. I've discarded all the plain repetitions SL dropped in his 2nd proposal. And then I've adjusted some of the remains of IM4 5.
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Re: Tales of Suspense 39 Revisited

Post by robfj »

Now that I've thought more about it even Yinsen's backstory in TOS 39 (6:1) can be somewhat reconciled with later revisions.

In TOS 39 he says "I was pressed into slave labour by the Reds, and when I resisted Wong-Chu took me prisoner."

I still believe that it originally meant that the Red Chinese in the Cultural Revolution blamed him as an intellectual and made him do menial work, and then he fell into the hands of Chu.

In IM 267 he says that Chu kidnapped him, built the lab for him and made him work on a super weapon, but he kept stalling for time. But Black Widow vol 6 #6 says that she did the kidnapping while she worked for the Red Soviet, and they handed Yinsen over to Chu. And IM Annual 2000 says that he was working in Chu's fields when Stark was captured.

I can construct another interpretation of Yinsen's TOS statement from all that. The Red Russians captured him and gave him to Chu. Chu put him to work on the weapon but got angry at his lack of progress and punished him by sending him to work in the fields.
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