Dr. Strange (2023) 8 flashback

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Chronology Guru
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Dr. Strange (2023) 8 flashback

Post by Leoparis »

"Many years ago" The Strange family farm, Nebraska

Strange shows Clea where he grew up, "This is where the sorcerer supreme was born?" "I was born in a place called Philadelphia but this is where my sister and brother were born."

The sister is introduced in ST2 16.
The brother is introduced in DSSS 10.
The farm is introduced in DSSS 11.

With such a late mention of his family history, I was tempted to place the flashback after Clea's return in DSSS 12 but the wording "in a place called Philadelphia" betrays Clea does not know America so well yet. With the time travel to the American Revolution in DS2 17-19, I expect Clea to have become familiar with the city (she stays in Benjamin Franklin's home in Philadelphia). And her costume in the fb does not fully match the DSSS version.

Strange becomes Sorcerer Supreme in Marvel Premiere 10, Sep 73. Strange and Clea meet Clea's father in DS2 7 to 9 in her home dimension. So the end of that adventure looks like a good place for him to show where he grew up.

Suggested additions:
DS2 9
**DS6 8-FB
M/TU 35

DS2 9
**DS6 8-FB
T 233
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