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Post by StrayLamb »

[Day 8 to Day 19 courtesy of Clive Reston's Hellfire Gala]
DAY 8:
King in Black ends in morning--probably Christmas morning, given the context of KiB: Iron Man/Doom (in which Doom must be a Doombot, thanks to Guardians of the Galaxy) and KiB: Immortal Hulk.
Avengers 45 (1-15) [4:40am to 7:15am]
X-FORCE 18 (1-7): Night. Logan pops in to the Summer House briefly, but he's got some unfinished vampire business.
WOLVERINE 11 (1-4): Logan dealing with vampires in Minneapolis, late at night.

DAY 9:
MARAUDERS 18 (1-18): Madripoor.
CABLE 10: Cable and Emma on Krakoa; #9 was "the other day." Scott is getting fitted for the Gala, which is "days away."
X-FORCE 18 (8-20): Krakoa, the day after the previous scene. Sage kills Beast.
X-FORCE 19: Same day, apparently, stretching to night. Logan's not responding to hails (look, he's very busy right now).

DAY 10:
(Beast resurrected at some point this morning.)
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 4 (1-4): Morning in NYC. (COTA 4 pp. 5-6 are a FB to a while ago)
CABLE 11-12: Scott, Jean, Young Cable, Emma, the Cuckoos, Deadpool. Cable's final mission stretches all day and into the night. Hope's dialogue at the beginning of #11 implies at least a few hours have passed since the previous issue.
WOLVERINE 11 (5-20): Logan, Sage, Beast in Krakoa, tracking Omega Red. Later, Logan and Louise in Paris, plus a scene at Oxford University.
MARAUDERS 18 (19-20): NYC, then Madripoor.
MARAUDERS 19: Later that day.
PLANET-SIZE X-MEN 1 (5) -FB: Magneto talks to Isca.
HELLIONS 11: "a week" after #10. One day; Kwannon returns to Krakoa.
EXCALIBUR 18 (11-20): A full day on Krakoa. Kwannon turns up at the very end, in an unsurprisingly bad mood.
EXCALIBUR 19: Night of the same day as #18. Kwannon present.

DAY 11:
WOLVERINE 12 (1-6) Paris, just before dawn after the previous issue.
X-FACTOR 6 (1-13): Morning at the Boneyard, a week after Siryn's death and five days since her resurrection. Siryn's dead again. Prodigy sets up the body farm.
NEW MUTANTS 15 (1-10): Prodigy has set up his body farm when Scout visits the Boneyard.
PSX 1 (6)-FB Hellfire talks to Magneto.
X-FACTOR 6 (14-20): Another scene at the Boneyard (Siryn has gotten resurrected very quickly this time).
EXCALIBUR 20 (1-10): Council meeting on Krakoa; Gala has been announced and people are preparing.
WOLVERINE 12 (7-9) Dusk at Oxford.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 4 (13-16): Night of the same day as pp. 7-12.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 5 (2-3): Daycrawler goes to the Krakoan embassy in NY (as seen in #2; it's not the Treehouse)
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 4 (18-19): The other kids wake up.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 4 (20): The Krakoan rescue team arrives.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 5 (4-15): Cyclops, Storm, Logan, Nightcrawler, Marvel Girl, Pixie present (so this can't be the next night--but the final scene of the issue can be two days later easily).
NEW MUTANTS 15 (11-20): Rahne has a rough moment at the Sextant. Doug and Bei's wedding reception at the Green Lagoon (they have honeymooned before this & just got back), where Cosmar asks Dani to be her partner in Crucible.
MARVEL'S VOICES: PRIDE (2021) (8th story): Green Lagoon, nighttime, probably the same party; Storm and Rogue both wearing their Gala outfits, Christian Frost and Moonstar present; Anole has been hanging out with the Shadow King.
MARVEL'S VOICES: PRIDE (2021) (10th story): Kyle and Northstar. That night? Heck, why not.
NEW MUTANTS 16 (1-7): Night of the same day as 15.

DAY 12:
WAY OF X 1 (1-8)
X-CORP 1 (1-4): "9:00 KST": Monet, Warren and Wind Dancer film the X-Corp spot. ("KST" here is Krakoa Standard Time, which seems to be different from Korea Standard Time...)
X-CORP 1 (5-6): "09:30 KST": Monet and Warren meet Xavier at the Council Chamber.
S.W.O.R.D. 5: Cortez resurrected (at some point after Sunfire); Council meeting on Krakoa in the morning; Doug is back. "We have the Gala to prepare for."
NEW MUTANTS 16 (8-20): daytime on Krakoa (and Otherworld).
WAY OF X 1 (9-13) Kurt and Magneto. Early in the day; Crucible is that night.
X-CORP 1 (7-9): "03:00 IST": Monet recruits Trinary. (3:00 IST = 18:30 BRT = presumably 10:00 KST)
PSX 1 (7)-FB Steve Rogers talks with Cyclops in Westchester.
WOLVERINE 12 (10-13) Krakoa, daytime.
X-CORP 1 (10-12): "18:30 BRT": Warren meets Kol.
X-CORP 1 (14-16)-FB: "19:00 BRT": Monet recruits Jamie in the Savage Land. (This scene is technically a flashback because it takes place before the previous scene!)
X-CORP 1 (13): "19:30 BRT": Warren and Kol conclude dinner.
X-CORP 1 (17-22): "10:30 KST": Monet and Jamie back in Krakoa; Monet contacts Angel.
X-CORP 1 (23-30): "21:00 BST" (has to be a typo for BRT): X-Corp HQ appears in Brazil. It's "Friday," conveniently.
NEW MUTANTS 17: Xuan asks Dani to be her partner in Crucible. "Laura's been... gone" (though she's apparently back from the Vault by now).
NEW MUTANTS 18 (1-3): Same day.
X-FACTOR 7: At the Boneyard, the day after #6. Rachel's over at the Braddock lighthouse, checking in on Betsy (see below). Later, they're asking around about Siryn; issue continues through that night.
X-FACTOR 8 (1-13): Lots of people get killed at the Boneyard.
EXCALIBUR 20 (11-18): Betsy going through clothes, apparently the day after the previous scene; then night.
WAY OF X 1 (14-21) That night, before and during Crucible.
NEW MUTANTS 18 (4-19) is also during Crucible. Laura has definitely returned, and people know it. Gabby talks to James, then goes to the Boneyard, then visits Amahl Farouk.
NEW MUTANTS 19 (15 - 17:1)-VO-FB and inset panels on 14-15: Farouk's interaction with Gabby.

DAY 13:
EXCALIBUR 20 (19-20): Malice resurrected at dawn. Kwannon present.
NEW MUTANTS 18 (20): Xuan resurrected, reintroduced to her teammates. (Tran presumably resurrected too, not that we see him until much later.) Storm present.
X-FACTOR 8 (14-20): Resurrections at the Hatchery, then the Boneyard.
WAY OF X 1 (22 - 27:2) Morning in Arbor Magna. Pixie and Lost are resurrected. Xavier and Magneto present. Kurt talks to Xavier, then goes back to his residence to sleep.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 5 (16-20): Storm invites Carmen to the Gala, which is "tomorrow."
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (1-2): Immediately after that.
PSX 1 (8)-FB Magneto presents his plan to the Council.
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 15 (1-17): It's "ten days" since Ego turned black. Moondragon is working on "this Korvac business" (probably some time before Iron Man #8, despite the footnote). Guardians arrive at S.W.O.R.D. Nova confronts Magneto.
MARAUDERS 20: On board the Mercury, the night before the Gala. Storm present.
WAY OF X 1 (27:3 - 28) Kurt has a vision and wakes up.

Note: if King in Black ends on Christmas Day, the Hellfire Gala is a New Year's Eve party, despite the text page!

WAY OF X 1 (29-30), WAY OF X 2 (1-3): Kurt goes to Blindfold's grave site, where he meets David, who gives him "ten minutes" to round up a crew.
WAY OF X 2 (4-7) "Middle of the day," per Dr. Nemesis, on Krakoa (but has to actually be morning). Dazzler is doing her first set of the Gala day. Kurt recruits Dr. Nemesis and Pixie.
WAY OF X 2 (8-14): Kurt, Nemesis, Pixie go to Saudi Arabia.
WAY OF X 2 (15-20): Arbor Magna. Legion revived. Magneto immediately tries to recruit him, but Legion declines and says "I don't trust you."
PSX 1 (9) -FB "Morning." Magneto on SWORD with his crew; he says that he doesn't trust David/Legion yet.
PSX 1 (10) -FB Magneto in Otherworld, talking to King Jamie.
PSX 1 (11) -FB Magneto on Arakko.
WOLVERINE 12 (14-20): Paris, then Sevalith, a "few days" after earlier scene.
X-FACTOR 9 (9-20) Dazzler does her second set of the day, then goes home to get ready for the Gala.
X-CORP 2 (1-2): Monet and Warren preparing for the Gala.
S.W.O.R.D. 8 (10:4 - 11:1) -FB: Storm battles Nameless.
X-MEN RED 1 (1 - 4) -FB: More of Storm's battle with Nameless.
INFERNO 2 (3:1 - 3:3) -FB
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 2 (8:4-8:5) -FB: "Magneto" removes the Cerebro helmet from its cradle. ~ INFERNO 1 (25-26) -FB
INFERNO 2 (3:4 - 3:5) -FB
MARAUDERS 21 (1-4:5): guests begin to arrive (the invitation indicated 7 pm as the starting time; note: times given seem to be time on Mykines, not on Krakoa)
X-FACTOR 10 (1-4): 7:15 PM, Krakoa.
HELLIONS 12 (1-3): 7:29 PM. Mr. Sinister, Havok and Psylocke go to the Gala.
X-CORP 2 (3-5): 7:30 PM. Several Multiple Men in the staging area; X-Corp arrives on green carpet.
X-FORCE 20 (1-4:2) ~ MARAUDERS 21 (4:6-5:1): 7:40 pm, Iron Man arrives, argues with Kid Omega. Beast arrives at Sage's control center.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (3 - 6:6): Carmen arrives; Storm shows her around until Cyclops calls her away. (Though not for Mars, because it's not 9:00 yet.)
X-MEN 21 (1-5): 8:12 PM, during the reception: Charles and Erik talk with Namor.
WAY OF X 3 (1:1) Kurt gets a drink.
MARAUDERS 21 (5:2-9): telepathic concert (Beast with Sage at control center, Emma's first outfit).
WAY OF X 3 (1:2) Kurt takes Pixie's drink.
NEW MUTANTS 19 (1-3): At the reception. Logan is present and speaking with Thor. Kurt is present and drunk.
MARAUDERS 21 (10-18): Emma, with the second outfit, speaks with Captain America, Dr. Doom and Shi'ar ambassador, who tells her about the gift. Emma asks Christian to sort the gift. Logan at the party, speaking with Captain America.
X-FORCE 20 (4:3-9): Logan receives the gift of the Shi'ar and oversees the cargo on the Marauder. Christian is on board to deliver them to Krakoa. Beast leaves Sage's control center.
MARAUDERS 21 (19): Just before the dinner is served, Emma speaks with all the members of Hellfire Trading Company, except Christian.
X-FORCE 20 (10-12): 8:35 pm. Emma, in her second outfit, notices Beast's actions.
X-CORP 2 (6:1-3): 9:00 PM: Monet and Warren interview Neal Shaara.
X-FACTOR 10 (5:1): 9:04 PM: Carmen is looking confused.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (6:7): Eye-Boy approaches Carmen.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (7:1) ~ X-FACTOR 10 (5:2): Eye-Boy and Carmen talk.
X-FACTOR 10 (5:3 - 5:6): Daken et al. at the party.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (7:2 - 7:5): Eye-Boy shows Carmen around.
EXCALIBUR 21 (1-3): 9:30 PM: Excalibur and Shatterstar arrive at the party.
X-FACTOR 10 (6): "1:30 PM PDT," presumably 9:30 on Mykines. Prodigy in Los Angeles.
X-CORP 2 (6:4 - 7): 9:30 PM: Monet and Warren interview Sunspot, Trinary talks to Multiple Man.
X-FORCE 20 (13-20): 9:31 pm, Logan intercepts Deadpool and fights him along with Domino, Emma goes to Sage's control center, a Terra Verde ambassador is "hacked."
X-FACTOR 10 (7-8): 9:32 PM: Kate & Rachel see Shatterstar's arrival.
X-CORP 2 (8-10): 9:59 PM, Warren talks to Selene, Kid Omega and Monet encounter Fenris.
WOLVERINE 13 (1): 10:04 PM. Sage, Beast, Logan.
X-MEN VOTE strips collected in the Hellfire Gala Red Carpet Edition are just before and after the election
NEW MUTANTS 19 (4-6): Dani and Rahne talk, immediately before the election. (Pg. 6 panels 4-6 = simultaneous with X-Men 21 (6 - 7:1)
X-FACTOR 11 (11:1-11:3) -FB (technically): 10:15 on Mykines, moments before the election
X-MEN 21 (6-11): 10:15 PM, the election
X-MEN v6 5 (4-5) -FB overlaps with the election
EXCALIBUR 21 (4-6): 10:20 PM, immediately after the new X-Men lineup announcement
X-FACTOR 11 (11:4-11:5): also right after the announcement
NEW MUTANTS 19 (7-16): Warlock, James, Doug, etc., at the party.
X-FACTOR 10 (9-10): Prodigy in L.A. again, "2:32 PM PDT," so presumably 10:32 on Mykines.
HELLIONS 12 (4): 10:33 PM, the Hellions decide to go to the Gala
X-CORP 2 (11-13): 10:40 PM, Monet and Warren interview Mastermind
HELLIONS 12 (5-13:5): 10:45 PM, Hellions crash the party
WAY OF X 3 (1:3) ~ HELLIONS 12 (13:6): Kurt is monologuing. Nanny is present.
EXCALIBUR 21 (7-9): 11:00 PM
WOLVERINE 13 (2-10): 11:01 PM
WAY OF X 3 (1:4-2:2): More drunk Kurt. (1:5 seems to be during WOLVERINE 13, pg. 7.)
WOLVERINE 13 (11-15): 11:21 PM: Christian attacked by Sevyr Blackmore. (Cf. WOLVERINE 16)
EXCALIBUR 21 (10-12): 11:30 PM
HELLIONS 12 (14-15:4)
X-FACTOR 10 (12:1) ~ HELLIONS 12 (15:5) : 11:30 PM
X-FACTOR 10 (12:2-12:6)
HELLIONS 12 (16-17)
X-CORP 2 (14-15): 11:30 PM, Trinary, Monet and Andrea von Strucker at X-Corp HQ.
X-MEN 21 (12-16): 11:35 PM ("Exodus"?): Emma in third outfit, with mysterious representative of hidden society; Mystique wearing Sinister-ish cape; Kevin Feige chats up Cyclops. Kid Omega rounds up Storm, Marvel Girl, Exodus, Jamie Braddock, Iceman.
X-CORP 2 (16-20): 11:40 PM - Andreas, Warren and Mastermind, not actually at the party any more.
X-FACTOR 10 (13-17): 3:40 PM PDT - Prodigy and Eye-Boy in L.A.
X-MEN 21 (17-20): 11:45 PM: time for the fireworks. (Emma plucks the petals from a flower.)
PSX 1 (1-5) The "fireworks" begin with Bobby's announcement (confirmed by the Delores Ramirez text piece at the end of the issue).
WAY OF X 3 (2:3): Kurt sees the fireworks.
HELLIONS 12 (18-20): Hellions are back at Krakoa, but they are able to telepathically see the fireworks (and the previously sliced-up Sinister isn't).
PSX 1 (12-28): The "fireworks" continue.

DAY 15 ("Monday"):
MARAUDERS 21 (20-21): A few minutes after midnight, Emma with the third outfit, the Gala is ending.
X-MEN v6 1 (1-3): non-FB bits are when Mars/Arakko is "breaking news"
WOLVERINE 13 (16-17): 1:07 AM.
S.W.O.R.D. 6 (1-5): 1:10 AM: Steve Rogers, Doom, Gyrich, James Hudson, et al.
WOLVERINE 13 (18-20): 1:20 AM
PSX 1 (29-30): The guests have departed, and the mutants head to Mars for the afterparty.
MARVEL'S VOICES: PRIDE (12th story): Karma, Galura, Magik, et al., at the afterparty on Mars.
S.W.O.R.D. 6 (6-16): On the Peak; Peter Quill, Noh-Varr, Nova, Doom present.
INFERNO 1 (27) = INFERNO 2 (4-5:1) - Sinister gives "Xavier" (who has a nosebleed? or eyebleed?) Destiny's DNA. (I've placed this here because it's a moment where Xavier is probably distracted.)
S.W.O.R.D. 6 (17-19) 3:17 AM, on Mykines (though X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 1 claims Wanda's death was at "2:56 AM"; I don't think that can be.)
S.W.O.R.D. 6 (20) ~ WAY OF X 3 (2:4-2:5)
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 5 (8) -FB: Wanda explains her idea to Magneto.
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 5 (13-15) -FB: More conversation between Magneto and Wanda.
X-FACTOR 10 (18-21): Mykines, 4:04 AM.
NEW MUTANTS 19 (17-18): Very late at the afterparty on Mars.
EXCALIBUR 21 (13-20): "Nearly morning."
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (8): 6:10 AM, Carmen on Mykines.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (9-12): Carmen back home with her parents.
NEW MUTANTS 19 (19-20): Morning: Laura gets the note at her house, then finds Daken; the kids make their discovery.
NEW MUTANTS 20 (1- 3): The kids and Gabby.
NEW MUTANTS 20 (4-6): Xi'an and Rahne at the Green Lagoon.
INFERNO 2 (5:2-7:3): "Xavier" gives Hope (Magneto's?) Cerebro helmet. (Must be before New Mutants 21.) Destiny resurrected.
MARAUDERS 22: The morning after the Gala.
WAY OF X 3 (3-18): Kurt wakes up with a hangover.
X-MEN UNLIMITED: X-MEN GREEN 2 -FB (Nature Girl on Arakko the morning after the Gala)
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 1: (1-12) The day after the Gala. Laura, Daken present; then a Quiet Council meeting.
NEW MUTANTS 20 (7-12): Illyana et al. at "seismic event" site.
HELLIONS 13 is unlikely to be more than a day or so after the Gala, and 14 continues directly from it, and 15 directly from that (though it's nighttime in New York by then). And then 16 (1-5), at the end of which the X-Men show up--the earliest time, chronology-wise, that we get to see the new teem in action! (Might be that evening.)
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 15 (18-20): After S.W.O.R.D. 6, and "two days" after previous scene. The Last Annihilation begins.
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 16 seems to be right after that. (Doom isn't present because he's having a "diplomatic dinner" in S.W.O.R.D. 7.)
S.W.O.R.D. 7 (1-16): Storm's comment to Doom about "our respective marriages" suggests that this is after Fantastic Four #34. (Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work, as Paul O'Brien points out, thanks to contingencies involving FF #28, 31 and 35, as well as The Marvels. Whoops.)
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 17: "half an hour" after S.W.O.R.D. 7
WAY OF X 3 (19-20): Later, at the Green Lagoon.
NEW MUTANTS 20 (13-20): Evening on Krakoa, the day after the Gala.
NEW MUTANTS 21 (1-5): Right after that.
HELLIONS 16 (6-7): Back at Krakoa, after the previous scene (Nanny refers to it as "today")
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 1 (13-30): Evening on Krakoa. Magneto, Northstar, Cyclops, both Wolverines, Marvel Girl, Daken, Polaris, Prestige, Tommy, Kyle. Billy's unavailable because of the "space emergency."

DAY 16 ("Tuesday"):
NEW MUTANTS 21 (6-17): takes place across the course of this day
S.W.O.R.D. 7 (17:1 - 17:3) = EMPYRE AFTERMATH: AVENGERS (29-30)
S.W.O.R.D. 7 (17:4 - 20)
THE LAST ANNIHILATION: WICCAN & HULKLING is basically simultaneous with the Cable special
THE LAST ANNIHILATION: WAKANDA is also probably this day. Manifold, T'Challa, Storm present.
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 18 is just after that, and its epilogue doesn't appear to be much later either. (Storm present again in the epilogue.)
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (13 - 16): The team fights Hordeculture.
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 2 (1-10): Krakoa, evidently the day after #1. Several members of the space team from New Mutants #21 are back in Krakoa. Iron Man (without his helmet), Captain America, Vision visit Krakoa.
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 4 (1) -FB: Hope has the Cerebro helmet when Wanda is resurrected!
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 3: Immediately afterward. Billy and Tommy arrive, following The Last Annihilation.
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 4 (2-20): is after that. Kwannon, Illyana and Bishop are among the War Captains; Cyclops is still in charge of them.
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 5 (1): Wanda points the finger at Toad.
X-MEN: THE TRIAL OF MAGNETO 5 (2-7): Toad sentenced by the Council.
NEW MUTANTS 21 (18-20): later the same day as pp. 6-17) --Illyana is present
NEW MUTANTS 22: continues from it; the "strategies and tactics" session goes on for at least six hours (and the final scene's at night during a storm)
HELLIONS 16 (8-10): Night is falling on Krakoa. Kwannon has "accepted the role of Captain" but apparently it hasn't been formally announced to the Council yet.
NEW MUTANTS 23 is immediately after #22.

DAY 17 ("Wednesday"):
HELLIONS 16 (11-20): Begins at dawn at the White Palace. Alex, Emma, Empath present. Emma tells Alex she's "asked the Council to reconsider" resurrecting Madelyne--since Alex wouldn't know there's already pressure to that effect from the Five.
HELLIONS 17 (1-2): Emma confronts Kwannon about "abandoning her post."
HELLIONS 17 (3-20): Orphan-Maker in Arizona, Mutant Base Zeta. The other Hellions follow.
HELLIONS 18 (3-6) -FB: The X-Men arrive on scene.
MARAUDERS 23: Still within a week of the Gala. Emma, Banshee, Jumbo Carnation, Kitty, Lockheed, Tempo.
WAY OF X 4 is not long after the Gala, and if we're looking for a reason why Xavier would not look into how exactly Hope got that Cerebro helmet she was using the day before, this issue provides a good one!
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (17-21): Daytime. The team has their I-think-we've-all-learned-something-today conversation.
CHILDREN OF THE ATOM 6 (22): That night. Eye-Boy greets Carmen on Krakoa. (Dialogue implies that this is a weekend, but also everyone's still wearing the same clothes as the previous scene.)

DAY 18 ("Thursday"):
WAY OF X 5 is probably the day after #4, still "mere days" after the Gala (Xavier is resurrected). Abigail Brand moves from the Peak to the Keep immediately after it.

DAY 19 ("Friday"):
X-MEN: THE ONSLAUGHT REVELATION (1 - 29:3): seems to be the day after Way of X #5Extreme Carnage Alpha 1
INFERNO 2 (9:1) [During the first week of Destiny’s resurrection, as she’s secretly nursed by Mystique, she’s almost driven mad by the endless, seemingly atemporal, waves of possible futures, which seem completely alien to her]
Inferno 2 (9:2 - 9:4)-FB
X-Men 11 (1 - 2)-FB [Cordyceps Jones takes over Gameworld]
Wolverine 14-16
Excalibur 22-23 [Pete Wisdom is resurrected; must be after The Last Annihilation, because of Doom]
X-Men 1 (4 - 40)
Marauders 24-25
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto 5 (9 - 11) [The Ritual of Three]
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto 5 (16 - 19) [Thunderbird resurrected]
Avengers 45 (16 - 20) [Days after KIB, Blade leaves the Avengers to live in the Vampire Nation, with the full authority of the Avengers and the UN; i’m assuming that Blade can still occasionally join the Avengers for meetings and updates, since he's with the Avengers in Venom 35, months after KIB]
Widowmakers: Red Guardian and Yelena Belova 1 (1:3) [January]
Black Cat vol.4 4
Widowmakers: Red Guardian and Yelena Belova 1 (1:4 - 27) [February]
Shang-Chi 1-5 [Second Week in February]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 60 (1 - 17)
Black Cat vol.4 5-7
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade 2-FB [Takes place over three weeks]
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade 1-FB [Captain America, Captain Marvel, Thor, Black Panther]
Inferno 2 (17:3 - 17:5)-FB [Mystique fights for the Kara Kutuça]
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade 1-5 [Elsa Bloodstone, Captain Marvel, Thor]
Black Widow 1 (1 - 9, 12 - 13) [Natasha abducted; Arcade BTS; Early March?]
X-Men Unlimited Infinite Comic 26 ["St. Patrick's Day" story with Banshee, Black Tom and Siryn][March 17]
Legend of Shang-Chi 1
Black Widow 4 (14 - 16)-FB [Four weeks after abduction (14 - 15:1); early April?]
Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing 1
Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing 1
X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing 1
X-Force 21 (1 - 8) [months ago]
Non-Stop Spider-Man 1-5 [Before ASM 61; Dr Strange Appears]
Savage Spider-Man 1-5 [Continues from Non-Stop Spider-Man 1-5]
Savage Avengers 20-28
Black Widow 5 (1)-FB
Widowmakers: Red Guardian and Yelena Belova 1 (28 - 30) [Met Gala; Early May]
Shang-Chi II 1 [Spider-Man appears]
Fantastic Four 31-32
Fantastic Four 32/2
Silk III 1-5
Shang-Chi II 2 [Captain America appears]
Black Widow 1 (10 - 20) [Three months after abduction; Arcade][Early June?]
Black Widow 2-4 [Arcade appears]
Black Widow 5 (1 - 18)
Phoenix Song: Echo 1-5 [She-Hulk is still with the Avengers; Elektra is Daredevil]
Spider-Woman 11 [Return to classic costume]
Spider-Woman 12 (1 - 19) [Six months before Devil’s Reign; Mid-June?]
Marvel’s Voices: Community II 1/4 [Shark-Girl & Namor]
Black Widow 5 (19 - 20) ["Weeks" later; Arcade escapes]
Black Widow 6 (5 - 9)-FB
Black Widow 7 (7 - 8)-FB
Black Widow 6-10 [Kate Bishop appears]
Shang-Chi II 3 [Wolverine (Logan) appears]
Black Panther 1 (1 - 8) [T'Challa, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Dr. Strange]
Winter Guard 1 (11 - 32) [Late June]
Winter Guard 2-3 [After BW 8]
Winter Guard 4 (1 - 17)
United States of Captain America 1-5
Winter Guard 4 (18 - 20) [A week later]
Fantastic Four 33-36
Immortal Hulk 42-47
Gamma Flight 1-3
Immortal Hulk 48
Gamma Flight 4-5
Immortal Hulk 49-50
Clobberin' Time 1-4 [FF, Alicia, Jo-Venn, N'Kalla, Hulk, Dr Strange, Logan, Magneto, Marvel Girl, Storm, Cyclops, Havok, Emma Frost, Colossus]
Clobberin' Time 5 (1 - 19:3)
Defenders 1-5
Marvel’s Voices: Identity 1 [Shang-Chi]
Heroes Reborn 1-7
Black Cat vol.4 8-10 [After Infinite Destinies & Heroes Reborn]
Giant-Size Black Cat 1
Thor 25 (12 - 18)-FB [Hulk in El Paso]
Venom 35
Avengers/Hulk 2021 FCBD 1/2 [Hulk] [MODOK appears]
Hulk 1 [IShortly after the El Paso incident; Dr Strange, Maya as Phoenix, Falcon, She-Hulk, Invisible Woman, Robbie Reyes, Black Panther, Thor, Thing, Mr Fantasic, Captain Marvel, Captain America, and Spider-Man appear]
Avengers 46 (2 - 20) [A week after Heroes Reborn]
Avengers 46 (1)-FFWD
Winter Guard 1 (1 - 10)-FFWD [Three weeks later]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 61 (5 - 8, 10 - 11)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 61 (1 - 2)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 61 (9, 12 - 14, 19 - 20)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 61 (3 - 4, 15 - 18)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 62 (1 - 15)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 63 (1 - 3)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 62 (16 - 20)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 63 (4 - 29:2)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 64 (7 - 10)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 63 (29:3)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 64 (11)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 64 (1 - 6, 12 - 24) [Doc Ock & Sarah Stacy]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 67 (30 - 32)-FB [Doc Ock & Sarah Stacy]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 65 (1 - 19)
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King’s Ransom 1 (2 - 5:1)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 65 (20) [Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Hawkeye, Spider-Woman in traditional costume, Iron Fist, and Wolverine (Logan)]
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King’s Ransom 1 (1 - 30) [Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, Iron Fist, and Wolverine (Logan)]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 66 (15)-FB [JJJ; Norah]
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King’s Ransom 1 (37 - 39)-FB [Kingpin & Rose]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 66 (2)-FB [Kingpin; Rose]
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King’s Ransom 1 (31 - 36) [Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, Iron Fist, and Wolverine (Logan)]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 66 (1, 3 - 14) [Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, Iron Fist, and Wolverine (Logan)]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 71 (9:1 - 9:3)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 68 (20 - 21)-FB [Doc Ock & Sandman]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 66 (16 - 18)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 67 (4 - 8, 12 - 24, 26 - 27)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 68 (3 - 19)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 69 (2 - 8, 11 - 13, 15 - 17)
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: Chameleon Conspiracy 1 (1 - 6, 10 - 13, 18 - 29)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 67 (1 - 3, 9 - 11, 25, 28 - 29)-FFWD [Teresa, Chameleon, Finisher]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 68 (1 - 2)-FFWD [Teresa, Chameleon, Finisher]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 69 (1, 9 - 10, 14, 18)-FFWD [Teresa, Chameleon, Finisher]
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: Chameleon Conspiracy 1 (7 - 9, 14 - 17) [Teresa, Chameleon, Finisher]
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: Chameleon Conspiracy 1 (31 - 33)-FB [Teresa, Chameleon, Finisher]
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: Chameleon Conspiracy 1 (30, 34 - 38) [Teresa is late for the meet with Spidey as she had something to take care of]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 69 (19 - 20)-FFWD [Doc Ock & Electro]
Strange Academy 9 [Parents Day; Late July]
Extreme Carnage Alpha 1
Strange Academy 10 [Enchantress appears; Before CM9 28]
Extreme Carnage: Scream 1
Extreme Carnage: Phage 1
Extreme Carnage: Lasher 1
Extreme Carnage: Riot 1
Extreme Carnage: Toxin 1
Daredevil vol.7 28 (1 - 10, 18 - 19)-FB
Daredevil vol.7 29 (3 - 7, 11 - 17)-FB
Black Widow 11
Extreme Carnage: Agony 1
Extreme Carnage Omega 1

Shang-Chi II 4-6 [Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man appear]
Avengers 47-49 [She-Hulk has been in custody of Red Widow for weeks]
Avengers 50 (8 - 13, 14:3, 15)-FB
Captain Marvel 22-26 [Hazmat, Monica Rambeau, Spider-Woman in classic costume]
Shang-Chi II 7-11
Shang-Chi II 12 (1 - 17) [Iron Man & Spider-Man appear]
Amazing Spider-Man 900/3 [Spider-Man & Mysterio in LA]
X-Force 22 (1-2) [One month ago]
Black Widow 12
Black Widow 14-15
Daredevil vol.7 33 (1)-FB [Ten weeks ago]
X-Cellent 1 (8)-FB [4 weeks ago]
Captain Marvel 27
X-Cellent 1 (9:1)-FB
Captain Marvel 28-31 (1 - 18) [Dr Strange, Enchantress, Hazmat, Monica Rambeau, Spider-Woman in classic costume, Tony Stark, War Machine, Lauri-Ell][12 days later; Three weeks during Summer]
X-Cellent 1 (9:2 - 9:3)-FB
Captain Marvel 31 (19 - 20)
Captain Marvel 32-36 [3 days later; Iron Man, Phylla-Vell, Ms Marvel, Lauri-Ell, War Machine, Spider-Woman, Hazmat, Monica Rambeau, Noh-Var, Genis-Vell, Thor, Captain America, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy]
Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel 1-5 [Rick Jones, Tony Stark, Carol Danvers, Phylla-Vell (and possibly Monica Rambeau at beach). Needs to take place as soon as possible after Genis-Vell's return for Rick's condition. After Gamma Flight 1-5, Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic 49-51, and Hulk 1-6]
Marvel’s Voices: Identity II 1/2 [Shang-Chi & Ms Marvel; Sister Dagger and Sister Staff also appear; takes place before story 1]
Marvel’s Voices: Identity II 1 [Jimmy Woo & Shang-Chi; Brawn, Sister Dagger, Ms Marvel, Giant-Man, Leiko Wu, Luna Snow & Crossfire also appear]
Marvel’s Voices: Identity II 1/3 [Mantis & Groot; Rocket also appears as hologram]
Shang-Chi II 12 (18 - 20)
Shang-Chi & The Ten Rings 1 (1 - 5:2)

Amazing Spider-Man Vol.6 6 (36:2 - 36:3)-FB
9/11 20th Anniversary Tribute: The Four Fives 1 [September 11]
X-Cellent 1 (9:4 - 9:5)-FB
New Mutants 24 (13 - 18)
Captain Marvel 37-41 [Spectrum, Binary, Lauri-ell, Hazmat, Spider-Woman, She-Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Tiger Shark, MODOK, Agatha Harkness, Amora the Enchantress, Scarlet Witch, Satana, Alriac, Brother Voodoo, and Magik appear. Takes place over a week]
Giant-Size X-Men: Thunderbird 1
X-Men 2-3
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic 1-4 [X-Men Unlimited: Latitude 1]
Marvel's Voices Infinity Comic 27-32
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic 5-12 [X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green 1-2]
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic 13-20 [Juggernaut/Deadpool]
X-Force 22 (3:2 - 4:4)-FB
X-Force 21 (9 - 20)
X-Force 22 (3 - 20)
X-Corp 3-5
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic 21, 27, 34 [Madrox/Strong Guy]
Wolverine 17-19
X-Cellent 1 (12:4 - 12:5)-FB [Clean-Shaven Nightcrawler appears]
X-Cellent 1-5 [Dr Strange appears]
Spider-Man/Venom 2021 FCBD 1/2 (4 - 6) ~ Venom 1 (4 - 6)
Spider-Man/Venom 2021 FCBD 1/2 (7 - 8)
Venom vol.5 1 (7 - 32) [Fisk is Mayor; September]
Spider-Man/Venom 2021 FCBD 1/2 (1 - 3) ~ Venom 1 (1 - 3)-FFWRD
Venom vol.5 1 (33 - 42)
Iron Man 2 [Arcade appears; Tony hospitalized]
Moon Knight 1
Shang-Chi & The Ten Rings 1 (5:3 - 20)
Shang-Chi & The Ten Rings 2-3

Amazing Spider-Man 900/2 [Early October]
[Typhoid Mary is released from hospital (ref. DD 30)][Early October]
America Chavez: Made in the USA 1-5 [Kate Bishop & Spider-Man]
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: Chameleon Conspiracy 1 (39 - 40) [Doc Ock, Electro, Kraven]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.6 6 (1 - 3)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.6 6 (37 - 38:1)-FB
Iron Man 3 (1 - 9:3) [Takes place over about a week]
Iron Man 3 (9:4 - 20)
Iron Man 4-8
Iron Man 10 (3:5 - 4)-FB
Iron Man 4-9
Timeless 1 (3 - 4)-FB [A week ago]
Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon 1-6
Shang-Chi & The Ten Rings 4-6
Iron Man 10-15 [Six days later; lasts perhaps a few days]
Timeless 1
Daredevil vol.7 28 (11 - 17, 20)
Daredevil vol.7 29 (1 - 2, 8 - 10, 18 - 20)
Daredevil vol.7 30 (1 - 18)
Daredevil vol.7 33 (2 - 3)-FB [Four weeks ago]
Daredevil vol.7 30 (19 - 20)
Moon Knight 2-3
Fantastic Four 37 [Halloween]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 70 (9:1 - 9:4)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 71 (9:4 - 10)-FB
Sinister War 2 (5)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 70 (2 - 6)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 70 (1 - 12)
Sinister War 2 (8)-FB
Sinister War 2 (12 - 18)-FB
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 70 (13 - 20)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 60 (18 - 20)-FFWRD
Sinister War 1 (1 - 21)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 71 (1 - 3)
Sinister War 1 (22 - 24)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 71 (4)
Sinister War 1 (25 - 30)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 71 (5 - 19)
Sinister War 2
Sinister War 3 (1 - 7)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 72 (1 - 4)
Sinister War 3 (8 - 19)
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 72 (5 - 20)
Sinister War 4
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 73-74
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 74/2
Spider-Man/Venom 2021 FCBD 1 [Ben Reilly tests the new Beyond Corp suit]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 74/4 [Ben has Janine released into Beyond’s custody]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 75/2 [“Two weeks” before ASM 75; Misty Knight & Colleen Wing begin working for Beyond]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 75/3 [“Two weeks” before ASM 75; Dr Ashley Kafka is recruited by Beyond]
Iron Man 16-18 [Takes place over a week; a footnote points to current issues of ASM (85-87), but this must occur prior to the Death of Dr Strange, in which Iron Man appears. Ben Reilly is Spider-Man, but Ben playing Spider-Man here must refer to his work for Beyond Corp, rather than having taken over for Peter Parker]
Iron Man 19 (1 - 16) [Tony is hospitalized. "A week later," Tony is picked up by Patsy, who drives him to the Sagehen Shore Rehab Center, where he spends 3 months. Problem is, there's no chance of Tony being off the board for even a month, let alone 3 months, between this point and the end of FF: Reckoning War, so i've ignored the "week later," and placed IM6 19 (17 - 20) after that]
Avengers 50 (14:1 - 14:2, 16) [She-Hulk exonerated]
Avengers 50 (26 - 30) [Gorilla Man in intensive care]
She-Hulk 8
She-Hulk 1-3 [She-Hulk hasn’t been before the bench in a while; Patsy and Tony are in a room together, but she could be picking him up from hospital]
Fantastic Four 39 (13:3 - 14)-FB [last week]
Marauders 26
Fantastic Four 39 (5:4 - 6:4)-FB [a few days ago]
Elektra 100 [Typhoid Mary, Thor (with Mjolnir), Storm (in her Regent costume), Dr Voodoo, and Weather Witch appear]
Venom vol.5 2-5 [November]
Fantastic Four 39 (10:4 - 11:4)-FB [three days ago]
Fantastic Four 38-39 [Halloween was last month; She-Hulk represents the FF in court. Mid-November]
Moon Knight 4 [Tigra appears]
Captain America 0 [Sam Wilson returns to the mantle of Captain America]
Marvel Voices: Legacy 1/2 [Sam Wilson has once again taken up the mantle of Captain America; Misty is already working for Beyond Corp]
Marvel Voices: Legacy 1/3-1/9 [Can probably all go in here. Captain Marvel. Black Panther, Monica Rambeau, Dr Reyes, Moon Girl, Runa, Blue Marvel, Miles Morales & Starling]
Venom vol.5 6 (1 - 3) [Six days after V5 5]
She-Hulk 4 [References FF 38-39; seems to be before the Death of Dr Strange; Ben Grimm, a bearded Reed Richards, a clean-shaven Nightcrawler, Karnak, Shang-Chi, Nova (Sam Alexander), Wong, Spider-Woman, Sam Wilson as Captain America, and Moon Knight]
She-Hulk 5 (1 - 19)
Daredevil vol.7 31 [A few days later for DD; Lockdown begins]
Thor 15
Avengers 51 (15)-FB [Black Panther & Phoenix]
Avengers/Hulk 2021 FCBD 1
Avengers 50 (1 - 2)-FFWD
Avengers 50 (31 - 39) [After FF 37 and before Death of Dr Strange for Namor; Gorilla Man no longer in hospital]
Avengers 52 (1 - 4) [Captain America, Captain Marvel, Starbrand]
Avengers 50 (55 - 68) [Ghost Rider vanishes; Namor arrives at Avengers Mountain; Doom Supreme & Masters of Evil arrive]
Avengers 53 (1 - 5) [Doom begins his attack on Avengers Mountain]
Avengers 52 (5 - 20) [Captain America, Captain Marvel, Starbrand]
Avengers 51 [Iron Man & Thor]
Avengers 53 (6 - 20)
Avengers 54
Thor 16-17
Moon Knight 5-7 [Unlikely to be affected by the Lockdown. Tigra appears. Black Panther BTS]
Daredevil vol.7 32 [8 days later. The city’s been in Lockdown for the duration]
Daredevil vol.7 33-35
Daredevil vol.7 36 (1)-FB
Venom vol.5 6 (4 - 20) [Thirteen days after V5 5]
Venom vol.5 7-12
She-Hulk 5 (20) [A few days later for Jen]
She-Hulk 6 [Clean-shaven Nightcrawler; Jen signs up as Krakoa’s legal rep; She-Hulk and Jack of Hearts begin a relationship]
She-Hulk 7-9
She-Hulk 10 (1 - 5) [Jack takes off]
Amazing Fantasy 1000/7
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 75-76 [Ben Reilly takes over as Spider-Man with Pete’s blessing; Pete falls into a coma. Late November]
Amazing Spider-Man vol.5 77 (1 - 10)
Thor 18 (14 - 18)-FB
Death of Doctor Strange


Still To Be Added:

All-New, All-Different Savage Avengers 1-5 [The Hyborian Hunt]
Avengers Unlimited Infinity Comic 49-51
Beta Ray Bill 2-5
Cable 7-11
Captain America/Iron Man 1-5
Carnage Forever 1
Champions 6-10 [Killer App]
Damage Control 1-5
Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk 1/3
Darkhawk 1-5
Deadpool Nerdy 30
Hulk 9-10
Infinite Destinies:
Iron Man 2021 Annual 1
Captain America 2021 Annual 1
Black Cat 2021 Annual 1
Amazing Spider-Man 2021 Annual 2
Thor 2021 Annual 1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man 2021 Annual 1
Guardians of the Galaxy 2021 Annual 1
Avengers 2021 Annual 1
Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land 1-5
Kang the Conqueror 1-5
The Marvels 1-5
Mighty Valkyries 1-5
Miles Morales: Spider-Man 24-29 [Clone Saga][Miles gets a new costume]
Ms Marvel: Beyond the Limit 1-5
Reptil 1-4
Silk IV 1-5
Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse 1-5
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus Alpha 1
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus 1-5
Spider-Man 2099: Exodus Omega 1
Spider-Woman 9-10
Spirits of Vengeance: Spirit Rider 1
Thing 1-6
Union 3-5
Women of Marvel 1?
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Post by Clive_Reston »

Phew! My hat is off to you, StrayLamb, as always.

Note that S.W.O.R.D. Station One is not actually destroyed in S.W.O.R.D. 9-11 (it's restored to orbit in 11). Also, the cluster of X-Men Red 2-4, Marauders 1-5, X-Men 11-12, FCBD 2022: Avengers/X-Men 1/3, X-Men: Hellfire Gala 1, the associated Infinity Comics, Amazing Spider-Man 9 and Immortal X-Men 4 all happens in *very* short order--something like four days.

If you're looking for a place in the X-books where there can be a big ol' break for other things to take place, the period before Destiny of X starts (i.e. before Immortal X-Men 1) can be as long as it needs to be, pretty much.

At some point we're going to need to find some time for the Fantastic Four to be out of costume and out of New York for a while in their new series...

A broader note: I still think that all in-story calendar dates should be assumed to be topical references *unless* the story wouldn't make sense otherwise. Although I'm starting to wonder if calendar years in 616 might not be about 90 days long.
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Post by StrayLamb »

Clive_Reston wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:53 pm Phew! My hat is off to you, StrayLamb, as always.
Well, thanks Agent Reston, and back at you for your rolling X-Books thread!
Clive_Reston wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:53 pmNote that S.W.O.R.D. Station One is not actually destroyed in S.W.O.R.D. 9-11 (it's restored to orbit in 11). Also, the cluster of X-Men Red 2-4, Marauders 1-5, X-Men 11-12, FCBD 2022: Avengers/X-Men 1/3, X-Men: Hellfire Gala 1, the associated Infinity Comics, Amazing Spider-Man 9 and Immortal X-Men 4 all happens in *very* short order--something like four days.

If you're looking for a place in the X-books where there can be a big ol' break for other things to take place, the period before Destiny of X starts (i.e. before Immortal X-Men 1) can be as long as it needs to be, pretty much.

At some point we're going to need to find some time for the Fantastic Four to be out of costume and out of New York for a while in their new series...
Thanks for that!
Clive_Reston wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:53 pmA broader note: I still think that all in-story calendar dates should be assumed to be topical references *unless* the story wouldn't make sense otherwise. Although I'm starting to wonder if calendar years in 616 might not be about 90 days long.
Hah, yes. I mentioned to someone recently that i'm pretty sure each Marvel month is only about 10 days long. As for the calendar dates, you know me, if it can work, i let it. I kinda don't completely trust the X-Men's internal chronology, but i always try to make it fit where possible. Ever since Cockrum and Claremont, the X-Men have tended to be written in their own little world, and the current run doesn't seem any different.

I bet you're looking at the entry for "X-Men Unlimited Infinite Comic 26 ["St. Patrick's Day" story with Banshee, Black Tom and Siryn][ March 17]" aren't you. I knew you'd pick up on that, and i was already preparing to duck for cover. If it can't work, we'll move it. I don't place calendar dates above all, as i hope you all realize. For instance, i couldn't place X-Men 4 on Halloween, where it's set, because FF 37 is also set on Halloween, and Peter Parker is still Spider-Man then, so that’s before the death of Dr Strange. I gave priority to FF 37 being on Halloween, as it was fairly central to the story. Also, i worked hard on making Feilong's trip to Mars work in the given timeframe. I admit i did have to make up my own little calandar to work some of those things out.

And so far, this list is mostly just my take on this period. Other people will need to add their contributions, and it could all get ripped apart yet. I did work quite hard on this though, so hopefully it doesn't get ripped up too much. :shrug:
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Post by Clive_Reston »

Hey, if St. Patrick's Day works out for that X-Men Unlimited, cool!

I wouldn't mind a bit if X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic sequences were given dispensation to happen out of order (since it's effectively an anthology and all), but for the record, the ones with significant placement considerations (beyond 5-12/X-Men Green 1-2, which is after the 2021 Gala):

22-25 ("a few weeks" after "Latitude")
29-33 (at some point after X-Men Green 1-2)
35-40 (during the period where Scott is Captain Krakoa)
44-49 (must be after 29-33, Sabretooth 1-5, Giant-Size X-Men: Thunderbird 1, and Marauders Annual 1; Sinister is on the Council)
50-55 (during the 2022 Gala)
60-61 (before Immortal X-Men 9, because Hope and Exodus are close)
62-67 (after AXE)
68-73 (sometime after 44-49; Sinister and Hope are both on the Council)
74 (sometime after X-Terminators 1-5)
80-85 (Nightcrawler has horns, so after Judgment Day and before Immortal X-Men 9)
86-90 ("weeks" after 68-73; Nightcrawler doesn't have horns but is still on the Council, so either this is out of sequence or it's going to have to go in a gap before the last couple of pages of X-Men: Before the Fall - Sons of X 1)
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Post by DotStinks »

Clive_Reston wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:53 pm At some point we're going to need to find some time for the Fantastic Four to be out of costume and out of New York for a while in their new series...
Yeah, the current series is a continuous adventure, it's gonna probably be a while before the Baxter Building returns and the team returns to NYC with costumes.

The only post-AXE Fantastic Four appearances I've spotted are:

Crypt of Shadows 1/? [Johnny] (this can take place anywhere)
Damage Control 4 [Ben] (but this same issue features Kingpin & Green Goblin)
Iron Man 25 [Ben]
Mary Jane & Black Cat 1/2 [Ben] (easily can be earlier)
Some Love Unlimited Infinity Comics [Sue]
Captain America: Unforgiven (but I haven't read it)
ASM 26 ("early April")

Fantastic Four 1-8 are five months after an incident seen in FF 4-FB.
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Post by StrayLamb »

Clive_Reston wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:53 pmNote that S.W.O.R.D. Station One is not actually destroyed in S.W.O.R.D. 9-11 (it's restored to orbit in 11).
So i guess what you're suggesting here is that SWORD 9-11 can be pushed back prior to Reckoning War, where you have it in your thread, is that right? The thing is, Reed speaks to Abigail Brand at SWORD Station One. You're way further ahead of me in reading the X-Books. Is it possible for Reed to contact Abigail Brand aboard SWORD Station One after the events of SWORD 9-11?
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Post by Clive_Reston »

StrayLamb wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:05 am So i guess what you're suggesting here is that SWORD 9-11 can be pushed back prior to Reckoning War, where you have it in your thread, is that right? The thing is, Reed speaks to Abigail Brand at SWORD Station One. You're way further ahead of me in reading the X-Books. Is it possible for Reed to contact Abigail Brand aboard SWORD Station One after the events of SWORD 9-11?
Yes, absolutely. She's mainly operating out of Station Two (the Keep) after Way of X #5, but she's definitely sometimes still on Station One--she's there in X-Men Red #8, in fact.
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Post by StrayLamb »

Well, okay then. I've moved it up the list to where you have it in the X-Men thread, just before Devil's Reign.
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Post by StrayLamb »

Recently added:

Amazing Spider-Man 60-66
Black Cat IV 4-7
Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade 1-5
Captain Marvel 22-36
Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel 1-5
Giant-Size Spider-Man: King's Ransom 1
Strange Academy 9-10
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Post by Spurs91 »

Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon 1-6 is all continuous.
Danny & Luke are hanging together at the start, suggesting Luke should know about the Starbrand baby...unless they just don't talk business.
Taskmaster appears in the first 2 issues.
In #3 Sunspot appears via Krakoan gate from space, where he's "basically running the place".
At the end, Danny loses his Iron Fist powers. So this all comes after any Avengers appearances where he still has powers.
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Post by DotStinks »

Spurs91 wrote: Thu Sep 28, 2023 4:15 pm Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon 1-6 is all continuous.
Danny & Luke are hanging together at the start, suggesting Luke should know about the Starbrand baby...unless they just don't talk business.
Taskmaster appears in the first 2 issues.
In #3 Sunspot appears via Krakoan gate from space, where he's "basically running the place".
At the end, Danny loses his Iron Fist powers. So this all comes after any Avengers appearances where he still has powers.
He has his powers in King in Black as well as the King's Ransom arc in Amazing Spider-Man 61-65 & Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King's Ransom, and has lost his powers by Devil's Reign. Heart of the Dragon belongs in the KING IN BLACK to AXE JUDGMENT DAY section, I think.
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Post by StrayLamb »

The remaining issues of Amazing Spider-Man have been added (King's Ransom & Chameleon Conspiracy).
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Post by Spurs91 »

Started working through King In Black. One placing issue that stands out so far is Ghost Rider and Mephisto. In King In Black: Ghost Rider Blaze is still dragging Mephisto around with him, as he was when the last GR series ended #7, 2020). But Mephisto has been shown still in his Las Vegas cell in Conan: Battle for the Serpent Crown and...Avengers issues? There might be others as well. So that last GR volume may have to have all of its issues moved to just before KiB, has to be taken that Blaze has been putting Mephisto back in his cell then taking him out again.
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Post by StrayLamb »

These things can get a bit tricky, and you'll have to be prepared to use some latitude. Ghost Rider 7 is tied to Incoming, pre-Empyre. So, yeah, something has to give. I thought someone else had mentioned this anomaly, but i couldn't find it when i did a quick search this morning. Also, a KING IN BLACK thread has already been started. Forgot about that one.
Out in the Land Down-Under, beneath a rocky outcrop, deep within the back paddock, dwells the Stray Lamb.
Posts: 37
Joined: Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:40 pm


Post by Spurs91 »

StrayLamb wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:34 am
Inferno 2 (9:2 - 9:4)-FB
Avengers 45 (16 - 20) [Days after KIB, Blade leaves the Avengers to live in the Vampire Nation, with the full authority of the Avengers and the UN; i’m assuming that Blade can still occasionally join the Avengers for meetings and updates, since he's with the Avengers in Venom 35, months after KIB]
Is there any reason to not have (2-15) here? Only page 1 is a "Yesterday" flashback to "The final battle against Knull". So everything else is explicitly after King In Black.
I'd also then put the last third of Beta Day Bill #1 here (currently trying to work out why Thor, AFTER Knull is beaten, has to come back to Asgard to beat Fin Fang Foom, who's still sporting the Knull spiral).
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