Franklin Richards: Spring Break 1

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Franklin Richards: Spring Break 1

Post by Col_Fury »

Franklin Richards: Spring Break 1
May, 2008

Franklin Richards, HERBIE

Using some old blueprints he found in his dad’s lab, Franklin builds an Iron Man suit. After accidentally bringing the weapons systems on-line, he & HERBIE power down the suit.

Franklin found the blueprints, Mr. Fantastic is NOT BTS here.

HERBIE calls it a ‘suit of Iron Man Mark 01 armor’. That’s what they’re calling it in the new movie coming up, but it’s really just his original grey armor. It looks more like the movie version, but if it doesn’t quite line up with the blueprints, well, it WAS assembled by a grade school kid.

Franklin Richards: Spring Break 1/2

Franklin Richards

Franklin tries to use a time controller he found in his dad’s lab to get an edge in dodgeball. He can’t quite figure out how to work it, and ends up speeding up time instead of slowing it down, resulting in the dodgeballs hitting him even faster than normal. Later in math class, he ends up slowing down time instead of speeding it up.

Franklin Richards: Spring Break 1/3

Franklin Richards, Katie Power, HERBIE, Mr. Fantastic-BTS

Franklin & Katie are at the school’s science fair, where Franklin has made an actual mini volcano. It erupts, spewing lava all over the place, melting the floor. After calling his dad for ‘hypothetical’ advice, he freezes the lava with another student’s liquid nitrogen.

Franklin calls his dad, we don’t see him or hear his end of the conversation, giving him a BTS.

Franklin Richards: Spring Break 1/4

Franklin Richards, HERBIE, Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Thing-BTS

Mr. Fantastic leaves an unlabeled beaker out when the Invisible Woman calls him into the lab. Franklin happens by and drinks it, giving him uncontrollable and powerful belching powers. He’s knocked into the lab where his parents are fighting off an invasion of bubble creatures, and his belches are the only thing that affects them. Soon afterwards the bubble creatures have been taken care of, and the Human Torch appears, thanking Mr. Fantastic for the belching formula. He won his burping contest with the Thing!

The Thing does not appear, but we’re told what he’s up to, giving him a BTS.

Mr. Fantastic has recently put in a new automatic cleaning system, as a response to Franklin’s & HERIE’s recent adventures.

Franklin Richards: Spring Break 1/5

Franklin Richards, HERBIE

HERBIE wants to play video games with Franklin, but Franklin thinks HERBIE doesn’t know how to have fun. Curious, HERBIE downloads some of Franklin’s video games and goes crazy. Together they tear up Franklin’s play room, destroying the TV and pretty much everything else. Franklin resets HERBIE, and he deletes his corrupted files. HERBIE reveals he did it because of Franklin’s perception of him, and Franklin reassures HERBIE that he likes him just the way he is.
-Daron Jensen
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Re: Franklin Richards: Spring Break 1

Post by PaxHouse »

So Katie Power mades a third appearance within the FR: SOAG One shots, eh...?? ooOO?!

Let's hope that the next FR:SOAG will have some of Katie's siblings soon..... :wink: (00L