AWC 55, ASPOT 26/2 and AWC 56

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AWC 55, ASPOT 26/2 and AWC 56

Post by Michael »

Currently, we have Wonder Man's appearance in ASPOT 29/2 taking place between AWC 55 and AWC 56. This is problematic because in AWC 55, Wanda turns into Dark Wanda and blows up Simon. In AWC 56, Wanda's holding Simon prisoner. Unless we're assuming that Wanda let Simon go, Simon forgot to tell anyone that Wanda had gone evil and was holding Agatha and John prisoner, and then Wanda grabbed Simon again, I don't see how Simon can appear there.
We've shoved a number of stories between Tony's appearance in AWC 55 and his appearance in AWC 56. This is also problematic- in AWC 55, Jan says goodbye to Tony, goes to check on Wanda,and finds a hurt Agent and Dark Wanda. AWC 56 opens with Wanda holding Jan, Simon, Agatha and John prisoner. Later in the issue, Hank assumes that Jan is still checking on Wanda, Pietro teleports in to tell Hank what happened and Hank sends out an emergency signal, which Tony responds to. Also, in AWC 55, Hank goes to check on Tigra, and in AWC 56 he finds out that Tigra escaped "the other day". It really doesn't make much sense for more than a few hours to pass between Jan saying goodbye to Tony and Tony receiving the emergency signal.