XU2 1-3, 5, 7-11, & 13

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Chris McCarver
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XU2 1-3, 5, 7-11, & 13

Post by Chris McCarver »

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #1 (Apr. 2004)

Story #1: “Memories” (Tony Lee/Ben & Ray Lai/Ben & Ray Lai/Dave Sharpe/Brian Reber)

Featured Characters: Bishop (Lucas) (VO), Black King (Shaw) (in FB), Emma Frost (in FB), Sage (Tessa), Storm (VO)
Additional Characters: Cheng Du (bodyguard), two security guards

In Brief: Sage breaks into the office of a Russian arms dealer she met while working with the Hellfire Club to steal his file on her, which contains a photo of her and Xavier together.

Flashback: Back during her days with the HFC, Sage watches Shaw and Frost have a conversation.

Analysis: Paul’s calendar places this just prior to Sage and Bishop investigating the attempted murder of Emma Frost in X 140-141. As for the flashback, since this is accompanied by narration of Sage detailing that Xavier placed her in the HFC as a spy and Emma and Shaw are present in their Inner Circle garb, I’m thinking this immediately follows Emma first becoming White Queen.

Story #2: “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” (J.T. Krul/Tom Mandrake/Tom Mandrake/Dave Sharpe/Brad Anderson)

Feature Characters: Beast (McCoy), Cyclops (Summers), Emma Frost, Iceman
Additional Characters: Xavier students (Andy, Robert, Tommy, Melissa, Jenna, Eve, Susan, Jane, Devon, Carter [unable to confirm if it’s Carter Ghazikhanian] named), trick-or-treaters (Sue and Amanda named), parents, three child abductors

In Brief: The X-Men take their students out trick-or-treating. Andy, an Xavier student with an inhuman appearance, loves Halloween since he can pretend he’s an average kid in costume. Andy helps a girl he befriends that night from a gang of child abductors, but though he rescues her and takes her back to her parents, the residents shun him.

Analysis: Paul’s calendar places this story between UX 422-423 & X 133-134. Everyone are in their Morrison-era costumes. Emma appears flirtatious with Scott, but Scott doesn’t reciprocate, so this could precede their relationship beginning in X 154 (and likely does since it was released a month prior to X 154).

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #2 (June 2004)

Story #1: “District X” (David Hine/Adi Granov (painted art)/Dave Sharpe)

Featured Characters: Bishop (XSE), “Filthy” Frankie Zapruder, Alexei Vazhin (BTS, revealed to have sent Bishop on this mission in DX 7)
Additional Characters: Dzemal (Zapruder’s employee, winged mutant), Zelda (Zapruder’s girlfriend), cab driver, two of Zapruder’s goons

In Brief: Bishop arrives in Mutant Town to case Frankie Zapruder’s business and meets Dzemal, a naïve Bosnian mutant in Frankie’s employ on the building’s roof. Bishop is found by two of Frankie’s goons and held at gunpoint while Frankie arrives. Frankie orders Bishop’s death and that of Dzemal for speaking up for Bishop. After a battle with the goons, Bishop intimidates Frankie into giving Dzemal a one-time “severance package” so he can start over elsewhere.

Analysis: Already in the MCP for Bishop and in brackets for Vazhin. Just need to add an appearance for Zapruder.

Story #2: “All the Rage” (Robert Kirkman/Takeshi Miyazawa/Takeshi Miyazawa/Dave Sharpe/Brian Reber)

Featured Characters: Cyclops (Summers), Emma Frost, Jubilee
Additional Characters: Jubilee’s friends (Laci, Mick, Jacob named); mall patrons, employees, and security guards

In Brief: While hanging at the mall with friends, Jubilee saves a couple of skater friends of hers from mall cops with her powers. She ends up getting chewed out by Scott, and shunned the next day by the skaters, one of whom she had a crush on and didn’t know she had a mutant.

Analysis: In the MCP in brackets for all characters.

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #3 (Aug. 2004)

Story #1: “I’m Just a Poor Boy” (Jai Nitz/Georges Jeanty/Don Hillsman III/Dave Sharpe/Tom Chu & Color Dojo)

Feature Characters: Gambit
Additional Characters: Mister Green (pawnbroker/fence), Tyler Winn (CIA officer on the lam), casino security, employees, and patrons, CIA assassin

In Brief: Gambit goes to a casino in the Bahamas to rob a CIA agent who’s made off with $2 million of agency cash and an accounting program he designed. Gambit learns that the agent’s gambled off all but a pittance, and Gambit, forced to have left his cards with security, is forced to use the last of the money (which the agent had changed into poker chips) as projectiles against a CIA kill team that’s sent to kill the agent.

Analysis: Already in brackets for Gambit.

Story #2: “Brothers” (Mike Raicht/Staz Johnson/John Livesay/Dave Sharpe/Kanila Tripp)

Feature Characters: Cannonball, Lucinda Guthrie (BTS, on phone with Icarus, voice unheard), Husk (BTS, mentioned as having spoken to Husk and called Sam prior to his appearance in the story), Icarus
Additional Characters: Xavier students (Greg, Becky, Nancy, Julie named, last three BTS), young boy and his father, boy’s mother and grandmother (mentioned), firefighters

In Brief: Cannonball takes Icarus out for a fly after hearing concerns from their mom and sister that Jay is having a hard time at Xavier’s. Amidst the bonding session, the pair rescue a father and son from a burning building.

Analysis: In brackets for all characters involved.

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #5 (Dec. 2004)

Story #1: “Follow the Leader” (Scott Killinger/Rael Lyra/Jay Leisten/Dave Sharpe/Transparency Digital)

Feature Characters: Cyclops (Summers), Wolverine
Additional Characters: None, apart from Danger Room holograms

In Brief: Scott puts Logan through a Danger Room sim of Henry V to assess his leadership abilities.

Analysis: In brackets for both characters.

Story #2: “Bar Stools” (Vito Delsante/Lee Ferguson/Lee Ferguson/Dave Sharpe/Transparency Digital)

Feature Character: Wolverine
Additional Characters: Shamus (bartender), bar patrons (Polly named) including a fanged mutant

In Brief: Wolverine goes to bar, fends off an attempt by a girl to booty-call him, then saves her from a mutant that picked her up with potentially homicidal intentions.

Analysis: In brackets for Wolverine.

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #7 (Apr. 2005)

Story #1: “Double Feature” (Arvid Nelson/Lewis LaRosa/Tom Palmer/Dave Sharpe/Transparency Digital)

Feature Character: Nightcrawler
Additional Characters: Grace (blind Rwandan mutant telepath), heater patrons, street gang, would-be rapists

In Brief: Kurt rescues Grace from a gang of rapists and walks her home. The pair discuss hiding their true natures, and Grace saves them both from a gang of mutant-haters by planting a mental hallucination in their minds.

Analysis: In brackets for Nightcrawler.

Story #2: “The Boy Who Wasn’t There...” (Mike Raicht/Carlo Pagulayan/Sean Parsons/Dave Sharpe/Transparency Digital)

Feature Character: Beast (McCoy), Emma Frost, Shadowcat
Additional Characters: Jacob (gradually discorporating intangible mutant, dies)

In Brief: Kitty comes to grips with the fact that a young intangible mutant is, within hours, going to eventually evaporate into nothingness. The boy encourages her to accept his fate as he has. On a personal note, I choked the hell up reading this.
Analysis: In brackets for all involved.

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #8 (June 2005)

Story #1: “Wings Over the World” (Paul Di Fillippo/Cliff Richards/Norm Rapmund/Dave Sharpe/Transparency Digital)

Feature Characters: Archangel, Cyclops (Summers), Marvel Girl (Summers), Moonstar, Shadowcat
Additional Characters: Rev. Salthouse (clergyman objecting to Warren’s program), Xavier students, charity representatives, engineers, SHIELD agents, disabled kids

In Brief: At Scott’s request, Warren brainstorms on a charity that embodies the spirit of the Institute. His idea: Wings Over the World, an anti-gravity dome that allows the disabled to fly with the use of winged backpacks.

Analysis: In brackets for all involved. This has a split for Cyclops, presumably to denote the weeks of R&D Warren spends on the project.

Story #2: “A Night at the Opera” (James Peaty/Yvel Guichet/Joe Rubinstein/Dave Sharpe/Transparency Digital)

Feature Characters: Beast (McCoy), Shadowcat
Additional Characters: Xavier students, two thieves, various New Yorkers

In Brief: Hank drags Kitty to the opera, but he’s banned at the door (due to his secondary mutation making him unrecognizable to the management) and ends up stopping a gang of thieves from making off with a patron’s necklace. Kitty saves the evening with a Marx Brothers screening (which is where she wanted to go anyway).

Analysis: In brackets for both.

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #9 (Aug. 2005)

Story #1: “Dead Man Walking” (Matt Fraction/Sam Kieth/Sam Kieth/Dave Sharpe/SotoColor)

Feature Character: Wolverine
Additional Characters: Johnny (Wolverine’s friend, in FB and BTS as corpse), Grace (Johnny’s
wife or girlfriend, story is unspecific), diner patrons, mourners; following are all in FB’s: Dark Phoenix, Colossus, Sabretooth, Hulk, Wendigo, a few characters I don’t recognize, dinosaurs, ninjas, Brood drones, Nazis, Hellfire mercenaries

In Brief: Wolverine attends the funeral of an old friend who he used to corner in bare-knuckle bar fights.


1:3 - Wolverine in his brown costume, being eaten by a dinosaur while another watches. Only time I can find Logan being in the Savage Land in brown costume apart from UX@ 7 (where no similar event happened and he wasn’t off camera long enough for this to occur) was in UX@ 13. He’s off-camera long enough for him to have caught the attention of some hungry dinos, so I’m figuring this is good a place as any, between pages 8 and 9 of the main story.

1:4 - A sword sticking out of his shoulder, Wolverine fights ninjas wearing white garb with straw hats. Minimal background, and Logan's wearing something light green and loose-fitting. I found a scene online in W ’99/2 where Logan’s fighting ninjas, some of which are dressed like those in this issue. Calling this one a RFB.

1:5 - Wolverine in the brown costume, running from horses he just saved from poachers. Don’t know this one. I'm thinking this is set during the Outback era, since the background looks vaguely like the Outback, Logan's in the brown outfit, and horse poaching has been a thing in Australia. Thinking it's just before Logan leaves on his mission to Tierra Verde in UX 246, since he doesn't return until the Reavers have already retaken their Australian base.

2:1 - Shot of Phoenix going full-blown firebird mode, zero background. More than likely a RFB from UX 101.

2:2 - Brown costume, lower body engulfed in flames. I came up completely empty finding any Wolverine stories where he’s in the brown costume getting half-charbroiled. Since I can’t ID it (and jump in if anyone else can), I’m going with placing this, as Russ suggested elsewhere with the most recent possible point, which would be just before the story arc that led to Wolverine swapping back to the yellow costume in W2 48-50.

2:4 - Costume unspecific, Colossus fastball-specials Wolverine at a Sentinel only for Wolvie to get palm-beamed into skeletal remains. Colossus is shirtless in this pic, so there's a good chance this is also an Outback-era story (since Peter was sporting a shirtless costume then). The X-books were largely Sentinel-free around this time period, so this might be an unrecorded battle. Leaning towards placing this also pre-UX 246 along with 1:5.

2:6 - RFB of Wolverine, fighting off a Brood infestation, clawing his way through Brood drones in UX 162.

3:1 - Wolverine in the brown costume, fighting Nazis. RFB of W2 36.

3:3 - Wolverine, costume uncertain, claw-punching a robot (it’s largely off panel). Narration says this takes place on the moon. I looked through UX 137 thinking this was Wolverine punching Warstar during the battle between the X-Men and the Imperial Guard on the moon, but no such strike is seen in the fight. So probably never before seen here, probably between 17:2 and 17:3.

4:1 - Civvies, unconscious with Sabretooth standing over him. Snowy wilderness. Closest I can find anywhere to this is W2 10, but Sabretooth’s in costume in XU2 9 and in civvies in W2 10. Unable to find anything else close, so forced to call this a RFB of W2 10 unless something else pops up.

4:2 - Brown costume, having something jabbed into his shoulder by a shadowed character with two others watching. One of these guys looks like Bloodscream, so one of the others could be Roughhouse. W2 123 has the pair of them capturing and torturing Wolverine; thinking this takes place between that issue’s PFB and main story.

4:3-4:5: RFB of the opening fight scene between Wolverine and HFC mercs in UX 133.

5:1-5:3: RFB of Wolverine’s encounter with the Hulk and the Wendigo in H2 181.

6:2-10: This is definitely a new one, as it establishes the reason for Logan’s road trip. Logan remembers acting as corner for Johnny for a boxing match. After Johnny’s victory, a pair of bar patrons confront Logan and Johnny at gunpoint, claiming the fight was fixed. Johnny instinctively moves in front of Logan and gets shot. After Logan pops claws and hands out bloody justice, he chastistes Johnny for covering him when his healing factor would’ve handled the bullet, but Johnny only replies it’s just what Logan would have done for him. The Calendar states that this flashback is recent and that Johnny died from his wound, leading into the funeral, but narration on page 11 states that the shooting crippled Johnny and that he walked with a cane for indetermined amount of time before his death, and that Grace convinced him to give up fighting, so I’m thinking this is a bit far back, but not too far back, since Logan mentions that Johnny loved hearing his stories of his superheroic exploits, so given that the RFB of W ’99/2’s the most recent, I’m betting it takes place no earlier than that.

Analysis: The main story’s in brackets, but any new-material flashbacks need added in for all concerned.

Story #2: “Resignation” (Damon Hurd/Mark Brooks/Jaime Mendoza/Dave Sharpe/John Rauch & SotoColor)

Feature Characters: Angel (Worthington), Rocky Beasley, Beast (McCoy), Cyclops (Summers), William Drake, Judy Harmon, Iceman, Juggernaut, Phoenix (Grey-Summers), Psylocke, Skin, Wolverine
Additional characters: Bullies, Xavier students, crucified mutants, hospital personnel

In Brief: Iceman writes a resignation letter to Cyclops, then files it with a pile of past resignation letters he’d written, then chases after the Beast after learning he ate all of his cereal.


4 - In Bobby’s remembrance of the day he was recruited into the X-Men, Bobby walks (a blonde) Judy Harmon home, but both are accosted by a trio of bullies (one of them Rocky Beasley?). Iceman snows himself up to defend himself, but Scott Summers appears and wards them off with his optic blasts. This is broken up and in brackets in Iceman’s chronology but listed as being in page 3.

5:1 - Bobby winds up a snowball to toss at the back of Beast’s head. Scott sees him but doesn’t tip Hank off. Wolverine and Juggernaut are in the background, and the mansion is current for the published time period. This is in brackets for all characters involved.

5:2 - Bobby fires off a snowball at Beast from behind, while Scott looks on. Psylocke, sporting her Crimson Dawn eyebrand, is in the background. Beast is in his classic blue-and-furry form, and the mansion looks older. Thinking this immediately follows UX 337, when Betsy rejoins the X-Men, since Iceman goes undercover with the Friends of Humanity shortly thereafter and subsequently goes on leave from the X-Men to tend to his injured father.

5:3 - A snowy Bobby laughs as one of his snowballs splats against the back of Beast’s head. Scott, Jean, and Warren are present laughing. Beast is in human form, and the mansion looks like it did back in the Silver Age. This is in brackets between UX 7 and a bracketed FB in WWHS:S/T 1/2.

6:1-6:3 - Relatively recent. Bobby catches the eye of a female Xavier student, but he’s crestfallen when she snuggles up with another male student. Potentially prior to main story.

6:4 - Bobby plays video games with Skin. The calendar places this almost immediately prior to the discovery of Skin’s crucified remains on the Institute’s lawn in UX 423.

6:5 - PFB from UX 423 of Skin and other mutants crucified on the Institute’s lawn.

6:6 - Bobby visits Skin’s grave. This is in brackets between UX 426 and EX3 28.

7:1-7:3 - Shortly after he first manifested as a mutant, a young Bobby shivers in bed as he begins to snow over. I think this takes place during XO:I between 5:3 (finishing the scene where his parents explain the whole mutant thing to him) and 5:4 (a time jump to where he’s now a teenager).

7:4-7:5 - Iced up, Bobby flips channels in his room. The Calendar places this just prior to the main story.

9 - Bobby visits his dad in the hospital around the time Graydon Creed beat him up in UX 340. Think this takes place immediately after Bobby finding him in the field.

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #10 (Oct. 2005)

Story #1: “After-School Special” (Joe Meno/Paco Medina/Paco Medina/Dave Sharpe/Gotham Studios)

Feature Characters: Beast (McCoy), Cyclops (Summers), Emma Frost, Nightcrawler (BTS, drama class about to start), Pixie (Gwynn), Quill, Wolverine
Additional Characters: Xavier’s students including Linus “Ameoba Boy” Sinker, Anne Moore, Jamie Vanderwall; Miss Downing (Xavier Institute guidance counselor, resigns)

In Brief: Hank, to his chagrin, is roped into taking over for the Institute’s recently resigned guidance counselor.

Analysis: In brackets for all concerned.

Story #2: “Ghost in the Graveyard” (Joe Meno/Homs/Homs/Dave Sharpe/Gotham Studios)

Feature Characters: Beast (McCoy), Cyclops (Summers), Edna McCoy, Norton McCoy, Jennifer Nyles, Marvel Girl (Grey) (BTS), Professor X

In Brief: Shortly after Beast becomes furry, Cyclops drives Hank out to his old hometown to see his parents and old girlfriend Jennifer Nyles, albeit under a full-body wrapping of bandages to hide his new form. There, he and Jennifer discover that radiation from the now-closed nuclear plant is killing off the wildlife and affecting the health of the people and livestock.


3:2-3:6 - A retelling of Hank downing the formula that turned him into his furry form, adding in being barged in on by a couple of armed men that didn’t appear at the same moment in AA2 11. Mis-remembrance?

7:2 - At a football game, a teenage Hank dives over an opposing player.

7:3 - Bullies swat a lunch tray out of Hank’s hands as Jennifer watches.

7:4 - Hank’s coach tells him he’s eligible for athletic and academic scholarships. Think all of these precede Hank’s being coerced by the Conquistador.

Analysis: In brackets for Hank, Scott, Jennifer, and BTS for Xavier. Angel and Iceman, the latter BTS, are in brackets here as well; Scott mentions to Hank before he drops him off, “You know you don’t have to go. Jean and the Professor, all of us are worried to see you like this.” So Jean should be listed as BTS here as well, and Angel should be switched to BTS since he doesn’t actually appear. Also, need to add in the flashbacks and appearances for Hank’s parents.

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #11 (Dec. 2005)

Story #1: “Brother’s Keeper” (Chris Yost/Billy Dallas Patton/Derek Fidolfs & Cam Smith/Dave Sharpe/Tony Avina and Avalon Studios)

Feature Characters: Cyclops (Summers), Emma Frost, Havok, Marvel Girl (Summers)
Additional Characters: Havok (Earth-811), bystanders, cafe patrons, hound-handler (Earth-811), cops

In Brief: Alex takes Rachel out for coffee and tries to help her deal with Scott’s romance with Emma.

Flashback: Earth-811: Rachel, as a hound, aids in the capture of Havok.

Analysis: In brackets for Scott, Emma, Alex, and Rachel, but Scott’s listing is misidentified as XU 11. Need to add flashbacks for Rachel and Alex-811.

Story #2: “So This Guy Walks Up to a Fruit Whipz Counter...” (David Hahn/David Aja/David Aja/Dave Sharpe/David Aja)

Feature Characters: Cannonball, Cypher, Sunspot, Professor X, Wolfsbane
Additional Characters: Arty (Institute’s groundskeeper), Cheryl (Fruit Whipz employee), mall patrons, party attendees

In Brief: Back in the days of the original New Mutants’ time as students, Roberto tries WAY too hard to impress a girl at the mall.

Analysis: This has to go somewhere between NM 21 (Cypher joins the New Mutants) and NM 29 (Xavier leaves the New Mutants in Magneto’s hands). Thinking just after NM 25, which is a lull between major story arcs in this period.

X-MEN UNLIMITED v2 #13 (Apr. 2006)

Story #1: “Blind Love” (Hugh Sterbakov/Sean Harrison Schofield (painted art)/Dave Sharpe)

Feature Characters: Mesmero, Rogue (cameo); all in FB’s: Banshee (Sean Cassidy), Captain Britain, Colossus (Rasputin), Cyclops (Summers), Magneto robot, Nightcrawler, Phoenix (Force), Wolverine
Additional Characters: Glory (hooker, Mesmero’s girlfriend), Rudolph (pimp, dies): all in pfb’s

In Brief: Since losing his powers after M-Day, Vincent (formerly Mesmero) struggles to rebuild his life, living on the streets and romancing a street hooker named Glory. Glory’s pimp attacks Vincent since Glory mentioned he had money, but Glory shoots the pimp and the pair walk off.


The first three take place just prior to the main story:

2/3:1 - A powerless Vincent swipes a homeless guy’s blanket.

2/3:3 - Vincent eats scraps given to him by a restaurant cook in an alley.

2/3:5 - The homeless guy headlocks Vincent, demanding his blanket back.

2/3:2 - Mesmero strikes a pose with naught but a blue sky in the background. Presuming this is the bracketed FB that begins his chronology.

2/3:4 - Mesmero stands alongside a floating Magneto robot against an urban landscape. Not finding a shot in UX 50-52 or UX 58 that matches; placing this after the previous.

2/3:6 - Mesmero bends the post-GSX 1 X-Men roster to his will. During CX 17/2 between 13:4 and 13:5, I think.

6/7:2 - Captain Britain punches out Mesmero. The only time I can find the two characters sharing space was in XCAL 34 and I didn’t see Brian punch him out (the St. Searle’s girls did it for him). Undocumented and potentially right afterwards?

6/7:4 - Colossus kicks a gun out of Mesmero’s hand. Colossus appears in his original uniform in this shot, but the only time I can recall him encountering Mesmero during the period this pic suggests is UX 111, and Mesmero was already taken down by Magneto by the time Colossus escaped from Mesmero’s control. I see that Colossus and Mesmero also appeared together in X 0.5, but that was after he’d swapped to a different uniform (the one he wore while in Excalibur). I’m placing this after UX 124, since their last encounter with Mesmero in UX 111 led to a string of out-of-the-mansion travels that only wrapped up in UX 124.

6/7:6 - Mesmero cradles the broken remains of the Magneto robot as a Sentinel hand reaches for them. Placing this during this event in UX 58, between 16:4 and 16:5.

8:1 - Storm stands triumphantly over a prone Mesmero. She’s in her original costume here as well, and, also like 6/7:4, I can’t find a X-Men vs. Mesmero encounter that matches up. Placing this after 6/7:4, since it’s likely congruent with that encounter.

Story #2: “A Wonderful Life” (Damon Hurd/Clay Mann/Mark Pennington/Dave Sharpe/Chris Sotomayor)

Feature Character: Mark Hawkins (only appearance to date, potentially a mutant who lives in a lifelike delusion that he’s a retired superhero called the Marvel)
Other Characters: Vicki (Hawkins’ imaginary wife), Dr. Zialus (Marvel’s imaginary arch-nemesis), police officers including Detectives Ezell and Curtis (first names are John and Nick, but which one’s which isn’t specified), Vincent Pettine (depowered mutant, on TV), nursing home staffers

In Brief: Mark Hawkins’ idyllic life as a retired superhero comes to an abrupt end upon M-Day, when he’s dropped back into actual reality, confused at the loss of his Superman-like powers and his wife. Two cops arrive and take him into custody when they find him trying to shovel his way through to his now-nonexistent secret underground bunker. Unable to face the fact that his life as the Marvel and his marriage were all in his imagination, Mark is put up in a nursing home, where he is outwardly unresponsive and has retreated into his memories of his former life.

Analysis: Only really need an appearance for Hawkins here.

Placement suggestions:

UX 7
*XU2 9/2 (5:3)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
AA2 15
*XU2 10/2-BTS (remove brackets, add BTS notation)

X 157
*XU2 8 (remove brackets)

*CX 17/2 (1 - 13:4) (add page notation)
**XU2 13 (2/3:6)-FB
**CX 17/2 (13:5 - 13:6)

XO:I (1 - 16)
*XU2 9/2 (4:3 - 4:4)-FB (remove brackets, revise page notation)
UX 44/2 (1:3 - 2:4)

UX 50/2 (5:3 - 5:5)
**XU2 10/2 (7:2 - 7:4)-FB
M/SAGA 10 (23:5)
UX 7
*XU2 9/2 (5:3)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
M/CP 59 (5:7)-FB
*XU2 10/2 (remove brackets)
CA 174-FB
UX 337
**XU2 9/2 (5:2)-FB
X 57
UX 421
**XU2 1/2
WM3 5-FB
*XU2 9/2 (5:1)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
A 501
NC3 6
*XU2 7/2 (remove brackets)
X 165
*XU2 10 (1 - 7) (remove brackets, add page notation)
X/FF 5
*XU2 8/2 (remove brackets)
ASTONX3 1 (19 - 24)
GAM4 10
*XU2 9/2 (remove brackets)
*XU2 10 (8 - 11) (remove brackets, add page notation)
X 174

XX 23
**XU2 1-VO
X 140

X 139 (12:6 - 12:7)-FB
**XU2 1-FB
UX@2 2-FB

XU 9
**XU2 9 (4:2)-FB
W2 123

NM 25
**XU2 11/2
ROM@ 3
UX 447
*XU2 3/2 (remove brackets)
X 165

**XU2 13 (6/7:2)-FB

*CX 17/2 (1 - 13:4) (add page notation)
**XU2 13 (2/3:6)-FB
**CX 17/2 (13:5 - 13:6)
UX 124
**XU2 13 (6/7:4)-FB
CX 29/2
M/SH3 8
**XU2 9 (2:4)-FB
UX 246

UX 46/2 (1 - 3)
*XU2 9/2 (4:5 - 4:6)-FB (remove brackets, revise page notation)
UX 46/2 (4 - 5:3)
UX 7
*XU2 9/2 (5:3)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
[WWHS:S/T 1/2-FB]
AA2 15
*XU2 10/2 (remove brackets)
A 111-FB
*CX 17/2 (1 - 13:4) (add page notation)
**XU2 13 (2/3:6)-FB
**CX 17/2 (13:5 - 13:6)
UX 337
**XU2 9/2 (5:2)-FB
X 57
**XU2 1/2
WX2 15
*XU2 2/2 (remove brackets)
ASTONX3 1 (1 - 17)
UX 444 (1 - 7)
*[XU 11] (remove appearance)
**XU2 11
NC3 1
[XU2 4]
*XU2 8 (1 - 8) (remove brackets, add page notation)
WM3 5-FB
*XU2 9/2 (5:1)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
X 162-BTS
*XU2 5 (remove brackets)
NC3 6-FB
*XU2 8 (9 - 11) (remove brackets, add page notation)
*XU2 10 (remove brackets)

X&AF 1
**XU2 11/2
UX 193

UX 340-FB
**XU2 9/2 (9)-FB
UX 340

X 139 (12:6 - 12:7)-FB
**XU2 1-FB
UX@2 2-FB
XX 23
**XU2 1/2
UX 425
EX3 46-BTS
*XU2 2/2 (remove brackets)
ASTONX3 1 (1 - 17)
UX 444 (1 - 7)
*XU2 11 (remove brackets)
NC3 6-FB
*XU2 7/2 (remove brackets)
X 165
*XU2 10 (remove brackets)

*XU2 3 (remove brackets)
X/FF 1

UX 445-BTS
*XU2 3/2-BTS (remove brackets)
NX2 32

XO:I (1 - 13)
*UX2 9/2 (4:1)-FB (remove brackets, revised page notation)
XO:I (14)
UX 44/2 (1:1 - 1:2)
*XU2 9/2 (4:2)-FB (remove brackets, revised page notation)
XO:I (15 - 16)
*XU2 9/2 (4:3 - 4:4)-FB (remove brackets, revised page notation)
UX 44/2 (1:3 - 2:4)

X 156
*XU2 11 (remove brackets)
X 157

**XU2 11-FB
UX 141-BTS

**XU2 15

X 157
*XU2 3/2-BTS (remove brackets)
X 165

ACADX 6 (1 - 18)
*XU2 3/2 (remove brackets)
ACADX 6 (19 - 23)

*XO:I (1 - 5:3) (split, add page notation)
**XU2 9/2 (7:1 - 7:3)-FB
*XO:I (5:4 - 13) (split, add page notation)
*XU2 9/2 (4:1)-FB (remove brackets, revise page notation)
XO:I (14)
UX 44/2 (1:1 - 1:2)
*XU2 9/2 (4:2)-FB (remove brackets, revise page notation)
XO:I (15 - 16)
*XU2 9/2 (4:3 - 4:4)-FB (remove brackets, revise page notation)
UX 44/2 (1:3 - 2:4)
UX 46/2 (1 - 3)
*XU2 9/2 (4:5 - 4:6)-FB (remove brackets, revise page notation)
UX 46/2 (4 - 5:3)
UX 7
*XU2 9/2 (5:3)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
[WWHS:S/T 1/2-FB]
M/TU 4
*XU2 10/2-BTS (remove brackets)
SMF2 8/2
UX 337
**XU2 9/2 (5:2)-FB
X 57
UX 340-FB
**XU2 9/2 (9)-FB
UX 340
UX 422
**XU2 1/2
**XU2 9/2 (6:4)-FB
UX 423
UX 426
*XU2 9/2 (6:6)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
EX3 28
R3 12
**XU2 9/2 (6:1 - 6:3)-FB
**XU2 9/2 (7:4 - 7:5)-FB
*XU2 9/2 (remove brackets)
X 171

UX 437
*XU2 2/2 (remove brackets)
X 157

IDDISC 5 (13:2 - 13:5)-FB
*XU2 9/2 (5:1)-FB (remove brackets, revise page notation)
X 161

*XU2 13 (2/3:4)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
{UX 50}
UX 52
*UX 58 (1 - 16:4) (add page notation)
**XU2 13 (6/7:6)-FB
**UX 58 (16:5 - 20)
CA 368/2-FB

UX 7
*XU2 9/2 (5:3)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
AA2 15
**XU2 10/2-BTS
A 111-FB
*CX 17/2 (1 - 13:4) (add page notation)
**XU2 13 (2/3:6)-FB
**CX 17/2 (13:5 - 13:6)

UX 444 (1 - 7)
*XU2 11 (remove brackets)
X 157
UX 449
*XU2 8 (remove brackets)
R3 2-BTS

X:HY 10
**XU2 10/2
M/TU 124

UO 6 (17:2 - 17:3)
**XU2 10/2
M/TU 124

*XU2 13 (2/3:2)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
**XU2 13 (2/3:4)-FB
{UX 49}
UX 52
*UX 58 (1 - 16:4) (add page notation)
**XU2 13 (6/7:6)-FB
**UX 58 (16:5 - 20)
UX 59
UX 112
**XU2 13 (6/7:4)-FB
**XU2 13 (8:1)-FB
ASM 207
**XU2 13 (6/7:2)-FB
CA 411
*XU2 13 (2/3:1)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
**XU2 13 (2/3:3)-FB
**XU2 13 (2/3:5)-FB
*XU2 13 (remove brackets)

UX 446
*XU2 8 (remove brackets)
ACADX 6 (19 - 23)

**XU2 10

*CX 17/2 (1 - 13:4) (add page notation)
**XU2 13 (2/3:6)-FB
**CX 17/2 (13:5 - 13:6)
W3 19
*XU2 7 (remove brackets)
*XU2 10-BTS (remove brackets)

UX 50/2
**XU2 10/2 (7:2 - 7:4)-FB
UO 6
M/CP 86/3 (6:3 - 6:5)-FB
*XU2 10/2 (remove brackets)
M/CP 85/3-FB-BTS

*XU2 10 (1 - 7) (remove brackets)
*XU2 10 (8 - 11) (remove brackets)

AA2 15
*XU2 10/2-BTS (remove brackets)
X:DG 4 (9:2 - 12:6)-FB
NM 25
**XU2 11/2
ROM@ 3

UX 337
**XU2 9/2 (5:2)-FB
X 57

*XU2 10 (remove brackets)

X 180
*XU2 13 (remove brackets)
UX 468

W2 123-FB
**XU2 9 (4:2)-FB
W2 123

XX 23
**XU2 1
X 140

UX 448-BTS
*XU2 8 (remove brackets)
XU2 6
*XU2 7/2 (remove brackets)
X 165
*XU2 8/2 (remove brackets)
ASTONX3 1 (19 - 24)

**XU2 10

[XU 34]
**XU2 9/2 (6:4)-FB
UX 423
UX 427-BTS
**XU2 9/2 (6:6)-FB

UX 124
**XU2 13 (8:1)-FB
CX 29/2
XX 24
**XU2 1-VO
XX 25

UX 189-FB
**XU2 11-FB
XCAL 52 (16 - 17:2)-FB-FB

NM 25
**XU2 11/2
ROM@ 3

**XU2 1-FB
UX@2 2-FB

XX 35
*XU2 2-BTS (remove brackets)
DX 8

**XU2 10

*UX 137 (1 - 17:2) (add page notation)
**XU2 9 (3:3)-FB
*UX 137 (17:3 - 35) (add page notation)

NM 25
**XU2 11/2
ROM@ 3

*CX 17/2 (1 - 13:4) (add page notation)
**XU2 13 (2/3:6)-FB
**CX 17/2 (13:5 - 13:6)
*UX 137 (1 - 17:2) (add page notation)
**XU2 9 (3:3)-FB
*UX 137 (17:3 - 35) (add page notation)
*UX@ 13 (1 - 7) (add page notation)
**XU2 9 (1:3)-FB
*UX@ 13 (8 - 35) (add page notation)
CA 363
**XU2 9 (1:5)-FB
**XU2 9 (2:4)-FB
UX 246
W2 54
**XU2 9 (2:2)-FB
W2 48
W2 123-FB
**XU2 9 (4:2)-FB
W2 123
W '99/2
**XU2 9/2 (6:2 - 10)-FB
XU 26/2
WM3 5-FB
*XU2 9/2 (5:1)-FB (remove brackets, add page notation)
X 161
X 164
*XU2 5 (remove brackets)
*XU2 5/2 (remove brackets)
UX 452
*XU2 10 (remove brackets)
M/TU3 1-FB

**{XU2 2}
DX 2

Thanks for all the help with the flashbacks, guys. Feedback and suggestions welcome as always.
chris "mac" mccarver
world's angriest creative mind
get down with the sickness at
Jason Doty
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Posts: 9778
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Location: Milton, Florida

Re: XU2 1-3, 5, 7-11, & 13

Post by Jason Doty »

1:3 - Wolverine in his brown costume, being eaten by a dinosaur while another watches. Only time I can find Logan being in the Savage Land in brown costume apart from UX@ 7 (where no similar event happened and he wasn’t off camera long enough for this to occur) was in UX@ 13. He’s off-camera long enough for him to have caught the attention of some hungry dinos, so I’m figuring this is good a place as any, between pages 8 and 9 of the main story.
I think Wolverine got eaten in the Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure, but wasn't in costume, but later wore the brown costume while there. could have happened around then, maybe? Your suggestion is just as good on this one.
2:1 - Shot of Phoenix going full-blown firebird mode, zero background. More than likely a RFB from UX 101.
I would use UX 137 on the moon, instead, they where in water in UX 101
2:2 - Brown costume, lower body engulfed in flames. I came up completely empty finding any Wolverine stories where he’s in the brown costume getting half-charbroiled. Since I can’t ID it (and jump in if anyone else can), I’m going with placing this, as Russ suggested elsewhere with the most recent possible point, which would be just before the story arc that led to Wolverine swapping back to the yellow costume in W2 48-50.
Could the Wolverine in a firebird's grip be created by Pyro around UX 141-142 in DC?
2:4 - Costume unspecific, Colossus fastball-specials Wolverine at a Sentinel only for Wolvie to get palm-beamed into skeletal remains. Colossus is shirtless in this pic, so there's a good chance this is also an Outback-era story (since Peter was sporting a shirtless costume then). The X-books were largely Sentinel-free around this time period, so this might be an unrecorded battle. Leaning towards placing this also pre-UX 246 along with 1:5.
Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) #7 maybe?
3:3 - Wolverine, costume uncertain, claw-punching a robot (it’s largely off panel). Narration says this takes place on the moon. I looked through UX 137 thinking this was Wolverine punching Warstar during the battle between the X-Men and the Imperial Guard on the moon, but no such strike is seen in the fight. So probably never before seen here, probably between 17:2 and 17:3.
On the moon during the X-Cutioner's Song?
4:1 - Civvies, unconscious with Sabretooth standing over him. Snowy wilderness. Closest I can find anywhere to this is W2 10, but Sabretooth’s in costume in XU2 9 and in civvies in W2 10. Unable to find anything else close, so forced to call this a RFB of W2 10 unless something else pops up.
This could be new, since we know he attacked Wolverine on his birthday over the years.

Nice work, these are just a few suggestions
Chris McCarver
Comic Pro
Comic Pro
Posts: 347
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2005 3:27 pm
Location: Springfield, MO

Re: XU2 1-3, 5, 7-11, & 13

Post by Chris McCarver »

Jason Doty wrote:
1:3 - Wolverine in his brown costume, being eaten by a dinosaur while another watches. Only time I can find Logan being in the Savage Land in brown costume apart from UX@ 7 (where no similar event happened and he wasn’t off camera long enough for this to occur) was in UX@ 13. He’s off-camera long enough for him to have caught the attention of some hungry dinos, so I’m figuring this is good a place as any, between pages 8 and 9 of the main story.
I think Wolverine got eaten in the Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure, but wasn't in costume, but later wore the brown costume while there. could have happened around then, maybe? Your suggestion is just as good on this one.
2:1 - Shot of Phoenix going full-blown firebird mode, zero background. More than likely a RFB from UX 101.
I would use UX 137 on the moon, instead, they where in water in UX 101
2:2 - Brown costume, lower body engulfed in flames. I came up completely empty finding any Wolverine stories where he’s in the brown costume getting half-charbroiled. Since I can’t ID it (and jump in if anyone else can), I’m going with placing this, as Russ suggested elsewhere with the most recent possible point, which would be just before the story arc that led to Wolverine swapping back to the yellow costume in W2 48-50.
Could the Wolverine in a firebird's grip be created by Pyro around UX 141-142 in DC?
2:4 - Costume unspecific, Colossus fastball-specials Wolverine at a Sentinel only for Wolvie to get palm-beamed into skeletal remains. Colossus is shirtless in this pic, so there's a good chance this is also an Outback-era story (since Peter was sporting a shirtless costume then). The X-books were largely Sentinel-free around this time period, so this might be an unrecorded battle. Leaning towards placing this also pre-UX 246 along with 1:5.
Marvel Super-Heroes (1990) #7 maybe?
3:3 - Wolverine, costume uncertain, claw-punching a robot (it’s largely off panel). Narration says this takes place on the moon. I looked through UX 137 thinking this was Wolverine punching Warstar during the battle between the X-Men and the Imperial Guard on the moon, but no such strike is seen in the fight. So probably never before seen here, probably between 17:2 and 17:3.
On the moon during the X-Cutioner's Song?
4:1 - Civvies, unconscious with Sabretooth standing over him. Snowy wilderness. Closest I can find anywhere to this is W2 10, but Sabretooth’s in costume in XU2 9 and in civvies in W2 10. Unable to find anything else close, so forced to call this a RFB of W2 10 unless something else pops up.
This could be new, since we know he attacked Wolverine on his birthday over the years.

Nice work, these are just a few suggestions
Thanks, this helped a lot, Jason!

1:3 - I'd considered W:JA for this one as well, but like you'd said, he wasn't in costume when he was getting eaten then.

2:1 - Yeah, I agree with you there, there's a nearly identical panel in UX 137. Still, it's an RFB either way.

2:2 - Good catch! I spotted a nearly identical panel in UX 142, so this can be considered an RFB and pulled from Logan's placement suggestions.

2:4 - Potentially just the thing here, unfortunately I don't have access to that issue to check. Anyone have that one?

3:3 - I'd thought about that, but Logan fought the Dark Riders and armored goons instead of robots in X 16, IIRC, and the narration in XU2 9 identified his foe as a robot. Can anyone confirm?

4:1 - Agreed... Sabretooth didn't start wearing that outfit (again, considering the retcon in A1959) until X 6, it'd have to be sometime after that... for S&Gs and if no one objects, I'm gonna apply my one year of Marvel Time = four years of publications formula and set this my approximation of a Marvel-Time year after X 6, which places this prior to W2 60-64.

Changes to the above:

UA 4
**XU2 9 (4:1)-FB
W2 60

**XU2 9 (2:2)-FB (remove)
W2 57 (22:3)
**XU2 9 (4:1)-FB
W2 60
chris "mac" mccarver
world's angriest creative mind
get down with the sickness at